The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 26, 1916, Image 2

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    ♦ •
Federated Church
thinking voter will reflect that
The Best of the Bargains
larger concerns will not employ
You get a l-arj-am when you get the
cither a knave or a fool. On the
Youth'» Companion for 1917 for *2 no
contrary they entrust their btis- —62 iaaue» crowded from cover to cover
Sunday School at 10:00 a m.
ineaa to the man whose judg­ with the reading y«u m«.»t enjoy. But
Preaching at 11.
ment is sound and whose honesty you get the best of the bargain if you
Christian Endeavor 6:30 to 7:30
is unquestioned. George G. Bing­ -uba ribe th«- minute you read thia, for
Song service from 7:30 to 8:00
ham measures up to thia test, then you wi I get free every number of
Preaching at 8 o’clock.
I he Contpan.on l»aued between the
and if elected he will serve the time y I »ub»crit*e and New Year'». If
Prayer meeting every Thurs­
people as well and faithfully as you »end your 12.00 at once p>at mear.e day evening at 7:30.
he ever did a client.
a lot ot reading for which you won't
H. B. ILER. Pastor.
Voters are prone to think on'y have to pay a cent. Ami then the long,
of the favor they are conferring glorious 52 week» of ( ompar ion read­
ing V> come after' Ix-t u» »« nd you th»
upon a popular candidate. But forecast for 191?, which tells all about
Do you know that a free dress
there is a different view. The what !» m »tore for Companion reader» pattern is included.with the club
electors are to choose their own in 1917.
I of four magazines that we are
By r pecial arrangement new eub- giving in combination with th«*
public f-ervants. They will best
serve their interests if. like p iv- cribars for Th« Youth's Companion Santiam News for only 25 cent«
can have »I mi McCall's Maganne for
ate concerns, they take lest
¡extra. Send your order by mail
1917 both publications for *2.10.
available material. On th.s prin­
Our two-at one price offer mcl ulva. or call at thia office.
ciple the jieople will do well if
1. The Youti.’a Companion 52 issues
they elect Percy R Kally and of 1917.
George G. Bingham for Circuit 2. All the remaining issues of 1916
When you feel discouraged and de­
8. The Companion Home Calendar for spondent do nut give up but take a
dose <>f Chamberlain's Tablets and you
Yours truly.
4. McCall's Magaaine 12 fashion are aimust certain to feel ail tight
George H. Burnett. I numbers ut 1917.
within a day «r two. Despondency is
Stop, Look
and Listen!
We are in the market for prac­
tically anything you have to »»ell,
having an Hazel wood cream sta­
tion working in c .injunction with
uh in the same building.
Bring us your eggs, poultry,
hides, veal, dr as I pork, cua­
cara bark. < | { KA M . etc.
Our Hazelwood representative,
Mr (.) R Turner, who came here
from North Yamhill, leaving
many satisfied putrnns. who re-
greeted f is leaving them, has
charge of the bar '¡ling and test­
ing of cream and will treat you
5. One 15 cent McCall Dre«» Pattern
-your chi ice from your fl mt number
of th« magaxinc if you send a 2-cent
With the average man a cold la a
-tamp with your »election
-erioua matter ami »houM not be trilled
with, a« tome of the muet dangerou
rL Paul St, Boston Maas.
i M-aaca »tart with a common cold
New ¡Subscriptions Received at this
Take ('hamtx-rlalu'» Cough Remedy
ami get nd of your cold a« quickly a»
|Hn»ilde. You arc not experimenting
when you u»e thl» remedy, a» it ha*
Th« l.adi«» Home Journal, the Satur­
been in uae for many year* and has an day Evening Post and the Country
established reputation. It contains no Gentleman wish to secure the spare
opium or other narcotic. Obtainable time of a man or woman to act a« local
representative in Scio, looking after
the renewal* of their many subscrip­
tions in this section, and introducing
Why not kill that winter meat lhese publications Io new readers. Pay­
where it is handy and easy tot ment will I m - made in »alary and com­
keep clean and sanitary.
