Ralph Thom Railroad Time Table Candidate for iblican nomina- Countii Recorder Emma Bartu. barn May 14. 1 ^91 tn Barton county, Kansas, d ed April 5, 1916 of heart fai!- u e in Gardena, (’al. Surviving h -r arc her husband. Mylo Bartu; father, and mother, Mr and Mrs Albert Young; four sisters ar.d three brothers, namely: Mrs Frank Stupka and Edward of Gooch; Mr a Oscar Lindley, Misses Clara and Rosa, and William and Steve of Scio. Two services weie held Sun­ day, the first at the bou«« by H R Iler when a beautiful song was sung in the Bohemian language a id “Nearer My God to Thee” in the Engljsh language. The re­ main» were then taken to the Franklin Butte cemetery, where two services were hold, one be­ ing conducted in Bohemian, and the other by Rev II B Iler. An extra large attendance was present at the cemetery and many beautiful bouquets and wreaths produced by the hot house and nat iral sources were contributed to the deceased. Two letters were sent tn the husband from their home at Gardena. Cal. one from the club of which Mrs Bartu was a mem­ ber, signed by all the members, which tendered their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved hus­ band: the other was of like man­ ner from the High School of Gardena, of which Mr Bartu is a member of the faculty. Should Sot I cel Discouraged So mat y people troubled with in i- gixtion »ml constipation have been benefited by taking < hambcrlain’» tai. let» that no one should feel dixeour- aged who ha* nut given them a trial. Thr.V contain ne peutin or other diges­ tive ferment» but «trer.gthcn th< stom­ ach and enable it to perform its func­ tion* naturally. Obtainable every­ where. Trama Countii Surreijor Raving had experience with the cnintv record*. and i.-irg f»m-nar with the • ■raduate tn E incring ”f **• ' ' work in th» K»-.--»rrf»-r’» fl! «-, I frei te » hr I - .V v«-ui» practicalexparwnco, that I can run the ’!> .- « fti- :• illy and on Var luu vnxtnecrtnx and fiv,- . vurvi-ving in i.ui’i e wi-ity and am j ervnom cwliy. Y.iur *uj >rt «-!l ow.< r of tn*- oriy.-’al field not«» of . appreciated. T. T. F»»her. i minty -urveyor from ‘ <1 ;id Adv 1 to I'"1 I am familiar With hand-'; ; >!«> !», road record», ami other Oil •!' the >»u-itv I have p.Mlv«l It --d |->4tlX <»f ali th CoUtiy road»' inn . .’iinty which i* in u«*- at pre»- Í IL Elch, C tei, Meürw Eavw H m Bea; Farwus fer a G? ter? tren MADE OF CHOICEST RfD BURLEY D. The seerrt of tobacco sat»« faction is known only to the man who eketr* /■fa 7 /<•< ».re. Tic rtnon it that a r - x! chew ret« ri.ht next to your tine, wl.iii- ‘!:c text in fluj/ to’ acco is in a stair of frr h, juicy rkhnens that ii not pot.iblc in any other form of to- t-acro. Tii r<‘, no t hacco in the world that ch v;i.'c you the h«-arty, wholesome I'-.vor <1 ’ y u ret from a delicious chew of Sneor Head. S, ar t : is made exclusively of r!- ■ re I Kentucky Hurley—-the mo«t r h’y-fla -c.cd chwing te’areo that r. »• .. S; ill more, only tte very chotc- c>t red Durl<-y leaf is used for Spear Head. T'd; ch-nee leaf is selected with the r-v <.:r.t. !.i-; care, h stemmed by I ;. vl. it therm.}, hly wasted free of all i c: n matt' r. and is tores d into i ii Head plug? so slowy that not a t’-i-i of juice or an atom of the nat- ur-J f.-- ->r escapes. S' ar ■ ■>-! and vouH get a «• ec! 'l-»w l.i ■<<«« ati • ing chew th it ciit-t- • o'Uii cd in any other !■ c ». In 10c fits, wrapped in was ■ —... Srrlval an» Oepartuie ot Pamngir Bcdine Ilrptibb »nn Hindi-‘atr \V> »alburn-Sprilli: he Id F-ranch WEsi SCU> ................. 7 V, » ni .... 6;ill p m North......... South . I or valli» X Eaatern MINKEK8 Albany. .................... n m Mill tity ............................ *9.