4 VOL. *• ♦ ♦ X.\ IBI«;. Ylll R 'I BSi RIITION 1X11!.:» cm lh«- d»t<- in thr »pace* I low l<> Ih< • wh « | .ii t ■ mlonrr the mil.« : |ilin>i • SI '• «> r«clopnirnt X. in line uf twr yrar. Tin- price- i« if piul A ten mill tax was voted at The following aspirants for I nd u »« r lea. 1*4« rulla, and Produrla during year. th«- paper 1« not «- nt the «cl to! in« -ting Saturday uf- city offices whose names will ap­ to subscribers who ar. mon- than on» uf l.abur and I nterpriar. t«Tn.i >n. Itiis will lack several pear on the I allot at the city year m arn-ara. Oregon News Notes Possibly About You ; Pierre of the Plains, tonight. W A Ewing and son Moyer visited in Salem over Sunday. Plans approved for Biair round­ house Coos Bay line by S I* C»». Hood River has a candy and glace apple factory. Alfalfa ranch sails for $250 «««r acre at Stanfield. Flour mill planned for C «nyon City. Bend is shipping potatoes east. Attention is called to the change in the ad of C A Everett this week. Mrs Lulu Pope and son Lyle moved to Albany the first of the week. 1’aciii.' r«-i A Tai ''it1 Miss Rachel Angel spent last Sunday with her parents at North Santiam. .Mr and Mrs Frank Gill enter­ tained the school faculty with music and refreshments Wed­ nesday evening. Mrs F T Thayer spent last week at Lebanon at the bed­ side of her mother. Mrs B F Irvine, who is very ill. We are selling fore quarters of beef at 9c; hind quarters of beef 10 l-2c; one-half beef at 9 l-2c.—Sanitary Market. Otto Benson and Way ne Thoms, students from O A < . are spending Thanksgiving here with the latter’s parents. Miss Blanche Kopecky return­ ed to Portland Tuesday morning after a two we* ks ’ visit with her sister, Mrs Henry Steponek. Be sure and see the Scio Dra­ matic Club in Pierre of the Plains tonight at the Peoples Theatre. Big dance after the show at the Wesely ha'I. Mr and Mrs DC Thorns were in Corvallis Saturday attending the (J of O and () A C football game. They remained over Sun­ day visiting their son. 1 .ook Out! Something is g ting to happen. Fred T Bilyeu and N I Morrison are going to give all ,ch«x»l children and owners of Ford cars, v ho bought tliem of Mr Bilyeu, and their families, or any one leaving their order with Mr Bilyeu on or before Decem­ ber 23, a free* ticket to an edu­ cational moving picture show on Saturday. I)ec«*mber 23. School children will only be required to call at Morrison’s Hardware Store and get a ticket, The af- ternoon performance will be exclusively for out of town peo pie and the evening for peoph* of Scio and thoie living close* in. All others, of grown ups. will !>e required to make- <>rn ■ kind of a purchase at Morrison'.- hardware store and at the same time get a discount of 1<) pe" cent on all purenases of $1 00 or over from my regular retail prices, i~ Come in early and pick out your rock- era. rugs, or anything you I may need for Christmas, and place youro.ders early so we can i have them here for you on that date, Remember, everything except nails, wire and wire goods will be sold at 10 per cent off for cash. All paying their accounts on School Notes from The following people Scio were in Albany this week as witnesses before the grand jury in the Edwards arson case, some of them going over day and others appearing there Tuesday: Joe Oupor, I has Wes­ ely, 1 Hoagland, Gale Jones, J F Wesely, Clifford Compton. Nolan Parrish, Ed Wesely, Henry Stepanek, Lillie Sims, Dr A G Prill. Bert Bilyeu. Clyde Wann, T L Dugger, J L Calavan, Jim Wann, Hobart Hoagland, Bill Beard. Dr E H Hobson. Orval and Velma Edwards. EC Peery. J N Weddle. Tony Faltus. J N Lung and W A Cross. School Meeting City Candidates hundred do'lnra «»t raising enough ir.-r.-y to take car»* «if the con- tracts for this year's work. \ motion for un eleven mill tax was vo U m I down. It is to be re­ grvtted th.ii the first motion did : >t carry, as even this would not have be.u, sufficient for this year's i. ... leaving the balance to be |4.d with warrants. The N< w b l v- . that if the situa­ tion had b. < n thoroughly under- «1 b. all present, eleven mills w uld ha' <• been voted, as these bill i will huve to be paid by the d.