» i V? . I . ■ • ♦A* * • THE SCIO TRIBUNE will you for a alate college a UtHUKI* KVFJCY THI.’RMUAY RY MuawumoN. i* v «* hmv I« gation »rheme, etc., you Will lie al­ most »mothered by the lobyiata for .75 HIX tfONTHM Elmore. Mr li*h that you are will conclude subjects. ed democratic primary 6c Tribune think» you Isical advertising. per line inch all will »tuff that will enable you Ihsplay ad vvr lining, long time, the demand« of thi* manager, were English long time display advertising The of another Prv»id«-nl duct toward* the thi«**« wil where they ran get the highest United liner. It u take ad­ economy to human do an nature Our and puri»we nation’s mis­ wa* and ta. to try to tinnir about Wil»«n‘* con­ condition warring uf affair* wherein a our nation« home merchants can «ell as cheaply ha* be»*«> oHMt h«ink« as th»» city When we comudcr how |ietic?it tratimi -he - «m i ' ‘ -- *-■ ■ ----- . •• merchant. tra* le at By home, » Sweet Home News Section con cen­ you will The m-wa items in thi* section are gather«! and editaci !»v R will aid him by reuorting news item* to him. and I**’* elarwh<«r«- in the Sweet Hom«« Out country are W urged to« continue .Monday Next II. January Chat two nephew* of <« r««M*t ny ot y«-ars and much di|«l"tn> of cur- th«- Most of have individual th«- practice was disco*« : When our civil wurtln EMS «<<•«> «. ti*» tt»«-*i narrowly escaped haunt county country at the d* the relirllion Durinifi prefer-' «that merit is concerned, thiscounty would |M«rnuttrd the t ont«*d*n member*! lie a g«»»! pla.-r from which for you them-.!v«- pledged ?Jnn their* in to emigrate all The taxpayers of Or««gon. that i* ami uiaceil English to »av a vast majority of them, art­ of them when a few M|| ier of reducing the <-<>ai of our date’ very weary of thia continually piling Du- privateer Aiabaifl government Will th»- meinlsi« up of taxation for neetiless and use nd by U m « notorious • ar live up to their pl««»tg>-*. 1» a qiM'-tiofi ic»» »tat«- ounmiswions and th«« »mail Semes, of the *011111, to re- either directly or indirectly, trenehrnent and reform in •!» fw ft'.trrfi mat- «muh k («*< to car­ m-aiiy d«-»>tr«iyed th«- An of our tax|»ayera. ry them on They are getting Ural chant marine, was '•i><.<) Aft««r || It is «aid by a person wn<> ha» if erecting $M). inhi to JldO.iMK) 1 so constructed 1* a« over. England wage taken the trouble to l«xik up > the stone buildings for our state colleg«*» pay the United States < *tati*ti<-«. that Oregon pay « tile j In other word*, they are opposed to which deeply interests the averag highest per cr.pita tax - or lint. Th« - r...| m „ pH. army of employes require«! r*'n **’ Kim l!r. - I *»• an I W«w't W"«' I igei • hrti fld 1 taxing th«« entire people of the stat«- iI5.5ms.mio on that adM for the benefit of I towns or a If We suppose that (Rg her of few - them , nie-nta th«« South, t ngtal checked ami ■ an almost identical fl I'nlem citiitcn» But it will «ay without extravagancies fear of suro-wsful contradiction. tha< are We at great struggle. Yet th«- that they soon will rrneg. burdensome to the people They will and di«1 blockade the He own hand* entry and. a* roni|«nred ! people want Rood r• »i>« Rit* I» Fame IS.I-xatMKNT or Tilt: INYKKMia tlrtivta Huuik) «m« -onimand«4 ihe !(ii«-ien arm) that overran Halt to ool !