f THE SCIO TRIBUNE SCIO. I.INN COUNTY. OREGON. MARCH 2f>. 1916 READY FOR WAR AT MINUTE’S NOTICE ItataB ta « Should Be Remedied Our prewnt method of road work will never get anywhere A larg«» part of the work done through th«» summer. m d«*stroy«*| in the follow­ winter. Either our roods must Svitata* ta Man—EipectM ing lie hardsurfaced, els»- heavy hauling I by wagon or automobile must be Declara M m Witta the prohibit**! when th«- roads are wet. N»it Sii Weeks I Hani surface mean* I*-nd« in the and. for we can never hav«» enough money at any one tim«> otherwise. Paris, March 22. Italy’s entrance (?lti«M which have har>isurfac«*l in the war within six weeks is prac­ streets would not give them up un­ tically certain der any consideration It is pre»- Only unexjM-clt-d international de­ sun table the |»eoplr would feel a velopments will interfere with the | like spirit if our roaris were hard- carrying <>ut of the Rorm- govern­ surfactsl Automobiles and auto ment's program which has i>«*-n trucks are here to stay and we may obviously fixed. The country is ful­ a* well prepare the r-»ath have the mumps. Ge<»rge Sutherland returned home Saturday after organising two farmers unions. George M. Bilyeu took a load of slock hogs to West Scio Friday. Milk Maid • For all Kind» <»f Fresh Meats go to the Farmers Meat Market It iff heat market price paid for Beef. Fat Hogs. Mutton. Etc. Meats soldat the lowest price c«»m mensúrate with giss! stuff Cash paid for Hides frank SCIO. M c D onald ORE FALL OF PRZEMYSL OFFICIALLY GIVEN GarnsM Petrograd. March 22. Praatnyal has fallen. The official announce­ ment of the capture tty the Russians uf the great fortress after a siege lasting many months waa made by the Russian war office tren in- The Russians spoke highly tense of the bravery and heroism of the defenders ot the fortress, who had fought until their condition WHS absolutely desperate. The fall of Przemysi is proclaim«*! the greatest Russian victory since the beginning of the war ami re­ leases to the Russian army sixty thousand m«m who had liven engag­ ed in the long cam|MiigTi against this strongnold. This army will lie sent imnmdiately into Poland to reinforce the armies holding back General Von Hindenburg. The sh-ge last«*! almost exactly six months. It began September 20 when the first advance of the Rus­ sian army through the Carpathian mountains reached the fortress, which is considered one of the strongest in th«» world. Entertained ’’Stag«” ------------- f SI 2b THE YEAR Good Butuie»« Showing BATTLE SHIP WORK IS BEING RUSHED Scio has three general merchan- nixing stores, two of which carry a grocery de|»arlmrnt. two general hardware and implement stores, one Snptr DfiMuvtlt PtutjhMia It It F mb M is Ull Vtsstl is Wittait (*ta Newport News. Vs , March 20. In a rush to complete the world’s biggest sea-fighter liefore February 29, I'Jlti, hundr«*ls of workmen be­ gan working up tn the finishing touch stage on the Unite«! States super dread naught Pennsylvania as soon as the hulk had baen m«M»r«*l after first touching the water The Pennsylvania »«» launch»«! March Id in the presence of lO.OUoj cheering persona, including stataw men of th«» United Mtat«rs and foreign governments. Some idea of th«» proportions of i exclusive grocery store, one drug store, two confectionary stores, a jewelry, watch ami dock shop, a blacksmith shop, a plumbing shop, a f»s-d store, a splendid flouring mill, ime l«nk and two print shops. Ik-sid«*» we have one of the Iwat small milk comlenseriea in the state and a first class pinning mill Nor »h-uld w f--ig«-t to m<-nt.'->n that we have one first class dental office, real «-stat«- office, two physicians, om- iairber shop, billiard hall. m«»at shop, shoe shop, livery stable, one poultry houiM-; a siJendid public an I high «rhonl, thrr«> churches, a muni- ci|>ally owm*l light ami water plant ami the very ls*»t farming section in the valley This is a good busi­ ness showing ami should la* enticing to prut $13,000,000 Some of the earlier typtsi of Imttle- ships still uae«l in the navi«»» of the United States and other govern-1 ments eoat $5.000.000 The main battery of th«» big fight-' er consists of 12 14 45- inch rifle*, Ike carrn*! in four turrets. Her secon­ dary battery will consist of 22 five inch riftes and will lie equippe«! with four submerged 21-meh torpedo! MITCHELLS POINT ROAD IS ORDERED Stete Awirft Cwtrect NtM it Abt JMCI Otta CtMtltS Setk AM tubes. Her complem«-nt will conaist of do officers, Hd3 jackies am! 74' Salem. March 22 After announc­ marim-s The ship measure* dOb ing that th«* stretch of the Columbia f«-et over all with a 97-foot I »»am Highway at Mitchell's Point. Howl Her mean displacement ia 2d fret River county, would lie built witii 10 inches, almost the limit in ai xr state funds in accordance with a de­ for the Panama t'anal Her keel cision reached last July, the state waa laid October 27. 1913. highway commission today awarded Tallman Meeting Largest Ever Held in District The largest meeting ever held in Tallman was the community meet­ ing last Saturday, according to old timer« It waa the flrat meeting of its kind as well and was enjoyed by ail present. That it waa a aucceaa in every way was the statement of many prominent Tailman residents. Nine schools were represented ami a particularly goal school program waa rendered. The usual declara­ tion contest waa given and several of the schools were duly standardised Judge McKmght, S. V. Skelton, and County School Superintendent Jackson were the principal speakers. The basket dinner at noon waa a a hummer and waa enjoy«*! by all a -All>any Herald. Leave« Store For the Farm Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Barnes have close«! up the M Sternberg A <>>. store in this city and have shipped the goods back to the parent store in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Barn«*s will move onto a part of what is known as "the Serfling place” situated some three miles south weal of Scio, a part of which they have Ismght and a part leased. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have made many friends during their stay of a few months in Scio J. S Sticha. Ethel Arnold and John Kelly entertained a numtier of their gentlemen friends at the K. of P. hall last Saturday evening, (arils ami refreshments constituted the order of business About 25 or 3u were present ami a general good time waa had. P. H. MacDonald won the first Isiat Sunday is said to have been prize, a fine deck of cards in leather the warmest March 2lst since IMM ease and Fred Jones received the As this date was lie fore our advent booby to Oregon, we don't know. QUITS BUSINESS Th Lifji Stick nd Eatift Biiiitst is lii(kt If L E art H I. IHMRM One of the oldest mercantile firms in the northwest will end their busi­ ness career. Th«» Young depart­ ment store, of Allmny. occupying the largest building in the stale, outaid«» of Portland, has been sold The stock will be disposed of nt special sale. The transfer of this big business waa male a few days ago to L. E. A H. J. Hamilton, another leading A litany store Hamilton'« store waa practically destroyed by fire a few weeks ago in seeking <|uurlers for anew location, negotiations . were entered into with the Young store. As a result, the store and slock was bought outright by Hamilton's A very little of their spring goods had arrived ls»fore the fire this will mean two great stocks of good* at the Young store Hamilton's new spring stock ami that of the Young store. The condition has forced an immediate sale of over $60,000 of fine, new spring merchandise In- dialing dry go • . . ■ » "• > - • r > F** ’ e' IX 'r a4 t i