..................................... ... ................... i I Possibly About You \•o ■: ■ \ i • l !nt< :i . * • tow . O ¡1. ■< V I» r X adxanc» th# »tii-Tii>t»>n err«- t St I* * per year. 1T.r price »• |1.£O if pael W T luirwood was a Scio visi­ tor Friday. at cnrv< ting for the Linn Countv Fair ha < been wt for Saturday, Fib uary 19. Gov. Withycombe an I other prominent men will ■«(»•■ilk, the Knights of I’Ahias Band «.II furnish the music and a big basket dinner will be served. The commit: ’e will h ave noth- i • ;>» t.inl.e this a red h : *r d.iv m Sei j . so make your i . is no« t>> bring a well filled lu-'.et n 1 • [■end Saturday, Fel»- ruary 19, in Scio, mingling to- ■ ther for ti e common good of all. nnd .-(■ rd a di»\ that will be both enjoyable and educational. W E. Chrisman, who recently announced hi.« candidacy lor tin* nomination of county commis­ sioner on th«* Republican ticket to succeed TJ Butler, «as in Scio Tuesday. Mr Chrisman is u prominent farmer and dairy­ man living u few miles northeast of Scio and stands high in this comm irut>. 11» « as bcgo and raised in this vicinity and has spent all his life here with the exception of a few years in Washington and Idaho. He iv i that if elected h»* will stand for economy and efficient v in all de­ partments of th«* county busi­ ness and « ill make a strong ef- foil to set* th i. the county gets value received for all money ••pent. It is estimated that two- fifths of th«* votes of the county are cast in th«* Forks of the San­ G *o. V McClure will delivers tiam. and this part of the county leci ire at th. ||. ■ i School Audi- b»ritim tomorrow, Friday evening is certainly «•¡¡titled to a c otnmis- siuner. co i n.'iicing at 7:31 p m, his ’ <‘t !> r "T-»daj and Ye.«* terday.” Following are some of his r. ei : .1 S \ in Winkle Hon. S M Garland of Lebanon :i «, ”A cl. an. strong, enter- ::;r t .• and ir.«tructive lecture." will address the school and the Rev Dll L....h says: "A clean, citizens of Scio next Monti») strong lecture for the good of morning at 9 o’clock at the High School Auditorium, this being the nvople.” The ] , r... «!« of this lecture the opening of the new semester. Mr Garland is a forceful and elo­ will i <‘ u* d for th • lienetlt ■;••* High Seh-. I. Everybisfy is quent speaker and will have • rdiaily invited. Admission 25 something to say worth listening to. The patrons of the school cents. are ur re I to be pre-ent. Following is the l»st of jurors, Los Angeles film maker» have road supervisors and election become interested in the cam- __ bo:irds .‘■•r I9lb, for t. .« vieinitv paign to locate some of them in ns given • .< I ;. County Cl« rk Orr. on. One company figuring Rusfll. ha« a payroll of from iJD.tkX) to JURORS <25.000 a week. Too much regur W O Wimmer left Tuesday on Jordan—M Bilyeu, R C Pep- |nti »n and le/islation is forcing them out of < ahfornta. a business trip to Coos Bay periing an«i C C B irm • iter. points expecting to be gone Scio--G W Arnold, J L C da- Lincoln county plans new road about a week. He left his shop van. J M Lindley, J N Long. T L around Pioneer Mountain. in charge of a barber named Dugger, Rudolph Borivicku, La Grand«* sub-station of th«* Churchill who lives at Shelburn. Fred Me.-»peit, G W Morrow, .1 R Eastern Oregon Light & Power Young, M I’ Long, Lee Erwin • .Co wa» destroyed by fire. Bert Davis, who hns been doc­ W W Gib- *n. Springfield -Booth-Kelly Lum­ toring Prof White's piano which Shelburn —F -I P nnv. Stanley ber Co is making extei sivo im­ recently passed through a flood. Taylor. W M Phillips, John Ln t. provements. caused by the water pipes burst- j ’Junkers ing overhead while the family i New lumber companies an* ROAD SUPERVISORS were a« ay from home, returned filing articles of incur porn ti«Jn in District No. I I T J Gibbons, to his home at Albany last Satur­ Oregon almost daily. Sh< lb.irn; No. 15, Ri!oy Shelton. day. N P & G N Rvs. may continue Scio; No. 16. W A Gilkey. I'e.om- to operate the steamships Great The two Lebanon papers are »»; No. 17. Jas Arnold. Grab Northern and Northern Pacific going after each other hammer tree; No. 33. C Donahue, Scio. despite the Panama Canal art. ELECTION BOARDS and tongs and using a subscrip­ as Interstate Commerc • Com­ tion contest manager for the , Jordan -Judy« s. Harvey Shel­ mission hold auch operation wu goat. One of them has cut the ton, S B Cole; clerks, R C l'<-p- in interest of public. Another rubscription price in half. This periing, Eva William on, John H devi«i«»n that rucogniz •« ne ds >f looks too much like walking Geddes. great industry sup«n*ior to tech­ home to spite the railroad when North >’no lit beard: Judges, nicalities of law. you have a return ticket in your W G McDonald, Mary J Thayer: Emerson Hardwood Co of pocket. clerks, C C Wade, John F Lt til *r,: Portland will rebuild after $S*»,- Audrey Hobson. 