The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, May 06, 1915, Image 3

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    Zomnort No. 01091
Colonel Bunker
Son of Zombro 2:11
Mr. F. B Knapp of Footer took
in the Medicine show at Cra» f«»rds-
ville last Friday evening returning
on Saturday morning
Zomnort is a brv stallion, strip in hts face weigh luAti |>> >unda
Sired by the great Zombro. 2:11. one of the greatcat airea of
track horm*» in the United States
H R Slaven* and family viaiu-d
the «how at Crawfordsville on Sai*
urday evening
Zomnort was sir«*!, a* abovv «tatevl by 1 Zombro wh<> ha. I OH
colts in the list of 2:10 to 2SMi
The < dam of Zomnort wan
Norter by Ih-l Nort 2 OH. m-mnd dam Minnie h 2 Ihj n ade forty
year* ago, Her sire wa* Billie Cone, he by Flying Morgan, 3rd
dam by Flying Morgan
J A Coulter and son are making
daily tripa to l-cluinon with th«-ir
auto truck
Zomnort ha* hail but four colts which have lievn worked, viz
1 .1-'- t.-i
J •(.!> R. Is- vi «'
old 2:M after 30 days training. Salem Boy, two-year-old 2 23 and
at 3-year-old m 2 l'.*i
None of these dams were standard bred
Zomnort will make the season at the Scio Fair Groun-L
126 with return privileges.
Come and see Zomnort and you will be pleased.
E. M Post ami wife Went to
Mondav morning
Portland thia
Mr. 1’oat going to take a treatment
for his ailments or |x>a»ibly to un
dergo an operation.
Prof Barker the rural supervisor
of thi* district is visiting the »ch<M>l»
in this section for the last time this
He called on the Foster
teacher on Monday afternoon
R C Watkind* maile a trip to
le-luinon Monday to haul freight
It wasn't (be other fe“oW w bu wa*
“Il waa humiliating, auk. and yet It
wa* tbe pw-p»r remedy
II broke up
the cabal and settled u* down to take
a more «»rlou* "lew of life
Aa to the
pr»•!»«»»••> be wasn't a naturalist at all.
but ■ tamoiia fen--»r. ami I tieHeve he
wa* hired by thoae who wished n* well
to com» there and administer the rem
mile* our »vatrina aeeomd to require
That'* all *nh and If* a line day
I W4*jit*i lliinkutk *un. *aid C«Ht»
•oh. and If
ne> Hunker •* h- *at o--alng out of tba
IL | the wstter wa* alnrady bring
»b l *
1 waa Just thinking of aa
Ing It
In- ulent in my early cnrwv «• a du»l
A R*cord In Hard Wortu
In r*. i <uh. wbeo ihla thing c*ma
f.nrd Oenrge Retiti«, k « rvoe! of po
als-'H I h»<l not >*i drawn my raptor
«>n ib* B- -I of hois-b
la iba aoutbern lltb-al work, s* *ef .»til l>y hl* Idegrn
t»<*u wner» I t1r»l hung out my ahln pher seeui* »veti more alrlklng than
gle a* a lawyer »er» a d<>a»o gay that arrompíl«ti<«l by W rlllngtnn In
"It 1» very fftffl.-nlt.' writer BI«
l>u< k* of yo-out meu atsl I *»* one <g IA I
meh. “to convey a etiluplcte pl- lure
We »er» *pnrt«, *<ib
We m>to W» nf the lahoHoti* life nt l*ord tie-org*
garni- - I and •» *w*g«*red
We talb Reoilm-k during tbe »Ittlng <*f partía
Al I»» twg»n hl* rlatwerate an-l
e-l «Iw-iit our n-ue-h and w» took bo meni
adv h e from our elder*
II wa* a »»inter we kept clear at which he carried on hlniaelf In a
Ibe duello amoug our own «elven, for hats!writing clear *• print, and never
«e were b--thea-la
Hut destiny bad •mpioytng a aeervlary; at 13 or I he
- inetblng
nd up for na. and at 11» waa at a rommlllre and h* only tpill
: r. |«-r time »* learned what it waa ted th» committee mom to take hl*
11 lien a dapper little man dmepod into aeat In th* h«'t*i- wMtffl h* never left
the to» n --lie -lav «nd gave hla name until It adl-Mirncd. always k«ng p**t
e* |’mfa**ot Maine and eiplalned that midnight and often at 3 a m
be »«* «otnethlng of a natnrnllat we principle w»* that a m*tnl«er ah-tuld
had no hie* that hl* coni rnverad to» never t»e alweitt fmtn hl* *ent • • •
Although h* bre ikfs«t.-.1 only nn ilrv
It wa* atwMit a week after the pro tna*t he took no oistenancr all thl*
r***or • arrival, and none of a* young time, dining at White’» at 3 30 In the
lila-le* had mail» hla acquaintance |»t morning “-Ion-Ion Chronicle
l»r I. E. Bellengt-r ha* moved
from the Wilson property into Mr
Davidson's property.
