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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1915)
i —«• •*’ ' w THE SCIO TRIBUNE >1.25 THE YEAR SCIO, LINN COUNTY. OREGON. APRIL 15. 1915 COMMUNITY MEET A SPLENDID SUCCESS Orel Free Hundred Peeple ly Thw Presence, Manifest Interet! le Etaitna Whenever Scio undertake* u> <i<> thing*, our citlxena go at it with so much test and energy that the func ti<»n may he written down before hand as a success. So when County Sch**»l Superin tendent Jackson arranged for an educational meet, last Saturday, he came over with the expectation that he would I m * greeted by a good crowd N>>r was he disappointed The large auditorium at the school building was filled to its capacity, with a fair sited au dience standing in the hall. Owing to the exceedingly busy times with farmers, the attendance of the farmers themselves was rath er smaller than it would have l»een at a less busy time, though many of them sent their women folk and chilli ren. MORNING SKNNION Railroad Owned Stesmxhipi Caa Not Use the Canal PRESIDENT WILSON WILL VISIT WEST Auto Owners Not Io Use Old License Washington, April 12. Th«* inter state commerce commissioners have announced they will hold a hearing Mam to determine the ownership of Wkile ReaoMieilioi Is Net Defitti the steamshi|M of tin- (¡real North huais DiscMOft PiMUtart ern and Northern Pacific, which will I m * operated between San Francisco [MKlMt at I h « and Astoria No date haa yet l»-en set for the hearing That there is an imue over the ownership *>f the Washington, April t! President vessels was not known until the an I Wilson ia planning to make his de nouncement of the hearing was layed trip to the San Francisco made The question arose over th«* exisHiitton as Ms>n as foreign affairs vessels going through the canal. permit. His advisors, it Iwcame The canal act prohibits the railroad known tonight, strongly desire that owned steamship« using the water he shall make several speeches in way. It provides a heavy |>enalty different |>arts of th«* country before for violation k has ta-en Hupi**>Hed th«* opening of the next session of that the Hill interests owned the* congress vessela Just when th«* trip will be made •till I» un<N*rtain S«*cr»*tary Daniel» wants the president to go through th«* Panama Canal with him in July, i ROUTE OF ALASKA RAILROAD CHOSEN Li«« te Ceeeect Severi ini Fiirhaks Ibe Work n ta Be Betún at Once Warned Although it has l*«*en over thr«*e months sine»* 1914 auto licenses were suppose*! to I m - rvplactxl with new numbers, many car owners are tak- ing chances of arrest by using the old plat«**. Sheriff Bodine says that there an* several people in the coun ty who |M>rsist in n,*glecting to get n»*w licenses, and gives warning that th«- law must I m * compile«! with Th«* penalty is a fin** of >50 or imprison ment for 25 days for the first of fense A reasonable length of time. 301 davs in Portland, for instance is given tn th«* owners in which toj secur«* their new tag*, but Sheriff Bodin»- say* he think* all limits are iuumms I and will proceed to arrest th«* next offender he discovers. Io Be Caaftrrttf at Cutir L<ka. tit Woadtilaad if the Wist, ia Meati! of Attest Talisman lodge N*>. 31. of Med- font assisted by Granite No. 23. Thermopylae No. 50. and Klamath No 00. will confer the Ranks of Knighthmid u|»>n a large clans of candidates at Crater l-ake during the month of August leaving Medford on Tuesday, August 17. by automobile, the party will reach (’rater !<akv in the after noon, when tents will I m * erected and camp bitched, named after our Supreme Chancellor. Itrig.S Young, the evening meal will I m * prv|H»rvd but there has lawn no decision on consisting. lM*«id«*« other g*ss| things, this point and th«* Western journey of mountain trout and venison m * is expected to I m * made later. cured in nature’s wild« After din Friend» of the president say th«1 ! ner. the Meilfoiil comimny of th«* contemplate»! trip cannot I*«* call«*! Uniform Rank will render the auth a "campaign tour” and they ar» orized drama. ’’The lesson of preventing a» far as ptoaible the Friendship" follow«**! by