V* • f • tlUge Willi. Com (Minion. Produce and Cream »ill TU0M«U VS hrn y r ,* f« Intuited Hi« Apropcw tritt mx en bllr. I tun tn the market £**r |u bring it in. I am pnying t<«p pri'-<-- >>r Egg*-. Ponitiv of ail kind*, < I n k. - -, Tilt key -, ’ • nml Ducks. uleo \ < al ai 1 Pork, In addition to tin—.*, I mu piving within 2 <•'•:!- In*n», ul the top for delivered in Poitiui.d I also ¡Hill to keep vitliiu 2 < vi.I* of ilo* Portland mar­ ket on all ]>rorc ll; »topi e» of Itu to protect i H-ir « *» from of the rat» Of th' ■ un on The cow« »ul»t l >u the that crup «ixoe 11 gra th ' »un »hining r n dazzling a» to ca ami great »ul" rt mal« An enterpi hearted man dc.-igi mal» «mokod gl«««* worn with comfor American B »v. O. R. TURNER Successor to THE FAMILY LAWYER Densmore ’.Vavie <‘o. Orr.« f dy li­ nd eni- Old tv ll.r N«*W.» olili F< h rd a Mire Thins Kill»* by •Oier.j rit on" Ha Eatmct In New York. v*>hr Santiam 31 ni*» pub ; ished every BARGAIN CLUBBING OFFER T hursday by L W. CHARLES Kntvrcil at the poitofflee at Scio, Or«.. m «eeond-claa» mail matter. Ml It-M Hll'I U »X ha I'K.M ONE YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. ONE DOLLAR Adverti«ing rah-* ma a- nppllrat ion. known on SOME MAMMOTH LETTERS. Mountain. W»«< Tn»m I ,r I « I ni.,. • «<(«•* 7hay Rapra.atii High up <> ii lli<- bau- • ><* of the Waitcli niniititiii’i.. e i :-i Ii. ’ i» I h -I iiiu I Salt Like t’itv, i- «a enor­ mous white capil.il li itcr "I " (hat « vi«ible from ••very pmul in the great Salt I. v.iiiez It |. the l-tt.r of the I'tiHersiU of Utah. It 1 » u liitmlrvi 1 Í rvt long bv lifty Í I wide, mid 1« «o* t’vrrltl »ting a« the mountain it rt upon« for it i» tlt.il 1ie of ««dui ci MH ■trie. car» n,;u it V. ! I* ihr CH#■t<>m for «‘»is 1 1 of lilt- tWu lower cl ..»<•« nt tilt* uni ver- itv In tn tn put it« nun it*rul» on tl !<• lililí Iteliitnd the rolli •7f<* rtlltl h» 1 •nvent t t» rival from lining the •aim- thing The re-nltiiig fight» he. lime • rmi.-nt Hint the «tedent I hk J v t.> .tip« to put an end to them. The chi»« numeral» were replaced l.v ■■ grr it letter "I'," made by the entire «tu- dent I mh I v . It «ii. of eat t Ir-utiii wa» whitewashed. but the tain« miii I) w 11«lied it mt a v The letter hail to I m * imide ri«TI venr. Ill I'.'ilT the !>■.»• decided to make a permanent letter of con- rote Diev rni.ed m .mu of monci to bur iiiHterial*. drew plan«, dug the tn tn Ii, made th,* < ■ •>< refe and fn*'i lom*d the great letter. Ever wince. April it» ha- hern ret «Hide a* "I ” dm On till« dur all the «tudent* and i' .inv low i.f ilk l»*-it!v« climb tin* Steep •!.>"<• of III« mountain and a«»etnl>lo nt the "T ” The worker« are organized l«*fore- liund, and mo-t of the hard ta«k« fall to the freahiticn Quantities n! lime and water arc carried up the bill, the letter i» »wept clean and .1 coal of wliitewaah applied llv n'xm the work 1« eom| eted, and the let ter «land» out «harplv in it* tie*, white »pnng «uil. Then the »tu- dent« de«<<-nd to th., camp':«, where the "cv-eda” *-*r»e luncheon on the lawn». The afternoon i* given up to «p.,rf» and dancing farther w«*»t. oil the hill» over- I x»king Berkeley and San Eranci« >> I hiv , the traveler behold« another 1 Croat letter—the golden of tie* j I river« tv of t'al forma. In * ze it 1» In 30 fc«t. It, too, 1« made of ' concrete. It .tend« *IH> feet above < tide level mid 1« colored a golden yellow — for the univenuly color» ar« ¿old and [due. The time splendid maga zincs illustrated above and the Santiam. News, total re­ tail value $3.2.1. all one year for only $1.65 Illi! ATLAS FI.EE I I j I <> a t • -« t< ■, , mix an tage of thia offer we will include I REE a big. . i - cial. 36-l'age At ¡«a of tie I* cific Northwest State» and of th« World. Invaluable fur home, - ,*vo| or office. Call at our odo e an i see this premium for yourself. 1'111« ■:'i t i< i;cr li.i- been «truno with i* ire«, «rd on the nein«inn of an at hiele* victor it b! ■ •os out against th • dark ba kground nf the c--.ige to all the ih. a great "Y” • <• in h< n.>r of ■ ■ col’ ■ ,*e, »nd iz<« out ou a The old f.i«lnoncd lawvc family lawyer, who via. loxzpber and friend, of the fami all tntamc aaked for U’ con»iilled a!><»i:t th college to »Inch the «l.ouid lx* -tart<*d on h looked to by untiou» grave opinion a» to the t cml and atM-iiil »talu« ol man who had »< tglit the I the daughter of th honored guc»t at liona—doo m>t cii»t in New anv more He ha« become c dodo. The pre« called “4 g-. In lo-veral firm» the •*b*i ting" lawvcr know» pm law and »imply make« a hi* manners, lie f the •!ct. ;!• for me.’’ Mr. Blink of course handle the ca«e. »trn celter” • fl I >t both n t r and ire Ú ? 1 C C N SAN ITA i i ’hoice I rc-li Sanitarv ln>i I lolllt Bacon Made Sac ña‘Xt* Me KN I 1 c till) I /. N rtiont > <-y, la- f 'r tilul d:i».s a si POST c SC! O,* OREx Ol M3 <3¡ A ttenti Oí M U H When in town i W *,-V!f Voti kA mere hand low «’Ft ai» X' r t the I M kr our »torr ebont It. urgh l)i ProcLa ■ Ka SCIO the Be»l R< commen hitier!. The »trongvst recommendation any article may ren-ivr fo a favorable word from the u«< r. I: 1» I!*• re '»ir’i tion» of thoM* who have uiu • -V » li r H«1 I*«E*ll>«ST( «■mut»«». ptiio « P * S C I o EVER } M ! ! K» I I N. h K ■ ¡RJXTEE!)