Scio Takes Firàì Prize Federated Church The Scio school captured first Sunday School at 10:00 a m. prize at the Industrial School Preaching at 11. Fair held at Albany in connec­ Christian Endeavor 6:30 to 7:30 tion with the Round-Up. This Song tervlae from 7.30 to 8:00 is a signal honor in the face of Preaching at 8 o'clock. keen competition from all other Prayer meeting every Thurs­ parts of the county. day evening at 7:30. In Domestic Science the Scio H. B. ILER. Pastor. school took second prize, which speaks highly for this depart­ ment. in compet'tion with Al­ Do you know that a free dress bany, Lebanon, Brownsville and pattern is ineluded.with the club Harrisburg. of four magazines that we are Nobody Woika 1 hese Days giving in combination with the Santiam News fur only 25 cents How much mor« tim«* have you tn extra. Send your order by mail which to eucceedY Although their or cull at this office. Stop, Look and Liiften! We are in the market for prac­ tically anything you have to »ell, having an Hazelwood cream sta­ tion working in c<>njunctiin *>th uh in the bame building. Bring uh your eggs. poultrv, hides, veal, drtrxed |x>rk, cas- eara bark. ('HILA M . etc. Our Hazelwood representative, Mr O R Turner, who cann- here from Nortn Y mihill. leaving many satisfied pnIrons. who re­ gretted his them, has charge of the handling and test­ ing of cream and will treat you right New Undertaking Parlors Mr N C Lowe is the only li­ censed undertaker and em­ balmer of Scio. All work guaranteed satisfactory. We have a large stock of cas­ kets on hand and a nice hearse. All calls promptly attended day or night. A lady’s services will be furnished if required. N. I. Morrison and N. C. Lowe OREGON SCIO, have boon many uotabl« excrpUof.a. thr average man deteriumea hi* ulti mala position m thr world by hia activ­ ities between the age» of 26 and 10. Twenty-five year» s»rm plenty of time, ••prciaily during thr Ural half. Hut 1» it’ John Nr. ley handa tho th-mocrat a statement whereby ho proves that no body works. Herr is th« way it is fig­ ured out. Each year has 366 days You sleep sight hours rach day, which equals 122 Successors to day a. This leaves 243 day a. You rest Scio Cash Produce Co. eight hours each day. which also equals 122 days. This leaves 121 days. There are 52 Sundays that you do not worii, or &2 days. This leaves ft* days. You have one-half day off each --aturday, or 26 davs, which leaves 43 days. You have one and one half hours off for Wi»etn««r nr i» tv tas ss* lunch eah day, nr 2H days, which to tw on tbv ntuinp nr up one». leaves 1& days You get 14 days vaca­ pub ished every hursday by tion in th* year This leaves one day, If the «h-rtnge becomm mu< h L W. CHARI.ES more • -rien« the ,ir»t thlnr we know and this being the Fourth of July, we lb* nmchlhery of ihr Hint* iMpart clos» on that day, so you've done no •urlìi will l.r coming to an abrupt atop. work at all.—Albany Democrat. enter«! st lb* poatoflu-» at Scio, Or« . Th n. too. according to Ihr Demo- as wcund-cla*. mail matter. cenile <*nui|«lgn book thril ninons th» more ItnfM.rtnnt <-ii.-ictnieni* of thr Wllaon Administration »tiny bo men­ HVIMt HIITH >N 14 A I'K-. tioned Magna ('hurta mut ilio Ten • '»intiinnijinriif» -IÏ (fihe Snntiam flrirs ; T ONE YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. ONE DOLLAR Advertising rates made application. known on ASHLAND PRESIDENT FAVORS PENDLETON Secretary Redfield converses glibly In terms <>f billion* until it comr-s time t<> make a campaign rotilrlbu- lion when It Is disclosed tluit all he really knows about mathematic* Is »ItMI. SOLILOQUY AT SHADOW LAWN. Ferv thing has g.-ne up under Wll­ aon except the price of dead Ameri­ ca tut Where are they gone, the old familiar faces» I had a friend McCombs. but he left ms. Left me slowly but surely, when I did not Med him. Ail, all are gwue, the old familiar fa era ! Senator Jlmhain Lewis has pur- chased n new volume of "I'tifnmlllar Quotations and expects to In* ulde any day now to give us the claudml derivation of "pun. •.« publicity'' and "strict iK-eouutablllty" lu the original Babylonian. Oner I had Bryan . hr was my friend Io my hours of struggling In that grml couveutlon. Hut now hr's gonr. Left me with "God blesa you !" I'poti bls lips Gone, are the old fa­ miliar farra. 