The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, March 18, 1915, Image 2

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After all when these foreign na
I lion« quits fighting ami because of
; national exhaustion peace is effect
Many i»<>plc think tiecause the
led. *hai have the oinimon people
nrw«|«prr man always presents a
the people who earn the money to
T. u ovcmkm ,
*Nh nur
cheerful tone in his paper to his
oay interest of the cnorm««ua war
; readers, that be ami Trouble are
They have simply
Entered at the mwloffi«* at Sno.
strangers. So far as The Tribune
to pay tribute to
Oregon as second class matter
is concerned, thia is a mistake
the money kings of their own ami
There is never a week ismscs but
other countries for time indefinitely
auMK-airrioN. in aovan «**
what something goes wrong and
The rulers ami politician*,
I 50 which wu«ild, if permitted, sour the
brought on the war, will pay but an
.75 editors disposition
Machinery gets
infinteaamal portion of it.
out of order, advertisers are late
think of husband« and fathers, the
with copy, jolt work is want«-«! with­
rnosi robust of their young men.
in a few minutes after the order is
Se given, necessary material Tails to whose lives will be sacrificed
ixicai advertising, per line
eral Sherman said that “war is hell."
Display advertising, per inch
10c arrive when it should ami numerous
Truly these European depletnl fami­
Display advertising. long time, see things can happen, which is a sour«*'
lies will conclude General Sherman
of vexation and the cause of m«»re •
knew what he was talking about
Yet the editor
Extended marriage or death notices or les* profanity
Th«- rich men of Europe brought on
per line
8c must always present a cheerful
thi« war ami the only penalty they
Spedai rates on long time display countenance to his visitors and find
will uay when the war is over, is a
time to talk with them, no matter ■
largely increased number of inter­
if it is press «lay.
rat bearing bonds in their hands.
Then there are reports of social A more «marie»» ami useless war
functions which, if m>l published at1
was never brought about.
the proper time, cause disappoint-
It 1« right and proper that men ment ami, sometimes, ill feeling.
should differ in their opinion«, for
without this difference in thought
there would not lie discussion and
without discussion there is no pro­
If all should think but one
harmonious thotight and if all man­
kind <diou|-l get into a sort of intel­
lectual rut
liccome intellectual
standpatters, so to speak, the world
would he hardly worth living in
But men do differ in political
thought, in religious opinions ami
in ethical theories
Difference in
thought and discussion brings out
what there is in a subject and
final analysis enables us tn arrive at
the truth.
Had not the Savior
differed with the thought of his
time, there would have tieen n<>
scheme of salvation devised nor
would the Christian religion have
tieen established
Martin Luther
differed with the religious thought
of hia time and the great moral re­
formation resulted.
Our Revolutionary Fathers differ­
ed in the political thought then pre­
vailing in England, drafted the
Declaration df Independence and the
the Revolutionary war and the poli­
tical independence of the American
colonies followed
The northern states, almost from
the foundation of the government,
differs«! with the southern states
upon the subject of human slavery.
This difference culminated in the
most sanguinary war of modem
times and the destruction of human
The difference in thought in the
theories of government is what
gives rise to political parties in a
country and without thia difference,
all semblance of purity in any gov­
ernment is soon lost sight of. It is
difference of thought which seeks
out the corruption ami impurities
of the world and makes It a desir­
able place for tne existence of the
human family.
Only a few hundred yearg ag<>
men dared not differ in thought and
exprrM those thoughts, from those
of the reigning power under which
they lived. But men did differ In
thought secretly and, by and by.
they expressed them openly and.
Eventually, they gained power and
now religious, political and mental
liberty maintains in almost every
country in the world
Just a« men nave differed in
thought and opinions, has civilisa­
tion advanced. With thia advance
has o»me almost complete liberty of
thought and the liberty to express
them openly ami print* them if he
•aw proper to do an
Brcauw of
this fact our progress scientifically,
politically ami religiously has hern
and is |>henoniinal. They are find­
ing out the truth, for thought,
golden thought, garners the truth
from the experiences of the past
and unlocks the secrets of the
Recently, a lady brought copy to
the office giving account of some
function. Our last form was on the
The matter coul«l have l<«-«-n
brought some day* sooner, only for
the neglect to provide the copy.
The lady said “I forgot it." Yet
she aeeimd greatly di*a|>|>ointr<l, al
least, because We did not lift the
form and insert the matter. Of
coursr she expressed her opinion of
editors in general, after she left th«’
Be Sare
And read The Country Gentleman.
Money can’t buy Glasses
Fur ail Kind« of
- -------- rtu > m ———
Fresh Meats
Dr. M. L Monis
ir<» Jo Ihr
Which an’ not backed by a
Guarantee of Absolute Satie-
faction or your Money Back.
2ai N 4tk Itataif «I Eick Inti
AT THt K» Ho TU.
