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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1915)
THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL 3 NO. >9. SCIO. UNN COUNTY. OREGON. FEBRUARY I»». 1915 31.25 THE YEAR UNN CO. ROADS ENACT PERMANENT TAX SYSTEM IS ALBANY HAS A ALLIES USING ONLY REVISED IN BILL COST $161,943.95 REGISTRATION LAW DISASTROUS FIRE THIRD OF STRENGTH Coa*i«irrat*l* Aay Etectw Nat Us*| Fraadtsa Banat HamiltM s B< Dapartaiaat Stere fatally Twa Yair Panai WM Ian Oestrayai less EstMMted Vais steer Work Wax Al*o Done on the Csaaty Highway. BBaice if Fmr lite Wit State Capitol. Salem. Feb. 16. Albany. Feb. 13. lann county at $180100 A new system of tax collecting ia exi>end«i 3 l*»l .913 95 in improve provided in th«- bill | mu «««I by th«« ment of its highways during 1914. House this afternoon on recom Th«w figures are conipil«! from State Capitol, Salem. Feb. 15. A telephone to thia citv last Fri mends tion of the joint Committ«*u records in th«* county clerk’s office House bill 191 providing for perma day afternoon, stated that the bud- on a«M-»Mnrnt and taxation of the and show th«* total exp«*n<iiturva for nent registration was | mmm *«I by th«- rw*5<n district of Albany was burning. House an«I the senate. all r»a«l ami bridge improvement senate Unlay without argument As usual the statement was cxag«-r- Al least one-half of the tax must ■luring th«- year Of this amount The law provides that as l<»ng aa nn at«!. When th«* fir«* was gotten The ta paal at the first dale, 315,583 49 was spent on bridges, elector resades in the pn*cinct in under control, the Hamilton d**|«arl- tax paying dates are April 5 and and th«* remainder in general road which he registers and votes at one ment store was the main sufferer, per October 5. A penalty >>f I ■ work Th«* amount list«! as strictly election heljl throughout the county though other adjoining bu»m«*sa within the biennial election period cent per month is chargwi on deli* houses suffered loss**» in th«* removal r<«ml expenditures. 3I46.N0 46, in- I dud«« all monrvs paal out of the ending November 30 following the quent paym«*nte. ami if the delin of contents quency extends beyond November regular biennial general el«*cti'«n, hr The fire start«! from th«* furnace i gvneral road fund of the county, ;5 an additional p* naltv of 5 per «-nt shall not in* required to register in th« Hamilton store shortly after tin* district r««ad fund» and »|M*cial i is provided. again. n<»on. Hut a smalt amount of g«»»!» district road fund». No rvtale is allow«! for advance t'onaidrralih* volunteer road work If the elector fails to Vote as i were saved from thia store, as the 1 payments. < wax perform«! also. stipulated he shall re-register or i smoke was so h«*avy that entrance notify th«* county clerk in not lens to the building was prev«-nt«!. Mr. than 30 days nor more than <»<> days i Hamilton iilaces his loss al m-ar after the regular November election 13190,000, with insurance fur about I one half this sum Other store-«, that he resides in the district from which he r«*gi»ter«*d and requeata in j from which goods and fixtures wen* writing that his name remain un remove«!, suffer«! nominal loss«*». the register of electors. Owing to th«* fact that th«- fire I start«*d in the basement, the fire- Thia is the second permanent registration law that has been pasa- ed bv the Oregon legislature, one paam-d al the M*saion in 1913 having been declared unconstitutional by the supreriM* court The new taw provides that th« county clerk shall um * the card index system in keep ing his r«*gtaler of elections. Each elector shall sign a cartl giving his name, age, political affiliation, etc., and shall tak«* an oath that he la a citizen of th«* Unit«*«l States, The cards shall be public records and shall lie kept in the •rflice of the county clerks as other puidic records arc kept. It ia pro vide« I that the county clerk shall r«*gister any qualifiml elector who mav request to lie r«*g-: istered at any time after the first Monday in January. 