- ;
F Hv*
f J.*- *
V\ W How* wvtit to the hospital »lien alt of <i* «at <>n theta rem reran
Why th* Prines Laughed.
agnm today, he went to l**banon d* >>f • «timti'er a evening arranging a
oí The New York World
When King tie-irgi- of England waa
fill hunt When the »tranger appeared
with Mr. Coulter
imotig na and. looking dlrertly al me In th* navy, a* a young man. an
The Thrice a-Week Edition
Money can’t buy Glasses
PIOiM ------
Dr. M. L. Morris
Which are not backed by a
Guarantee of Abmdute Satie*
faction or your -Money Back.
2ffd or 4th MoniDy ot Lach Month
Mio osteon
Plumbing or Tinning
Smuk "«..i. oí Ih.
Hi* Exja-riencv i» Worth Money
to You
Satisfaction Guarantied
L**a* N«(*1 i * im I
P im I k .U i ■ tl.«b *l lb. True *1 •
N* Othar R*w**a»*v ■ lb. W*»M Cm*
S* Mack N.w> «I S* Law • fnc*
The year 1914 ha* been the moat
extraordinary in the history
modern time* It ha* wilneeaed the
-..*.*:• i.
|« all A .11
a struggle so titanic that it make*
all others look small
You live in momentous times and
you should not mi»» any of the tre­
mendous events that are occurring,
No other newspaper will inform you
with the promptm-K* and cheapness
of the Thrice a Week Edition of the
New York World
Moreover, a
year's sulwcriptmu will take you far
into our next presidential campaign
The Thrice a Week World's regu­
lar subscription price is only II i<er
year and this j»ay * for 166 pajw-r»
We offer thia unequalled new»|ig|i«>i
and The Scm Tribune b»gether for
11.90. The regular price i* $2.26
For Sale
A valuable farm 310 acre», aix
miles west of |»-l>anon. 190 acre"»
in cultivation. Imlance oak grub
pasture land
Fair house and kiarn.
goorl small orchard, within one half
mile of railroad on R F D mute
The farm ha* good natural drainage
and ia regarded a* one of the best
farms in that locality. All of the
cultivated Ian-1 ha* lieen seeded to
For price and terms write
or see
The Scio Tribune.
Scio, Ore
N. M. Newport
Attorney at law
William G. Amos
Be Sure
Main St. near Grant
FKi.n*» iMWtMmshml M
Anti read The Country Gentleman.
You can get it frohi Everett Burden
We understand that Mr tied who
ha* linen a sufferer for some time
from the effect* of a (wralytic
stroke wa. taken to Salem todav
po-Mthly for treatment
S W Bowser thi newly elected
street commissioner ha* Is-gtin to
give the main street m Sweet Home
a dreasing of crushed rock
l»-gins to look a* though we will
get some more street improvement
this year
1’lea* Robinett and Mra. Jen*
Cochran received won! late Sunday
evening <>f then slater, Lizzy Mur­
phy’• death in Southern Oregon
They started at once for that plait-
Mr» Elim Malone received the
glml mlimr*. Thursday morning, of
her uncle and nunt Mr and Mr .
A J Duncan * arrival in l*-ban->ti
on their way U> her sister's Mii.