«»•■»>, r m »maeqiteora the her», of ib» ita« tn lto»ia *■■ eua «ptCtMtWa aa a Voten« Ue’iteUSBt f-M the ilalutilM-«e and rtegem-e «if hi» dn-«e In tn- i nr»«- it« « o m of IvTY ltu*»hi th« u « ««»oia ib ulenattl eerv ili-ianq, «Ml Ihr »Lift of «HM« It Untan «rm-nila lu the heal •atth jf l*i«-« mt he was order I■«*•• • dtapHii-h 1«- the i-otri'i*at»1 IM rhtef the fSiiMHto Hkt«hete» II« round »k-Hieie« «tictoUM in a rattier et I»—«-«I c»«i||h»h »urrootole«l bl bl< •tag A* youiia Itiiaèk) «tell»»red bw ■fi» it r itiuiiY, aw«»«»* patch a «beh from • Turktob tatti-n it «druck ihr « o»* i nd ««««at by and ex Ntfict For PrthciliH pkidliuc tluli* a «howet of dual «nd dirt over tbr pert) I M «»t uf Uh- otti ire hi iHiiKKi car» ln»ot«int*rlt< t il‘ ml thelt IMMM1» «l«HI«1 Oriti »tut toil y « hi tig ltim»l>« I 0ÍFAI1MIXT Of rut INÎIKKMl er-i«< I h.-u «• hhiii « «• It hr were In a tmiinuioi ■ im - dr«-* tewi» to* i»» k el a *p.«tb linea tv-uilkervbwf «ml thn kr«i it*«- lllrl trou ul» iitiimii-tiiMlr Stilforti, A atuil« i fm e* of tin iwrt «ailla to>>h>>| at nt with »•‘tiltil, mi i naui« You nn. . a» «urt*a I a-1 of ’ll* fbk »* t«oil-lie«l v«Hitu per V■•ar» .»n«-« when Kttteky • h.»d i»ruv»d ihr ■-»»rr'-etio-» of 1 ¿eneraI «X-aa-l.-v a .annuel» »«f tn» abllltt«-« cne «» ueral toll! tbe Itx-hirtil of tile r»ur»l Il I IIIUHY IUwi«M«r In« »bell to the . Mr 'Wtoti a euNMvr hna »u« h a kr«>n re W , mh ! taken on subscription at «»rd f«M hto aiHiearame t«ofi.r<- r-to fellow man that no dnruler ran inahe t this iiflicv h‘tu uiiniti' «-rti,-«l ataiot the flgtirv be rut« explalm-d Mkoiiele* he make« a depemtehu* leader of men ilr will •niter da-sth miher than iK-rmil *i,-y regard for bi» perM>na.i »afet) to Im |M»lr the Inipr.— -Ion of Infvrbirity that be to «o anxiuua lu 111« kr u|»«n ium r»i h»w man K»«-n liMMIgb I m > bs s i-ow ■ r«i at beer« be *111 alway* play the pan of a brave h tb-alr» tu hate men tunaider him iwsaewaed uf •ti(ieriot qtinlltlea "In Hutakv I am dotilgy fortunate.' rvmelud««! the veteran general. 'Toi Ibixnk) la both a dan«!« and a brave man’ VN»r»nc«. mitUxi to enter English I that MILITARY AreMAI’ placed in a condition of final extinc­ that of the United St texes are utimn-exuiarily high an.I are tion. th«« people will lM*come so angrv wdvea tn secure them. w««ekly news letters. 1 ter and do'al! you t-i-r to Hear .uir «tale government of these grafter*, mail «tcanwr ’’TrvnB» you will have the approbation of kicked up a terrible rot taxpayer their subject* your jolts. but you mint submit to larwl rrcognir**i the -ot liaving your salary cut in the mid­ gel anta la-fore a iMitth When Mintst* dle ** |f you are firm in this mat­ fought every Our Swwt Horn«- fri«*n-l« IV-lotet thau Motatek **« wi‘tei Ul «« mm U U m » «*Cb«M 2*’ Slulell were taken fr--$| WILL HAVE A PICNIC Van Fleet. correspondents al Pleasant Valley, Holley. Foster dent were ■» treated. S Extended marriage or death notice», m.irsnt* ► Ju»t m> a punter, say to per line 8c Cheat fellow«. "Yew. we will retain Special rales on En- Others, pre«Me«t under the The make to army citlxcns wer»- American l»«rri. ei It lielievea you are made of I Or gornJ, fortune» naturaliwl i»«com«« nonsense. • buying wiierr they <-an I mi y chraimt and to However, such thoughts a* vantage matte«', marine body else, for that from the sea*. State* is too honorable to treated Others were l»im tn American attend Yet. so drive the English merchant above are Fing Thousands of vMaels. i gland but had You ing an Irish wake or an old-fashion­ AI>VERT1HIN<< KATKN war the Possibly *>me of them were English Mr <*hllda, you are in for a picnic them «sarce American sailor* were Bierce and Mr sea. tlwm into m>rvice al«oar«l Oh. yea! Mr. t'uarck. Mr Garland. 