The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, April 20, 1916, Image 1

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YOUR -I RS- RIIT1ON t\l ll:t s
on th«’ «lair »tamprcl ii. the •(*•*
low 1 o th«*-«- who pay promptly itt
odiane«- Ihr »ul— notion prie«- la |I.!S
The students as well t
* per year The pnce « II.50 if paid
are glad t" see so
at end of year, I h* paper to not sent
of to subscriber» who are more than one of the people return who
year in arrear».
had the measles. Among
s the
th. >««•
who returned to High School
are: Franklin Gilkey. Harvey
McLain, Gertrud«'
Gail Jones, Neva Thayer unti
Russel! McDonald.
Burn April 13. to the wife of
BiUy Barringer, a daughter.
Surprise Party
About seventy friends ar.d
I, II Rice of Portland spent neighbors of Miss E s «• Bartnik
¡Sunday here with his father, gave h. r u surprise party on her
twentieth birthday last Saturday
David Rice.
night. Af’er shi- recovered from
Bird dog pups for sale; reason­ her surprise the evening w as
able if taken at once. Cha spent in a most pier«, ant way.
Ci.iz, Scio. Oregon.
Old familiar games such as “The
Farmer in the Dell” end “Miller
Good upright piano to trade
Boy” being the chief pas’iine.
for young cows if taken at once.
At a wee sina’ hour it was dis­
Inquire of J C Mary, Lebanon, covered that each one had
Oregon, box 165.
brought a basket of eats which
they nil did full justice to. M h >
Morrison’s will be headquar­
Bartnik receive«! a number of
ters for fishing supplies again
pretty and valuable gifts which
this season. He has the finest
go«-s to prove that go«><l friends
and largest assortment of hooks
aren't quite as scarce as hen's
of all kinds, lines, spinners,
leaders, reels, baskets, poles.
(Contributed I
Bamboo poles 10c. 3 for 25c.
Mast of the members of the
Knights of Pythias from here
went to Albany last night, where
they were guests of the Albany
lodge and attended the initiatory
ceremonies of the Rathbone Bibie
C lass.
Mrs Minerva Gill received a
telegram Wednesday evening
from North
ht-r son-in-law.
stating that
Frank Butcher, was at the point
of death w ith pneumonia. She
left at once for that place.
Mylo Bartu, who brought the
body of his wife here from their
southern California home two
weeks ago, will leave tomorrow
for Gardena where he has an­
other month of school work, ile
will return here after that for
the summer vacation.
Lowe’s Madison Square Theat­
rical Co consisting of eight peo­
ple finished a three nights en­
gagement at the Peoples Th« at re
Wednesday night They played
to good houses and put on clean
comedy and drama plays that
were well received. Certainly
for the price charged for admis­
sion they cannot be beat.
This office was honored last
Saturday by a call from E E
Brodie, editor of the Oregon City
Enterprise and Phil Bates, editor
of the Pacific Northwest of Port­
land, president and secretary,
respectively, of the State Edi­
torial Association. They were
out in the interest of a bill to be
to be submitted to the next legis­
lature by the newspaper men of
the state for a legal rate to be
established for all papers. A
letter received by the writer
Tuesday' from Mr Bates says, in
speaking of their trip: ”We
171 miles Saturday,
stopped at 12 cities and visited
with 18 newspaper men, and ex­
pect to keep up this character of
work until the whole state is
School Notes
Variety, cleanliness, courtesy,
for people who are particular.
Sanitary .Market.
Al’IÎIL 2o.
Although the basket ball s«*n-
son is over th«- High School stu-
dents do not thing that wtil be
th«' entl of their fun for th««
ehool ve^r. The (■!«•« <?lub girls
put their money into th • athletic
asso -iution and by both funds a
tennis court is being made, The
toy also expe -t to fix up their
baseball grounds.
Card of 1 hanks
We d«sire to take this meth««!
of expressing our heartfelt
thanks to th, many friends for
their sympathy and bvautiful
floral off« rings at th«- burial of
our beloved wife and daughter.
Mylo Bartu.
Albert Young and Family,
Frank Bartu and Family.
To parties wishing first class
goat pasture for summer free
for 1<M> head or more can obtain
same of E S Ogl»*sbee, Shelburn.
Old oapers 5 cents a bundle at
the New > orti ce.
