THE SCIO TRIBUNE FIFTY YEARS AGO DO ÍT NOW MANY HENS EGGS ARE LOST YEARLY The prearnt high prire« at which grain is being sold as c«»mi»ar»*,l T. U PtJtJGKR. Kl'tTOK aNt> PBOT with the prices for many years, reminds one of the price rondition»» Entered at th«» mMtoffice al Scio. of fifty years ago, when wheat was Orrjron as acconti ciana matter. worth 92.50 ¡*<*r busin-l The un­ derlying cause for th«* high price« MÜBMI HimoN. IN AllVANl'K 91.25 then as now, was war. Dr T. K. Sanderson DENTISI If farmers or others, who con­ template buying building material, fencing, machinery of any kind, wagons, buggies or even house sup- I’hone 27-7 plM*, would twrchasi* them at ones* 01 tfct $519011 Ml U 700.08t.000 ami pay cash therefor. **ur strin­ OREGON ■it T<> gency <>f times would evasi* at 200000 000 Art iKt la uno- If Milt Money is valuable to a community The tM*vmnmg of th«* end of our AT KNI* <* YKAB 1.50 Wilts YOl WANT it can do! great civil war was at hand. Ge©-1 only when it is moving. Mil MONTHS .75 Plumbing or Tinning rral («rant was then forging the you or anyone else no good if it, liens of th»1 New York. Jan I chains whi«*h were fa»t«*n«*d s I m » ui li«ay th»*ir debts, t I KED OHULMIER every year, and of that tremend«iu» Ixcal advertising. per line 5c 5n«rth M» «W tive* Rn4e* culminate in its ■ »ml» m ar«* al a standstill and buatness gen- ■( . num>w*r of t-wf* 9200,000 tstn worth lliaplay advertising. per mch 10c Atiril at Appnmaltux (rt-re-raL erally is depressed Hi« Exprrh-nce is Worth Motley Much of the so-called hard lim«*» j are eith«*r destroyed in transit Display a stnngencv 1« in our | Repairing a Specialty I We concludt- that thefina><-! I are ruinwi by improper handling FlxU»nde«l marriag«* or d«*ath notice» al »out to undertake th«' march minds Satisfaction Guaranteed ’ That was port <»f th«- testimony par line 3c northward, pripartid to crush any ci al outi«M»k is not g»»«i ami we clnsr giv.*n by William Msnn an attorn* s Special ratea on long lime display hostile army which would dare to ; our pura-s to all expenditures not alMolute-lv nni,u«*r«-d I m *- " hard tin»«*« " On the other haml claims were made by commission fore summer begun. I’rewidcnt if we all would uml«*rtake <*»mlrm- men for damaged eggs. II«* testiti- j ¡ilatcd imbrovements, buy the ma- THE GOVERNMENT Lincoln was lust completing his first e»f at the Attorney -General's usfuiry r rhim*. wagon or whatever we need. MERCHANT SHIPS term and was inaugural««! th«- - th*- haid tmiev. buggai«»» would lie mb» th«» butler anf OKAIJ£IU< IN s«»c>ntnical ami pro* results from mtdl«**» breakage in are YI vident. It dore not n the evening oi handling, while a loss of 9150.000.- moot President Wil*>-n. when mid April 14 ami hi» death early on th. I” -fl« -M- ml rmmey needlessly But annually re»ults from unneces­ I ; 1 it ' does * • believe ‘ —- that s - - the • * * * people could mg his only political address nine following morning. sary addling, spoiling arid d«-t«*nora- ’ d<> much towards di»|adling "hard his inauguration, Ia»t week at Indi During th«.- year. n«*arly all of the I W«- ar»- installing a Roller tmim" if Un * would purchlM- what tion of good egg» du«* to improper ana|*oli*. placed ¡»articular »in volunteer Union tr«*luU*ly valuel«*as while of thin nw-asur«- ami indicated that This writer, lx-ing of the numi«!, I found numerous instances where work *>n very short notice it remains inactive in your pockets he would uw all bin influence to was mustered out of th«- service Illi dealers outside of th«* city made a or in the bank If you owe a debt have the measure enacted into la» Call and givt* us a trial. the month of August. busmess of buvmg at a small price | to your neighbor and have the nt the present aesaion. While the prices of gram, scemi« eggs that w» r« not fit for u*<. Th«m he can |»av The policy of government ownv«i bound sky want at th«* preas*nt time : money, pay it. shipping them to agents in this city, and operated merchant v«-»--l». right m<*l other comm«Mliticn which gnj someone he owes and the “hard who then tiled large claims against times’* buggaboo is dispell«*.! at at the present time, is of great mg to mak«* up a living, have noil the railroads for damage« Other >»nre. SCIO. ORE. Phone Ind. 33»! n I licence Presumably, if the gov­ materially increased Fifty years firms, he said, had depmtled for ernment owned and operated a Im» ago. th«* price of every commodity j xaMBHan their profits u|»»n th«* damage» they or lines of freight carriers at the was high, much higher than th. The Tribune is in receipt of the could collect from railroads. “The present time, the freight charge- present colloMsaJ war will pr.dmbly ',M*’•nnu*1 message <»f Governor T he S cio T ribunk hen invariably lays a g<»»«l egg.” he would I m - bam-d upon th« cost of cause That our n-aders may b«- w«* »« Oregon legislature The said, “but one in every 10 is broken fl.25 the year operation plus the interest on th« able tn make a comparimm of th«- document is a plain statement of in shipment, and thre«* an- so badly investment and plus a reasonable prices then and now. we quote a feature* of tne slate handb-d they are stale, so that six GiVt-H .ill the news all the time margin of profit Manifestly it few of them, from memory Wheat government, is candid and the re- of every 10 eggs reach the con would be unjust to private freight 92 50 per bushel ami readied 93 «»mmendatioa* for future Mtion of Try it. you’ll I m * satisfmd turners.