and! For Sale: Fine bird dug pups, city property s»*c or write R A ’cheap if taken soon, or will trade Scott. Scio, Oregon. . 22tf I for good Scotch (’ollie dog. Chas Chrz. Scio, Ore. 37t3p For bargains in ranch V)hr kinii.mi jlrirs Do You Want a Set of F’JBi ¡SHED EVERY THURSDAY SY I. W. CHARLES h . .*• i !... < ■ ,.*, : ‘-I !•*■«< lUI'llON »i..* t* r. HATKM: ONE YEAR STRKTLY IN ADVANCE. ONE DOLLAR Advertising rat«-» made application. st IIOOI. NOTES Th«* domestic science class via- i*. <1 Ih<- in arv Ma11.» r ias Friday. Mr McKnight had a fine display of cuts and gave very interesting and ins’ructiv talk <>n th- various kinds u meats. The classes also visited th” condensery ami watched milk pass through the various stages. AL »¡t Mav 1st the JefT> r-on. Riverside and Scio schools will lie cl iii S<-i<> and participate in an all day program. The May qu< «-n and her attendants will preside over a pageant which will be staged out of auors. There will also be games of base- ba I. basket lull, croquet and tennis played bv both the boys and girls. Much friendly rivalry has b.-vn aroused in the school over the track meet which will take place on that day. Every one will be cordially invited. Watch for further particulars and announcements. Harold Hough ha-» returned to scuoci ait T being out a week on account of pink eye. --U— E ■«»•». Too nuii li tv •• h nfi-na U»; to< .mi>h light blind- u-. too a .ii-tgnee or too much of proximitv «spi.ilh prevent* n» from being alila io »re; too long und too »hort a dia- I fa •«■' . t too much of tr'»th tia .1. k«»rn»J toy Eiptd»«»»«. "Junt ause we - :rc <’ iYrrcnt pc!.»;.-d u .- h i» nn ren- «n why we sbonldn’t be friend».” •‘You nie »'•r«ing there.” answered tin- contenti«»ii» man. "A* a <-n u« b« Ib Ilute i» i "»itivelv nothing m -re productive of rc>n|f« than » ihJi-ri in of political «»pinlo®.’*— Bini ingh i n Ag<- Herald. Tragic Family H «tory Tl.c foil, am” in«M riptioim are I m - »cell on a tondiatoiie al Debtee- nn. Hungary: “J.'M-pii Morits, murih-n-d at six tv two by l«i-* -on l-ii>«-lle Monti, wife of above, p<>i»oi>cd at forty- »even by her daughter. Elizabeth Monti «-"iiinntted iiiick I c at t»«-ntv after poisoning her mother Joseph Moritz, Jr., murderer of hi» father, d>e«l in prison nt t»«-nty -even.”— Loiiil”ii >tan«lurd. Uaetul Firawead. Firewood, other« iM- known »• th«- " uiliow licrli.” •«•«•it'.- to haw b«-«-n createti n- nn antidote for on • of til«’ ilgllc-t «ighta » land* ip«' mav offer—burnt over ground The fìl.-we«-«l is a genuine cosmopolite, for it «ct'd« il» consoling »haft alwne the u»lio» of burnt forest» not ordì throuphout America, but i? Europe anil Via. A « SSO OUTSIDE ROOMS Rates: Without bath. fl. per day. upward With bath. $1.50 per day, upwards. Grant Smith A Co., Owner» Eric V. Ilau-rr, I’rrsi'lent II H. Cloutier. M ng L>ire< t«>r Twenty - eight Volumes Including Three Volumes American Revisions and Additions Gail Jones has joined the Sa­ lem cavalry; therefore one more s< it is empty in school. »w • ><<-upie» an entire block, rasily acce»», ble to Port­ land*» Th'-atr«- and Sh- i ping d latrici Hind You See Adver tised so Extensively The botany class found sever­ al good specimens to press on their trip last week. New Undertaking Parlors IhiRII.ANli. OR!'.GN known on Mr Rumbaugh give an inter- estu g talk last Fndav nt the ar­ bor day program concerning ag­ riculture. !’ MÜLÎROMH HOTEL Encyclopedia Britannica? ut Seto, Orc*,, Mt th«* * I SCIO, OREGON •i • RED DRAGON Soyirrel and Gopher Poiyon « JáA/ an » illl'i pelts and I »»ill 11 cat vou light. j 'H STiCHA'S CONFECTIONERY /. 5 Successor to Densmore-’.Vade Co. “ INTO THE More than One Million lK>llar» »»» necessary t<> do thi» W«- have al- r> ady brought that much into th«- valley ami have more money to lend on Karma at the l..n.-»t rat.» < f in­ terest, ami with privilege of paving *.A> or more on principal at nnv time. Can you get Iw-tter term»? i>on't borrow motuy till you »ee J. N. and H M. HAWI1NS triti» Saw □«•wnlng. Then- «■» marked rulgsritv al «ut Bw n* partictilarlv in hi* •ti ent .”1.1 ill tin- tono of Li» vrv.-e and a certain ind -«■ ri!«s1>le »avor of «i o| hnney of a man nacer to iw <.f n crude to wli . h he did not 11 In long, bnt tile p«vet w:i» tliv«o— the por*’» keen eye, the poet'» heart ohv - un in hi» remark» anj ««•»cription -. — Mi-iimirs of John "!• it »afe?** ia the fir»t quvation to hr con»nlcrrung children a» it contain» no opium or other narcotir, and may be given to a child a« confi­ dently as to an aalult It in p)ra»ant to take. too. which i» of great importance when a medicine mint lie given to youog children Tin» rvrru-dy •» moat effectual in relieving cough», eolda and I I croup. < ibtainable everywhere. I » 5 1 7 f 'H. I, Proprit tor t'oii/irtiontrii. tn ('roun, Tot ureo and ('i'ifirs •• WILLAMETTE VALLEY A» ■ Safe Mctlkin- for Lh tdrcn. « 6% »2^10-!. Mon,y ALBANY. OREGON o R. TURNER Sunday School nt lO.OO a m. Preaching at 11. Christian Endeavor fi:3D to 7:3O Song service front 7.30 to 8:00 Preaching at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting every Thurs­ day evening at 7:30. II. B. ILER, Pastor. N. I. Morrison and N. C. Lowe ¿ f I y f irst Check for $1 5.00 Takes the Set federated Church Mr N C !x»we is the only li­ censed undertaker and em­ balmer of Scio. All work guarantets! satisfactory. We have a large stock of cas­ kets on hand and a nice hearse. All calls promptly attended day or night. A lady's services will be furnished if required. Cliurton Collin SCIO, o immiti OREGON mkww O msshmm )( 41 Ml • 9 A ttention F armers B j I 9 0 , jj 9< *4—A' 1 A U'p'omit'C O.: »ior». Tw i l.nlii » contendine f«»r prece- il« n< • »! thè court <>f Clmrl«-» V. np- pciiT-d t<» thè ninnare!«, who dreid- •