M J. Weddle, so »he hurried over
to her mothers tn meet her aunt
whom she had not *een for 42 year*
rhere was great rejoicing at the
home <>f Mrs M J
Weddle Thur»
day evening when her brother-in-law
and her sister. Mr and Mrs. A. J
Duncan arrived from Kan*as City ,
Kansas, when the sinters claimed
each othei in a loving embrace after
42 y rars seperation
They *ay they
will not lie separated any more in
life, a* Mr. and Mrs Duncan have
come to slay. Mrs. Duncan says
she loves th« name of Sweet Home
and she love» to look at the ever-
green timber. She says this look*
much better than the country they
Mr Ihincan will loeut»- here
and try country life a while
W S.
Swink her brother and J B Dun­
can, her younirvat mm. who came to
thia country some time ago, arc all
at Swe«t Hume where they will
enjoy each other» company. Mr
Duncan is a carpenter and contract­
or by trade.
Several of the ILJIeyite» attended
the performance of thr Hixz Co. at
Crawfordsville last w«-ek
For Sale- A "Sure Hatch'* in­
cubator; also a "Truaty " incubator.
Both machines are of 150 egg
capacity and in Rrst-clawi condition.
I have. alao. brooders to go with
the machine*. Price for incubator,
brooder, lamp», etc.. 310
Wm. Brenner for [sirticulars
If you want any of the daily
papers. The Tribune will get them
for you at Bargain Day rates, pro-
riding you pay for The Tribune one
year in advance
fie asked
May I have tbe tv-mob of **k1ng
y.uir num*’
“I gave It a* Hunker. nf enee
RunkerF be repeated
- "Hunker ’
' with an Il *
"IHd yon even
“ Huh' Huh' What do rmi meant
- "Wa* the name originally Junker’
“Egad •nh tbv man wa* deliberatela
Insulting no­
"I alwsy* thought I
off very welt for a Drat
mv hut hati-h-d him n>>
i*l away
received It with a bow
and al*o turnad
There I ou were. *uh there yon
were1 A du- for *unrl«e wa* arranged
for »Ilbln an hour and I wsa a hem
"Could a pr<>fe**<>r »f natural hl*
lory handle a rapier like a young buck
who wa* alwsy* at 111
"No of co ae not. and I ahould plsv
with him
Should I kill »r only wound
him I Thai queatlon --otiM wait ami
he nettled a Met the blade« had ro»*--<1
The m»«t I hl
told in* and
•elf wa* that
ther »end an abject a|*-l-<y or anrak
He did net
away during the night.
fber. however
“We talked thr matter nirt and all
the bn- k* thought I mirht tn run the
pmft**w>r thm'igb tbe h*an and thua
at one»- •■•tahll«h mt reputation t>qt
I <!<■. >-1.-1 that a wmmd that would lav
him up shout at« Work, would do
“It wa* only «han Iba word had bean
given and »ur 11 idea bad ernaaed that
I found -«if I had caught a tartar
Why «uh. the profroaor made ma look
like if. . etitr
lie disarmed me twice
In ti-ii minute*
lie could have killed
me dnrln« the nett five but be atayed
hl« hand
At i i th after humiliating me for
the hent part nf half *n hour he pink
rd m* In th* «houi-lrr and I wa* out of
I wept hilti-r tear* a* tbe «tirgeon
dn *<ed my wound
The young burka
didn't know what to make of It. but
agreed that th--i mu*t And eii tiaa to
- ballenge th* profeonor until son» nnr
had landed him
Iliad «uh they didn't have to gn
liuutln* far for *«< nee*
He brought
them along and laid them al tbe fret
of th...... •» ho waited
He atopped fH- k
Ha«i »nil- on the atmet and politely Mid
to him
Huh nature baa mad« a uiletake In
your < a*e
* What do you mean. *ubF a*k«1
" Thai your noa» 1» ei e»wad ue
< moke«l
" Huh. you num an.war tar thia In
“ Tours to <-omm»n<1
i--m1 dual you •*• *nh. and
with the «ame weapon*
I wasn’t
there i<> >«>r bn i they mid me that be
ma<le a higger monkey of litrk Rae
comb than he did of me
When he
had made a «how nf him long enough
he gave him tbe pntat tn the
•te-ulder be had m» ami walked
"We had a «enMtJon tn that tnwa
now and for fifty mile* hovond It
prufeaaot hod made two victim* and
wa* Hah» to make ottiers bnt there
waan'l mm h feel It» agatnaf him not
■ueb sympathy for tb«M who had fell
bl* at»el
"Joe Heenmunt wa* to b» hl* third
It wa* rapier« again
I rode 1» Ito
ground* la see the duel
Jo» went at
It fmm the first like a bntetor with s
»ng knife and wa* disarmed every
•dhet minute
11» sot *n mad that to
cr»d Ilk» a hoy
It waa the Mm» <wd atory woniMtart
In th» *ame «h-aikiee
Three «mart burka
Thr*» Inola
Three arm* In thr«* allnga
Thrro ot » UTiM to *x>isla why
Amerl- an of some con«, pti-n e at­
tained perm!«*lnn to v1*lt the ship on
whk h he wa« »er« Ing
The *hlp wa*
coaling at Hallfai
ami when the
Amori-an • laml-v-red al-»rd a voting
-vfll-vrr. with a very i nal grimy fa. e.
