VOI.. XX NO. • . .. . . . . . . Possibly About You i • ♦ • I ■ Sanitary Market. - DR BANCROFT’ Watch i r I..-it . .1 ••'. YOUR -t H& RirriON I XI Ilth.S on th«- date stamix-d iu th«- tpju-e be­ low To th«..«- who pay promptly in tuli anca the »utw rtptw.n prie«- T» II ?6 Orrcon l«r«rl»pmrnt Nr*» I« I inr of i«r year Th* price is 11.50 if | m *H Inductri«*». Payroll». »n«l Prutlurt» at « im I <>f year. Ih.- paper I» not s«nt to subscribers who are more than one of Labor anti Entrrprl»*. year in arrears. ^r\. Stay ton s-nt a large delega» i«>n to the fair Wedru day. I Equalization Notice We are paying 1 3 4 cents per pound for Evergreen l>ia«kber­ ries. Densmore-Wade Co. The cost of »tat«* exp t iracntal farms is becoming a big item Each county wants one. Some one has a piece of land to sell th«* state. Then there an* educated |M*ople who want a state job. Ten Mi’c. Coos county, logging p’ant opens operations to run four years. Cottage Grove men would < s- tablish broccoli industry. Baker county is erecting 15 new steel bridges. Boardman is a new eastern Oregon town with a promising future. School f aculty > County Fair is On Since th * faculty for the Scio After raining and threatening schools this year was announc« <1 for a few days, the w«ather a few weeks ago, a number of clearer! up Tuesday, ami Wed­ changes have been made among nesday, the opening day of the the grad«* teachers. fair was as fine as one could The ach *»l will again be under wish for. Tin- attendance was the plendid supervision of I’rof not very large, but will perhaps O V White this year. Miss Ber­ average up with usual opening ryman ami Miss Smith, who days. gave i x«i- lent satisfaction in the Gov. Withycombe was h«*rt* school last year, will again I m * i and formally open<*d the fair in here, ai d th«- rest of the faculty a brief speech. lie reviewed will be m vv faces. the stock parade, and visited nil The complete faculty follows: the exhibit pavilions. (> V White, Principal. Many splendid exhibits are on \ '* • B ’ . \ • l! ! hand this year, which are woith Principal. coming far to see, the school ex­ Alice A Prill, Domestic Science. hibit being the best in the his­ A. I b light Forbes, 7th und tory of the fair, but of nil thn a 8th grades. more extend •• I notice will be Rachel Angel, 5th and «îth given next week. grades. The merry-go round. Feri is H len Metcalf, 3rd and 4th wheel and other anius« ments are grades. in evidence, and the steam pip* A!me«Ia Smith. 1st ami 2nd organ’s "When You Wore n Tu­ «rades. lip and 1 Wore a Big Red Ros« ,” The (’ounty Board of Equuli zition will meet at the Court H* use at Albany, Oregon, Mon­ For sale at a bargain One A day. September ll. 1916, und bio. 1 cow; one g od driving remain in session six days for mare, buggy and harness. N I the purpose of publicly examin- Morrison. ir>g the Assessment Roll and to correct errors in valuation, de­ It will be appreciated if theme scription or «piahties of land, wi.o I ave pi» nii.-i u .v.>od < . ub- lots or other property. All per­ script ion to the New., will de­ sons interested are hereby noti­ Auditorium building going u j liver same soon. fied to appear ut the app -anted on fair grounds at St Helens. time a'd place and, if it shall Th«* S P Co spends eleven mil- Mrs Chester C'T«*y of .Mc­ appear to sunt Board that land.', ’ lions building a railroad to C. mw Minnville is her«- tin- we. k visit­ lots <>r other properly lx* assess­ Bay. Th«* forest reserves return ing al the home of h r mother, ed twice, or assessed in the can be heard running in oppo­ $78,000 tu the stat«* for roads. Mrs Virginia M< Knight. name or names of any p« r.-on or sition to the Scio K of I' Band Paisley to us«* native atone for persons not the owner thereof, most any time of the day. new school building. Oscar Snelson, the Crabtr.e or assessed under or beyond its Bowery dances at the fair One hundrel p *r.s > is employ d merchant, was transacting I, . i- value, or any lands, lots or other ground and picture shows nt ness in Scio last Friday. See property not assessed, said at fruit evaporating plant at town in the evening, furnish Board will make the proper cor­ Sutherlin. School will open on Fridav, varied amusement to suit all his ad elsewhere in this issue. Star theatre of Oregon City September 15, in-lead of Mon- tastes. rection. will erect $30.000 playhouse. EARL L FISHER. «lay, September 18. Th«* object Mrs Emma Cyrus ar.d son Harness and running ra-es, County As-essor. Work on Sutherlin, C«*>s Bay is to organiz • ar.d ord«*r books fat stock and poultry, not to Merle came up from I’urha'id and necessary s ipplies before mention the big bull tractor, are and Eastern railroad resumed. the first of tile wc«*«» to t ike in Sanitary Market. the fair and visit wiln relatives. Auton Huth, Tacoma, to erect sclio«>l opens on Thursday. Sep­ of interest alike to the siwriaman tember 21. This change is nec- and the farmer, but the big at­ 5 story building in Portland. Mrs E J Shumaker and daugh­ e- .try on account of the teach­ traction. at least for the writer, N 1 Morrison went to Salem L«*nts get i an $8.li«M> busmens ter, Ilernadine, of JelTerson are ers institute held at Albany I in the amusement line is II rbert Saturday witn J M l.muley in among the fair visitors this building, 85 by 9> feet Scpternba r IS ll*-2*t. the latter's car, returning with A Muntcr and his big biplane. American (Jan C««. Portland, week. By order of District Board. Mrs Morrison, who is rapidly He is right there and delivers taking bids on $250,000 factory J. F. We.sely, Clerk. the goods every time. Two recovering Jrom her recent ope­ Francis Arnold and family