Aeri, al Daparture pt Paiwng Traina Woodburn-Fpringflcld Branch WEtT SCIO Ownership of Linn County Hornes The United States Census De­ partment of Washington haajust North .. 7:S6s 1 ixsihx I a bulletin dealing with South .. p the ownership of Linn county Curvallia A Eaatcm homes. The important facts Ml NKER8 contained in the bulletin relative Albany............................. (3:10 i> m to this county are as follows; Hill city ..................... JS* do a m Th« rv an- 5l?S > nines in Linn f Daily except Sunday. county, of this number 5660 are farm homes. 1369 of the farm homes are owned by their occu­ bk pants and are free of mortgaged ATTORNEY AT LAW The mortgaged farm homes number 691. Ren­ «201 ! New Firat National Han I Idg ters occupy 568 farm homes in this county. Out of a total of ALBANY t HlEÛ< >N 5-178 homes in the county 2818 ire urban homes. There ar<- 1191 urban home owners in the AKERS county. Of thia number 278 are I mortgaged. 120-1 of the urban ¡owned homes are free of incum- I brance. There are 1219 rented I raro cali» for meeting evening motor urban homes in the county. Stage meets all Munkera trains, The census enumerators were leaving Selo Hotel at X:(*5 a m unable to secure data pertaining and 2:10 p m to the ownership of a small per­ centage on i>oth the rural and urban homes in this ciunty. r ’ ftp YAM­ c. e. STACIE Ml 4 Í \| k't chamberlain's cough Remedy Mother’« I av orila. I hr ”1 give ‘ hamberlsin'a Cough Rem- edy to my children when they have colds or coughs.'* writes Mr» Verne Shaffer. Vsndergrift, Pa "It always help* them and is far upt rior to any other cough medicine I have u»rd I advise anyone m need of such a madi- cine to give it a trial.” Eur talc by all dealer» Ix't the hotel worry (Jet your Sunday dinner at the Scio H tel. DR. T. K. SANDERSON OENTIST 27-7 Telephone: 8CI0 OREGON R. SHELTON Administrator of Eetatm X>ana Negotiated. Abatracta Obtained and Examined or Kt.ON •ClC A. G. PRILL. M. D. Physician *r° Surgeon Telephone, Exchange No. 11 ► CIO : : s ONEGO* Beat typew riter carbon paper made, two sheets for 5c at the News office. Best Cungh ' edfcmc for Children. "Ihrea year» ago when I was living In LitUburgh one of my children had a hard cough and coughed dreadfully. Upon the advice of a druggist I pur chased a bottle of < hamln-rlain'» Cough Remedy and it benefited him at once. I find it the beat cough medicine for children becaua<- it is pleasant to take. They tJo not object to taking it.” write» Mr* lafayetle Tuck, Homer City, Pa. Thia remedy contains INI opium or other narcot c, and may­ lx given to a child as confidently aa to an adult. Sold by all dealers' All makes of typewriter rib- bons for sale al the New* office, 35c each. When in need of printing give the News office a call. First class worn and prices right. We make a specialty of letter heads, en- velopa««. statements, hill heads, sale bills, business cards, ladies calling cards, and in fact com­ mercial printing of ail kinds. (’l'tniii, Tobacco ar.d Cigars Post ( ’ai ds a Specialty SCIO, $ OREGON « Bring your country sausage to the Scio Hotel. Picture show Sunday night. 10c and 15 cents. LOCAL DRUGGIST SAYS: TAKE ONLY ONE DSE W<- want to tr|l those in Scio suffer mg from atomach or bowel trouble that wr are agent» for the iinplr mixture uf buckthorn bark, glycerine etc, known a* Adlcr-i-kn, the remedy whi- h became famous by curing appendicitis. Thia 1» th«- most thorough bo we I clrsiv- - r known aixl JUsT ONE l*OSE. r- neves sour stomach, gas on the »tom »ch and <-»n»tq-at>on almu»t IMMEDI- AT El Y You will be surprised at the Ql’lt K action of Adler-i ka E ( Peery. "Two year» ago i was greatly ben«- titled through mung two or three but­ tles of Chsmlierlalti'» Tablet», ' writ»-» Il ia not generally known that Mr» S A Keller, Elida, Ohio. "Before E. lb Myers, ('ubhier the carl st eiied to cull nt hi* of­ fice in Portland when he was trying to invent a machine to do ttie work. Mr. Cornell at unci- sketched a ina chine aoiiiething like a plow, which would cut a deep and narrow fur­ row ami lay the pipe in the furrow