Federation. 23 Trull Mt, lluslon. Mass. ¡ The State W C 1 U. Iteknm Hlilg, I Portland, can »siid you the Compen­ THOM AS UEEI JÜÍTINQS dium of Temperance Truth, S B Cole and w ife spent Satur­ • valuabie h-afiei • day night and Sunday Lt the I he essays M iit I m - • xamii.< -4 by home of Aunt N mey Bn_. eu. Mr Wmteiihouse spent the lutter part of the week with his daughter, Mrs Clyde Rodgers, and acted as chore Loy. Wilbur Fleming, w ho has been confined to hi» bed the past two weeks, is ubie to be up again. IfiUrj and to Mr» Buiand will JudgvS se.r< ted by State Supt Churchill, the State Hoard I of Health and the Oregon 'V ( T u. by the latter of whom the prizes will bv awardtd. Ida M. Cumming», Co School -up’C federated Church Grandma Fleming was quite sick Sunday, but la better ul this writing. Sunday School at 10;00 u m. Preaching at 11. Christian Endeavor 6:30 to 7:30 Mr and Mrs Arthur L-lN-r of Song service from 7:30 to 8:00 Stayton spent Friday with her Preaching ut 8 o’clock. sister, Mrs R C Fepperlmg, le- Prayer meeting every Thura- turning home Saturday. day evening at 7.30. z\ meeting of the farmers of 11. B. ILER, Pastor. Jordan ar.d vicinity withheld Mt Jordan Saturday lor the purpose of deciding on building a cheese factory at that place sometime in the near future. Will be given at the Richard­ Clyde Rodgers had another son Gap hall on Saturday, Feb- serious attack of appendicitis ruurv 10, 1917 by tie T J S and ('ash prise« will be W ednesday night and is g< ttn y Z< B .1. given a« follow«: 1st. best along as well as could Is- expect­ mask J2 (X); 2nd, best represent ­ ed. Geo Frichtl ih hauling milk 3td, bent ed character $1.60; for him as it will be some time before Clyde will be able to dancer $1 00; 4th. most comic 50c. Everybody is cordially in­ handle the cans again. Geo Rodgers was up Friday vited. By the Commit tee. for a short visit and to look after Masquerade Dance some cattle he i« having winter ed here. Ray Dobson returned home Sunday from Gilkey where he has been helping load white tir wood to be shipped to the I a .-ba­ boo paper null. Charley Hollis ai.d family have moved to the John Shindler farm. Kenneth Weetenhouse enter­ tained 10 of his little chums Sat­ urday with games and a big birthday dinner, it being his loth birthday. Those present were, little Misses Lulu, Alice and My rtle Hollis, Wy ma Barmester, Anna Frichtl, and Musters Bobby Wirth, Clarence Rhoda, Roy Hollis und Arthur Clara. Chatter Box. An Easaq Contest for Oregon Schools Of Interest to i cachera Your Laat Chance Hreentlv we published in thcae col­ umn» an offer of The Youth » Com- pnnlun and Mel'aU’a Magazine, both for ■ full year, for only $2. 10, including a Mu all lire»« Pattern. The high pt i< • ■ >■( | ,ij • r ai.d in< l a» oblig. d Me-, < all’-' Magazine to rai-«' their »ubaenp- tion price Ectiruary 1 to 1U coni« »copy ai d 75 cent» a year to that the offer at the at-ovr price must t»e withdrawn . Until March 31 our reader» have the privilege <>f ordering both publication» tor a lull year, including the choice of any IS cent McCall brew Pattern, for only ii 10. 1 he »mount of eroding, information and entertainment contained in the fifty two i»»u«» of the Youth'» Com­ panion and the value of twelve monthly faaluon number* of M> < all'» at 12 lu offer a real bargain to every reader of thl» paper. 1 Tin» two-at one price offer includes : 1. The Youth'» Companlon- fi2 ia»ue». 2 The Companion Home * ’alendar for 1917. 3. Met all'» Magazine 12 fashion number». 4. One 15 cent McCall I’re*» Pattern, ' your choice from your first copy of McCall'» if you »end a two-cetit »tamp with your »election. For the putpo»c of increasing inter­ New >ub»cription Received • I this est in hygiene and giving drill ia compo­ Office. sition, an i aaay contest ha. been ar­ ranged. A* the at ate school law re­ quire* that hygiene, with »pecial refer­ Beating Lgg*. ence to the effect* of stimulants and The next ti;:i<- vou wish to Ix-at narcotic*, must be taught in ail aehoois the yolk ami white of an egg w li­ the contest i* open to children of all *rat< tv try tin.» plan: Break the gades The children in all grades be­ egg, leaving the yolk in the half low the seventh may write upon any •hell Beat the «hit« stiff, then hygienic subject. The essays in these drop in th- v»lk and beat together. grade» shvu d be short and show den- It it not only done better, but you rite and practical knowledge. The -av.- v.a«hmg un extra dish and loa- prise 1» $¿.