The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, November 23, 1916, Image 1

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• »•••••••........... ..
your 'ins« Rini»»s ixim -
on th«- <lat«« atamprU I i th- »!■<« . I-
To thiHM. who pav promptly in
«ul« sner th«- subscription |>ru-r i« #1 Ml «»reu«.«« Or«rl«>|>tnrnl Xrw« in tine of
ft per year. The price ia ¡1.;% if paxi
lndu*tn<-», I'a) roll«. an«l Produrla
during year,
I hv paper i« not wnt
of Labor and Pnt.rpriar.
30. to « who arr rnorr than on.
year in arreara.
Oregon News Notes
Î Possibly About You i
“Pierre of the Plains” Nov
Kenneth White and s -ter Lu­
cille were Albany visitors last
Chas Young of Corvallis trans­
acted business and visited rela­
tives here Saturday.
Bills are out announcing a
dance al the Farmers Union ball
at Crabtree on November 29.
Mrs Jennie Warner came over
from Corvallis Friday for a short
visit with relatives here.
D R O’Brien and family moved
to Lebanon last Saturday from
the wood camp up near Jordan.
Mrs C z\ Parker went to Philo­
math Saturday for a short visit
with her daughter. Mrs Hodges.
Be sure and see the Scio Dra­
matic Club in “Pierre of the
Plains” at the People’s Theatre
next Thursday evening.
We are selling fore quarters
of beef at 9c; hind quarters of
beef 10 l-2c; one-half beef at
9 l-2c. Sanitary Market.
■........ ■■■■■<►■ ■.
.1 ■ -
Mr and Mrs J F Bartu, Mrs
Chas Chrz and Adolph Kraynik
motored to Portland Tuesday in
the Bartu car, returning Wed­
One of Hdl lines adds 5 per
COflt t<> a'l who g« t under (300 •«
1 month.
Parent-1 cachéis
Rock Island clubhouse
lamette river to be built.
Lincoln county may bridge
Yuquina river near the head of
The Parent-Teachers Associa­ th«- Bay.
tion will meet Friday evenii g
Decline of political exci’ -ment
November 24. in the school audi­ will give business a chance to
torium. An excellent program revive.
has been provided,
Oregon and Washington
ments will be served and an
mills shi;>p«-«i 31.212 7
enjoyable evening is promise«!.
The very much needed play
Astoria Flouring Mills ( o
shed for the school will be dis­
?. l.ouo
cussed. The school is working awards contracts for
on u picture contest, the room worth of additional machinery.
selling the most tickets for the
Oregon tax limilatat:<»n li-
art exhibit will receive a prize will compel reduction in all de­
picture, to b<- given the evening partments.
of the Association rm-eting.
Lakeview vot<« $20,< mmi bond
Everyone interested in this to buy railroad right «>f way.
Association is
invited to be
L-gislature asked to cn at«-
office of state fire marshal.
Klamuth Fulls vot •<
m »,('< m )
bonds to uni ( difornia, Oregon
and Eastern railroad.
Ther«- w ill lie special Thanks­ Portland to have another motor
giving services at the F«-derat -d car assembling plant on East side.
church next Sunday morning at
Coal mine l«.-as«>d and * ill be
The subject will be,
operated at Henryville.
“Why Should We Give Thanks.”
State spending 170,000 on hy-
There will also be special sing­
surveys with no ca-
Everybody cordially in­
j ! gome into irrigation . -hem--
vited t«« attend.
will probably I»«- slopped.
Thank sgivingScrvice
Home made candy for sale at
Typewriter ribbons 60c at the
Hibler & Gill’s store next Satur­ New s office.
day afternoon by the Sunbeam
Sunday School class of the Fed­
I) R O’Bn-n was over from
erated church.
Lebanon on buone--. Wednes­
Mrs Angel of North Santiam
Best quality butter w rappers,
is here this week keeping house
for her daughter, Miss Rachel, neatly printed to conform with
during the absence of Mr and the law, 60c per hundred at the
News oilice.
Mrs W A Cross.