------------ WHKN
Meat« soldat the lowest price
commensurate with good «tuff
South %de d the Bn«hp
Cash paid for Hides
His Experience is Worth Money
to You
F rank M c D onald
Satisfaction Guaranteed
The Scio Tribune 11.25 per year
Wade’s Billiard Hall
Con/ectionery, Soft Drinks
Cigars, Tobacco, Etc.
Mrs. M. C. Gain«-« w«-nt to Scio
Friday to receive medical treatment
The Health of Your Baby
Depend» largly upon the regular movement
oi the child's Ixxwels.
A gentle laxative
is very likely just what your child needs.
Will tend to produce a gentle action sure,
safe and not followed by the weakness
which so often accompanies bowel regulators
Rexall Baby Laxative contain« no harmful drugs
ami is guaranteed to satisfy or your money liack
35 cents
‘C’Ae Tettali Store
When you want printing done,
the kind that in pleasing to the eye.
The Scio Tribune office is the place
tn get it. We always phswe
never disappoint.
England has made about every-
thing America produces contraband
of war. How would it do for Ameri­
ca tn interest herself in pursuading
all neutral nations, particularly those
of the Western continent, to with­
hold the shipping of any ami all
contraband goods Uieith«-r England.
France or Ruuia? Of course it
would iiear down on some of our
manufacturers, but it would bring
England to her milk instanter. She
could «earcely live one month with­
Milk Maid
out the gmaia she designates '‘con­
tra t>and” Germans have stomach«
to fill as well a« Englishmen and
lx*t A tail lamp for an automo­
non-o»mbattants. at least, should bile on the road between Scio and
not lie coni pelle« I to starve
Jefferson Number H.XS5 was with­
in the lamp.
Kinder please leave
If Germany ha* capture«! all the same at The Scio Tribune office
prisoners reported, the problem of
providing food for them, when food
is reported to lie scarce, must I m -
One would think some sort
of a parole system would be intro-
A Most Pleasant Evening may be Spent |
---------- ‘—
a r
IrMklia tatti Item
Henry Kelly and George Suther­
land have found out that they were
nearly twins, there being a differ­
ence of only four days in their age*. I
»■> they celebrated their SNth birth­
day anniversary together al the i
home of Geo. Sutherland Sunday.
A good dinner was served, Those
present were; Mr and Mrs Henry
Kelly. Mr ami Mrs John Brock and
Mr and Mrs. S T. Eaatborn, M
Myrtle. Mabie. Margarrt. Eunice
and Katie Brock. Dellarea and Bo­
nita Sutherland and Neva Eastbum,
Messrs George. Ardell ami Jack
Brock. Scott Turner. Roes Ray ami
Cliff Griffin. All had a good social
time and a nice musical program in
the afternoon. J. T. Brock, Scott
Turner. Ross Ray. and Mias Mabie
Brock played the violin accompanied
by Miss My rtle Brock on the piano.
All wished Mr. Kelly and Mr. Suth­
erland a happy return of* 58 more
birthdays, but they will probably be
angels walking the golden streets
instead of muddv roads in 58 years
Beef. Fat Hogs.
Mutton. Etc.
-------- u~
-mot -
which is not just what some of one's
Miss Grace Pruitt has gone to
readers wish or would have sur- Scio to stay a few w«wk* where «he
nrrsMd ami. »gain, the editor is has employment
Nathan Young. Thomas Smail,
Now. ns a matter of fact, editors Scot* and Dean Turner erected a
are human, just the same as other
fence in front of the Franklin Butte
folks. They make mistake«« too ami
<**metery last week. It adds greatly
they cannot deny them, for there to the appearance ami was a much
they are in <mld print, too late for needed improvement.
recall and a corrective apology is
Margaret Brock has gone to Crab­
the only remedy. It is utterly im­
possible tn please everybody, for tree for a few weeks stay.
what may please one, may offend
John Simmonds and family ami
hia brother-in-law ami family, who
anothe r. etc.
Yes, editors are decidedly human rtnently came from Idaho, have de­
and are subject to faults ami frail­ cide«! to locate here.
ties the same as other people. They
must eat, wear clothes, employ
doctors, pay rent, buy grub and are.
even, expecte«! tn pay their bills,
just the same as ordinary humanity.
But. ail the same, the editor is a
necessity in the makeup of society.
His tvpe tpay I m - peculiar, his form
may be ungainly and his prees-mg
needs may be great: yet his rule
must tie justify«*! by full galleys of
fair treatment to all.
Yes the edi­
tor has his troubles. — Reprinted
from the Lebanon Tribune
Highest market price paid for
Plumbing or Tinning
You can get it from Everett Burden
Mr. and Mrs. Eastbum and Mias
Kathryn Brock, of Aumsville, are
visiting at the home of Geo. Suther­
Again, «ine’s patrons come to
town and. mavhap. call at the office.
The mumps have «welled moat
If »he fact ia overlooked in the fol­
lowing issue, a “Stop my paper*' every ones head in thia neighbor­
letter often follows. Or. as the case hood. Geo. Griffin seems tu be the
was last week, matter ia published last victim.
Farmers Meat