wa* told »ff to *h<>w him amuml
A ft
er making hl« tour of inspection <he
American P>W1«I I m . k to «Imre In • om
pany with the - aptaIn of the veaawl
"Well." he aald “I have only one
complaint and that I* that I did n<>t
•ee the prince" "Hut you have been
talking tn him for lhe beat part of *n
hour" answered the surprised rap
"What!" said the American.
"Was that grimy fellow the prlnceT
Hakes alive, no wonder he laughed «<•
heartily when I a«ki-d him If they kept
hla royal hlghm-*« In - niton wool «rhu*
lhe c<>al dual was flylug alami*'
Etratagy In Tangua Inapactian.
Every on* who has ever triad tu nel
ff very amali child to "put oui ymir
tongue" for lna|ieetion nr to open tier
mouth wide that the *ii.|<r> ted tungo»
might he vlewed kn--»« hi>« hart, a
matter It ia tu rv-ally «ee dther tho
condition nf the tnugue or tonalla l-e
rana» the hab) will not »tralghti-n mit
her longue <>r open hi-r mouth wide
I have got around ibi* dlffi
evilly by putting a drop of honey or
molasse» on the tip end of ihr - bild a
I hr
chin and •akin« her to lick It off
proie«« of Ill-king off give* me a good
unhurried view of a straight »«leudad
It aleo <au«e* her to open
her month an wide that I can w-e her
tonalle and the Im- k of her throat,
and all thl* without worrying rhe
baby, for *he think* It I» a game
Hood Housekeeping Maiiaalii»
Pottery ot Guatemala.
Remarkably good pottery I» made by
the native* of Guate-uiala
Man> or
the pl«*«» .how a high degn-e of »bill
and real arti.tic reeling even In tier
making of tbe »ore useful piece* Thl*
pottery I» very palpably different from
i how piace» which are ohvlou* Unii»
don*, yet are olfervd tor *»h- in till*
country a* Indian pottery
Bruni the
mound, and ruin* of Guatemala. lu
r-ltie* and In am Imi towu*lt«*>. many
very Une apo lim n, of prrtterv have
been found and (h«*w «how that bar*
tn the dawn of life <m thl* continent
the realdents of what I* now fluiate
mala were most running artisan* with
Ther have not for
the riay and kiln
gotten the art hy any mean« a. the
latter dar work demonstrate-» very
Parameter* In Mme*
A little known phn*e of the snthn*
dt* mining ln<1«i*tn I* the a*e *»f »*
mmrtnr* at the prln- Ipal colll.-rl--* "t all
tbe big rorniwnle«. r*|* < billy Whets tbe
mine» sre g»*eotis
It hen lhe *tnw>»
pherlc pre«»tire I* de«-rw»*lng g-i* I* re-
!»a*e<1 more r*«1ly and the Brr !«•••*»
all look »1 the hammetrm Indore go­
ing Into the mine* to make their morn
Ing ln»per tl-'ti*
When rhe hornaMef
la going down tbi-y l<*>k and text »lib
extra ear» for gs*
"Doe* Renevllrk «till atlrk to hla the
ory that a man *h--uld l*e ma«ter In hi.
own bon»»*’
"With certain uv-din- *tl-»n* He *tli|
think* hla theory ••«prc»*c* tbe gen
enl rule but he recaní, hl* own «■•
tablHhment aa thr rlo-likm that
prave» It" Itichaxmd Time* I topate h.
¡ ■ •* «Ç #