The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, November 16, 1916, Image 1

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<«n th«- it«-,-itan- . i i
Possibly About You
t .
t. •
' /Ft’kllMl
To th-»«- who t««v prompdy tn
¡whim«-«- thr »ubtx-riptt««» • ri.->« t« f! -t ( >rrron l»r»rl«i|>m«-nt Xr»« In nt
¡wr year Th- price i» paid
Induatrira, I’ayrelU. and Produrt •
during y«-ar.
Ih«* |
it not »«-nt
to »uh-crihrr» who ar»- m«»rv than on»-
nt Labor and Ent« rpri»«
R Shelton was a business visit­
year in arwao.
or in Albany Monday.
For sale 15 ewe lambs if taken
soon. - Densmore Wade Co.
Green beef hides are worth
14c per pound at the Sanitary
I ;arrnt-l cache! s
Miss Rachel Angel spent the
The Parent-T«-achers a-vsocin-
week end with her parents at tion will meet Fri«'ay evenn g.
North Santiam.
N >v 24. ir. tl.« .-I ■- : :
ri- S
room. A very good program is
D C Thoms w as a passenger to being pr«*|»ared ami a s irons»-
Salem Saturday morning, return­ awaits all. everyone inter«- '--d
in the welfare of this a sociation
ing through Jefferson.
is invited to be present.
- -
■ —V........ ——
A picture contest is being -ar-
Mrs O V White gave a dinner
on in the school. The room
party Tuesday evening fur the
the largest numb» r of
school faculty.
tickets for the art exhibit will
r«-ceive the priz • picture, which
Mr and Mrs C C Curry of A¡-
will be | resented tin the evening
bany were over Sunday V Ibllois
of the s.s.-ot iation meeting.
at the Waller B.lyeu nome.
Miss Ina Parrish
home Sunday evening from a
week’s visit in Portland.
A nice line of up to date Fall
Millinery, your choice at $2 UV
per hat. Mrs F Ohlemeier.
Mr and Mrs Fred Jones moved
to their town property last w. ek
from their place out on the West
Scio road.
The News is in receipt of a
letter from Duug Hamilton which
will be printed next week and
w ill no doubt be of interest to
our readers.
Hog. Cattle and Sheep
Rui sers
Having -old o :r t-ro.'uc«’ busi­
ness in S-io to Mr O R Turner,
we are n .v in position to <lev.»te
our entire t;m ■ to the I lying of
live stock.
If at any time you have any
stufT ready call us up and we
will call on you and make you a
pFico on it. We w ill I it lleh«w *
on a margin of 73- nder Port­
land market. Our -.hipping punts
will be West F'cio anti Crabtree.
I>er. -mor« -Wa«ie Co.
Farmers Attention !
S P Co has «¡»ent in Or-'.t »n
during th« pre* nt year on [1A and equipm« nt Sl'.H . •?.»;
on old lines and equipment ?'■ ’ >•
b-<7 on ata'ions, ahoi'-i ar.d roun«l-
Il HI: «- •■. $2*».,M>'.»
Chicago capitalist b ivs 2.i s),,
n 0,000 f* of timber in Wash ■ g-
ton and Tillumook counties for
Th«’ «-of the fifth and sixth
gra<; or the I. >: >r roll for th« .
’•’■<! month of school are as
follow ■;
• »race I/mg,
()r»-ta B i -chw ei«l,
Helen Kruml.
<•• irohl Hassler,
I ■ Idle Prospal,
Orval Bilyeu,
Ruth Shelton,
I. ¡ella Likenbach,
Z. -tit.a Bilyeu,
Orval Edwards,
Bennie Boyanovsky,
Pau! Charles,
- Te.l Sims,
C- ril Arnold,
William Stringer,
K-itli Whit»-.
Thirty mil»’ extension of
erside Bra; ch plarvu-<l b () \\ R
A- N southwest from Ontano
J unci ion.
American Shipbuilding C« at
R ¡th Shelton leads in scholar­
irrenton securos <• nlr.i •’ fi ■ n
for the sixth grade and
interests for six
White for the fifth grade,
schooners at $275,1)00 each.
