The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, April 01, 1915, Image 3

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    Money cani buy Glasses
Local Market Report
Hmtry “iil It
Dr. M. L Morris
Which ar«« not lmckv«i by a
Guarantee of Aboolutr Sa Us­
faction or your Money ila ck
2W tf 4tfe M m M h af Exit Nutt
Plumbing or Tinning
%«Mii su. oi «u
Hi.« Expt-rfence is Worth Money
to You
Repairing a
Satisfaction Guarantevd
If you want any of the •lady
papers. The Tribune will get them
for you at Bargain Day rates, pn»-
viding you |>ay for The Tribune one
year in advance
Th«« Ci11«en» Community and Kdu-
cali-mal meet at Holley was attend­ mg ritenitive improvementa in hi»
ed by a very large crowd of profile. ator* and no* ha» <»nr of thè neat<«t
There were five schools then- whn«h and must rvxnmodloua country ator«*
took part in the exercises, each one in thè valley
rendering their part of the program
Rev Blair of Albany, held servi­
with credit to themarlvrs ami teach­
ras here Sunday morning and even-
The Holley grade Mbaol. C L. I ing
Malone, teacher and the Holley high
lh-nnia Trexler and wife,
school. Miss Hasel Traver. teacher,
are visiting relatives
rendered their parts with credit.
Prof Kilpatrick of the University
Mr« lawaon, of Gates, hna ac-
of Oregon, gave a talk on education
which was greatly apprectate»! by raptad a p<Mitton in Blatchford's
Prof. Skelton, of 0. A C. atore.
guvs a very interesting talk on good
Mr. and Mm T J Gibbon» anti
roads, showing their lieneflt to the «laughter were in Eugene Sunday to
farmer ami to everyone
Supt W. attend lhe funeral of Mr». Gibbon’s
1. Jackarm and Prof Baker. Ixdh uncle. William M«M»rr. a former resi­
too« active parts tn th«- meet and to
dent <xf near Thomas
whom th«« Holley pe«»pl«« tender their
The many friends of Mrs Earl
thanks for the very able manner in
pleaseii to learn that
which they conducted the exercises.
she is «<• far recovered as to I«« able
There was something doing all the
The Holley choir furnish«*! to return from th«« Portland h«»«pt-
music and which was highly appre­ tai
Mr» Miller, accompanied by her
ciated. When dinner wa- announc­
ed. It wu not neo-ssarv to give the daughter. Nora. iqirnt Saturday nod
•r-cond invitation, for every«««- re- Sunday with her daughter. Mr» C.
apond«««l at ones. Thr»-«« long tabl«-s McClain of Buena Vista
If you want the Oregonian, the
Journal or the Telegram, we will
furnish it to you at lesa than
were laden to their utmost capacity
'’bargain day” rates, providing you
with th«- very heal th«- lan<! c«»uld
are a sulmcriber to Th«1 Tribune
produce in the way of eatabl««s and
1/ost A tail lamp for an automo­ to which all did justice
bile on th«* road between Scio and
Conte again M««s»rs Jackson and
Jefferson Number 6,866 was with­ Baker. We are ever ready to co-
in the lamp.
Kinder plea»«* leave <>|M-rate with you in ymtr efforts to
same at The Scio Tribune office.
build up the cause of ««duration
Murray Barrett
When you want printing done,
the kind that is pleasing to the eye. The Thrice a-Week Edition
The Scio Tribune office is the place
of The New York World
to get it. W'e always please. We
never disappoint.
OH k » M SWrwma St
Dr. IIol>*-n matie two trips to G
A. Griffin's last wtfk,
Thomas Smail lost a tine lug mare
last We>liie*lay night by suddenly
taking the colic, She diet! before a
veterinary could I* gotten
Two new raras of the mumps ia
reported in lhe last week, but they
ar«- getting along nicely.
Miss Ella Smith left last Sumlay
for Walla Walla, where she will stay
with her sister. Mm McCoy, during
the summer.
Miss Mvrtle Knauf, of Scio, was
a guest of Mis» Mary Crabtree Sun­
Charlie's aunt
night last week
any uncles.
lhe Changing.
Mr». Stanley Taylor made a busi­
ness trip tn Salem the latter part of
the week
al! others look small.
You live in momentous times and
N»l.r, r^Iu
M»rl«.«. I mm N.felul.J
you should not miss any of the tre­
mendous events that are occurring. IN
No other newspaper will inform you
with the promptness and cheapness
Attorney al law
of the Thrice-a-Weck Edition of the
New York World.