addresses formation of "Wilaon clubs,** to( of the Grand officers and visiting avoid even the atus-aranc»- of start -1 Knights interspersed with choice mg a l»M>m. musical «’lections. Although the political advisers of On Wednewiay, on Wizard island Pctrogard, April 12. The opinion Mr Wilson say privately that they two mil«*s from th«* mainland, and was expressed t<slay by Pierre L. have no doubt that he will I m - re-1 at an elevation of i I mhi feet. amidst Bark. Russian Minister of Franc»-, nominated, it was indicated tonight ' the most wonderful scenery on th«* that. «*conomirally considerad. the that there will be no formal launch- (Continue»! on i*ag«> 3) war has ls*en a blessing to the p«*o- ing <>( his candidacy, as such a stet> plr of this country. might embarrass him in carrying Another Step Forward Discussing th«* financial and social out the policies of his administra aspects of the conflict in an inter tion lost Friday I*. II MacDonald, view with the Associate-d Press, M. On the western trip the president Carl Cyrus and Roe Shelton went Bark said: ia exjM*-t«x! to explain the legislative "Notwithstanding the dei>r«*ssing over to Allmny and drove back a programme he will lay before the an*I (siralyzing effect of the war, new Studebaker. combined freight next session, including conservation The bus is th«* Russian peasant cl a« is more ami (MMsenger auto bus billa, the Philippine bill, the Co pr'siperoua than at any previous to I m * placed **n the Srio-Munkers lombian and Nicaraguan treaties, tim«’ in the history of the country mail and |»a*mgvr line ami rvphicvs budget reform and prol>ably nenate By virtue of the allowann* made by the heretofore hack line. Mr. Shel cloture. the government to the families of ton deserves the commendation of soldiers, which exceed* the earning the traveling public in thus placing power of the soldiers, the total in an up-to-date itaswnger vehicle on come of them* families is greater the line, which adds much to comfort and convenience of than in times of peace,” traveling public "What als>ul Vodka?” was ask«*>i Mr. Shelton expects tn make Hide of th«* Minister trips with his new auto bus between "It I* the prohibition of the sale Cenntf C m H N k AssafMCtS Fra« All I»f v.sisk which is primarily respon train hours and on Sundays whenev sible for the ameliorated condition er ami wherever the party employ Ceaauities Hut it Will le of the ¡M-asant,'* he responde«!. "The ing him wishes to go. IP deserves sieve through which all the avail- a lilwral patronage Great Saccos The m«*et was called to order Washington. April 10 The Sew shortly after 111 a m by Su|«rrin- ard Fairbanks route has been select- The audience tendent Jackson, , rd for the government railway in sang "America." after which Prof. Alaska, S«*cretary lain«- ann<>une»*d Colvin made a short address of wel- come to the - schools and visitors, today. The pro|M*ity of th«* Alaska also making announcement of th«- Northern Railway Co. from Seward method of th«* noon luncheon, after i over the first stage of the journey which the oontest for the various has tM*en bought for >1,150.000 The government system, th«* state prizes bv the different school* be ment adds, will include a 38-inile gan branch to tap th«- Matanu-ka coal A vocal solo by Miss Couey. of fields W C Fates is d«**ignated a* District 65. was rendered with fine chairman of the Alaskan engineer effect. Declamation by Hertha Pterny. ing commission, which will build the The of District 65, was well rendered, road by the president's order estimate*! cost of the entire system articulation very distinct D«*clama- is given at •26.800.000. Congress tion by Ixiris Shelton, District 95, provided not to exceed >35,000.000, was rendered in good style in a Secrelaty lam« said construction conversational tone. She icrmel work would I m * begun at once, and verv much at home before the audi- that probably 40 miles of the ex-1 «mce. Declamation, lullie Sims, of tension of th«* Alaska Northern from District 95. nicely rendered though Ship ('reek would I m ’ oomple(ed this-1 her void* was scarcely heavy enough year. Construction will be carried i for the large room The class drill on under contract, individual con- : and song by Miss Freeman's pupils tractors building separate units of was the school feature <>f the morn ing session. Each pupil carrie«! a roadway The interior department state- i red. white and blue p«-nant and the m«*nt says in part: drill movement wan in |>erfect time "The route adopteii is known as and produced a very fine effect, May 22 has t»een set aside as Good Th«- vocal chorus concluding the the Susitna route ami extern!