-06 a m H’ally except Sunday. t Pativi Adv. ! f«>r inni » ntion fnr the uftice* tr( SHERIFF If i'lcct'-d l«wiU coi-tu.i.c my «.m-- ¡-> ’ icy tn faithfully divchrrg» niy dulie \ at all time»; «triel l#w . ->f..rerm ■ -it. »poetai attention to tax rolleetion. par ti'-ularlv deli»q»»ent t»x>* (l aid Adv. CHRISMAN ’|( > MIXKERSandWEST SCIO STAGE Roe Sliidtoit, Prop. Pitone , STACIE Ml ETS Al I IgAlSS t.< av< » Scio Ihmtofltar r.t 7.t0 a ni »¡ut ’ t)0 p m for W« t Scio and N l.’i • ni and i.Hipm for .Munker» J. H. GLASS 11’»..I Adv 1 iV. A. Ewing. Pr« »ident E. I • Mver-, <'a hier i l“*td Advert!. «-nu nt ) It) hMoiicr . ■■■■ ■ -A. . ... .. .. A I Itaixiall. Vice l’re». Building permit« at Eugene in­ creased $8.522 ov» r last j «-ar. We make ■< < v of Friendship, Engagement and \V" bling ring- F ,M French X Son. Jewelers and Engravers. Albany. Subject to the primaries May 19. 1916 • Paid Advcrtf '-nu-nt) Ihie* a general banking bu»in«-a», rei riye» iruuicy »'il- bank examine r». R. SHELT0M Splendid for Rhettmailsm Notary Public Real E-»t*ite ”1 think Chamln-rtein'» lin.rncnt i* just splendid for rh -'.rt a'itm." write-» Mr* I unbunrh. ElkriN Y. "I he* been tried by mys>-lf :u d other n cm bers of my family t;me ami time a. i in during the past six year» »nd ha» nl way* given the test of »»-. ta- t-on Th. quick rei.vf from pain whn ' t'bi.i berlain'a liniment afford ' • al<>: <- worth many firm» the cost, td.tu-'t.n h- ev­ ery where. Adminintrator of Eatatr* Negotiate«!. »an* Ab* tract* Obtained and Examined X'lC..................................................OllKCON A. G. PKILL, M. D. Official Directory Corning! Physician of th» Surqeon Tnleplion», Excliaii|t« .\ -CIO At the Peoples Theatre Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 17, IK and 19. three nights only, Ijowe’a Madison Square Theatre in a repertoire of high Kirhnrtlson LOCAL NO. 1U2 class comedies and drama« at Ji.o S'vinaiu k. Sic. Scio picture show prices, 10 and 20 It. Borov icka. Purehaung Agent, cents. No higher, The com­ Crabtree. pany consists of 8 first di»-.« Meets l»t and 3d Sunday»- of e»<-h dramatic artists, 5 men and 3 month. ladies. The play for Monday night will be a four act comedy drama entitled “Tne Mountain Waif," NO. 125 a new play to our theatre goers, A** -hank», See, Shelburn with a strong plot and lots of Meet* 1st and 3d Sunday* at 2 p. m. comedy, The company guaran­ tees to please or refund the price of admission. Thia company has the reputation of playing to (J. L. Sutherland. Oeganlier, Thoma» “standing room only” wherever they have appeared in the pa.-t eight month*. Don’t forget the date, April All Annwnccircnts unikr thia head »re 17, 18 ai d 19. No reserved seats. paid advurtiaemunt*. Children 10c, adults 20c. No higher. ATTORNEY AT LAW JU12 New Etr»t National Hank Illdg. ALBANY Xetciiimrimi E. (’. PEERY Both Telephones STAY10X - OR EG OX DR. T. K. SANDERSON POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Saturday. April I 5 Wesely Hall DENTIST 27-7 Telephone: : ’CIO A. G. Prill Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cummings • - orfqon Automobile» Republican candidate for $Li(> Reward, $100 Countij School Supt. Th* rvMtf* f » • ’•»‘jMt w-GI !*• pira»«-*I Io leurn th »« lher»* I* at leaot < mh » tirrodr«! irt4 th»- iti*»*» «if th* dl» ma»-, and ft».- sfrrnalh l»r R. M- RUSSELL Kepnbli(*nn candi­ date for Model 83. 35 h. p...................... $795.00 Model 75, 25 h. p...................... $095.00 County Clerk Present incumbent I Five PdsSengur Touring (’n-, Completely Equipped Electric Ligi.I* ;md Starter / l»nH*ttr«4 hy «II I »ft*« «G *• Tic Tat« Hah a Family l'ina for rnR«ftt»a»iaa The Weekly Kanras City Star and the Santiam News, tmih one 1 year for êl.lô.