m TRY THE NEW Barber Shop COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS BILÏLU DEN IT! IS Hair Cnt............... Shave ....... Neck Shavv.... . M»»*a«v Plain stiainpoo ... Fitch Shan't»«»» ... Egg ' batr.poo ... latmon shamnoo... Quinine Tonic , .. All other tonic* ... . 25 ..15 Mr and Mrs Ben Cole vis­ W. O. WIMMER, Prop ited uilii their daughlvr, St lv HOTEL HFiLDING Mi* Perry Bilyeu, near Crab- tret' recently. ¡producer. Th rv.st h.i pt:M-1 Mis Ollie Shelton is at into th«- hand* of miller* ami L«-b.tnon visiting frieudh and *p<*eulatora. The gpeculatoni and i datives. the demand may pat th«- price Earl Calavan has been titl­ of whint u», anti if a few of th«- ing some work for his wife's farmer* am fortunate enough to | father, Henry Burmestur, be able tn hold part of their cr>»p fora fietter price, t :<* num tint the past week. begrudges the farmer hi* profit ’ Mrs l>i«'tch has been quite has a soul that would rattle in 4 sick , hut is improving B«»wt mustard snell. Henry Bilyeu and family have been visiting relatives in tliis vicinity. if you are utflicted with bolls just dig some buT'loek root.«’, wash them clean, then boil them and drink the tea either hot or cold about 1 -2 cup three times a dav before meals, continue until v our boils are gone. If you are troubled with conati pittimi try eating mut X- » bv » -1 tins made this rev‘pi • ■> cups of bran, 1 cup flour, cups sour milk, or sour doueh, I rounding teaspo*>u soda. 1-1 cup butter or other shoitvning and 3 tablespoons New Orleans molasses. 1’» it all together and bake in inultin pans. Doc S qi - ib . How to Prevent Croup NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to I he I. •_<.! . -'T 1 • f l ■ -. i "•> jf> of l inn Cou. ty. State cf O-egon. that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MKKTIN«» 'of said lhatrict will be held at Schrol ’ House, on the 27ih day of November, 1915, at lc o’clock in tbo forenoon, to vote on the proposition of levying a special dialrtet tax. The purpuaes for which the money to be raised by this levy »hall be ekpeiHi- v« s or curtain* ......................... M 00 106.00 Library bool. *..................... .50 00 Incidentals......................... Repairs of schoolhouse*, out­ building* or fence* 200.00 One bond,....................... .... 800.00 50.00 Interest on bond* ............... 150.00 Interest on warrant* ............... 815. uo Janitor......................................... Fuel.............................. ........... mow I ight................................... . 5.00 Clerk'* »alary..*........................... 25 00 3 50 Postage and stationery .... . Ily Order of f’lstrict; 4*7.00 Sidewalks ......................... Sanitary tuilet* and fire p«o- tecUun..... . 4X9 *Ml I I WE ARE AGENTS Koi: THE Official Directory Sanitary Cross of the HAIRGOODS I A i.’« ,4 U ci*«i for de*eripl»ve catalogue Switch»** « i be sent on a provai. ALBANV. Linn Couirtg F. E. and C. U. of A. (’ountv I nion Trains Woodburn Spring field It an« h WEsf SCIO North. i :3a * South 5:11 p T • I F I 'innh. Pres, tabanon C C Snyder, s I ral tree Maii> except Sunday \Lerdeen Local SO. HI Orland Z» k. See, O*l>an<>n Meets • A Uvat» V STAUE Ml I r> L« ai. I JH-lli NOriCE OF R0AÜ MEETING •2 r, p |9X» a MlXKKRSondW EST SChl STAGE ORLGON Al I IU AISs ’’ ... I',. ti.fliiT , t 7 Iti a », i í w t . .. h , and H:l ■ a m a .1 2:00p tn fur Mui.i.i r* Il I, Scio Notice >» herebv given by the under- srgrwxl, resident tax payer* of Hoad Dwinct No. 25 of I m ,nt.. On n. NO. KU I" . g 1‘", • • ■ ■ , < •e » j.k.y.