* from Roads Dav for Linn county by the Seward on Raeurrvetion Bay to Fair drill was ren<liTed with fine effect. county court, according to an an- showing very careful preparation on banks on the Tanana river, a dis nounerment made tixlay tance of 471 miles This route in- the part of the teacher. This is the same day that WM ob- c!ud«*s the existing Alaska Northern Prof Pittman, of Monmouth, de served last year. railway, which runs from Seward livered a very entrrtaining address The designation of a good roads on the subject "Dreams” which through the Kenai Peninsula for a day this year is in keeping with the distance of 71 miles to Turnsgain concluded the morning session plan outlined by the county court Arm, aftfrnoon heksion last year to encourage as much volunteer road work as possible. The afternoon session was divided "We have gone as far as we can into three departments and as this editor could not be in three places by taxation,” is the slogan in Unn at once, we confinr our report to county. The county clerk’s office st Albany the Good Roads and Dairy depart Good roads day laat year was a must I m * a eon of a matrimonial thorough success and that the coun ment. agency. at least W J. Miller ami ty court’s plan was thoroughly ap Willard Marks found wives while (Continued on page 3) preciated by the (>eople of the coun holding that office. Now a third ty was evident. The court haa clerk in rotation haa entered the received many compliments on its ranks of the benedicts County policy, which has attracted state Clerk Rufus Rui •II was married wide attention Recently Judge Mr- Wednesday to Miss («oldie Jones of Knight was invited to gM* an ad- Shelburn. Of-course they will re dress l>efore a convention of county side at Albany for a spell and. may Phone 27-7 courts at the Oregon Agricultural hap, longer if Rufus should succeed OREGON himsrlf in office. (Continued on page 4) RUSSIANS REGARD WAR AS BLESSING MAY 22 SET FOR GOOD ROADS DAY Dr. T. K. Sanderson DENTIST able earnings formerly disappeared has now kiern c I immi I and the money is spent for necessities or saved for Everyone ia aware that buwineM future wants. * haa been dull in Scio for the |Mmt "Before the war the average two months. Hut no one sum »acted yearly savings deposit«*»! amounted that one of <>ur leading business men to from S15,(KM).000 to >20.000.000, would attempt to turn Main street while in January alone about •so, into a grave yard. 000,000 was deposited I*a»t Thursday E C. Peery put Shorty to work in front of his store Britan to Control R digging a hole that looked much l»ndon. April 13.- The Evening like a grave It was al»>ut 4x6 feet Chronicle. which is in close touch and about five feet deep, just grave with the Cabinet, sava the govern proportion«. The burrial occurred ment is considering a jdan for com- i Friday. Several of us endeavored plate slate contra) of the wholesale ! to pursuade Peery that he should and retail trade in the domestic hr the corpse. But he would not stand for It, but substituted a gaso supply of alcohol. The plan, the newspaper adds, line tank with all modern fixtures involves a state monopoly in the Now, any auto can ba driven up manufacture and sale of alcoholic alongside of the walk and have its tank filled in a jiffy. If there ia liquor«. anything modem and up-to-date Tuesday night a hard frost occur Peery will have it. red in thia vicinity, but a convenient An expert in mlos and silage says fog came on which, probably, miti- \ the laat week in May ia the licet gated all damage to fruit and early time to plant corn fur «lave. gardens. I