LINN •..................................... Y< >V.: ' I:! 1'O‘ (OINTY. OREGON. \ i . HIIRSDAY, Oregon News Notes : Possibly About You ; Orrgtin llrtrlopmmt XrW* in l.inr of DECEMBER I IT» ru»: s w 11 XM i \ I x IS NO. Ji Pair to be Sold A son of Frank Ellis of Lyons recently placed a stake that is used on the sides of lumber cars, across the track and then hid in the ferns to see the result. The engine threw it to one side. If it l ad been ¡'laced at an angle it might have derailed the train. The boy was arrested as a delin­ quent, but Judge McKnight gave him back to his parents with admonitions. The board of directors of tho Linn County Fair Association n ' ' *h«> ««' than <•( Labor and Enterprise. have received an offer from Al­ Rev tt II r> B >■ Iler went to Albany »•ar in am»ri bany parties to buy the stock ami on business Monday afternoon. move the fair to Albany . It is S I* Co pays over one tenth of understood that the board favors taxes of Lane county. Ten mouse traps for ten cents the plan, as they have become at Morrison's hardware «tore. Oregon ffax fibre found ade­ tired of digging up each year <>n quate for manufacture of fisher­ a losing proposition. UiLes* Fred T Bilyeu made the sale men’s twine which now selfs at something radical is done within of a Ford last Friday to Fred $2.35 a pound. a few days, it is probable that Mespelt Oregon City Crown Willam­ the last county lair has been In id The annual meeting of the ette Paper Mills. Hawley Paper at Scio. John Swift, who was Isirn and Mrs T H Iotird left last Satur­ stockholders of the Scio Mutual day for Florence to «¡tend the Tek phone Co. will occur at the Mills and the woolen mills all i eared at Mill City, has returned give Christmas presents to total from Canada, his present home, holidays with her parents. i ■> Hail. Satur»!ns. Jan HU of 1700 employes. to visit his parents. He has done at 10 a m. The board of direc­ Irrigation of 10,000 acres pru- w< ||. us he owns a half section, Prof 0 V White and family are tors will meet in the afternoon has $2000 in a bank and HMM) posed near Grants Pass. spending the week with relatives at 2, same place. At the Richardson Gap hall, bushels of wheat in an elevator, Saturday evening. Deceinlwr ;ft), at Portland and Hillsboro. Politicians would do well to He says the Canadians virtually between t i’: . ¡lardo n ( kip heed the sentiment of the public ignore and ostracize any able and Lacomb boys. Jim Abbott of Estacada has Thia W III and hold down taxes and ¡ hiss a bodied man that will not enlist. be a good fast game. Be sure been here this week visiting with minimum ot legislation nt the his brother. Will, at the Scio Mr Sweet, who was working and see it. Admission 15c und At W< e|y Hall. Monday. Jan­ coining session of legislature. Hotel. for the’Potter Digging Co. was 25c. uary 1. Prizes will be given for Portland Southern Pacific struck on the head by a falling When renewing your subscrip­ the best costumed couple, most gives 10 per cent of yearly salary limb and rendered senseless for Just before going to press wo tion to the News, don’t forget to comical couple and best waltzing to all employes receiving le s sixty hours. Ho is recovering learn that Roy Garland died at remind us of the big magazine couple. Good music and plenty than $2500 who are not members slowly, but may not recover his Astoria last evening. No furth­ to eat. Even Issiy come • of I brotherhoods. Pacific Tele­ mentality in full. offer. er Hirtu ulars were to lie had. phone Co gives from two to three Mr Grafe of Gates, who with Typewriter ribbons 60c at the weeks salary additional to all Ott Alexander, who is work­ the Schroder brothers is running Mr and Mrs Fred Ohlemeivr employes. Portland Gas At Coke, ing with an S P b.idge crew at News office. a logging business, got his hand left Friday for Tacoma, Wash, General Electric and many oth­ Oregon City, spent Christmas badly lu orated by a logging to spend the Holidays and attend here with relatives. For sale or trade. a good hack ers make substantial gifts. hook. The same day the stork the wedding of a niece, who was Linn county builds 70 miles of brought the first girl baby to his with shafts and pole. —Guy Mc­ married Saturday. Mr and Mrs E C Shelton spent Knight. road past year, graveled or home. They do say that he was Christmas at. the Lee Bilyeu rocked. so elated over the baby’s coming Prof Chas South of Portland home at Lebanon and reported For Sale for $500. Gotxi four The Bergman Shoe ('oof Port­ to town that he was absent und Ins brother, Floyd, a student an enjoyable time. room ho is«; small bam; lot arid land is enlarging its output and minded and failed to keep tab ot. of the University al Eugene, ■ — one-hi If ot ground; north of has added a waterproofing shoe his work. Be that as it may, w ere here lust Friday und Satur­ We make a specialty of flour mill; belongs to Mrs Clara oil to its line of products. the hospital doctor fixed his hand day and partook orts of entry. \\ allace Barnes and family to spend ten days around Lacomb hand last Friday while working A 0 Smith at d family of Mill­ Estacada plans establishment have returned to Mui City to and Foster. with a gopher gun at his home. town, Wis, arrived here a few of milk condensery or cheese live. days ago for a visit with his factory. to place. A donkey