2nd boari: OCX) fire. At the home of Mr and Mrs A judges, R Shelton, J M Lindlev; Hotel Or»* r«»n at Aahland to 1 c R McDonald of Thomas, are clerks, Elhil G Arnold, E D made modern tourist ft hotel. At the T J Sand ZC BJ hall visiting Mrs Lyddia Robertson of Mye.t, Claudia Gill. . Porter mill at Florence »tarts Friday vv. uing. February I. Roseburg, Mrs Ester Brown of South Scio 1st board: jud tes. 'Three r.tsh )>r ■« will Iw given: Missouri anw it Turner eye dustrial jirogress by Saturday after visiting several advertisements this year is su­ specialists of Portland, will be in dustry. weeks at the home of A .1 John- perfine, in keeping with both Scio again. Friday, February 11. Albany is to have a chiroprue- on in Corvallis. He had the the reliable man who handles the at Hotel Scio parlors. Head- l*c wnitarium. grip while there, but is as chip- goods and the superior quality aches If the Ferris bill is not killed relieved, cross eyes jxr ns a lark again. of the article itself. Mr Morri­ straightened. No charge for in the Senate, the western »tztes son would like to show you a consultation or examination, sat-> lose control forev«*r of one of I.est you forget we say it yet few things worth knowing about ¡¿faction guaranteed. IX,n’t full their greatest natural resources, you can get four magazines cream separator.«. to let Dr Turner »how jou th** waterpower. for one y-ar by renewing your We new lens without lines or seams Astoria is building scenic high­ '■iihscription tn the News. N Young received word recent­ which enables you to read or do want ¿11 of our old subscribers way to summit Coxcomb hill. ly from his son Charley, who is close work and se«» distant ob­ A crab station is being estab­ to get these magazines, Wt are holding down a homestead in jects perfectly. Free demon­ lished at Astoria for shipment of .-»elling the News with four southern Oregon, that he had stration. crabs to various parts of the magazines all one year for only met with a painful and serious $1. M). United States. accident While he and another The News office acknowledges State preaa paying more at­ man were digging u ditch th» a pleasant call from W E Chris­ A warm Chinook took the other fellow threw a large stone man, republican randdate for tention to business and indus­ snow away but Thursday, and over his shoulder which struck a County Commissioner, while in tries and less to politic». the ground remained clear until Mr Young in the face, breaking town Tuesday. At the Narrows, Ceiilo Rapid«, Tuesday of this week, when it the Columbia river is only 16») fell again to a depth of several his nose and lacerating the flesh considerably. He write», how­ When you want information feet wide. Tniaisthc projosed inches. From present Indies- ever, that he is now on the road for live stock snipping day« call site of the gr> »test pow«r plant tior s there is no immediate pros- to recovery and that the accident Thomas _ . Large between 6 and 7 in the U S. pect of a change as the snow will not leave any noticeable a m and between 6 and 8 in the continue« to fall intermittently (evening. 27tf | Look up Morrison’s display ad. tand mays just too cold to thaw. »car. Mrs Harry Connoway, who has been visiting at the borne of her father. .1 A Bilyeu, for sev­ eral weeks. left for hi r home ât Hood River last Friday. LeUiurr January 28 Masquerade Ball Don’ta Garland will Speak Notice to Cream Producers The Haz«*|woo«l Scio Cream Station lut« been u|x*n for busi- neas nearly two weeks and in Lu ­ ing patronized very liberally. We have n fully equipped testing station and guarantee a just test to all and will pay Portland quotations for butterfat. Give us a trial. 8. E. LOWRY, Hazelwood Agt< Sunset 10 months and Santiam News one year for $1.60. Commissioner T J Butler was transacting business in town last Tuesday. Henry and Charley Dtlexal were trading with our merchants Friday. Mr and Mrs Hazelwood have rented housekeeping rooms at the E C Shelton home. Mr »nd Mrn N I Morrison went to Portland Tuesday morning, where they are in attendance at the hardware dealers conven­ tion this week. When in need of printing give the News office a call. First cluss work and prices right. We make a specialty of letter heads, en­ velope«, statement», bill heads. Bale bills, business cards, ladies calling cards, and in fact, com­ mercial printing of all kind«.