The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, March 18, 1915, Image 3

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    • *** 'Jy t»"
ifurmt t»f hm brother. Henry. Mr»
SlavmA cam«« over in hi» Ford car.
M m « Ella Smith ha» bren vi 4»iBg
teer brother near Lebanon f-
pant two week«
A new fence alone the front «òde
of the Masonic cemetery ha» greatly
improved the Itsiks of the saine
Mrs Illa Eaatburn and ■unter, Mia»
Rattle Brock, of Aumsville, have
Telephone line No
23 b«’M a
been visiting their aunt. Mm G L
meeting last Saturday at which tinte
Some ram of late, «qircially of
the memtier« signed a Constitution
night« and Sunday«.
G A. Griffin ia last but m>t tb«*
and bylaw«, ami organised ir. a bust-
A. L. Weddle ia reported a» im­ nroe like manner.
leant to have the mump«
proving very rapidly this week, al­
A pie «octal i« to be given ■t A CALL UPON THE LAW MAKERS
C. O Ritv of Holley, was in Swrot
though al time« hi» wound« are a
March 27. the proceeds
H one on busmen« last week, m wm
little painful.
benefit of th«’ baseball
ala» R E. Warner, of f'rawford»-
Mias E M < arr. of Portland ia I ville
Music will he furnished bv
making her home in this city with
th«’ Hungry Hill orchcdlry.
Dr. and Mrs Luther.
• y Keter Radford
Mia« Blanch ho« entirely recover­
Leeturer Nauoaal Turov ttelee
Holley Item»
The literary meeting al the high
ed from thr munì pe ami ha« return­
The farmer la the paymaster ef
school building, last Friday evening,
.J ed to Scio.
Industry end as such bo moot moot
Hungry Hill B »«ter.
was well attended and the program
tho nation*e payroll
When laduatry
Jam«’« Hank« has mild his farm to
pay« Ils bill It must make a tight
wan enjoyed bv all.
a man in la»tmnon. taking property
draft upon Agriculture far tbe amouat.
II. R, Slaven« has torn down hi» in that city m part payment. He
which the farmer la compslled to
H ems F tem th C h M tm Vailtf
honor without protect
This check
old l«arn that stood on hie residence will give |MMueiw’on immediately and
drawn upon agriculture may travel to
property ami is going to move the will move to Holly for a short tune.
ami fro over tbs highway» of com
Regardlee» of the prospecta of ex­ merce. may build clU»«, girdle the
reataurant building of last year, to
Frank lajist had hi» homo burned
tremely high price» of wheat and glnbe with bands of steel, may seareh
the place vacated by the barn.
s few night« ago, cnuwd by a de­
oatt thia fail, a large acreage will hidden treasure« In the earth or
Alex Powers of th«> First National fective flue. Mr. Ix*i«t waa awaken­
traverse th» skies, but In tbe end It
be needed to clover and corn
• til reel upon the «oil No dollar
bank ami Mr. •Kirkpatrick of Leban­ ed by the »moke. But few things
will remain suspended In midair. It ia
William Chaatain. Julee and Rome
on, were Sweet Home visitor« last I were Hived from the burning build- j
aa certain to seek the earth's surface
H«> had ju»t finished painting McKinney spent Sunday evening as an apple that falls from a tree
Wb»n a farmer buys a plow he pays
H«* h»v with Rex Peery and Claud tompt on
The Sweet Home tmnd boys hav «•1 and making *ome r«-|u*irs
the man who mtn nd the metal, the
received their new uniform« and no family ' to be tumni out of a
woodmhn who felled the tree, the
banjo and Mr Compton delivered a maaufacturer who «»aen'bled the raw
made their first appearance tn them home.
few vocal srlrctiom» which were materiel and shaped It Into an ar
Spring flower» are in full bl<M>m.
greatly appreciated by his audience. tide of usstulnea«. the railroad that
trannpoilod It and the dealer who
George Slavens, of < 'rawCordaville the grasa in growing rapidly and
He pays the
A. T. Powell took dinnei Sunday sold him the goods
»pent Saturday and Sunday the
wages of labor and capital employed
with R E Peery
I hey diactMned
Murray Barrett.
In the transaction aa well as pays
the mining situation ami Mr. Powell for the tool», machinery, buildings,
T he Sno T hihtnl
lf you want any of the «lady hopes to visit the Crown mine» next etc. used In the const ruction of ths
commodity and the «am» applies to
11.25 the year
papers. The Tribüne will get them month when the work of opening all article« of use and diol of him
for you at Bargum Day rate», pro- them up will liegin.
self and thoee encaged la the auk
Give« all the news all the time
atdlary lines of Indualry
viding you pay for The Tribüne one
Try it, you’ll be satisfied
There Is no payroll la clvlltaatlon
yvar in advance
the <lance at the ltoheiniam hall lent [ that does not root upon the back
Saturday night. Fourteen pic» wer«- of ths farmer He nun pay tho billa
The Thrice a-Week Edition
wild at an average price of almut tin < —all of them
Th» total value of tbe action •
eanual agt (cultural products la around
o( The New York World
PrMtKsEy • O«il» «1 Iks P»x« et s
W.Ah ¡
It ia reported that rotoi work will »ll.OMl.OUO.uOO. and It la safe to sell
mate that »S cents nn every dollar
begin April I on the road leading |
e««t from the Grange hall, and that ,
f35i»l will be rx|tendrd in the east |
Ss Mark Nsat si Ss l.sw s Frws
ern part of thia district.
