a. a. . \ews • Possibly About You ; 1 t Hello Bill, at People’s Theatre tonight. I votes luw To who pay promptly in xhanr«- th«- auhacriptK* price t* fl. a , irrson thorlopmrnl \r»« i-i Line «( per year. Th«- price ia It.'/fi if pawl imiuolrir*. Payrolls. and 1‘nxlurU during year, The ¡>at>er ia n«»t ent ; to imba<-ril>«r« who are more than on«- of I .ibor and Enterprlae. year in arrvara. Springfield dedicated $35 Methodist church and pars«na.:e. Ten mouse traps for ten cents at .Morrison’s hardware store. Portland merchants ma I«« an excursion th«- past week to inves­ tigate the tl ix industry now be­ ing developed in the Willamette Valley. C C Wade made a business trip to Portland the first of the week. Special attention given to teachers orders of Xmas candy. - J S Sticha. •Attention Ford Owners Fine Entertainment The chicken nie supper nt th® On the aft- riiwm and eveninp high school on Friday evening of Dec-m -er 23. 1916 thcr«- will was a delightful success from l>e a FREE picture show at th«- «•very viewpoint. Tne friends Pi-ople’s Theatre. Five or HIX of the sch«Mil rallied in large r« «-ls in all. Thre«« r« eis will numbers and gav«- their approval show th«- manu fit* tun- of For«l of the tine quality of the pie and i .t«>! at th«- Detroit. Michigan, the chicken too. The ladies ar • factury. and we will also show certainly to Is- congratulated for one Ford wee kly. besides two l^e fine success of the affair and reels furni .: <•k up your heard it gai .ed a « b arer ami a motor number and bring it in. truer insight it ’«> the real char­ For further particulars s««e ad it acter of the boy. The lecture another column of this issue. vaa full of the highest form of Show given by Fred T Bilyeu instruction, the list of philos­ ophy und the richest of wit ami ami N 1 Morr; >n. human pathos. Dr Fees«« made a place for himself in the hearts of the people of Scio. Bill prepar«-1 for tc I 'her's re- tirernent fund, Five per cent of salary is to l«e set a ule for a term <>f years, when the state is When renewing y > ir subscrip­ to add $2.000, tion to the News, don't forget to Under municipal ownership, remind us of the big magazine E igene water b >ard adds two offer. mill tax levy. o Oak Gr«»ve, Clackamas Co r - We make a specialty of ty, votes ten mill tax tur paved Friendship, Engagement and highway. Wedding rings F M French & Klamath Falls Work started Son, Jewelers and Engravers, On Saturday, Dec 23, the on new Baptist church. Albany. N- .vs will ullow a ten per cent N w State B >ir Is an I <' >--i Tony Stucek, who has been discount on all s ibscriptions paid missions proposed are Fire War­ logging at Skamokawa, Wash for the on«« day only. This den. Board of t’narities. ami the past few months came home appli«-s to either ne w su'-scrib. rs. board for wayward children Only eight shopping days un­ Tuesday evening to stay until renewals or d««limpn-n’ «■• •>, mis. , There will be others. til the fi e. sh«>w. Don’t forget after the holidays. No Mar zine clubs wdl apply on Nortuwest Fruit I’rol ic s C the date S iturd.iv, December this discount, Thus«- living at a of Salem has us d Uksi tons cull 23. (’«•me early, as Morrison’s Drs E H Hobson and A G Prill distance may tiK- advantage of apple« making sparkling be.er- Store Will 1 oi e of the busiest attended a meeting of the Wil­ this offer by mailing their rc- plac- s w> st of tin- Rocky moun ! ages. The high school basketball lamette Valley medical associa­ mittance on that date. tains. B low is a list of some t-ain has bills out announcing a Fox breeding for fur trade IS tion at Albany last Thur I iv new industry at Canyon City. r of the things w«- hav-.- that will game at the Wesely hall for this evening. About 10 M Ds were make a nice Christmas present: coming Friday evening. It w.,s A Snyder investing $19,090 present and a good meeting is Ran/« s, heating stoves, nice oak t ought after the bills w<-r>- dis­ Washington county budget reported. rocker-, high chans, rugs .¡II tributed that the game would $9000 less than last year. s . «. -.,v -r w ire, picket knives, have to be post|M»ned, but satis­ BRA( EI.ET WATCHES never Applgat«* Dry land dredg.-s aluminum wan, dre-sers, daven­ factory arrangements were made were so popular with the ladies being I..-tall« I her,- to work pla­ ports, «mi in fact anything Albany, Or.. I r. II and the gam«-w ill be played as Not as they are at the pret-ent. \\ «• cer ground. n»- d< d in tne home in the line only the high price of eggs. but wheduled. A good fast gam.- is are showing a large variety of At Grants Pass the I W W of louse furnishings. Don't the high price of poultry is promised. re- styles and have some attractive outfit was thrown out of the bargains. Come and see our reiving th«« attention of Linn sugar I»««« t factory. Grants Ba.-s forget th«- ten per cent discount. Ev-ryon- is going to make wonderful display of Christmas county people this w«-««k as a ha« had the factory long enough Seto his city for holiday goods result of the Central Willamette gifts. F M French & Son. Jew­ to be able to distinguish sugar on Satmdny, D<- ember 23. All Valley Poultry show w.ich is in elers and Engravers, Albany. session in the Armory here, hav­ beet from dead beats. -Gazette ch« arrived at SlWha’a. their respective locals to the which was sold at sheriff's sale (•rants Pass - Utah-Idaho sugar al w.hich the farmcr8 can afford LA VALLIELS and neck Btate Earme.s Union convention at Albany last Sat unlay, The Co voluntarily raises contrart lo h«r»-’ them. |( chains command the attention of which was held at McMinnville price paid was $9.070,00. A H Buck to install shingle price of beets from $6 to $7. all well dressed ladies. Our Dec 5 to 7. Mr Shimanek in­ The extreme advance is due to ni*H on Siuslaw. stock never was so complete for forms the News that over 125 Tht triangular debating team good sugar prices caused by war A J Cm rad to locate shingle the holiday trade as it is just will hold a public debate at the delegates were present as well conditions. mill on Coos Bay. now. We have solid gold ones as about 75 visiting members. school auditorium Friday evening Monroe potato industry gets North Bend Another shipyard from $3.00 up F M French & Gov Withycombe was there one December 22, at 7:30. 1 he Leln uplift from sale of twenty car promised here. Son, Jewelers and Engravt rs, day and delivered an address. anon team will meet them und United R busy with 30 men Albany. The grange was also represented. the subject will be, “Resolved loads of early white rose on old survey up Wilson river. Enthusiastic sessions were held that Oregon should adopt the se «d at #1.85 |»er 1 lbs. Wumrn who w»re or-ro -, r«-- Portlami Journal is advocating Coos Bay R R Co incorporates f*rrwl and many things discussed, in­ health insurance law us outlined to »» ’"tn! ativ»" n««w f-<1 for $5000 to puiid and operate a th«-mi«-!vc cluding co-operative marketing by the American Insurance Com­ a state Imard of Charities. « . toa iara> .,.^«.«4 I Bend sells $35, QUO to Denver railroad in Coos County. » W .til U h »III .1 b . mission. Admission 15c, ” of crops. Our Christmas Gift to You Free ¿how Basketball Friday Evening Poultry Show at Al- bany Leap Year Da nee Notice