1.60 AT KNIi rrt>R affli PROP Alan, the right to halt American merchant up against butt when a «pecial approoriatmn had which now prevails, to lie continu-1 erly of that town They think It isj v «« i > m «I k at M«a which I'fCg i ed For instance: They cannot see I cheaper to rent than to own prop- fully u|sHi th«« Engli ah any benefit to lie derived from an erty. marine The German ve annual appropriation of $25,00(1 for i The legislature to meet nvxt dem” lately destroyed . i» 1 I the pur|sim« of advertising th« i Monday, is the first to lw r 1er tn!. example If we had a!l«x the kind cd pctufr w«ni tai ntdke, m > gr< a hen« < 4 ( «to-ere to day Tisc camerw iltottmted hern !• th© new kn|| J dm a. It hw* ail thv fmtnrr* and adjuMmcm« found on Omttfk* thf«?e tnmw ki» bulk It*» a dtuhui improk* itwmt <»n I) old fwwht«Ho are adding gtv«« «wasion of that body, with an and rig» which. wilh accomisiating and courteoua our state th«« "go bv.” can-1 eat never Service, They not kcv tht utility of the state rm-1 they an* ploying two men at large salaries t«> i* do certain work, when one a manifested interested |n-r»onally matter inter* But the United States has stricth ticforv, for observed neutrality laws Neither which «•ff««cts It Engli«h nor their have been |>ermitted can d«> |»icketl»M>ks. war German Hacks vuawls harborage men in! a we meet frei all wpecialty. »ure will apfwal to trains. Our Big» the public. r««aM>nable our harliors more than the stipulat­ the job equally well They cannot i Th«« republican |>arty has about ed number of hour» as proMdrd by sec th«« justice of making special aj>- absolute control of l»ith branch«*» of neutrality law* England did not i propnation« for our state colleg«- > the legislature and all of the state live upto the law governing neutrals TURNER & WILEY. Proprietory | when a »jweial millage tax. sufficient j offices an«l the th«« ju-ople will hol«i during our war When Captain for their mamtainance, new build-’ that party n-»|»insible for th«« act« Semes' privateer "Alabama” was ing». f<»ill»all fields, etc. inclmied I of its agents. Another extravagant destrr. an English vessel was near a few of tiie unm*cv»sary and extra- j party two years hcn«v. The people at haml to «uccor the Reliel Captain vagant leaks to which our stat»« ■ can la* counteai ujsm to tie controll- Semes and many of hi« crew, and treasury is subj««cte»l. The entire ed bv their political prejudices to a earner! tb«-m to England in order to Phonograph Records Now on Sale state government has become satur I certain limit ami tfiat limit is their prevent them falling into th«« hand* I ate«! with the spirit of exploitation! pocketbooks. pockets •>f United Slates authorities. Dur­ principles ing the entire war ami until th«- Touch their and which has reaulted in this un too dee|tly and political enviahl«« reputation of |M«ing the | go to the winds highest tsx«*d of any of the South surrendered, the British United I States liament WE COULD RETALIATE Gentlemen of th«* legi«ialure. you have an almost impossible perform You will I»« dutv surrounded by a small army of taxcaters at th«* state capitol, all to of down whom was ihizer* with 1 the sueech«^ Every iwtriotie American i-otnptNT You May Pay Less Bros. Mill Company BUT YOU Wll.l, NOT GET WORK THAT IS SO GfMiD AS WE IM> Rough and Dressed Douglas Fir Lumber PER DOZEN while they last of symjia- will justify President Wilson in demand ■ for commercial priee» are SENECA CAMERA MFG. COMPANY The Brownsville new team« busin««ss m««n and farmers will mini; 'fn»tanr«-«lhev buy <«!