1 he , mission. Previous extern ace is deair-
use of our slaughter house art! ibie but not essential. For details ad- i
tools are free to ali that care to ¡ire»», with references, l ox 664. The
Curtis Publishing Company, Indcpen-1
use them. —Sanitary Market.
dance square, Philadelphia.
VN hen Yow Take Culd
Successors to
Scio Cash Produce Co.
M Im has is not achieved in a
night. It conus in time because
PUBI I8HED EVERY THURSDA' BY P'onle learn that they can d«*.
fiend upon the mar . His clients
n present many interests large
and small, individual and corpo­
rjit»rt*l at th«- poatoflU-e at Scio, Orr . rate. The den agogue will ob­
<M>mn<J-claaa mail matter.
ject to him b -cause he is often
retained by corporations; but the
HVii'-eiitri iov
iiaii -
rate* made
known on
1 wo Good Men
James Van Winkle, ebairmar
of the Lit n County Republican
Central C imm’ttce, bis receive,
a letter from George H B.irnett
of the State Supreme Court re­
garding th«* two R -nublic tn can­
didates for Circuit Jud/e in t hi
d ktr et, in which he stro ply
r. iu .me- d- the election of I »th
Judge Kelly, who is up for re
election, and George G. Bing­
ham, of Salem, who has Iw'ef
nominated as Judge Kelly’s run­
ning mute, theie being two posi­
tions open. The letter follows;1
Salem. Or., Sept. 15. 1916.
Mr. J. S. Van Winkle, Albany,
Dear Sir, There are two Cir­
cuit Judges to be elected next
November in the judicial district
composed of Linn and Marion'
counties. Percy R Kelly of A’
bany and George G Bingham if
Salem, are candidates for these
two positions. Having former!)
held thut office myself for
eighteen years. I had good op­
portunity to observe their con­
duct as practicing lawyers. With­
out exception in either case, it
was characterized by strict in­
tegrity and bound legal ability. 1
Judge Kelly was elected six
y?ars ago ar.d has demonstrated
his till es< a« a judge. Hi.« own
record <a his best recommenda­
tion. He has made good and
ought to be rs-electcd.
I have known Mr Bingham
since his < arly manhood.
was brought up in a sawmill and
schooled to hard labor. He strug-
gl* d hard to gain hia legal odu
cation and carried his habits of
industry into the pre- lice of his
profession. He has built up a
large clientagt by hard work
and reliability. A standing such
When renewing your subscrip-
ti<>n to the News, don’t forget to
remindwiof tba big magasina
'TX2C - jctst
Pendlston Normal School
Froven Necessity
very often due to indigestion and
biliousness for which these tablets are
especially valuable. Obtainable every­
New Undertaking Parlors
Mr N C Lowe is the only li­
censed undertaker and em­
balmer of Scio.
All work
guaranteed satisfactory. We
have a large stock of cas­
kets on hand and a nice
hearse. All calls promptly
attended day or night.
A lady's services will be
furnished if required.
N. I. Morrison and N. C. Lowe
(Copied from Portland Oregonian )
MOX'.tfit TH. Ore. June 74 The On ¡.-on Normal
• a . I opened thl» week
atudent» enrolled 786.
larc o < n n < urd for »tat«- Normal in <»rr-on . . . .
how io i are lor larce student body a problem . . . .
