• * ì * Charles <’otnpt«m. th«- Crsbtrev Expenditure lor Labor carpenter, was over last Friday By OregM Farmers The I. 0. 0. F. received a hay­ rack load «if chaira, last F ri «ay Washington. Jan 12 Fifty-three morning per cent, or 24.229 of th«* farmers The I. <). O. F Itali ia reported to Dr. Morris, the l»4mnon occuliat,! have Iwen a sucre»». Some 72 was over. Monday, number» were sold ami th«* dancing omtinuisl until 3 a. m. John Wesrly maih* a businees trip to Portland, Tuesday Neverthelean last Friday was of Oregon, employ hired help, and their annual expenditure for thia item ia approximately $11,102.000. according to a report which haa just inu'ii iaaurd by the Bureau of Ten year* atto the yearly Give the city dads one iug credit quite rainy, several wagon loads of'* <‘n*u* mark > without tMUI « » preaaure TI»«- l»raa» »pitie or knob that -reword rutilate a t»,w in lu fa< t the iim«t >na «..tn u> hi«. *iii-«-t»lni in mavius • really onirurtatn t»-wi«-t «mi ot i*pn into -tre. ManctMwter ilttanttan call«*d there liy th«* illness of ho j winter. Qur aged fathei gaijin,, winter storm 1 on thia week Thomas creek now flow« th«* higtwst water of the wason Th«- water in th«* creek was high enough to interfere with Scio may be a little lichind her the lights Michell M, Owen, a pronrer of sister towns in the way of public improvements. Hut die has no 1852 and agisi 93 years, died at his great big ilondvd debt staring her home in Portland last Saturday in the face Mr. Owen was an uncle of this editor, the only relative residing in Chas Wem-ly will do an exclusive Oregon cash business, commencing with The little I hi I m * of C. C. Burmtwler haa so far recovered that it was. sent tn Its home, from th«* hospital, the first of the week A Militare Cwmph«w»wx Purina the Mouth Afrteao war an oritet was .**»u«1 tu tiw* own of the fllithlaml ri-yltneota that they must rvtM up thru tartan ktlte an tbry matto too rood tarm-t» tor tba enemy Tiw- order proved very unpopular and eauavd • «Teat deal of dlaaattefscttoo a tuona the soldiers • «ore» ned When Uh i.eorg» White heard thia be thought of a way <»ut of the dUB.-aity t.*i them cures up only tbs front j of th. lr ktlte be »aid Tba enemy will nevar ara tb» «Kb«"» s*da" -Lon i doo Answer*. i The legislature is on trial as never February I He nays he* can't meet mail order competition ami do before. It must aiMilish a lot of hangerion to the slate teat or the a credit busineaa ptMple may conclude to aixdish the You can’t buy your chicken and It is up to you. other accemoriiNi and have Sunday legislature itself gentlemen, to make gotsl. dinner at home for 35 cent* (¡et Veda Grier, who was recently Sunday dinner at the Scio Hotel. found not guilty of murdering her According to a news item in the husliand. was married to George Albany Democrat, there have been Solomon, last Saturday. In her 442 deaths and 19K births in l.inn trial, it was «*stablish«*a»t year. Vte tx-en living with Solomon. suspect thr* Democrat's figure« got ■ Mr and Mrs. Peter Bilveu. of switched into the wrong columns The births should I m * 442 and deaths the Jordan country. pummi I through- town, last Thursday enroute for a I’.to Senator Garland ia emphatic in trip to Albany. Being stormy, they left the team in Scio and his opposition to th«- Salem clergy tinishe«i the trip via stage and rail-) having a monopoly of praying for the legislature. His head is level. It will, probably, take all of the clergymen of the state to counter­ act the evil which will prevail about the capitol for the next 40 days. mad A calalo*.««- of murderers in ooe of the ■ urlonlti«*» in the office» of tbs rotted Htatra sc-n-t servire la Wash tostón In ibi» retaingttn all tbs vrenk» In this -oantry are itMrsl flr»l alpbaiwtlcaUy under thrfr nanea and aneare aud am-oodly nods* the I tart* ulat torma taken by tbeo nh—« alona P». ata««gw I» kept up by contribuì mua troni Ito p>>ll> «• of awry town »nd --tty wh»-re a ■ HIM I» fCMItXl Purifying lbs Air A pgrttef of .-old waler placed on the table of an or. tipied room will ab sort* all the Kanes with which the rooai la nihil froui I be rveptratloa of I boss eating *«• «MH^itus ton In a few boor» th» pit of buiwuoO. made I Bran per ton arwt tbe israr ataras an- mads of small pin re flam h lobe «■ ear ll>e «•ml of tbr (tetn Japa near -».«st print» <«o tn* -s hr« nai.d are matte on teugtnwise sretkooa al nwry sood parallel tn tbs (rain Annua ut Dr. Dale, of Harrisburg was in He came over to town. Sunday assist Dr. Prill in performing an operation on the l>erw>n of Mrs H J. Smith. Mrs. Smith is 77 years old and. The Tribune bopae. she will recover from the operation in a satisfactory manner. The party that takes papers from ' The Tribune ofhee when the pro­ prietor is alssmt. will do well to ask for them. Our exchanges are for the use of the editor ami our friends to read while in the office When we get through with them, then they can he taken from th«* office not before. I Staple and Fancy Groceries Queensware, Glassware, Etc. Field and Garden Seeds Cash l’aid tor Veal. I l<>g». I lides and ( aseara Bark Pnces Right l.hr and l.tt l.n't Our Moflo J. F. WESELY SC1O • • . OREGON You May Pay Less THAT IS SO GOOD AS WE I 1.15 .46 33 00 42.50 33.00 37 mi 1 60 25 20 •• • a Geesr <• • • Ducks «• «• Beef I Veal 1 Hog*, live per hundred lb I DEALER IN BUT YOU WILL NOT GET WORK Wheal chop per ton «• < >al chop Barley Chop Hour per sack Egg» par dozen Butter per pound Cbickem, hens per lb • • __ a. 44 • • spring • • rooaters • f • • * Turkey* Hog*, dreaseil I Mutton J. F. WESELY • a at at «a .11 .11 10 ,15 .08 8 to 10 You May Pay More BUT YOU WILL NOT GET WORK THAT'S ANY BETTER IF AS GOOD Th«-*- »tstem«mtM refer tn Job ami B«M>k Printing Our facilities are complete * We use only th«* I mw I of material, an«l our prices are right for first class work. We do no other kind. * We always satisfy our customer*. 5i I 10* 6.50 i 8.00’ 4.75 Ì IM) THE SCIO TRIBUNE