All Purchases in this Sale for CASH only, in pursuance of our new policies. LiH- -HZ This will mean better merchandise at lower prices ■ ——---------- MB B*- YOUNG'S BIG STORE AT ALBANY d QUITS BUSINESS * After 49 years of successful merchandising, the Young Department store will quit business at once. The entire stock and fixtures have been bought by Messrs L. E. and H. J. Hamilton. The Young and Hamilton stocks will be combined and offered to the public in a sale of such tremendous magnitude that it is without parallel in the history of this state. Special arrangements have been made with the railroad companies to accommodate the crowds coming in from surrounding country. I hursday, I riday and Saturday, April 1,2, 3, they will run Everyone living within "com­ ing distance” will be more than repaid by coming to this tremendous side. It is a real merchandising event in the history of Oregon. Never be­ fore have such deep reduc­ tions been known on fresh, new spring merchandise. Special Excursion to Youngs Albanv, Oregon Ear»- and a third for round trip, ticket* g.« ■d on special traina only. April I. 2. 3 1915 Fare Read un Read down Arrive la*ave 10'15 p. m. $2 20 6:45 a. in.. Detroit 2.10 7:00 a. m., Halite 1.55 7:45 a. m.. Galea 9:00 p. m 1.60 8:00 a. m.. Mill City I 35 i 8:08 a. tn., Gooch 1.30 8:12 a. m.. Eox Valley Half of above fare well lie refunded <>n purchase* of >20 or over. Entire fare refunded on purchase« of 420 or over on the following I I 8:22 a. m.. Lyon« 8:00 p. in 8:52 a m.. Kingston 9:12 a. m. Shelburn 7:36 p. m. 9:20 a. m.. Munkers 9:27 a. nt.. Thomaa 9:38 a. m.. Human! Arrive 9:50 a. m. Albany. Leave 7:00 p. m. 1.16 .80 .56 .50 .50 .40 Big Excursions to Youngs Great Sale I Special Excursion to Youngs Albany, Oregon The railroads have made special provision* to ac­ commodate the great crowd* going to Young's nt Albany. Plan to go Thursday. Friday or Saturday FARES REFUNDED <>n ail purchaM'n amounting to J20. Upon presentation of sale« checks amounting to 820 at the Young Store, your railroad fare will lie refunded. > < Go to Albany without cost April 1, 2 or 3. The following Special Trains Leave Munken for Albany at 9:20 a. m. Read the schedule at left Southern Pacific leaves West Scio at usual time Arrives in Albany 6:47 p. m. The entire stock will be thrown on sale right at the beginning of tl le season. 1 hink of it. new spring and summer goods never before shown, offered at big savings, You have not only one stock to choose from, but two. 1 his great consolidation means that many stocks have been duplicated. We absolutely must sell them. I hink of being able to choose from Combined Stocks of $80,000 in the Greatest Sale A «I of Spring Merchandise ever known in the history of Oregon 1 -HBWLll f Everything in the store is reduced with the exception of groceries, in which department there will be dozens of extraordinary bargains Duplicate stocks must be sold. days to swing this big deal. Dry Goods Shoes Draperies We absolutely must raise $25,000 within thirty Plan to be here when the doors open Thursday, April 1 Ready to Wear Corsets 1 runks Muslin Underwear Carpets Suit Cases Millinery Rugs Notions YOUNG’S QUITTING BUSINESS SALE n o Sale Conducted by L. E. & H. J. HAMIL1 ON ALBANY, OREGON ■ « S3: « « •BE