1 had a friend; a truer friend had n<* man. Uks an Ingrate, I my friend acutely; And hr. g.MMl Colonel Harvey, left me. Left me To muse on th» old fnmlllnr fares! Add famous sayings of history: "1 will surrender mi thia line If It takes all summer!" The In-mocrntlc revenue bill, a» Completed Is regarded ns so |M-rfect that the chance-. are that tlie tax pavers of New York. Massachusetts and Illinois will lie able to build A.ISS more miles of g.~«l roads In Alabama next year. Mr Hugh«* .'a tnlklng to the worn en of the land tn thr homely Ian gunge of the fireside and we expect to witness an ImprrssHe rallying ot the sex on the first Ironing day aftet the first wnsh day In November. Al my right hand sat my friend Who wan the aiming inn of my Ad ministration— Garrison, upright and honest—but hr too has left ine ; Left me. when I deceived him—gone are the old familiar faces! ******** * ** ****************** WILSON STRIKES WHEN THE IRON IS COLO. President Wilson rsfused to aprak In Independence Hall »n the one hundred and twenty­ eighth anniversary of the sign. Ing of the Declaration of Inde­ pendence in that hall, and he so refused because Inasmuch ae over one hundred of our men, acmes and chddren had Juet been murdered on the high seas he regarded it as "the very mo- ment when he would not cars to arouse the sentiment of pa­ triotism." Mr Wllaon has a post- tive genlue for striking when the iron ie cold and fearing to strike when the Iron is hot. If one hundred and twenty-elght years ago Washington and Jef. ferson, and the other men who eigred the Declaration of Indo- pendenco had felt the same way about patriotism, and the earns way about fighting as Mr Wil­ son does, we would never have had a country. Had Lincoln felt the same way. there would be no auch thing ae the Amari can Republic now In ssistence.— From the Speech of Colonel Roosevelt at Battle Cree«, Mich- gan, In Behalf of Mr. Hughes At Shadow lawn, whrre new friends swarm around me. Earth seems a desert I am bound to traverse, Reeking to And the friends who've left me; Rut all. all are gone- the old familiar faces ! CHARLES LAMB. 2d. In New York Sun. Editorial Comments If the l*emutt < ru Oregon Normal School at says, concerning the «atabllsbuient of an additional Normal St huol at Pen die ton I shall support Ute measure heartily for the reason that the pr «ent Normal School, though one ot the beat in the country, cannot be adequate to meet the ueeda of so large a sial« as Oregon There la no institution that louchea the masses ot the people so closely as does the Normal School and the benefit derived from the taxes paid by the peoplo ot th« alate for the main­ tenance of such schools returns direct ly to the man and woman who paid he taxes and la conferred directly up on them and their children The ex pc use of maintain ng a good Normal Hchool tn »astern Oregon to a tax pay­ er on an assessed valuation of It >00 pu would ca--h year be under the coat ot 1 good I la« ana cigar I sincerely hop* that the coining election will grant to the people of I astern Oregon the re­ lief they seek In a Normal School " v> 5 0 Ö -Û fi BUSINESSMEN ARE FOR NEW NORMAL PORTLAND CHAMBER OF COM. MERCE STRONGLY ENDORSES BILL FOR SCHOOL TO BE LO­ CATED AT PENDLETON. Portland. Or» —The Portland Cham ter of Commerce, which stand» at the head ot th« businessmen • organisation ot the state. recently endotaod the measure proposing a .N.-rmal School at Pendleton in a resolution, giving the following reasona "We believe that Pastern Oreg >n 1» r.«sonable in Its demands that such a school be located east ot the C m . ad» mi úntalos, hence »• r*»ud II* location at let.Jletun as the moat Icgl cal for the following reasons "First. It Is a city of some six«, ha» Ing an enrollment of over 1.000 grad* pupils. "Second. Pendleton Is very aee»»«1 bl«, having over twenty paaaenv trains each day from five directions "Third. Its location la as near ccn tral as could bo expected, making It easy of access at a moderate cost to the students "Fourth. It la our understanding that th« cltlaeM of I’cndleton propcs* to donate a very favorable alt» for th school "Fifth. many ether advantages are A good public library. several | -hurcbea. pure waler and a live. Int< I llgent community that will take prtdv. la th« progress ot the school.'* <1 W hen in town do not fail to call at our etore, where you will always find a good line of staple metchandiae to select from Our prices ar« the lowest and our go