The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 10, 1916, Image 1

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■1'3. - RfiTfoS I xrtiiES
Fresh bolognas, made in a
clean kitchen at the Sai itary
<»> »ub^rrtlx-r» who are mort» than t»nr
year tn BrnxrB.
Miss Lillie Sims returned last
Thursday from u visit of several
weeks with her sister, Mrs G M
Hook at Buxton.
Ejection Arguments
The Scio Dramatic Club pre-
sented the Virginian to well
filled houses last Friday and Sat­
Which President when elected
urday nights, at Stayton and had not voted for forty years?
Richard-on Gap, respectively.
Which President received a!1
hut one
¿g~' Dr Bancroft, eye special- College?
•-C’. ‘ ist of Salem. Oregon, will
Which Presidents were twice
be at Hotel Scio, Scio. Tuesday. elected to the Pn idency after
August 15. 1916. Will make having been once defeat« 1 for
regular trips. All work guaran­ th«- 00 •?
The correct answers to the
above questions can be found in
Mrs Ohlemeier, who has pur­ “The Pre>idency of the United
chased the millinery business States’’ a 48 page, vest jMH'ket
from Mrs O B Cyrus, will return size booklet containing historic
from Portland almut August 26 facts, dates, incidents, statistics,
with a full line of up to date etc. about all past and present
elections, Very vali..itde.
Geo Morgan returned the l i t interesting, Call at this
for a copy today. Given
of the week from a visit with
relatives near Vancouver. Wash. with each new subscription or
renewal to the Santinin New*; or
Geo says they were in the midst
for sale ut ten cents per copy.
of hay harvest and put him to
work in the field while he w:
Mrs George Gibbons
Miss lla Wain of Junction City
came down last Thursday fora
few weeks visit here with rela­
tives arid friends. She was ac­
companied by Miss Ada Thayer,
who visited with her the fore
jmrt of last week at Junction
The K of P band is putting in
lots of hard work these days,
practicing new music for the
Linn County Fair next month.
*1 his little band is a hummer and
gets by with a better class of
music than many bands in much
larger towns than Scio.
Oregon News Notus Eloxv Much Does an Linn ( ountv School
Egg Weigh?
nn P m date <t~. ITl'W«! ill the 8| iwr tw—!
To th-ww who iMiy prutuntly tn I
prier •< SI ***> Ot.’KO« l»'i«l<ipmrii< X< «• i»i I I lie of
I-rf yrar. Th«- pri<"r M fl. 1 if p-u«L|
lixiiiwtrir*, Payroll». and I’riMlixi.
st vntl of
I tw pafi-r •* :not »« nt I
Mrs George Gibbons died at
her home near Shelburn Iasi
Friday <>f cancer, after a linger-
ing illness , and interment was
made in the Miller cemetery
Tuesday, The funeral was at-
tended by a large number, not
only from Shelburn, but else-
where, The services w< re con-
ducted by Father laine and
Father Henry of Albany.
Mrs Gil b ns was highly es­
teemed by all who knew her, a
woman of splendid character.
She leaves a husband and .six
children: Mrs J W Miller, John,
George Jr, rait»ot and Leonard
Gibbons of Slwlburn and Mrs
Geo M liter of lowu.
Mrs Alta Abliott and two
children, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs Anna Barstow of
F T Bilyeu went to Portland
Myrtle Creek, are visiting here
this week with Mr and Mrs Wm Wednesday on a business trip.
Abbott at the Scio Hotel, Mr
Huck Sims, carrier on Route
Abbott being a brother of her
deceased husband. Jack z\bbott. 2, is taking life easy these da)s,
enjoying his annual vacation on
Rev and Mrs II B Iler and the full pay. Al Plummer is scatter­
two younger children returned ing the mail on this route as his
last Thursday from a visit with substitute.
their friends, the DeVures, at
Miss B< »sie Svoboda returned
Dexter, lame county, leaving
Master Harry there for a longer home Tuesday from a few days
visit. They made ’he trip with visit with her sister, Mrs Ed
their spring wagon and old Dob­ Horsky at Albany. She was ac­
bin. and report an enjoyable companied by Mrs Horsky and
daughter, who will visit here for
a couple of weeks.