Moreover, a • c.
year's rabeeription will take you far
into our next presidential campaign
The Thncw-a-Week World's regu ­
lar subscription price is only SI i»*r
year and this pays for 156 paper».
Wr offer th»» unequal led newspa|x-r
and The Scio Tribune t<»gether for
fl 90
The regular price is $2.25
Nahet far PaMicatiaa
«pò- ta- le
«.hi a
friend of
min» «im- night poinllns sp to th»
■tarrv aky
siway» »vsrwhiHms me
witb a wnao of un-h>iugv«b<en«s» '
I repiled
II la thè gratalstrt
. imtlimai
change th»«t Ibe ImaglnsUnn rn«ll«l | mw
•IbH rvincelve
II. »p>-areni ah» hanse
ibleue»« t» thaï of a distaili inniheapa
mon by a n--n ut iightmug. tb«- abe»i
of a re» tu.- «uh» Mi im m ne uxdion
mm «»
ioni wmrte
wmar lifetime
iifetiine to but a
nghtiiiiia n>-.i» agninel lhe aplunlng
wheei» nt lhe •inheese
l'h» »olir»
hi*Ior» of th, n oriti aime tbe tradì
rl--ual UHI» <>f Adam I« t'tlt a lightning
la-h lu th.- rgtatemw of th» »Iderval
N. M. Newport
Drilling. Crum
bling Cona I día lion*.
Most of th«« resi<l««nt» of our valley
Th»» Ar« All In a Whtrhnf. Raallaaa
atti-ndmi the funeral of Mina Hoag­
Ru«h. P-«p«rt«g «o Awambls I m O«h
land of West Scio, at the Miller
•* »xi’Ml-e«- w la Flight Car««,
e»«meterv Sunday .
«arg at tha Andi amada Nabuia
William G. Amos
was in Scio one
Wonder if he has
Carl Cyrus wa» in thia netrhlior-
hiMwl Sunday, trying out our good
roads in an auto, Hut owing to
the lack of sunshine he balk«-d. but
not the auto, at Newt Crabtree's
Hungry Itili Booster.
Our genial station agent is spend -
ing his leisure momenta clearing a
garden spot on his recently acquired
tract east of Shelburn.
The initial gain«- on the Shelburn
diamond last Sunday was won bv
Na Otta Nawapapaa la tb» h.rU Clava
the former. Score stood 4 to I.
Ss Mwb Nava al Ss law a Fix.
The visitors making their four runs
in the first inning, after which we
The year 1914 has beaff the most had a good exhibition of the nation
extraordinary in the history of al game.
modern times. It has witnessed the
Quite a large crowd attended the
outbreak of the gri-at Euro|»*an war.
dance in the Teatro hall Saturday
a struggle ao titanic that it makes evening.
FrMlx.ll, • Patii al tb» fri«a al a
(Delayed from last week*
fimi ar» all «n motkia. and Iboy are
all rfiahginc within ih»m*eiva»
runder al that rich psrt of ths Milky
way. where the militóos of apparso»
tf »rowileii «tarw rsnembls lamtoHis
If vou <i>uM stand watching
tlm-e »tar riouda fot a million trara
ui»i«Md of a few imiiuMnta they would
• hirt and r«>ll tiefnre ynor eye« Ilk» th»
whirling vai»*» <>f an advan- log tbun
The a.tromwi'et arrivas at a koowl
■«Ige of tb» hii< iiintiims of tb» ouiv«-r-«»
T he S aw T hibi nk
$1 25 the year
Eor Sole Team, wagon, harness
ami a yearling colt. Will tie sold
cheap ia taken soon. Terms if de-
sired. E 'or particular« see c. s.
Wiley, Scio, Ore.
Give» all the news all lhe time
Try It. you'll be salisti«»!
Scio Tribune otte year for 11.25
Mealey Bros. Mill Company
Manufacturera of all kinds of
Rough and Dressed Douglas Fir Lumber
Well Scaso rus I Stock Constantlv on Itami
Attention riven to all Orders.