This Will
make goml roads to Crabtree and
The year 1914 ha* ln-en the moat
unleiM the Ixtt tom lews mudhtilen are
extraordinary in the hiatory of.
daw away with in the n*ad to Scio.
modern time«. It ha« witnessed the
¡Crabtree will be the gainer of moat
outbreak of the great European war. ■
of the trade of this section
a struggle no titanic that it makes j
all other« l<M>k »mail
rh«’ wood drive paaard rapidly
You live in momenta»» tirnro and , down the creek and 1« n<»w being |
you ahould not rniau any of the tre-' h«ndrd on car» at th«- railroad ct « mn >
mendous event» that are occurring ing.
Ns Otlwr Nsw.ysyst a lbs W m M Loss
lain PaM«
N. M. Newport
Attorney at Law
icrnr arroaNkvi
No other newmmp«-r will inform you
with the promptneee ami choapcm»»
of the Thrice-a W <-ek Edition of the
New York World.
Moreover, a
year’s subscription will take you far
into our next presidential campaign
Main St. near Grant
The Thrice-a-Week World'» regu
E rftt ét t I M
lar «ulmcriptniii price m only SI per
year and thi« pays for 15b paper»
We offer thi« unequalled newspaper
Subscribe for The Tribun«’. 11.25 ami The Scio Tribune together for
The regular price is 12.26.
the year.
William G. Amos
Wm. Stoddard ia having hi» «end*
ling apple tree« grafted with better
Goat «hearing will »tart in a few
day« and it is expect«’’! a high orice
will lie ««cured for mohair.
Sam Shank delivered a load of fat
hogs at West Scio this week, receiv­
ing fb 35 per hundred weight T<«>
cheap at the price of gram just n»w
Astici let
Bros. Mill Company
P i II iu I im
MiMa M Croat*
............ ■
Manufacturera of all kind« of... ———
• C. Cevett
Rough and Dressed Douglas Fir Lumber
Seasoned Stuck Conatantlv ori Kami
Attention given I« ail Order»
Guarantee to give
you Satisfaction
H m » i
du Í
Timber and Agricultural Lands and
Mill Property for Sale
Timber lamds ('raided and Estimate« made
on Standing Timber.
OHM a )N
gone to meeilng the »speneea of auo
eldtary Industrie«
The farmer d<>»»
not work more then thirty minutes
per day for himself, the remaining
thirteen hours of tbe day's loll he
devotee to memlng the payroll of the
hired hands of agrtrolture. auch »•
the manufacturer, railroad, commor
dal end other servant«
The Parmor'o Payroll and
Meet« II
How Ho
Th» annual payroll of agrtculiuro
approximates »11,000.000.»00
A por
lion of th» amount la shifted to for­
eign countries In exports, but the
total payroll of Industrie« working for
the farmer divides substantially as
follows " Railroads,
manufacturers. »«.»U.OOO.OOO. mlolng,
mercantile »3.S00,000.000, and a heavy
miscellaneous payroll constitutes the
It takes th« corn crop, the most
valuable In agriculture, which sold
last year for fl.EM.Mt.ME, to pay off
the employes of the railroads, the
money derived from our annual sales
of livestock of approximately »2.000 the yearly rottoo crop, valued
at »«30,000 000;
the wheat crop,
which la worth »« and the
oat crop, that is worth »««o.OOO.OOo.
era required to meet the annual pay
of the manufacturers
money derived from the remaining
staple crop« la used in meeting the
payroll of tho bankers. merchants
After the»» obligations are paid,
the farmer hot oely a few bunches of
vegetable«. soaso fruit and poultry
which he can «ell and call ■ha pro
reeds his own
When the farmer pay« off
he ha« very little left and
these tremendous payrolls
been forced to mortgage homes, work
• omen In the Held and Increase the
hour« of bl« labor
We are. there
fore, 'ompelled to call upon all la
du at He« -.»prudent upon the farmers
for subsistence to retrench la their
expendlturee and to rot off all un
necessary ex pennae
Thia course la
• oeolulely necessary la order to avoid
• reduction In wages, aad w* waaL
If possible, to rotala tho present wage
scale paid railroad sad all other la
duotrial employee
Wo will devote thio article to a
discussion of unoeoeeeary expenses
and whether required by law or per
mined by the meat
to of the
concerns, la wholly I
want all waste
gance. of
O»t«iw »• geme ef tbs
»■sMion. In
il ero »rv thè ungiti»
torma tts«xl iu lite suny ami unvyi
t sp» Un t» d«*nvni frxMu thè latin
‘laidiL* mcatiing a tu-ad. xsitoneI"
•»atro frutu thè itaituu 'lumutHi. •
■ -•turnu. tbs "rooipMgtia rottmell«” bev­
imi b«’u tbs iind cvniiMuy uf .«a in
hintrv mrlment
• uu b Un- *Votouer i*4
Thu title
Ucutrostit ' . .mro from ■ word «tg.