Charley Compton, who was
helping quarry rock on the Fred
Main street looks like a cyclone
Mespelt place, met with a |>ain- had struck it this week as a re­
ful accident last Saturday, when sult of the county "scarrifier”
a rock, which he says looked as tearing up the gravel, prepara­
big as a wagon bed, slipped up tory to giving the street a new
behind him when he wasn't look­ dress of crushed rock and as­
ing and jumped on his back. phaltum. It is hoped to com­
He was badly bruised all over plete the work this month. In
ani his left hand mashed tn such the meantime the street is prac­
a way that it required ten tically cli>sed to traffic for
stitches to piece it back together vehicles, the parallel streets east
and west of Mam beirg used.
<>f l.*!x.r and Enitrpri*«.
Telegra »n has
The industrial w >rk done by
» t Linn coun­
j an investigation the boys and girls « of
with the follow- ty through the influence of the
school, the parents and the coun­
s were plac-'d on ty schtxil sup -rintendent has lie-
they tippe<| the come n great factor in the lives
.» more than If'» of many students.
in addition to the regular work
the 11 weighed «•
done in school, several hundred
pound. These eggs were pick« <1 boys and girls of th • county are
at random. It was found that now actively engaged in indus­
the average weight of a single trial work in gardening, poultry
ogg was about 1 1-2 ounces. A raising, mechanical work, domes­
brown leghorn egg weighed one tic art domestic science and
OUIlce. A white eghorn tipped general industrial work in the
at 1 7 8 ounces, Another white home, encouraged through the
leghorn weighed 1 3 4. A ply- school influence and without ex-
mouth ris k egg sent the arrow |>ense to uny one. As a . esult
to 1 3-4 ounces and unother to the woi k in its various forms has
1 1-2. One other egg was greatly inerva t-d the usefulness
w cighed and registered 1 1-4 of many children regardless of
ounces, A raiser of black minor- grade m school or environment
cas said thal the eggs laid by at home. Lust year one boy was
this variety of hens averaged 2 a wauled second prize on his corn
ounces. ”
exhibit ut the St Paul corn show,
The News family keeps a few also two girls and two boys were
Ith nle Island R- ds f r nimsure sent to the state fair with all
and profit, and out of cutiosity a expenses paid by tne stat • for
little home investigation along the entire time as a reward for
this line was conducted with the having the best exhibits at the
result that even egg# picked at Linn County Fair. A similar
random weighed exactly one priie will lx* given this ytar.
pound, and one of
The experience of the past hns
c.ui.sidvi.ibiy unuer the size of been encouraging
the others, And by Hie way one the support of every citizen is
of the»« hens laid a double yolk solicited at this time in the
egg one day Inst week that further progress of the work so
measured si x by eight inches in well begun, It is evident that
vircum it "reiic»1, b it unfortunate­ the prime object of this move-
ly thi > egg a .is vati ii before any rncr.t is to teach the boys and
thought of weighing it was con- girls to respect labor, to use
.-•i»l- it d, so ii • weight will always their hands as well ns their
remain a dark secret.
? minds, to make practical appli*
Citionot the knowledge gleaned
Mrs Henry ; tep.inek came from lx>»ks, and to 1».
nt more
nome Thursday fiom a visit with useful men and women.
Portland friends.
