ì . ’ I . • . i . ’ V ■ ’ • » . • • ■* »! » - ./ " MELLOW SWEET the round trip rate to Ah« ,Six n>.>nthn slurti limit * th »1 i-iK-r». The «prii jr i* • dei.ghtful time to go. » and Listen! Farmers Do you know that Scio has a new ro ice buying firm? We arc in the market for prac­ tically anything von hav«- to s« II, having an Hazelwood cream sta­ tion working in <■ mjuncti n with us in the san e building. Bring ur your «‘ggs, poultry, hides, veal, dressed pork, cus- ciira bark, wool, mohair, old cop­ per. rubber. ( ’If I LA M. etc. Oar Hazelwood representative, .Mr S E I xjw ry ha* a reputation of being up to the minute un the handling and testing of cream and will trent you right. When in Scio call and SPC UM whether you have anything to sell or not. Southern California Beaches Most Rieféy-Flsvrrcd Chew Fiat W -3 Ever Pressoi Lito R jçs a-. st th*1r bo*« Nice w»rm,un- nv day« makng bathng ideal. « h of l ea« bra. Santa Monica. < ■ • , • »; » . V • Re-I - 4->. I < -irf I -eh and rt ar» all win A k f«-w minute« ride of Los favorite FM a rnecpa™ Angele». R- s.-Aiber that the I- ajtiful Rcd-M«»!« ! tr n wiih res! toMneo • un, w, tu I vvkm - uiO -'iter «fi. h’S •:r 1 kcei adge t> r Sjeai 1!« best toósn.x>. Xculuvky l’. r. íe< ít> fc”, nctòt rsJiHH hatid. »« ■ - Mi si- v!y Li aa'un.l juk et S-e r Head w»n Ycttr «ni ©neo yovr «*<■» in t*-C . lume cnjuj- m*?1 thè«? t- 1 / -ndír v tubar •<• • > t’ ri < (or a third ¡tas b**i • r Urei. Iti m r ctrfttty 4\- t lOIHKE-nilE CH. Successors to Scio Cash Produce Co. Panama - California Exposition is open al! the year Many of the b> t exhibit« from the Panama- l’«< ific I xiamition have been tak- < to San Diego making thin fair bigger and better than ever. rllhaiH s r to Les Angeles and RETURN W rite for our booklet on San 1 >iego ami Southern California Ask '■<-»! ai-'-nt for further information or v. I -, John M ne- tt. «ten Pans. Agt.. Portland, Oregon S outhern P acific c6hr kantiani Virus Lira County F. E. and ö. oll PUB! ISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY L W. ('IIAKI.ES LOCAL NO. 102 *■ second-ciaM mail matter. J no Shimanrk, Sec, Scio K. Rorovicka. Purcha»ing Agent, Crabtree. HfllHl Itll-tlON l«A i s:« a ar ■Meats 1st and 'Id vundav« of each month. •)i»e year in advance .. ........ fl i »tie year, at end of year ........ I fiO Six months in advance.................... 75 fií) Three months in advance............. rat«« mail« application. Anker - Holth B Cream Separator B 6 It is gett¡ng to be the Iradinir separator on 5 B the market.- Richardson Gap tCntervd at tlw pastoffice at Scio, Ore Advertising WE HANDLE THE u substantial near here a success of and is not known on T * Shelburn Local Com«- in am! talk it over »nd let us give you a demonatration. NO. 126 J. F. FnOCHASKA & C3. Asa shanks. «r*. Shelburn Meets 1st and 3d Sue-lay» st 2 s fl fl SCIO, OREGON fl ootoot oomr*'; Elsewhere in this issue, a •ero t>. «e orouo news item states that a new (I. I. Sutherlind ( rganifer. Ib .nn- drugstore is in prospect for Scio. It is to lie expected that the people will be divid­ ed in opinion as to tin- feas­ ibility of this step, as they are upon nianv other sub­ ject«. Personally, the writer believe« that Mr Everett will make no mistake if he de­ tides locust hie lot with ll p Many people here do not feali’e how rapidly the town R M Russell, republican is growing, unless they stop candidate for county clerg. On Mav 9th ami look hack two or three is consider« «1 something of a There will be a Demonstra­ years and think Imw many home Imv by Sri«» people re­ tor at our Hardware Store new businu«« houses have gardless of party affiliations. in the interest of been added to Scio in that ll<> Ims made good in tin* of­ fice anl Comforters or Mattresses cently, a second meat mar­ d lie. in any weight or size. Bring or ket has.beon opened and re­ send your wool; we do th«1 rest ports a good business from WILBUR WOOLEN MILLS CO. Chamberlain's t-mzh Remedy Er.»m a sn.al! beginning the sale and li e start. A few days ago a 36tf Stayton, Oregon. use of this remedy has extended to all young attorney was here Sunday School at 10:00 a m. parts of the I'nited States and to many looking for a house to,Tent, Sr'endld lor RheumatUm foreign countries. Wh.n you have Preaching at 11. Best Meals in the City need of such a medicine give Chamber- Christian Endeavor6:30 to7.30 "1 think Chamberlain's liniment is with a view to establishing a for 25 Cents lain« cough remedy a trial and you will just splendid for rheumatism,“ writes Song service from, 7 30 to 8:00 law office at this place. We Mrs l*unburih, Eldridge, N Y. “It ha« understand why it has boc<-m- ao popu­ Room 50c and Up Pr- aching at 8 o’clock. lar for coughs, cold« at d croup, lib- will welcome him. as tin been used by myself and other mem tamable everywhere. Prayer meeting every Thurs­ city needs a lawyer. Th- bers of my family time and time again day evening at 7J0, J M Meikie- during the past six years and ha« al­ town has passed the village ways given the beet of xatlxfa-ti-xi. ” Beat quality butter wrappers, john, leader. Stage, and the New« pnUi«-’- Tb which Cham H. B. ILER, Pastor. neatly printed to conform with! il.„f .1,,...! I „ V.. i berlain's liniment affords i» alone worth ALBANY, ORE. the law. 60c per hundred at the n -n > „ many time« the \ « ♦ - < «Ç 5 - «