1916. except ing during the 30 days next preced- ‘ END OF FINANCIAL PANICS PREDICTED A NEW FEATURE IS INAUGURATED Ibt Federal lisent Spira « Decurti OrttSR Fanwn Art It It Sn|pliei With | trn-n could not get at the blaze The | fire follow«! up the walls, making ta Hitt Remand All Deafer I it difficult for water to reach th«* at I r table i lire. A »mail portion of Hamilton'a I go«sis were remove«!, though in a Chicago, Fvh 13. ’’Under th«* damage« I condition, The building Federal reserve system we “dial I j ladonged to Dr. J. P. Wallace ami no more financial panics.** »aid Chui i was fully cover«! by insurance. It S Hamlin, govermir of the Ferlera) • was formerly known as the Foster Reserve Board. at the annual ban' j block and was erected 35 years ago. quet of the Chicago Real Estate j > Dr. Wallace expects to rebuild at Itoard tonight. He added that con I >mcv. Mr. Hamilton will continue dition» just prior to the opening of buxintw. though in what lo<*ation is the Federal ttesrrve Iranka in Novem not stated Th«* total loss is eati- ber were "protiablv the moat omi ’ ’ mated at $140.000. One of th«- nous in the history of our country." buildings includnl m the lire area DiM-umnnir the true function of • was the U. S. poetoffice The con- the new tanks, he saal ' tenia were removed but were re- "Their duty is not alone to meet i stored to the old quarters within 24 emergencies, but. so far an poasitdc. ! hours. Ur prevent emergencies from arising ing any general or primary elertion, and while ordinarily they do not Self Explanatory Letter or 15 days preceding any special anti are not intended to compete !• election held throughout th«*county. with commercial tanka. yet occasions Portland. Or.. Feb 12. 1915. If the »ta-cial election ia not held may arise where such competition, Ur. A. G. Prill. throughout the county he shall not through the exerrise of their upon Scio, Or«. register any electors living in any market powers, will Ire necessary I I am returning v»u herewith th«* precinct in which a special election for the protection of the people of i ordinance of the City of Scio, In j my opinion, the whole thing is not ia to be held during the 15 days the United States. "Il is often said that th«* Federal next preceding the special election I i operative for the reason that the - officer - Any elector who ia not registered Reserve tanks are bankers' banks, I- health is th«* executive mem aa provided in the act may r«*gurter but thia is true only Ur the extent ber of the l»oard and In thia Instant*«* election day by giving the informs that they deal primarily with the I you have none. Further, mi muni- lion require«! for registration and memtar banks. Their true function cqaility. county or community could rocking oath to it before one of the I is to protect the interests of the j nquire anyone to serve without juuges of the election board, where people.” pay. Then, with this in view. I he deaires to vote. would sav; School Holiday. Dwiadle 1. In case families are quaran- ' tine«!, it is your duty to inform the Salem, Feb. 16. Boys and girls county health offierr. 2. The law savs that in fam i I we hereafter will have to go to school Albany, Feb. 15.- A total of 376- I quarantin'd. food. pq>visions ami 991 32 will l»e collected on the 1914 on Lncoln’s birthday. Washington's . medical attention must be furniahed tax roll of Linn county in the form birthday and Columbus day just the bv the city or county in which they of ciiy taxeo alone Ail«ny will same as on other days with the ex receive S5I.220 I2; Llranon 317.« ception that them1 days will be set I live if unable to provide for them 204 20: Harrisburg 33,304 71; Hal aside for patriotic exercises The selves. 3. In th« absence of a city health sey 31,387.66; Rruwnaville 33.259.39 House yesterday passed Senator offierr. it ia the duly of the county Hawley ’ s bill which makes such pro Sweet Home 3510.96. and Sodaville | health officer. visions. 3104.23. 