Born April 14, to the wife of
Andrew Salzl ot Jordan, a
The opening of the new Coos
Bay branch of the Southern Pa­
cific has opened up a wonderful
country, rich in
natural re­
sources. To help give to the
world the true information in
regard to this section of the state
of Oregon, the Southern Pacific
has recently issued a beautiful
illustrated folder entitled “The
Coos Bay Country.” Copies of
this lawk can be «ibtained from
any Southern Pacific agent <>r by
writing to John M Scott, General
Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore-
Stock at all kiruto look pretty thin
after the hard winter. The mite lou»«-
ha» been rauaitig much trouble. It
can««-» the hair lo come off an I fevding
h-avily dora but little K--«d 11 m»v be
well to tak«» into account hi» majesty,
th« louse. in accounting for the l«-on-
tie»»'of «lock. Some kind of dtoinfvi't-
ant «hould be appli««d along the >»<k
bone and around the head and ear»,
The Iou*e ennnot be weu except with
the aid nf a micr<i«co(ie II to not a
ma ; l«>u»e but it -M't» hones, cow»,
calv«» and all kind» of critter» t_
Billy Slit», formerly o f Jortlan, and
partners have enter-<1 into logging ope-
ratior » with t.-am* -«»me logging can
be done more cheaply with team» than
M imi
Vernn •icd-le». who h»» lw«-n
I’rof While was a Salem visitor working fur the Ortrgon Power anil
Electric Co at Eugene, ha» l-egun work
Erol Sims and Uriah Pruitt in the office of the Hammood Lumber
ln<rea»««l pay influence»
were visiting school Tuesday. chanii!-«, She once upon a tune was
Some of the sophomore girls say enrolled tn the Scio a-h<>ol aid wu »
that the boys cam«- to see !*r«»f pupil of that delightful teacher, Mr»
Wriite; you can believe that if Prill
During an all wint.-r compulsory »er-
you want to.
New Drug Store
Is Prospect
Mr and Mrs ( A Everett and
Cecil Ihiird of Munroe were here
last Sunday visiting at the S E
I a > w ry home. Mr Everett is «
druggist and was looking over
th«- town am! interviewing a
number of business men and
others whd«* here, w ith a view
of moving his drug store to Scio
if he decides it would be a pay*
ing move. Many with whom le
talked an- of th«- opinion that he
tool«! not lose by taking such a
Step. One merchant who has
around $15.<MK) or $20.000 in­
vested her«- stated that h • —oul«l
start a drugstore himself if he
could disposé of his other inter*
eats, ns evidenc« of ths faith
he has in the opening.
Mr Everett has another
lion m prospect which he will
visit this week, but th«1 proba­
bilities are that Scio will be his
choice, from remarks he dropped
Sunday, in which event he will
m< m - his stock here within tin-
next few weeks.
Ira Abbott, Deceased
Mohair Sale
vice on the Federal jury, the writer
met *ov.-r»l ohi time friends in Port­
land. Among them were T J Munk er»
wih I family, Mr »nd Mr» Frank Gill,
Dr Jone* nn-l wife '!»«• Morri*), Mr»
Giir»ai«t«-r. Dr Coto’a daughter. Mr»
E C Faery and other*, It in a ileliyht
to know such people They play th«-
glad game. How many other» play it?
Ira Abbott died at his horn«* at
The Hammond Co to bud ling several
mile* of ua-A road into the timber It Myrtle Point last Saturday and
take» two train» running on achtniula was buried Sunday afternoon at
time to carry the log» b«s»ide» a train that place, according to a tele-
load each day that comet down from
giam received by his brother,
Will Abbott. Jack, as he was
f'hartoa Sullivan, who to known to
call«-d, had
many of the remivr« of the N«-wn, ha» familiarly
in Scio,
invent«*! a pirn- wrench which cannot friends
th u. I h< p<p - w ill tw i -t apart bcf«»rr watched with pity and admira­
it will I«' Ÿ
A stock company haw tion the brave fight he put up
been organi»«-1 to manufacturo the
against tuberculosis the past two
togging hook that he ha» had patented.
three years, and their sym­
Marine companto* are finding that it pa
just what i» wanted in towing nn-l pathy goes o it to th- bereaved
Mr S will g to Portland wife and two little ones, who are
Santiam News and .Metropoli­ soon to take charge of the work. A left to fact- the world alone.
concern look advantage of him and l-e
tan Magazine, both one year for gun to « xplmt hi» hoot, he brought
s' 1.75.