-t-s .f ;J; I R. I ' i.-t. ti nt AI M< .. -, See, Crabtrvd a mcelilg of the tsxp,iv- i <>f ri*; V ar ; 4th Saturdays at night. R«>*.| |>,iti-ict will be b- h! n -»tur Uay. th«* 27th i!ay of 'uvi-uh,., I at the hour of 2 o’clock in th • aft« i n«x>n of »aid day, for the |»u«|o « < f levying auch an ad'ht nal V«« on all the taxable property ui -Í IK a.! Pi»- trirt a* may L-- do-iited ad» able by th«- majority of auch taxpayer» a', «neh nu-cli ig to improve the t ■>.. :• of >ni I Ml. I’« j Road IHatrict. John Bender, ('. I Silbertiatel, I rai.k I ■' Ultori, Sec. Lacomb I .in»lemán, E J Peppcrling. U, l.ackn« , '’«■>• 2d »■«! Ith Saturday night*. John Folta. R c. I’«»pi erling. G. M. Wirth. F .M Kimball, I’ il. IM.eu, EU [hiugh-rty. H It. Philip»«. Ilarve; Shelton, l.to Rund, J<« Schwindt, no , * Nickola* Endrt . E. Wendt. O G Col loon, Sec, Halsey Meet* ( ralitree i,ocal ". A. Ewing, President i:. 1 ). A I Randall, \ Ke l‘r»«. MVera. < i liier I W h ‘* a gcn«. being more than ten j«r cent nt th.- tux ixyers of «»Hl R«»i ! D-tr. t. that a meeting of the taxpayers <>f sai.i lioad I'lstnct wit! b«- i< d at th«' S»ur of 2 •»'«•!«»<. in th«' afternoon of aid day, for th«- purptci« of levying GH« let and lai »undaya of each I such an additional tax on all the tax­ month. able pro|»erty in sa»l |:< mm 1 Di»tru t a> may b*- «learned advisable by the i bated this Sth day of November, »ority of su -h taxpayers at ,u< !i meet­ 301-2 New First National Ban Bldg. ing to improve the roads of raid Koad No. 113 1915. District. ai haxv L>- • »rd Gilkey, Sec, Thoma* ATTI T: John Mclitnacher. J I . Calavan, E, J. F. We»«4v, Di.-trnt Clerk. Meet* ]«tand3t! W win«'«day*. , C. Peery. Ed Fleming, W. F. GilL A' ------- ------------- A G. PRILL. E. Randall. Itoe Sb* iton. I’. IL Ma< F. T. THAYER, Donalti. J F. Oupor, h>-lton, NO. 125 J N. Long, T. I’. Luketibach, Chi»« A' * 'hank*, sw, Hh jiburn We-i 'y, F. G. Cary. O. r. Morgan, W. M. Rhoda. Hank M> Donald, Dean Mei !* lot n-.«l Id Th iii*i*;» at 7 P rn Morris, Jeaa R ¡ate» her exp«'rienca m follow; "Mv little boy i* subject to croup. During the past winter I kepc a butt r of Chamberlain* cough aemeiiy in the hou»e, and when he legan having that croupy cough t would give him one or E«t minted ttual di*bur<«'- two doses of it and it would break the n>«-nt*.......................... td. ■ t..'>'i attack. I like it better for chlldrvn Fût i mated tot«) receipt« .1 .HMM than any other medicine because child­ ren take it willingly, arxi it i* safe aril Balance to be railed by tax (on a valuation of <258, *>0.00 r.'liable. Obtainable everywhere. equalling 13 inilhi ... <3,2.15 50 UCJMB NtWi ITUS Armai and Departure ot Passenger HAMILTON’S I ||ai|poa(| firae ¡a[)|e Surqeon c. Riverside I.ocal ATTORNEY A'.’ LAW . Earl Yeoman departe 1 last Mo .day for Umatilla county in» tending to take up a horn« lead. I> H Buhl and wife visited with hn sister and her family near Foster last week. F M Turnidfe and family and Holt and Willia Craft visited the Nolan families Sunday. Geo McLeod and family We are now buying’ for the enjoying a visit with a sister Lebanon Creamery Co. Highest Notice la hereby given by the under- from Colorado whom they had market price paid for cream de» »igned, resident taxpayers of Itoad not seen since they came to Ore­ livdted al our »tore in Scio. District No. 16 of Lina county, Oregon, Scio Feed Co. • log ni'-r» than ton |»r cent < ; ti gon. taxpayers of sawi R»a«l District, that Mr and Mrs O V Powell were a meeting of the taxpayer» nt «aid Ko’.ct Fir Pbö .cdiion completely surprised Friday- L". l>r-tr..t will . T al’.’