The fifth grade has made a
Southern California f-.rmers
showing in spelling as i most
r«-[>'ut that eight-hour nrit-tion
: '■ <la> e . <-j v «.:;«• in the class
is causing unrest and s • ircity of
lalwir on th«- farm. They sny an
We appro?.a' d the two calla
eight-hour day can not bea-plied
from the B ■ ird of Directors.
’to farm work.
R:«ei ■ 1 \:;. e|, teacher.
Of the banks in the -tat«’ hav-
ing deposits of mor.' than a mit-
lion dollars, the two P«-i.dl»-ton
banks ar.d the first N uional
Bunk of Baker are among t.
first four.
Conservative Legis’atu - Wi.-.s
In Oregon the Single Tax is de­
feated for the fourth tun».*. Th«-
Sunday blue law is repeal ■ I Tim
tax limitation is enacted. Pen­
dleton Normal school dehat-M,
Oregon’s prune cro,’> is the
largest and finest in the . ’.ale's
history. It amounts to 40.0U0.-
OOO ¡«ounds and will net the
gr -wi rs $3,0O9,MM)
The Southern Pacific Company
operate« eleclr'c ay st-, ms in L >s
Angeles, Oakland. Berkeley, San
Jose. I resno, Stockton, Visalia,
Eugene, Salem and Portland,
One industry heljs u not her.
Mining prosperity helps the lum­
ber trade. Copper sale« at 30
cent« make for firmer price# for
For Sale A few first class
grade ewes, young and in good
I am still in the market for all
condition; bred to lamb early,
of fat stock, hogs, beef
from registered bues». — V J
I handle hogs
Philippi, Stayton, Oregon. 18t2p
within 75c of the Portland mar­
ket. Phone me at Scio between
Mrs Frank Gill, Mrs 0 V
6 and 7am and 6;30 and 3 pm.
White, Mrs E D Myers and the
— Thos. Large.
M’.##e# Forbes, Metcalf, Angel,
Prill, Smith ar.d Berryman were
artertained Wednesday evening
Contract let for new coire-
by Mr and Mrs D C Thoms.
hou»e for 876.443 at Grants Pa##.
A dance will be given, Satur­
Ro#eburg will improve three
A fire at the condenaery Tu##-
day, November 18. by the ladies street# with 2000 yard# crushed
day afternoon brought out the
of the F. E. and C. I', of A. at rock.
whole country aide, including the the Hit hardson Gap T J S and
And now both the railroad
school children. A large hole Z C B J hall. Good music, good
men and the railroad president#
was burned in the roof which floor and a g >od time assured.
admit that nodody kuowa what
caught from sparks from the Lunch will be served at mid­
the Adamson law means, or how
smokestack, but the condensery night. Everybody cordially in­
it can be applied to existing con­
employes did heroic work and
had the blaze under control be­
Wages increase at Willamette
fore the chemical reached there.
Geo Garland went to Portland
Iron & Steel Work« «nd Hease A
last Saturday on a short business
Martin Iron Works were advanc­
Now that the election is over
ed 12 ¡ kt cent Nov 1.
and President Wilson is re-elect­
ed, even though by a small ma­
Baker city taxes reduced twen­
Home made Sauer kraut Kkr
jority, th“ News ¡ays down to per quart at the Sanitary Mar- ty per cent below last year.
majority rule, and for the next Ket.
Moonshine distilling of aour-
two years, or until the next elec­
mash whiskey is a new industry
tion where politics enter as a
Ed Wesely went to Stayton on Coos Bay.
feature, the political complexion and Sublimity Tues-lay to meet
Lea# political jawbone and
of this naju-r will be hard to de­ his violin pupils.
more legiti.nate industry from
termine from the matter dished
now on.
Through an over ght the
up from week to week. As most
Linn County cl«»ver aeed in­
people take at least one daily News failed to mention a couple
netted $150.U00 this year.
paper, the news of the outside of weeks ago that the Scio post­
River to get larg« new
world will also be left to that office is now an International
field and our undivided attention money order office. ar.d will write
Salem to builb $2>),000 home
given to a faithful chronicling of orders for any part of the civii-
' fur aged women.
the happenings of this vicinity. ized world.