re- on Railroad Avenue ration al a Salem hospital. flights were made Wednesday Milwaukie Clackamas high­ turned to their home ut Albany Old bailors & cents a bundle at ami two mor«1 are billed for to­ t«.day after spending their vaca­ way to be paved. day. Hu death dips and looping the News office. Tally Gibbons of Shelburn, tion here. There was but one bidder for will make the most sluggish who was in town on business the franchise over th«* interstate pulse pick up a few beats. But Tuesday , informs the New» that Cyril H Tribe, a .writer of bridge at Vancouver the P R L Pictorial Review and Santiam we arc going to «put and go to the free ferry at Shelburn was Pig-tland. is here this week put­ & P Co. News, lx»th one year for $1.75. the fair now. put in place Monday and i- now ting Scio on the map by writing Boulder Creek Mining Co ready for business. Mr Gibbons up the Fair for the metropolitan rrcspass notices, 5c each at «•reeling a sawmill at Marsh- said it is capable of carrying a papers. Five young Berkshire sows for the News olii «*. field. heavy load without drawing sale at $10 each; will farrow Bend creamery will erect a Mrs John Kelly is over from soon. Sanitary Market. nm.h more water than when Some of I. Edward Dyer’s fine modern building. Albany visiting relatives ami empty. Cotswold sheep will I m * on exhi­ taking in the fair. Tn«* luml>er mills in Baker are bition at the coming Co. Fair. A We are paying 1 3-4 cents per Prof 0 V White returned home few ch.nee rams for sale that are running full blast 1 nd |>ayrolls pound for Evergreen blackber­ 5t4 run into many thousands of dol­ Monday after being in the south­ sure to please*. .Mrs F F Rihn and little ries. Densmore-Wade Co. ern part of the state for several lars monthly. daughter of Aumsville arrived Mylo Bartu left today for Gar­ weeks on business. He neglected Mrs Carrie M Go. ns, wife of Portland shipyards have orders last Sunday evening for a visit other interests to return at this dena. Cal, to take up Ins school for two more steel vessels. with her brother. Myron Miller, John H Goins of Albany, died time so as to be able to look work fur the ensuing year, as Sunday morning at 3 o’clock at Myrtle Creek voted $21.000 and to attend the fair. after school interest- at the tair the high school there opens next bonds to provide light and water St Mary’s hospital at the age of Wayne Thoms arrived here and also to arrunge for the open­ Monday. 4.3 years. Death was caused as system. from the Montana mines Wed ­ a result of uric poisoning, A ing of school. Detroit, Mich, milk condensery H B Iler’s little son ilarry is nesday and will visit with his child was born Saturday, but it firm wishes to locate plant in parents, Mr and Mrs D C Thoms died before the mother, An Mr and Mrs Henry Slam re­ in a critical condition from blood Oregon. until the 17th of the month when operation was necessary and she turned to Mill City Saturday, poisoning as a result of running Swift Packing interests spend­ he will enter O A C. was taken to St Mary's hospital after a few days spent here a rusty nail in his foot a few­ where everything |xmsible was while Mr Stam was taking medi­ days ago. A trained nurse has ing $150,000 on packing plant at II W Garland, wife and little done to save her life. li«*r death cal treatment for an attack of lieen engaged and every thing Kenton. Dave Good of Gold Hill picked one returned to their home at is a shock to her family and u appendicitis. They left their that can lie done for the little up 52 ounce gold nugget. Portland Tuesday morning after large circle of friends, both here little buy here to attend school fellow is being done. a short visit here at the home of and in all parts of the state, this winter. He will make his the former’s parents, Mr and where she was known through Wood wanted on subscription home with his grandmotner, Mrs Sanitary .Market. Mrs George Garland. at this office. het excellent work in the Re­ J F Oupor. bekahs and the liegreeof Honor. Clover sacks for sjle by the ”Tne Presidency of the United Itouglas McPhee, accompanied She was a native of Linn -ounty, Scio Milling Co. States” —a 48 page, vest pocket by his wife and bull dog was in being liorn on the farm of her size booklet containing historic Scio last Thursday looking after father, James 11 Peery, which is facts, dates, incidents, statistics, the interests of the Chamberlain located 18 miles east of Albany. L'onctipalion the Iather nt Many Ill» Sunday School at 10:00 a m. etc. about all past and present Of the numerou* Ute that affret hu- Medicine Co. and was a pleasant She is survived by her husliar d Preaching at 11. manity a large share »tart with consti­ callerat the News office. elections. Very valuable. Very Mr and eight children, four brother* Christian Endeavor 6:30 to 7:30 pation. Keep your bowels regular and interesting. Call at this uffico McPhee has crossed the Atlantic and four sisters. Three of the Song service from 7:30 to 8:00 they may be avosied. " nen a laxative for a copy today. Given free six times and visited all the brothers, Robert, lioy and Rex Preaching at 8 o’clock. is need»-1 take Chamberlain's Tablets. with each r.ew subscription or Prayer meeting every Thurs­ I hey not only move the bowels but im­ principal capitals of Europe, He Peery live on the old home farm renewal to the Santiam News; or day evening at 7:30. prove the appetite ami strengthen the is a live wire and an interesting near Providence, the others llv- talker. ‘ «ng at a distance. iiigestiun. Obtainable every where. for sale at ten cents per copy. H. B, ILER, Pastor. Notice to Patrons of School District 95 Federated Church