*'»ht-re artit-I«-» qui-kly t» si*« vs ii« <*»»r-t lu ■ 0*111 which th«-v could pureha*»- at home. an l«tuii)< *m «war tm» b*»1 >«•'-» I’li'b • wsiei (doing. Th««y too. are failing to »us- -be bi ter« like * rsciag )> bl heins- inu- ti «borie* lielu» ««ter tb>t> above i tain our town aa th«*y should An««ttir* . lerer il<»l*e of h«r 4i-»igi»ei What The Tribune desire* to aae *»■ to 0t l»n rtMhlem «tiroawt «eli un CARRI» A yt’IJ. »T1H K OF j is a greater degree of reciurocity d«-r U m - »t< ru tb« »mue ,!>«lir» lia» ¡among all. We can afford to pay i»» b *«) ihi | i «I In all tb< VrtMtilnotlghi» Harness. Saddles. VI hips. I a little mure for the thing* pruduc- with the rv»u't rh»i they «'» »omle» rali» «|UH-k u> «ti«wer their lieltua Rolirs. Brushes. Comb«. i «««I or «old at home, than for th«Me Qi.lti- H|iwrl íruw lb>- tusrveloua Ui ' prtaluced or «old abroad By so leeimi Of Ilogs -•< a sresi *ar«bip aou Soaps. Oils, L-tc. I tir Ut IIU Iloti ■ >t e»ery In-h of «tisee | doing, we are assisting in building lo»! ir I I h - Oliti (he tulli ltM>lf i» ■ hrO.- All good* aad workmantbip guaranteed Up ,,ur community an«! indirectly . »trilii'ii» prol i« to A tiatllswhlp uiuai ■Ot O0!J br faut «tM- r»u«t «l-o b* a Repairiag *i al! kind« aeatly doae advancing our ..wn interest- S« m »I «e» (arai Fou i» sii latptini.oi fot u «a* •• Brownsville, Or«-gon The Scio Tribune $1.26 per year out -u-xl, io a be»*) «ea -be to o«A « go«*l «un platform To K»iO Ibr rt-qul»ile <-OintiUi itbio of «od »ceaitlio-» en« b ne* war »bip. sa amo a* ber |Haoa arv • < tnptoie ta bolli tiß 1» t»v«fej and ^tti—e «tt««del» are i««*i««d in a bis tana «*■> «w HBh hn-t hoi « TI mi nenteto *ht* b are bulli ab Manufacturers of all kinds of «ottitely tu K*b ars drawn ihrongb the water *t certain «i«*!» ami tbe wares which the» make arv tne<««tnvd by • eiere* apimrttrn« («m rechiib-al to or brr» d«wril»-«l Tbe tlrwigrim* of a li«* type of IMI Well ScaiMined Slock Constantly on Haml tlrwh.p IS out a .»or mnu Nib Wtw«o « ite» and We Guarantee t<> rive you Satiiifaetion the opinion of <-S‘"b to a«ked and dta • n»~«1 Wb.ii tbr «eiierai Ir-lxu haa beni, api**01«!«! then tbe illrwuw of naval i-unscrn« ibn and bla »»tocante ad Co wiwk Tb« ex ernorritnary aernm- y of su« o work m»y be gathered from ’be fol •own»« The Majswtn- of ItkUtai turn» «»»ad. •tgm d by *tr « Ulla« White When flnu’iwl ami «nurd ahr was exa«-tly to a Very few laiumt* the weight wbbb Timber I .and« Cruised and EstimaU-» made Iw had relímate«! beforehand while on Standing Timber her «-eater of «rarity was within two Ur bes at the i«MUt which be bail pr>- ilault Hied <«o Iximbm Anawrrw OREGON EOSTER OREGON Timber and Agricultural Lands and Mill Property for Sale Seto Tribuna one year for $1 25 You May Pay More * e..-.-'«»*«.■».., amiaww««el.*.ii».i*wwwiwuray^^ 1 BI I YOU Wll.l. NOT GET WORK THAT’S ANY BETTER IE AS GD These statement* refer Book Printing complete. to Job ami * Our facilities are T W«« urn- only the lieirt of material, and our prices are right for And class work. * We do no other kind. We always satisfy our customers. THE SCIO TRIBUNE