ns it moved along l‘rofc*«»r Morse a-ked XIr. Cornell to build such a machine, and the contrivance prov­ ing practicable Mr. Cornell was ask­ ed to take charge of laving the pipe The work w.i» begun at Balt* more hi October. IHl.l, and went forward *ati*f.irtonly, but the dis­ covery wa» presently imide ’list im­ perfect in*ulation allowed the cur­ rent to c*ca|»c from one wire lo an­ other. A -eriou» erirl* was at hand The appropriation for the expert ment wh * nearly exhausted, and I’rofi-s^or M->r*c felt that to sus­ pend o | m ration* nt that -luge would be a confession of fuilure. Aci'ordingh i’rofc-sor M -r-eesll ed Mr Cornell «»ide and said- ••Can't you contrive somehow to stop the work for a few day» so that the pa|>er» will not know that it has la«n purposely interrupted? I want to make some experiments n is* is laid. before any more pi|>e laid.” Cornell stepped iutclt lo the fna- chine and shouted: ‘•Hurrah, boy», whip up your mule» ! ’ We must lay before we another length of pipe p quit for the night The teamsters cracked their whips, the animals started at n lively pare, Mr Cornell grii*j««d the handl«-» of the plow and, watching his oppor­ tunity, canted it over so a« to catch into a point of rock. The machine was completely wrecked. The experiments that Professor Mor«- made decided him to put the wires on poles. By the following spring the line between Washington and Baltimore was in operation.— Youth’s Companion. see.n to like them. Some hate told us they don't see how we can do it. When renewing your subscription to the New - don't forget to ask alxiut the maga­ zines. Anyone in Scio who has wash­ ing to do will please see Mrs R J Compton. 19-tf Ur Have Lately Purvhaacd Several Car Loads of Whv not reduce the cost your insurance? LESS than scssment insurance if you DIE All your money back if you LIVE. Think it over. It's worth while.—C S Bliss, General Agent, Salem, Oregon. 19-16 I When renewing your subscrip­ tion to The News don't forget to remind us of the big magazine offer. We make» sjwcialty of Friend­ ship. Engagement and Wedding Rings. F M French & Soft, Al­ bany, Oregon. Winding a ffaasan. "Who was that mnn at the ■ide door a»i ule ago?" asked the htia l and of an Indiana wouldbe poetess the other day. “Why, it was a man who said he tad t ome to change my meter. I »old him he hail made a mistake in the numlier of the house, for the oen had not finished wiring o»ir house yet.” Husband, after thoughtful pause: "Mavlve he'd In-i-n ri ..ding umr of your poetr> " Indianapoli» News Dr. M. L Morris Eye Specialist from Lebanon will be in Scio on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. See him about your eyes. faction guaranteed. I < of the I» at quality. By so doing we are able to »ave you a log per cent on your feed bill. It will pay you to call und get our pricei. You wi I be surprised. We also ilo chopping. SCIO FEED COMPANY * Tà ’? 7IX" Irl It. Hkk* IUI5 Alminsc The Rev, Irl K Hicks Almanac, now ready, grew« mure ¡«opular and useful with each passing year. It » a fixed necessity in homes, shops and c< mma-r end establishments all over tins conti­ nent, This famous ami valuable year book on astronomy, storms, weather and earthquakes should be in »very home and office. Professor Hick* com- pietea thia beat issue of his great Al­ manse at the clo»« of his ar vrn tie th year. The Almanac will be mailed for .{¿cents. The Rev Irl K Hick» line inagaxine, Word aid Norka, is rent one year with a copy of his Almane, for only one dollar. Send for them to Word and Works Publishing Company, 3101 franklin Ave. St Louis, M u . will never regret your investment, it for MMi K IC 1C I > MILL FOR Al l. KINDS Of Fresh Meat, Mince Meat and Boloflnu Go TO THE Farmers Meat Market High« •nt market price paid for Eat Beef, sheep II"«'4. etc. Guod* sol«l at the lo>wv»t Price i onaistent with Eir«t Claim tonality. Cash Paid for Hide«. b’K A N l< M <’ I >< > .N A k I > SCIO. OR!; <1 o N You can One Dollar Northwest Weekly Farm­ stead, One Dollar pr year Santiam Newi», One Dollar per year $1 for Both Satis­ Santiam News