Guarantee to give
you Satisfaction
Timber and Agricultural Lands and
Mill Property for Sale
Timlier lands ('ruined and tatnnatra made
on Standing Timber.
by pmjra-llng ht» umigUiaUon burk Into
ibv | mi » i ami forward Into th» future
II» anse» tlirmigh a lel«su'ups whk k
pvHietratea time instead of spa«-«
ten»c. gaihet together and i-end 1«, a
fœu» iieuiua of am*» in.icad of rars of
With lia «Ht b» »weep» all paal
Wheat per bushel
Bran |wr ton
Wheat chop |ier ton
• a
Oat chop
• a
• l
Barley l"bop
Elour per wack
Fgrgs par down
Butter per |>ound
Chickens, h««na per lb
<• ___
»t bl
r m Mier »
• a
• a
• a
Hog*, live par hundred lb
Ilogs. dr««nsed
M ut ton
It la gol ita sway troni «ok at a •l‘ec«1
-it thlrt» hr«- ml'e. |«-t aeeood seventy
tini««» as fasi »• the swineai laniMin
Every .in, «waive night II la
Entviiss- mH«-- tsrttui thin ll »as
twentv fo«w h-.iir> iwfaire «od vet Ila
dlatam o I» a>> great that tl nas not ap
prwialilt dlmlntsbed in bright ihm » tu
a tbotisand ream
"Then »« «nor etee »n a Utile »tar
under the feet ut «irbiti which astron
mer» -all l««-iia Leperta
II la. itvlng
««Hi from «I- at lh< rale -t silt, two
mlhw in* •Munii
I'h-ti means » ce­
tre« i of mor«- than bSVitwai mile« In»
tw»«-o >ne niant «nd lint noil anil >et
l*elbi ta|»>ri* -.I'-,-“ U--I «rasltMl laile
It I« like a «Matant «irainer - Urlìi so
far asai to h-ein «Ith that nu «itera
timi uf it
-ti-t tiu-e «un priMiu«-« a
' hange tu it- ppntrut inagnlliKle until
the limi .■<««).—«—I i -.-g io o i»-ar -onio
appro- is tin- protsirtlmi t--' tin spa««* that
inter« cm*«
'If tou «III i«'gsi«l ««mtlui lini«- star
in lhe IVhab- iMlIrti Kin I ■ « II. « you
will tie I imi M iis al a |>r«i)«-<1li>- as big
a aun wbt b » «In»-Ung towarvi us
n»>re than htty uil»-» ■ «- w»l
great dog «fai Mimi» ahnh r<-»«n-«l
the milkt *»• liiiiel«,«l» <«f i-enlorl«-«
bcf-irr hl»l«>r, tieyau I» -iH i-iliUg In our
dir«n-tlon at III« rate of llflo u mil««« a
•e-nnd and ttw little <!•<» »tar l,mry
on. I« <-h«olng «rtei him with the Mm
ing strldr of i,u tulio» t*-i -ec» » im I
"The uiagninirnl Ar-limi» i» touring
Into the leptti* of sfMi-e «lib 4l*riiltl-'<l
-tep Ihr-W mile« « »e<<.ni1 while Al
pba « «ntwurii» a i » ii > -tai rrt< Il Of
Wh-»«e c«»iii|w>iic|itA ,«|Ual» in •lilt HI
Irss luv a mH Iloti »«ill«-* ucare* rlHT
■ went V font hour»
I !>• • s<4
Nr bips I» retr-atllu eie» »«Il tulle« rt *•»
-nd tail thaï wbmlns woialri
the Aiwironeula Nebula i* ru.i-lns tilth
erwsrd I«*' mites a se-vtirt -a more
than IlkOMM*» miles i-et dar
T.wfcilv for <>■ it h«» plenty >«t skv
mom ’
•'In view of
still »owm to
change« ble
Washington th
v . •**-•« .Xg-Jk
h'.w* -
Wk V* m » . * «
T - . <
t . V
Th. Chsic o» Tsrturs.
Tbs (DOSI promluetit building in tlw»
ancient city >>f Surrmburg la Ih« ma
1 «ne «f Its two towers «iss il»«-«l
for t»rtur» tb«- other serveil as s prim-n
The castls siso ■ -Hitsit«-«» a muaeuni of
bottom until II was ptiwha»«*! by Ilio
tari «if Khrrwsbury and Tails«! tn
• tus» (HMMM—»Ion tb«*«» relies now Ho
on» of llivwe was th«- - halt -f lori tiro
Il wss very n««nvlly m -4«- sn<| sturt«!«»!