4. You are not rrquir«*d to make The measure also désignât«-» the The prohibition meuur« fsuscd following additional school holidays a visit to families without pay. if the state senate in thirty minutes,1 besides Saturday ami Sunday. upon the county health officer ia <-all«i on Tuesday The governor's signs, which no actasil is to tie held: New over from Albany, It would ta ab tun* is now the only requirement Years day. Memorial day. July 4. solutely with the county court wha; for the measure to become law. It Labor day. Thanksgiving and Christ remuneration would be made for will go into effect January 1, 1916. j mas his expmsss. This, I think, answers Tit Billiaa Dilin ti M S rm I Bnifiit Ntl| (mfaatat ittRlty ■tat Aftacy Fort lam I. Feb IS. Not only in Or«*gon, but in all parts of the ■-ountry the gov«*mm«*nt has inau gural«! a movement to ««cure work for the uncm|>loy«l and to furnish num or women to farnu-rs ami oth er employers <mtable the cities. It is a common sight to see men standing arouml the strevte in town at all seasons of the y«*ar who would I m * gla<l to go out into the country ami go to work if ttwy only knew just where to go and could b«* cer tain that the job would lx- there when th«*y arriv«*d. John Barbour, ILS. lnq««-tor. Oregon Immigra ti«m Service, ha» »tarl«*d to list ap plicants for positions of all kind» and ia anxious to r«*ceivc applications for help from employ era of labor of all classes. TWs Y im Ltmlon, Feb., 15. The countries fighting against Germany, Austria and Turkey up to th«- present time have thrown only a third of their strength into the field. To main tain thia force and to bring the re maining two-thirds into action will oat 10,000,000.009 «luring thv cur rent year. This announcement was made in the H<> um * of Commons to day by Davul IJ«iyd-G«>rge. Mr lJoyd-G«*org«- drew cheering by a reference to loan» to count run which he sail! he expected wouhl throw in th«*ir lot with th«- allies. The»«- countries the Chancellor did not name. It was the first tim<- that a reference was inieh- in Parlia ment of such expectations. Great Britain, th«* Chnm-ellai said, luul r«**»urces which would last for five yearn ami th«»so of France per- hat* were sufficient for thr«- yeurs "The al lit*» are fighting the whole mobilis'd strength of Germany with |M*rhatis l«-»s than one-third of their own strength" said th«* t 'hancellor "The probtem of the war for th«* alii«*» in to bring the remaining two- thirds of their rt*n«>ur«'cs and strength into the fighting line al the «*arli«*st potadble moment, and this is largely, though by no means entirely, a question of finance.” ■ - - 4» Jury Panel for March Term For the March term of th«* circuit court in the department of law. the jury fianel has been drawn by th»* county clerk ami sheriff of thia county. Th«»«* from whom tin* jury will lie pick«! are as follows: J. M Rice. Holley; (>. G. Wyman, Shelburn; E O Watrous, Albany No. fi; James E. Arnold. South I»«b- anon; W II Condra. I-Ast Halsey; J l>. Ellie, Allainy No. 7; Elmer E. Fox, Crawfordsville; John Sandner, Kingston; John H. (¡« m H m . Jordan; W A Barrett. A9>any No 2; l»*vi Ellis, Foster; John Meinert. Tangent; H«*nry F. Boedelter, Fox Valley. C. S. Bruce. Albany No. 6; Ed 8ch«iel, Sunrise; H Sheldon. North Browns ville; E. B. Doty. Cala|MM>ia, Samuel Hyder. Lacomb; Lncoln Overton, Lincoln; G. M Bilyeu. South Scio; C. C. Jackson. Weal Halsey: I*. H. Every applicant for work will be givtm a thuiough examination us to his qualifications and no man will lie sent out for any specific line of work unl«-«M he is fitt«l for it. thus leaving no rh<«m for the annual com plaint that farmers are supplied with IslMtrcrv who know nothing of farm work, at a time wh«m the far mer is foo busy to teach them. Frcerksen. Peoria; J L. Sharp, «•-•■ South Brownsville; D F. Newland, Be Sure Shedd; E. H Hart. Albany No. 9; A. Horner, Sw«»*t Home, A R. Mc And r«-a«l The Country Gentleman. Coy. Albany No. 2; I. F Hadley, You can get it front Everett Bunlen Albany No. 8, R. W. Hutchina, Tangent; E L. Gilbert. Berlin, II. the qu«*ationa asked in your letter. M Palqwr. Allainy No. I. Th«- only sam- and sensible thing for a city the size of yours to do. is Colonel John McCracken, a Port tn pay a health officer, say a salary land piomwr nwrehant. di«*d in that oa 3l5<t a year ami he can <*srn that city Monday morning Mr Mc much in cleaning up the sanitary Cracken has seen Porllaml grow Comittion* of the town. I think, from a village to a city of 250.(MM) however, physician» would do well people. He has lx*rn identifi«! with b> allow people tn have a little ex i this growth all tb«*w years • - • perience and thoroughly acquaint themarlv«« with these things through We have printed som<* ex^plmnly expertence. nice su beer i pt ion receipts. If you Yours very truly. want the signature of The Tribune Calvin 8. White. editor aa a sort of souvenir, com« State Health Officer in and get one.