-.trict sooner or later. It s poor ecu« my to try and save money at the expense of our public schools, if we are to re- trench, let it bt* along some other lines. election next Munday , they hav­ ing tiled acceptance with the city recorder, are as follows; Mayor \\ A Ew Ewing, mg. F T Thayer. Recorder J S St'cha. Treasurer Roy V Shelton. Mnrahal J N Weddle, W A Cross, Norman L»ng. Councilman J !•' Oupor. Fred T Bilyeu. W J Chromy. R M Cain, EC Peery. W E Arnold. J M Lindley, .1 II Poindexter, N I Morrison, Walter Bilyeu. (Seven to elect.) $5320 on new cable b-«tw-*n R ■«••burg and E Lnbower. l.sios iip carpenters on Wil­ lamette & Columbia receive in­ crease ¡n pay. Shipbuilding is a natural indus­ try for Pacific Coast jxirt i and freight car building n g«Hx| int er­ ior industry. Willamette Pacific to exp««nd $50.001) a* Eugene on terminals. Alleging that ber husband In the offshore lumber trade. forced her to ho- the potatoes, Washington and Oregon tide plunt them, tend the strawber- water mills sl ipped 3I.212.7S7 ry plants and pick the fruit and feet of lumb«.. during the montn ttiat he sold all this produce and of ()ctob >r. ail she ever reci’ived for h«T The Dalle., valuations are low n work was $5. Mrs Velera Gar­ £35,000 und city levy gov- up a land has tiled a suit for divorce mill. against her husband, Joseph F Garland. Tin* complaint further Pan Pan Chewing Gum Cocap­ tates that the plaintiff was in italized nt $25.000 to be new local industry with factory ut Portland poor health and hardly able to J H Dyer, Ass'I Gen Mgr of «io her housework, that she own­ th»* Southern Pacific returning ed the land on which the produce from a month's absence bring- was raised nn«j that despite cheering reports of theca" short­ these farts her husband who age situation and says that the was indolent and lazy forced her first lot of new car« recent.y or­ to d<> all the hard work, sold th«* der«*«! by tiie S P Co now is be­ prrduce sh<* raised and then It is al- ginning to arrive. The cars will ¡>>>cketed the profits. Ieg«*rcing the price of coal and oil by the Sunbeam Sunday school s > high that the present g «nera- class of the Federateti church at Prof White found a willow Hi bier & Gill’s sture last Satur­ stick that the beavers had ti >r. is hard put to find fuel and gasoline to carry oh industrial day was so successful that they pealt*d. He talked to Miss development. will have home made candy on sale there again next Saturday afternoon. NO. Road Meetings At the road meeting in South Scio last Saturday afternoon, a special tax of three mills was voted. In North Scio a motion for a five null tax was defeated, after which a vote was taken for a three mill tax which re- suited in a tie vote. The meet- mg then adjourned noon motion, leaving the district without a special tax. Typewriter ribbons (»Oc at the News office. Mrs O V White was an Albany visitor Tuesday. Wm Brenner and J S Warwick were Albany visitors Tuesday. liest quality butter wrappers, neatly printed to conform with the law, (!Oc per hundred at the Newaoffice. We mak«* a specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding rings F M French A Son. Jewelers and Engravers, Albany. J F Kuxacka returned from Portland the last uf the week after spending a few dnys with C L Donahua hai bills out an« his wife, who recently under­ r.ujftcing a public axle of hie went a successful operation for personal effects next Saturday, cancer, Peoples Theatre, tonight. December 8. at his home four The News is printed early miles west of Scio on the Scio« this week in order to give the Jeff« rson road, consisting of live* editor n chance to get out and stock. farm machinery, house­ hunt up something to eat fur hold effects, a Ford touring car, Thanksgiving dinner. and numerous other articles. A Metcalf’s room for some time, Albany held a successful man­ free lunch will be served at telling us about the beavers. 0 S Hutchinson, who has been noon. ufacturers ban