*. carriers for the government to do before th** decline began lorn 91 ln*' ••giAt“»'* ar* of a very sens- otherwise Hut, the government tn9llo; fat hogs 10 u. 12 rent» aide, practical nature. Governor Subscribe for The Tribune. $1.25 Wood taken on subscription at ships would serve as a freight regu per pound, live weight. An ordì ««ate paper, certainly the year. this office. lator, which would make the present narv resiM»ctablc suit of dothre 450 reflects honor upon himaeif and an excessive tonnage charges imp» to ffio. A pair of shop made I mm » ì »'. **»•**«< dedre to advance the pub* Bible 9Di to 925. Unroastvd coffee so lie*« interesta in every soma, UMIIR) KVKBY TH I RMPAY BY Scio Feed Co I lour. Mill l eed Grain, Hay and 1 ’oultry Supplies SCIO FEED CO With a tonnage freight rate of from Ki to 50 shilling* from Port­ land to l»ivrrpool. England, a freight rate which the government ship« would enforce wheat, instead of be ing worth 11.35 per bushel f. o. b Portland, would ba worth at least 91.75 per bushel. Wheal carriers now get any tonnage freight rates they demand cents ¡»er pound. Farm laborers I from 935 to 950 per month untili the return of the soldier boys. when the decline in labor sm>n > began .. i Should the r.ur<»|M*an uar n>n- i tinue for Minor month« or year«,» ‘ which arem» an impossibility, we I I are lik«*ly to have almost civil war ' If the members of the legislature wh,rh m"' M<”“’*’* »• <»< <*ono">v ami retrench- rnvnl, they will du much toward« rtmtor’ng the Oregon legidatUre in . , * - a . the c»>nndencg* of <»f the people. The _ , , people expect that <>ur Linn cuuntv members will make good prires for grain before th«* eml of i City Health Notice But it is going to I m * a difficult the prevent year. I mired. such I matter to get congress to enact this prices woultl obtain now. if aniea and the tel«*graph While the incorporations cngag«*»i in the above lines of busi­ ness are «mtitlcd to a reasonable profit, they should not I m * allowed I no existing cause to greatly increase under ¡»enaltv. domeauc manufactures lnd«*ed. Copied from State and Qtv Health ! the foreign war. alone, prevents laws. them fnsn becoming cheaiwr. While war is a deplorable affair, When you want printing done/ be it wherever it may. the United *h,‘ b»r»«i that is pl«*asing to the eye. ■ States is fortunate to not he in­ The Scio Tribune offire is the plare I volved ami to be in a position to t<> get it. We always please. benefit from the misfortun«*» of never disappoint. other nations We occupy just the reverse of fifty years sg<> Then to so monopolise their undertakings i Europe was fattening from our that they become oppressive to the misfortune and now w«* are r«»aping ----------- KRoM------------- people. profits iM-eause of her troubles. We hop«* that congrcm will enact the »hip purchase bill Even it As a matter of course. President such government owned ships should i Wilson's Indianapolis «¡M*»*«*h d»>rs be tied up in docks The mere fact n<»( suit the Oregonian. Anything that they were ever ready to «*nter labelled “democratic" arouses that into the carrier buMiwtsn. would hold paper's ire. at ouce. But the speech private owners down to reasonable will suit the desires of the general freight charge*. t maaac« of the people, for all that. We Scio Livery and Feed Stables I Having lately purcham-d these »fables, it is our aim to conduct a first ciaiw livery and fee«! stable in every re»,a»ct We are adding new teams and rigs which, with accom»siating and courteous service, we f««el sure will app«-ai to the fiublic. Hacks meet all trains Rigs for commercial men a specialty. Our price» are ictus »liable ___ TURNER & <' a <■■> o a Phonograph Records PER DOZEN while they last (fl rn y **0 v choice numbers both in the Money can't buy Glasses tu)o and three minute records 1 his is a bargain that you Dr. M. L. Morris cannot afford to let pass. E. C. PEERY, DRUGGIST The ‘ll'u.11 Store At Seis Hetsl twice each wsath. SEE HIM JANUARY 25 OREGON I i A v I 9 I WILEY. Proprietors. | 7 hese records contain some Which are not backed by a Guarantee of Absolute Satis­ faction or your M<*m»y Rack. W» uO