Me Knight «V Dah-y
them into court and got damages An-
other suit it landing for infringement. seven head of tubercular cattle
Beginning tomorrow, Friday,
A large surveying party ha» been at at th«- sal«- recently held south of
the Mill C ity motor will carry work between .Mill < it; and Mehama town, but of course will not sell
locating the electric line from Salem lo
mail on the evening run.
them here. These cattle are all
Bend. They »urveyt-d to the center of
branded and have tobe accounted
We call your «•-!>•• -tai attention the Geddea ranch, set the la*t »take i for to an inspector who will I ms
and returned down th«- line to make
to what N I Morrison has to say correction». It to "done tole” that present when they are killed ar.d
this weeK on page 4. His ad is the S P ha« lo'l it» right of way from who will tag and ship them him-
goal reading matter because it Detroit through th«- mountain». The self. Any that are unfit for
contains so much that is helpful time limit erdrd and the Hill intercata shipment will l«e cooked for hog
to know. In this connection do ••gobbled it up” and have made it meat, the inspector lighting the
their». The surveyor» are taking the
you realize how universal the ad brat route to Niagara. They are evj- fire under the meat. This in-
reading habit is getting? Good <i«atly aimi >g to utilise that water formation is given for the benefit
honest descriptions, such as most power. About every other man you of some who might be under the
advertisements now nave to he. meet can t«-ll you when, where and how impression that these cattle
nrv certainly about the best guide th«- r«nul i» to b<- built. A fln<- chance would be placet! on the block at
for speculation; the reader may figur«-
to wise buying that anybody can it out and i'll letai you paper and pencil the home market.
with which to do it.
No »igna of hard tim it up here. Your
scribe to the only man wearing patched
pant«, it is a An«- thing to live with an
The following »re mti pnee« quoted old fashioned lady who can do such
on Thursday of each week by our work with neatness and dispatch.
The Scio annual mo'iair pool
Com. Butler has had new pier» place*! consisting approximately ofK.iXM)
under the I.inn end of th«- bridge, lie
1 30
('lour, per «ack ....................
jxiunds, will be sold at the Secre­
aent a lot of lumber up to th«- Mad
.30 oo
Bran, per ton..........................
office in Scio. Friday,
34 00 t’rvek bridge.
Middling», per ton .......
34 00
Chop, wh«-at, per ton..........
Candidates are numerous now, It to
32 00 right to acquainted Voter»
Chop, oat«, per ton.......
Rartoy Chop..........................
X! oo n«md U> see them.
tarle it m at night to wr m«-n Itvlng
Butter, (Country) per roll
t'onsldcralile talk about the Crown but-hered? Thus emperor N«-n» fi<kll«-d
Butter Fat (net) .......... 2S, 31 and 34
mines up here. It a«-ems to be forging while Rome burned.
Egg», caae count, per down
ahead in the confidence of the people.
Did you underatawl that the war will
Hm», per pound...........
.’.... 18 to 14
when the big financier» «ay atop?
<iee»e, per pound ......................
war to fulfilling pr»|»hrvy? >ome day It will
Turkey», per pound......................
An- you kttmg th-' war get on your
I II tell you about It. It wa» to lie.
Ii-jcka. per pound Pekin............
Quit it.
Duck», Indian Runner ............
war talk putting the U 8
Pork, dre«»«-<i ...................................
DM you notice that one of the in the minor key? It *<-cm« an.
Pork, live weight..................
Veal, per pound, for »hipping .
9 1 Katoer'» sons told what a fine apec-
The s«>c al last Friday night
was well attended. After the
program the baskets w. re •old
and the rest of the evening was
spent in plaving games.
Misses Johnson and Jackson
to .A’ v Saturday < -mng
A povertv dance will be given
ar.d Mrs Fred Bdyeu.
Saturday, .April 29. at the F J S
Little Gladys Shelton was a
and Z C B J hall. Good music
und good supper. Everybody high school visitor Tu-sdat af-
cordially invited. Come one an I ternoon. Perhaps she wanted to
all. Anyone dancing in good go to the primary room but
suit of clothes will be charged thought the other would du as
. well.
25c extra.
Some of th«« people are very
giad they have ha«i the measles
because they have a splendid ex­
cuse for poor lessons.
Poverty Dance
Froch. cherry and ;»-or tree» ar«- in