. I O night by a large number of their Department of the Interior O F. Hall, Scio, Oregon, in «aid Road friends, who gathered there for District on Monday, th«- 29th «Uy of C. s. Land Ofll««' at November. 1915, at the h-.ur of 2 a social evening. Dancing and Portland. Oregon, heptember 37. 1915 o’clock in the sflermvn of said day, games were enjoyed by both old Notice is h««reby given that John B. for I ho peirpose of levying »uch an ad­ and young and at the midnight Erie*«»«», asigtiee of John Kingston, ditional tax on all th«« taxable projerty hour an excellent supper, Administrator of th» estate of liana 1 m said Roiui Distnct a* may be deem­ brought by the ladies, was Cronin, fWc’d., whoM po*tutl>«^r ad ed advisable by the majority of auch »Irras I* Washougal, Washington, did taxpay* r* at such mnetmg to Improve served to all. on the 27th day of September, 1915. the roaoff church will have a bazaar and No. 015*6. to enter under the provlx»««* Mespelt, Fred M«-*pclt, J. G. Ilolt. ten cent luneh at Ijtcomb Satur­ nf Section* 2306 and 23V7. Revised Leonard Gilkey. Cor* M. ««mith, Eliza day night, November 2t). We Statute* of th«- United State* of beth Gilkey, Anna K. Zysart, L. bespeak for them a large and America, the • e | nt s r ), *«s-. 19 .«n«l Young, W. II. Young. J*a. Craft. J.R. the * w > of n w I *ee. 2S. T 11 S. R 4 Young. G. " . Morrow, Kd St. panck. liberal crowd. E, Willamette Meridian. C. H. Rockwell, John Wc»ely, W. i. Apropos of "A Subscriber s Any and al! person» claiming »<1 verve Sommer. N. I. Morrison, J. F. Pro- •‘holler’’ about a farmer asking ly the land* above described, or desir- ehaska, R M. Raymond, Joe Boyan- a dollar a bushel for his wheat, .ng to obj««ct t'ccausr of the mineral j ovsky, J. R. Piatt. R. II. Borovieka. •haracter of the land, or for any other John Egr. G. W. Garland, J. II Poin­ we would liKe to exi r -ss our .rason, to the dispnaai to the applicant, dexter. Lillian L. mim*. K. C. F'neltor opinion. Of the 1915 ctop o! .hould file their affidavits of protest in western wheat only about one this office on or before the 2Uth day of i Sunset 10 months and Sanitari bushel out of every fifty avail­ November. ¡915. 1 New* one year for $1.50. N. Campbell, Register. able for milling, is held by the SlicILiirn I .<»<•;» 1 Veterinarian Cream Bought NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING G. F Korinek, B. V. S. Rock Hili Local Huth Tt Irphoiirfi ST. I T'jav - - OJIEGOX NO. U. I. ' liberiani! C'eganlxer, Thoma» DR. T. K. SANDERSON I . I . smiih. Organizer, l.eban m —___- ............ .......... ( ' |’7l I if |‘(’(‘ dim DENTIST |*'ll 1’111 ( ‘ l’H Telephone: 27 7 Mtnanhle Associate 3CI0 C C Snyder, Pecs. J Sumpter, S«-c. OREGON Itoani of Directors: J Keller, John Meyer M C Gaines. Stnt* -•< f nnto r-ltv nf Tnlxt*. ( l.ii «» Connty < ” I < ■ ■ 1 -• ">O that h» l» 'fi Chrn», ' • - i ..• .luti ilty «t Tf • Cnuntr ai»t *«»te «tur»-«olii «od -• ansi tiro» « l i-<«v th» «um or ONK • Simili in I I sua fi t *n«h «mi *v |. r.f e»f th«- fatate nf C. L. Ransom, deceased, by an ordì r of the County Court nt Linn County, alate of Oregon, at ' all parson* havirg claim* again*! said catate, arc hereby notified to present warn«- to me. duly verified acrordiug to law, at mv reti­ dme® at Mill < ity. Or«gon. Edith Hansom, Adminiatratnx. Old uapora 5 cents a bundle at the hiew.i office. •'W ■. -A • X, <■ «% < / , '