over the seal amt al lhe t-ilwwa with
blunt to|>|**»l «plki-s
T» Il I be rs tin
was tk-hllr hnotMh ami in a sfiori timo
<tÌM ouif«»rt i-egan io »> h I«-«» it-o-if ai <1
In time ti«» a lue«-
Ita continuane,- tb>- lori tire was ineren»
<•4 tn several ways by mean« of wwtsas
beine i-a»-««-l tiefwi-cn ihe un» and
KtyVt being appliml lu tbs (bumba
until they began to bi«o<«1
nMMitnl v|.ton and airtves to flow them
In Ibe mam aa ibe, ar» -eon by the
ancient of days him«eif
If 1« In thto so, thuf we «mi« tbal
il< th. o» brill la n>
■leliation« whHh
ii- the eve of the .»»U'li look»« nave
. »t altered ibi-tr »-Mtiim«a »in«-« na««ri1
A Joint Concern
When llhbard llriualey Sheridan
• d. ni.iiui i«»gan are in rvnilty as
Be Sore
was Io dtMr««M in surly life one of ma
mutnble and epbemrrai as so man»
rvoonr-oa was that »f wntlnu fm ths
And read The Country (Gentleman. ! -warm« of »no* «-rvstais
You can net it from Everett Burilen ! , \ e« it to on e(aggeratbm to affirm fugitive pnliik-aihtu* <«l Hie «lay
wbk b he was ma I ma Hi n-»i»l«»l *»y
I U m - Ortuaim ut of «tar» would ap
r«-nt to an eye rmiowed with Immorpo bla wife, and many jresra afta-t hla
Acs f«'M V»<t»«arian«f
entran- «- into the »pln-rr» of polities bo
Fn«e< am mH retierallt aieredltmt ' »•••'•» •• '«-«tlrs. and as swiftly ear»
was b«*srd to any 'If h«- had »(tu-k
With regpfnrlnn lli'tlmta
T-'tl never abb- a» a wlntrv »torni akt hilad with
I be law he I ml b- « »d he »hutiHl have
see their tracta, aa y«m see U>«»-- of
"I na Major thè Ursat Bear leo done as much aa hla franai Tom
rabbit« amnnd a young oak tme sh<»>t
Erskine, but. ' rontlnowl Ila* **l hud
s M» h he. l-eeo nibble,! down to the Ibe l.iou Tauros thè rbarglna Hnii
Mr» Rbwi-
no firm* for such »Indi«-»
tmtgh aten
Ae«r>f- evMenllt
dan and mr-elf wore often oblim-d to
th»»ii'.-l>t -»Uu-rwiae when he wrot«- hla ¡ t'Nsm. Ih» Sorthem i rosa tbe Uyr»
keep wrltlna to« -««it daily i«-g <•« ahutil
fable of the ><mr grapm. and there la th- Whato. thè Wror|il» n ih» s>«e»
der of mutton idberwlar we »I mmik I
plenty of trail rm-tn that «»wop was |
bare had no dlntH*r
«me ««t ms
Ko««-» <b- mi «114 grapes aa ¡•ecd» tirwrv« ih» Ursat Draffnti Optai
m ha. ih» Meri-ent H«-arsr tbe »boto friend« to whom m- «-onfesaed thi«
ninny otaierr**r» have te«t|fi«d climb
r»ful«cnl cyrie of ih» audlas
frurn Wittily replie«» Then I peeeiVr It was
H.a a r,rt>«Hler»ble way tn get theni
a >otst' enmor« •
and p rota bl V at time« they eof tierriwe Aries round to Ileo all tb»s» wttb
ami p rtmpa appb-s I ha«e fourni their «»ut »i< « |i<l->n and »«»r> »Carri rom
trsibs. at any rote, benesth «|H>*e istnv in th» whote «ky tbat manti od
Th» ffcofsoaor'a Csmpllmswt
I have also Neon •-••olMeotly a» ha« admirad and mafie legeods aho«M
"The pmfe«~>r paid me S rompit
atir.-d that tbev ent th» perwiniiooae Io ar» t-reaklna up ■ ruuibilAk drlf'iaff
ment that I don't know whether tu libo
aaiindet and ptwfmrlna lo aaaomble In
Virginia that tbe ~oT boon »lawg»'
«w no* "
know htm m««I thi« fruit to. ton and If other fomiatkrti». nk» th» n»w heavon
•Bow Is that, my fffrtP*
you wfah to Pud the very t»-«t bss tr<-» itisi h. io «bine ap>>» tbe a»w aartb a*
"Be any» I am an intecMattng that ba
take a "dawg'
wltb you - Walter
In rnfng to namo a norm attar im " «
'look up al AMwbsraa ib» rad ars»
Prb bard Eat u Ui Harper's Magnilo»
■nqcaitud» mar la ib» aya at TMraa
*'• *•