Big Dance
I lonor l^nll
S'ra. I Bl ick B rkshire sow
from my Reward. J F
K. oí 1\ (. »nvrntion
The Scio lodge Krights
Pythias entertained Saturday
night at a rt ofd'strict «-onven-
tion. It was att«-nd«>d by II G
M li««rd. grand
chancellor of Or.-c m, Walter B
Gleason, grand kc«-p«-r of record
and seals. Wiilanl I. M <rks, p.i.-u
grand chanc •ll«»r. and inmv
others. Sev« ra
auto loads of
Knights went ov«-r from here,
and others attended from other
places. The hall w as well filled.
t ■ it members w ere initiated
into the rank of Page, the mem­
bers of the Albany lodge confer­
ring the work. Past Chancellor
Chas C C irrv conferred the
rank; \\ I. Marks oci-tip-ed the
prelate's chair; Leonard F Mc­
Clain occupied th«- vice-chancel­
lor's station.
Following the degree work
and several impressive t. Iks by
Messrs Marks, Wortman, Glea­
son and others, the Scio lixige
put on a mo-k initiation, that
for comedy, was suid to be th«*
best ever. The members attend­
ing were convulsd with mirth.
Then came a sup|»er at which
th»’ Scio member - did themselves
proud and received the hearty
compliments of their guests. The
members of the Albany lodge
returned to the city at an early
hour Sunday morning.
Virgil Garland and his new
bn«!«-, n--e May Marvin of Plain­
view. ¡me I ; ,t Saturday for a
D M John of Corvallis transac­
.short visit at the home of his
ted business litre Tuesday.
father, Geo t la ria nd.
Janie: Craft explains to the
New» that what he intended to
>nv«-\ it, speaking of the road
meeting al Albany two weeks
ago was that the Farmers Union
is not in favor of hard surfaced
roads at thu time, an they are
not opposed to gixxl roads and
work for them at all times.
Pictorial Review and Santiam
News, lk»th one year for $2.23.
Otto Dill came in from Cos­
mopolis. Wash, Satur«lay eve-
mng, where he recently went
with his parents. Scio seems to
have a great attraction fur Otto.
Mylo Cary, who was struck by
an auto several weeks ago, was
taken from the hospital to his
home on the West Scio road last
His condition does
1 hose owing cemer.t sacks to not seem to improve but very
the Scio Planing Mill will please little.
return same at theft earliest
Th« Scio Dramatic Club hu
convenience. By doing so you
will oblige us very much.
bill« out announcing "Pierra of
th« Plains" at th« Peoples the«
W. J. Chromy,
atre in Scio, Thankegivlng, No­
vember 80. This to a splendid
bill and will no doubt draw a
full house.
Mrs D C Thoms and MI m
light Forbes attend -d the Marton
County Parent-Teachers Associn-
ti >n convention at Salem last
They report that
there were forty delegates pre -
••nt and a great deal of interest
was manifested
II (, Seymore
O W R & N Com ¡»any propo«-
< s tu in«ta I immediately at im­
portant highway grade crossings
on it. lines in Oregon’ Washing­
bin an l Idaho, cautionary high­
way -igns erected 300 feet from
th»' track on each side of all cros­
Notice is lu-reby given by the
undersigned to all subscribers of
Salem- Board of control auth­ the Scio Mutual Telephone Co.
orizes sale of 15 tons flax fiber knowing themselves indebted to
at 26 cts.
said company to please piy up
I «rtiand has aeroplane factory, immediately, or have your tele­
Ma.shfield— L < al grower gels phone cut off.
il'ki2 fro n 12-acre l>ean crop.
C. C. Wade, Sec’y,
Those indebted to the Scio
Plat ing Mill will please call and
settle by the 20th of November.
If not paid by that date we will
place the accounts in the hands
of an attorney for collection.
Scio Planing Mill Co.