<10. iug n large proportion of the fgif In the seventh and eighth grades volk that z'..ck* to dish and <-Kg •nd tile high school the essay* may bi beater. wiittvn upon any topic beating upon A Question Answered. the effect» of stimulant» or narcotic« The dirt » litti e newsbny . wna __ bus- upon the body, the mind, or upon the 1 funny old efficiency of the Individual and hl* il­ ilv cry in.' i. - » are-, Thc lation to so. lety. These e <*ays should Indy »tai li ng i.-.v, <|o you earn your liv­ be based upon scientific fact* and show ing ng pnper» »lie inquired. originality ai.d study. The maximum “Doe» I !> k it?" lie scornfully numtier of words is fifteen hundred. “Nau ; I owns er ateam The state grade prize la 110 and the denuindi-d I sell* national $25. the stat» high school vi. lit and er automobile. dc*e for charity.”- Exchange. prize 1» $1.» and the National $50. Some <>f these essay» may be read in An African City. school or at parents meeting* and the In man' w «is Kane n wonder­ boat e*»ay in each of the three grades of conte«ta »ent to Mr» <• 1. Hulan.t, ful place n> find in central Africa. fil'd Maple St, Portland, Oregon, by Ti> ' native city h,i» great infolding May 1. If you desire reference ma­ wall«. Iw’-lvc mile« in circumfer­ terial on these subjects you can get it ence. pier- d bv thirteen deep gatr- fmm the '•late Library, saii-m. Oregon. aai«, woli pl.itform and guard­ They are sending out upon application, house« n ,«1 ma«»ive door« heavily with ir n. It* written ri-e- kun libraries to assist the schools in ilw- <»r ls date back neadv Stay venr*. this essay contest Foo'itn is C'o»». Inexpensive material may usually I m - “Whv do ' ll w -h to «lo«e thi* obtained from: Anti Saloon la-ague of America. Waterville, Ohio; Interna­ show?” demanded the beautiful tional Reform Bureau, .’>»> Pennsyl­ tre*», "It’s losing money,” replied the vania Ave, S E, ashington, b • ; Na­ tional lemperance ■iociety, 737 Fourth manager. "What of that? The crith-« all Ave. New York ' itv; Prohibition Na- * •• t onal Federation. 106 North La Salle ms that I look lovely in my pa St, t hicagv, ill; scientific Temperance —Chicago Herald. ! NOTICE (IF FIHALSETTLEitlNT 1 FORD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That, the undersigned. the duh appointed, qualifie-t and acting administrator of the estate of R. I*. Tooley, de< »■- d. late of Linn County. Oregon, ha* thia 17th day of January, 1917, filed with the County Clerk of Linn < ounty. Ore gon. hi* final account a» such adminM- : trator and »aid Court ha» appointed Monday, the Jfith day if lebmary. 1VI7. at the hour of to o'clock in the forenooi of that day m the lime for hearing objection» tn »«id final account, •nd for the settlement thereof. Any ami all persons having objection« to »urh final account are hereby tx.t ificd to be preM-nt at »aid time at the County Court room in the Court ll<«:»- in the City of Albany, lann County. Oregon, and then and there make such objections. bated January 17, 1917. JOHN W. COSTELLO, Administrator. HILL 4 MAKES, Attorney* for administrator. We takv pic »sure in announcing th»’, any of ou> reader* can «-cure a prett, 1917 pocket dUry, free of charge |,y sending the postage therefor, two cm!* in »tatnpa t D. SWlFt A CO . Patent tjiwyer», Washington, u. C. The diary i» a "gold mine" of uieful infor­ mal r-n. contain» the popular and elect oral ' utr . ■ ut fit«J of the large»! citivs in the United States, aavnop»!» of bu»l- m*> law*, patent law», household re­ cipe» and much other useful inform* tlon The diary would coat you 2oc at a book »tore. For three .<) cent» in •tsmp» they will send a nice wall cal­ endar, size 10 x 11 inche«. Semi five 161 one cent stamj*» and get the diary anti calendar. » FRED T. BILYEU SCIO, OREGON ¡Jossom Time in the Golden State A friend ju«t back from Siuthern California »ay»; ‘‘The weather was fine, in fact too warm for heavy clothe». Many were in bathing at tl;<- beaches Orange» were ripe in the valley* while the mountain« m-arby were covered with •now ’’ \\ .th warm, tunny weather it will not lie long b. fore the l !o»»on>» on the tree* will I m - every­ where announcing that »pring m here » Ft» thf Anirrt'tin I tw ra-far* 4 ihr .Navy ha* »wtrJM o»litro l» «tii> Mintifuf U» «»«rr ♦ » ’’ O ’ > ti a liritinb tu Mrr (.< Il mh I h» hi h IfFinr» iti**.« (<*r tlir Nn» y 1« 4U«r <4 muili k«w«T ||.| «»n tbrar contrarla. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, !» aridttMva • hf»Tn) '»twpeKnUoa -4 tH* r» 'Krwrt mtffbl m«he Ut Latote ifl* prft.it*«» MBMaaiiag u* p’i om Southern Pacific Lines In thè liffht i>< our reperirn e tn