If you enjoy a good sparkling
We make a specially
comedy drama, don’t fail to see
Engagement and
“Pierre of the Plains’’ at the
Wedding rings F M French &
People’s Theatre next Thursday
Son. Jewelers and Engravers.
evening. November 30.
For Sale-A few first class
grade ewes, young and in good
F T Bilyeu received a new
condition; bred to lamb early, model Ford car a few days ago.
from registered bucks.—V J Tnis is the first one he has la-en
Philippi, Stay ton, On-gon. Ibl2p able to get for several months
that was not sold before it got
M< st people can extract more here.
comfort from defeac than the
Ira Phelps came over from
Albany Democrat can from vic­
His candidate was re­ Lebanon last wet k and took the
elected president, and still he big steam n>ller back with him
beefs and grouches and throws Friday, as the road work here is
mud at the defeated candidates brought to a halt by the recent
almost every day. Why don’t rains.
you brace up and cut it out?
Leonard Gilkey and family
L B Charles of Fleetwood. left last Friday for Tulares, Cal,
Lake county, left Monday morn­ where they expect to spend sev­
ing after a few days visit here eral months with Mrs Gilkey's
with his brother, L W and fam­ parents. G M Flook and family
ily. L B followed the printing are living on their farm during
business for a number of years, their absence.
but reformed a few years ago
and took up homesteading and
The old hotel building at the
stock raising over on the sage south end of the bridge has been
brush country, which he finus w recked tins week to make way
more remuneiative and less for a modern business structure
hazardous than running a country which will be built there in the
near future.
Old Eagle mine n. ar B illards
changes n; me to Platina Y Oro
Mining Co and output wit; be in­
creas«?«! to 2’10 tons d uly.
With 100 a res of cranberry
marsh, part of which i i now In ar-
it g. Clatsop County expects to
make a dent in th«- future cran­
berry market
Providing for future business,
th«- Standifer- Clarkson C«»mpany
is to have four sets of wavs ut
the North Portland harbor plant,
l<K-at«-«i on property adjoining
that of the Monarch mill.
Carpenter & Chambers setting
up sawmill west of Junction (?ity
to cut 60.000 ties as sub co itract
to Menefee Lumber Co of Port­
land wh«> have order from Ore-
gon Electric, North Bink and
affiliated lines for 160,000 ties.
Th«- iiooner labor organizations
repudiate the agitators respon­
sible for seven deaths and fifty
wounded at Everett, Wash, the
Snake River mining company
has opened th«- new mill at park
and is getting go»d results.
McMinnville - • Co-operative
cannery and fruit drying plant
planned for this locality and
Yamhill farmers and business
men visit similar plant at Eugene.
Three large vessels on ways at
North Bend shipyard.
Fresh fish by the carload is
being shipped from Umfxpia
river by way of Willamette-Pa­
cific an«i Eugene to New York.
It was asked in the recent con­
vention “that the oepartment of
agriculture confine its activities
, to correcting flagrant abuses or
A Sad Accident
Mr and Mrs W A Cross re-
c ved th.- id intelligence Sun­
day evening of the drowning of
a neice an I her baby. They left
Monday morning f
City, th«- form-r h
dec«-as«-d. Monday’s ( Iregonian
gives the following account of
th«- affair:
< ’astle R >ck, Wash N »V 19
Th r •© persons wen-
drowned in Silver Like, six mil« s
ea t of here, today, when their
launch i i.-k a submerged log
a- I < apsized.
Th«» dead:
Mrs H r' Hel p-rson. formerly
Miss Bertha Cross, daughter of
Mrs Maggie Cross, of Oregon
City. Or; Mis Helgerson’s 17-
month’- old daughter and Riley
11« . < r■ oi. broth« r-m-law of th«-
dead woman.
Mrs Anne- H»-lgerson. mother
of RJey and B«-rt Helger on, and
tin-< ily ot • r occupant of the
boa • tv d herse, f by clinging to
the overturned craft until res-
The party had been out for a
pleasure cruise, and had also ib «.nd s-ipp|>.»< at Barnes’
store, at Si ver Lak«- for their
horn«* on th«- op|«oaite side of the
lake, when th«. disaster occurred.