engine is Martin Crabtree. w ho but re- Mrs Elva Dallam. % daughter brother, Jerome Smith. Soon New straight line state high­ cently came to Mill City to live, the power. It is interesting to of Grandma Pomeroy, who is after arriving here their little well known here, was operated giri took down with scarlet fevt r way proposed from Corvallis to . was taken with typhmd fever see the logs swinging in the air and died in a few days after 40 or 60 feel above the pond. A on at Portland December 16. and which she is supposed to have Independence. Bandon is working hard to es­ coming nere. His former home portion ot the pile is 50 feet high is reported to be in a critical contracted enroute. tablish a shipyard at that port. was Grabtree station. He w as a at present and will no doubt i*u condition. built u|> 76 or »0 feet. North Bend’s new S P depot brother of Roy Crabtree of J W Miller of Shelburn writes Roy Cole, deputy sheriff, and Jordan. The News force has the grip the News as follows: "Thbught now occupied. The increase in the number of family have moved to Westport. this week, along with many I would drop you a line to let you New cheese factory to operate pupils drawing public money III He expects to do better financial­ others, so shortcomings in the know 1 expect to spend Christ­ at Coquille next summer. ly mere than here. I bus our paper may be attributed to that mas here. My wife’s father. Portland shipyards say they M. C. district is 41. best citizens leave us at limes. cause. Those suffering from the Mr Gibbons, is in a local hospital will close plants before they will Rock Creek road district voted The II L Co will have an army malady will excuse us we Know, recovering from a stroke which give in to demands of hired agi­ 4 mills road tax and the Mill while others are asked to be as he received Wednesday evening, tators for closed shop. City-Lyons district voted 1 1-2 ut clerks next week taking in­ disabling his left ride. ” charitable as they can. mills. We have the best roads ventory and tending store. Antimony ore to be chipped A neighbor who is a thinker this side of any where, but we C C Wade has bought a pool from Baker again. want the same still mure so. and observer says that there Mrs Rebecca Morris received hall at Oregon City and went The Hamraond Co ’ s log pond will be thousands and tonw^of word the first of the week of the i down last Thursday morning to MARKET REPORT is full with several million feet thousands of single men and • death of her stepson, Norns take charge. • Charley is lost out of logs. They are bringing down widowers go over to Eump* af­ Morris, at Roseburg Sunday. of a pool hall, and while his logs faster than the mill can cut ter the war to get married and Deceased was well known here friends regret to see him leave The following are '«h prim quote«! a few years ago. Interment was Scio, they wish him well in his on Thurwlay of rach Week by our th«*m. To dispose of the extra the number going there will logs they planted two poles, one equal and perhaps overmatch the made at Albany Wednesday af­ new location. Mrs Wade will dealer*: 1 25 on each side of the pond. The Whrat ,., ................ number coming this way. There ternoon. stay here up til such a time as Oat* . . 4<> to poles are whole trees over 100 will lie so many more women Flour, per «nrK ......................... 1 so they can sell their place. feet high. The top;, of the poles than men over there he «ays, no Bran, per ton............................... .. & Mr and Mrs Ross E Hibler, are connected by a large wire 00 that any reasonable man can Middling*. per ton ........ . 40 with their daughter. Miss Jessie, Chop, oat*, per ton.................. .. tt 00 cable. A large steel carrier runs get married. What is more, he and son, Kenneth, will arrive 60 on the cable and works exactly says, most of those men will not Butter, (< ountryj per roll ... f from Seattle Saturday to spend :r. Butter Eat «net) ... . . like a hay carrier in a barn. come back. Sunday School at 10:00 a m. Christmas with Dr and Mrs J G .10 Egg*, raae count, per dot«-n . They pick up the logs from the Preaching at 11. The County Court deserves Bena, per pound.................... 10 to 12 Gill. Mrs Hibler is Dr Gill's sis­ cars and sw ing them across the credit for not raising the tax om Christian Endeavor 6:30 to 7:30 (•eear, per pound ter. On Sunday Mr and Mrs 17 ' pond and are piling them up as levy. Add our road tax and Song service from 7.30 to 8:00 Turkey*, per pound.................. Francis Arnold of Albany, Mr ¡hick*, per pound I'ekin.......... 11 regularly as we pile cordwood. Preaching at 8 o’clock. school tax and telephone charge and Mrs M C Gill and Mr and Duck*. Indian Runner .......... 10 Two men stand on the dump Prayer meeting every Thurs ­ and we have enough to pay. Mrs Frank Gill of Scio will join | Pork, dre»»ed ........................ 10* and when the carrier arrives day evening at 7:30. J. R • •route Pork, live weight....................... . . ».MS the party to remain over Chnst- , with the log the men swing it in- k MUI City. Oregon. Veal, per pound, for »hipping . H. B. ILER. Pastor. . e. . • 1"* mas day.--Lebanon Criterion. i t |-er year 1 he prin- 1» |1.:'.> if pawl 1 elephone Meeting Indu-lrir*. Payroll*. and Produrla Basketball Masquerade Ball Federated Church I I «