In order to encourage this
work. I»» bring the school and
Mi .< B-ssie Carey of Shelburn the home closer together and to
v a.- op rated on for appendicitis lead the teiys and girls in the
nt ,i Salem hospital Tuesday. paths of irulu.iiy. an exhibit is
She *.< reported as getting along held each year at S ch » as a part
of the Linn < ’ runty Fair. At
this fair lilwral prizes will t»«>
Mr W A Cross arrived home awarded for uny exhibit of merit
.' inda. evening alt-r a visit of as listed on the regular prize
two rr, nths st the home of her list.
father, Wm Etters, mar Oregon
The children of the county are
< ity.
earnestly requested to report
during this month to the county
Fred Jones came in Saturday . < hoo! superintendent at Albany,
from a fishing trip at Marion or to (.’ C Wade of the fair board
Lake, reporting a g<x»d time and : at Scio of anything tney have for
a fine catch of the finny tribe. ! exhibit. Tne pro.qMcts for a
Llovd Lukcnbach. who hadn’t good fuir are excellent ihis year.
had all the fishing he wanted, No worthy boy or girl should
stayed there.
fail to be represented.
Local fairs will be held at
J F '.Vesely returned the last Harrisburg October 6 and 7, and
of the week from a business trip
at Albany October 12. 13 and 14.
to Portland lie brought home
W. L. Jackson, Co. SupL
a |200 clarinet that sounds ns
good as the price implies, and
An interesting letter is prom*
will play hereafter with the Scio
ia»*d for next week from the pen
of our old friend. J R Geddes.
Draining 15,(kX) acres water-
.iked French Prairie land tint y
be mor»» than talk.
For« st Grove to have new
brick bui css block.
Four gm in elevators, capacity
20.000 to 100.000 bushels, beine
built in Wasco count).
I\>r .
■ • ■ !»• s|x-nt
on Pacific Telephon«- Co line re­
Fin«- new bridg«* built at I«eLa-
non by Pacifk Iron \\ >r-.j has
been accepted by county.
Contract let for concrete stock
•,■..» -I ■ ' .. ;:r , .i- I'■ r'. < ti.
Tillamook paving mile of strict
an«! building larg»» warehouse.
New shingle mill being in-
-tailed on branch of {.arson in­
let near Marshfield to operate
August 31.
Prof Skelton and College crew
ut < orvalhs I adding macadam
road and iuy mg cement side­
Dallas and Falls C.ty unite to
operate large ruck crushing
Junction cannery will ndd
prune drying plant.
Sev«?n carloads cattle shipped
from Eugen«» to California igar
beet feeding station:;
Big co-operative cannery in
operation at \\ he ter.
Albany furniture fa>rv t iris
September 1 with fir. 1 year’»
output sold.
Afier It years talk, ma»hin«rv
is actually going into the potash
iak«-a near Bend.
Henry Neiger of Lincoln
r.iak**» 100 lbs
i*ii ch ?ese per
month from 32 cows.
Marshfield to p ivc ten blocks
of Anders >n atre« t.
Eugene spends S3-1'» improv­
ing city hall.
Carnation flouring mills near
Fore-1 Grove, long Idle, are to
Kruse & Banks ship yar<i at
Marshfield which is op rated
electrically with power furmslied
by the Oregon Power Co, has
secured contracts for building
five large teiats.
Pacific T« tephone Co to build
new line* from R< »»eburg to
Myrtle Point.
Coos Bay to have an open shop
stevedoring company backed by
the lumber mills.
People of Ritter country near
Condon to have bridge across
North Fork,
Riverside scho«»lhou*c contract
let at Roseburg.
Albina machine works to get
$235,000 for repairing Japanese
New bridge to go across Ump­
qua at Happy Valley, near Rose­
La Grande business men will
install a gas plant.
Florence - Putting in new
waterworks. New shingle mill
Astoria letting contracts for
six bitulithic streets.
Contract let for l^itham and
Dillard highway.
Meacham sawmill working
with night shift
Eugene gets a $3000 brick
store building.
Dallas voted down an eight-
mill special school tax.
Frank McDonald nnd family
were down from Mehama today
transacting business, accom-
i»anied by Mrs McDonald's
mother. Mrs Henry Miller of
Sisters, who is visiting them.
Frank called at the News «>Hi<e
and arranged to k«ep potted on
Scio happenings the ensuing