uifyUut 'hot.ling the |Ma<-e ' -• g- «
i lleutetxint . vkuiel I» « »j>rt of iiniter-
study fur a cotuoei. a ikuteiiniit «ooh«
after a <-ui>i;«uy lu the alan-ncv of the
caidnln. ami so on Ttee titles <>f •'lame
sencvMiiit' aud **taDce «•”rt'«»mf urtgt
uated tn the fact that hi tim <>M day«
the bol’h’C. of tt><w rank« rorrh-d •
lauro insteetl of « halts-nl, ruuiul the
head uf which was twl*t>-d a slow
match Their diltlve werv to «•> round
ibe tanks with tbese t»r< hllke Inn«-»«
»nd giro Art’ tt> the mni> ni«« k nt< u just
before « battle took place
The word "dngsnm w«v timi u»«i
«>f a rwgiu>> »t of mount<-d Infantry, so
called from ttee *drn*>n* ' <w «hurt
muskets, with which they were armed;
lite well kitewn cavalry «-all of "Hoot
and anddls is really a comiitllnti uf
the old Kreech signal. ’•|x>utw aetl«s**
<w "l’ut su tour Mhldlro
- ornea frutti the Arabic "Kmirof t«<dh
meaning '|.*>»d uf lite aro i "romtnit
<lo«v comes from the Itailun ‘rom
niste" I» from the be
isitdic nml meen» an cquni. atei Ute
tertn 'gtvlua quarter In t»l|. ».«I to
have originated In the egret-mciti w hich
ellsterl lu lite Ohl hKhllUs du.a I hit I
the ratiMtm of » foot eoMIvr « buttiti tie
•nequarti-r of hi. pay fut mie y t ar —
l'rorwiti s W ..-kly
«apso Hse a L.»ks et Them. and The/
Bomst-mse Capa «e
lu Vaiiiagata. Ja|MI> i» a «mali lake
calteli thr lattee of llx- f ".itlm le
lande. illacuveiMl alMiut ila- /vai I.Mlt,
• ludi ha» from timi lim«- atti >. t««|
th» «iteiitlua of moni pi«.«» <md lllcr
•r> tuen
a rup’H't >>u ih,- myaterKMin
iu<>«cuiciita of tin o- i.lumla. ili»»ii up
by • |wirfj uuilrr
h Ku«m
•a tw. It publiah««| Hi tbr • h h « •• r>
porta of tbr T<*bufcu luii»vrl*il uulv«r
Tilt- ll'wtlim l.lamta «noti al ttimet
aunilwr uo fewer Uniti -Ivi). «r>-fouiul
10 la- ixintininilli rlmngtog tildi posi
flou» nwi lug tli.l «Ile Wd) «nul I hell
thè ollivr Iti Hi«- tirsi «•«•f l«*« uf
«stinti« wooden gami» «mi» phirwl In
th< lake. abuwittg thr tlhifltibutof
Ulr v.iriuuM vtirrvot»
Ku IM*« « |ll« UU> •
intnl« i
ih«* luto* waii « imi ini« ltd. him I
11 wmm fnuntl
•|i to rrpru
th# vurlnUM n»«>i»•iii«,ht*• of lit««
«tirfrt* t»
Wtirh hs»th uritrl ‘«lid
rlHTvnt» wrrr
Hit«» ae « m <>»»| U h »
uf Ih« lai! t|»<S WiUl
C ouim I t«» !*•* q<«Hr I h «« oh il hme ' *Hh
hh «I « X|M>»hiiriri
••rutiHJh fr«»u» itv»« »’•«»(
whi h «ir« fh»t « ir
ritti tu IH e » «•tirÌMi'v ht buhbkM ut ììm *.
tbm trf«l» » «»Hiiurh» • | e » itr»«w frulli
«rv<l mi rht'in
to»ti tliu« » thr tn«i»r
miti •»«♦•riuri»« hik I
frwl-« ign>w ••!« tl’r <Hh« r «tri«* iiutll thr
I m I aim I bn» tfrtiwn
lane* ui
•ftrnt tu «••• mie * «I4l»illtjr
A Dato able A qutiaUnu
kaflta I» th:” I
if. I won Id nt kn
’■er--Tro. you wo
fit heat rtttaeu» n.iw
f. A %i<
■ *
* » *
X •
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•i l/ßs