■ 1«- iiik crowded into » lllnrium with seating <a
parity of ftSo Gallrrlr» filled with extra chair» In
i.l»lr» .More than ISu atudent» »i-atixl on platform
New boarding house» cotnplelcd. addition» to room
Inc hi i-br» built and trnte nsed One hundred atria
»li'i'P <>u upper floor of »«liool
The official »ilvxil report give» 150 yrade pupil»
In Monmouth, lor teacher practice
J. S 87 /( '//. l. Proprietor
(\tnftdioncrij, let Cream, Toltacco
mui Cigars
Rend what those you have elected to handle the
aff.oiM of your state and who are thoroughly intormed
regaiding school conditions in Oregon have to say
concerning measure 308 on the ballot ut the coming
By Jtmtl Withycomb«, Governor of Oregon:
"Oreg m 1» in n*<xt of i.,«,«» normal
•< h*r-«l work an.l I', l.illrtull I» Ihr l.agl« al p.a«-« fur u
•elmul <>( thl» rlaaa in Ku»icin Oi.g.u,
By J. A. Churchill, Stat« Superintendent of Public
I truat mat th« voter» nt the Slate will »n»i»t In
r»l»ln« the «tanOard of our •< hiiot« l>> mluliliahing •
Sl»i, Normal ». huul al f*rn«fl< tun '
W hen in town do not fail to call at our etore.
where you will always And a pood line of staple
rr.erchandioe to select from. Our prices are the
lowest and our fix'd* the best
By P. L. Campbell, President of th« University of
At l«»»t er» additional Normet Hrkeel to urgently
needrd in Oregon "
■y W. 4 Kerr, President at the Oregon Agricultural
M e take egfe and butter in exchange and pay
the highest price for same.
«in.« th« prnpl« nf r»ndl»»on are Initiating a mraaure
for the r»t«bu«nm»r.i «t n N «rm»l ». >u«oi -i in«t ptaeo.
it will Bivv mt
I*» <o«»p|»«if I thin intdome
By J. H. Ackerman, Pre«.deni Oregon Normal Sehool.
at Monmouth:
A careful analyel» of ihr »Ituatir n will convince any
on« Ihnt irirgon i.rrd» a .Xxrmul Hr h.«l In Kaalerw «hr.
C >n «nd I'rrtdlvlun fill» «II thr imrrnmrni r«x|ulrementa '
By the County School Superintendrnto of Oregon
Hr. hwl that It I« (hr »«..»< of the ('mint, hrh,H,|
Super lr.trr.lrnt« of Ihr HU.. „( llr.gon, in lonvenllun
n»»rlHI'l-<l m«l the f.r«l Ihlrir«!« ,,t Ih. » hm.l, n( U.«
Hi«|. .ri-inanal In. <»» — 1 r..,llllira fu< ih, iruimng <d
Irx. ner*. und II.«I
lh.rrl.ur rn.1<>T»r I»,. l|,lt|af|,a
ll.ruau.e t>. reliUlleh ■ Nutnual H< hiarl al I'm.Hr ton
By Mr» Charice H Caetnrr, President ot the Oregon
Federation of Women'e Club»
I in..«I bra,III,
the . . .Ilun ut »aid .Surnwl
Mcht»<>l «st IVt«dl«-ton ”
Prof. Robert C French, Fermer Preeident of th©
Normet School Located at Weeton
rwiaLHielitTi«-ti| «»t ««»« h « •« hm4 at a«»ma
»rrlral |»> tn| aw« h «•« I••*»»»!Itrioft w«»uhl oit»»» m gtr«*! 4S*-|
Io Ihr Mlatv «»f <*t**g«»n
H F Mulkey. E» Preaident Southern Oregon Normal
I «1. *11 «uppoet ihr |nrntl«m
an Ka«l«rn ««rrwun N* t.«»ol al IS ndIrI«»n
Stati Board t»f Hcgcnls <d Oregon Normnl School
ile« s "lite iicu sMiv lor utldiliunai Normul
school faciliti«*« ili On gon ih uppiin nt.”
Portland C.bainlM-r oi (ÀMitincrcc cndortu-a nicastm-
3HX imi viy Pi iKlh Imi must logM'al location lor Nor-
iiiul vc I kmi I in lùistcrn OrvgtNi
303 X YES is a
<!'»ld Adv »
vote for your childrem
KaMern Oregon stai« Normal H< h.«.| Cnmmltt««
II, J II «;*tnn. He. , . I*vu«llri>m. <»r»
M«ke our store your Headquarters.
Prochaska ®- Co.
SU'- I