Riley Helgcrson, who was 21
y< :.r« «».'I. was ei,Tangled in the
rop« . and held beneath the over­
turned vessel.
T:.c Ixxiies were recovered and
and wid in- sent to Oregon City
tomorrow for dnrial.
. —
Farmer* Attention!
1 am still in th« mark« t for all
lines of fat stock, hogs, beef
and mutton.
1 handle hogs
within 7'»-of the Portland mar­
ket. Phone me at Scio between
6 and 7 u m ari l 6;3o and 9 p m.
Thus, Large.
The Scio Dramatic Club han
bills out announcing “Pierre of
the Plains’* at th«- Peoples the-
atre in Scio. Thanksgiving, No
vvtnber 30. Tais is a splendid
bill and will no doubt draw a
full house.
misdirection of work.” Farmers
who believe in agricultural edu­
cation believe also in cutting
down the army of soft-handed
professionals who exploit agricul­
ture- and agricultural education.
Electrification of S P line from
White.-on to Corvallis to be com-
pleted January 1.
Grants Pass. Nov 11 celebrated
establishment of sugar !>eet in­
When in doubt, the people
vut«-d no all over the Pacific Coast
Frank Potter will build a ahin-
gl«- mill at Mill City.
J K Armsby Co has million
pounds prunes awaiting shipment
at Dallas.
Di«- High Schoo! give its first
literary program last Friday. It
was as follows; Music, Neva
Thayer and Miss Berrvman; solo,
John Roner: recitation, “Pat­
rick Henry’s S|w-ech in the Pro­
vincial Convention of 177.'»," Ina
Parish; recitation. "Uncle Josh
in Society,” Mab< I Arnold; solo,
Leta Coury; recitation in 11« he-
mian. John Roner; debate, Eng­
lish II: "Resolved That Oregon
houhl adopt a health insurance
law emtHHiying the essential
features of -he standanl bill of
the American Lil r I. gis'ation,”
atf: Lizzie and Florence Smith
and Eleanor Parish; n«-g: Mabel
Richardson, Harvey McLain and
.Mabel Arnold.
Strong argu­
ments were rive'i by both sides.
I’he judges deci ; I. one in favor
of th«- n< gatiy«* and two for the
affirmative. Th«- program was
*«• first of the season and was
enjoyed by ev«-ryone pro-sent.
A Thanksgiving program will
be given Wednesday, November
29, nt the High School audi-
torium nt 2:30 p m. All are
cordially invited.
The High Sch«»l I Athletic As-
social ion has been re-organized.
The officers are: Clair
president; Florence Smith, vice
president ami Helen Kelloway,
treasurer. The Senior boys have
scheduled two games with the
Albany Y M C A. The first will
be played Dec 16 at Scio, and the
return game Feb 2 at Albany.
Then- will be a Parent-Teach-
‘V* 3“‘!;
torium. Friday, Nov 21
parents are coniiully invited to
attend and discuss the building
of a play shed. This i.i one of
the live subjects among the stu­
dents and 11 needed badly, and
we as an organized Senior class,
will promptly assure the imaroi
our utmost support in behalf of
such a building. The students
feel as if they were deprived *»f
a place to play during ths rainy
weather, as there are no places
suitable here now. Other schools
can afford such play sheds so
why not make this school equal
with others of its rank.
Mr Murphy, representative of
th»- Oregonian, gave the student
l>ody an interesting talk Wednes­
day. He was assisted by the
chairman of the board, Mr
The Scio Hotel will servo a
Thanksgiving dinner. The man­
agement would like for all who
can do so to send in their names
by the 26th.
Mr Evans, whole -ale man. and
Mr Van Hofft-I. a master me­
chanic, from th«» Ford Motor
Car Co of Portland, called on
F T Bilyeu, the local Ford agent,
last week.
The Scio Flouring Mills ship­
Pendleton woolen mills book ped 90.0(10 pounds of second
{•26.000 order for marching uni­ grade wheat to Portland the first
of the week. Mr Thoms nays
Oregon wool has recently sold first grade wheat is none too
in Portland for the highest price g«x>d for us«- in making Golden
in history uf the state.
i Fh«-asaiit Elour.