CITATION A*« »al and Degarture of Passenger Trains Wood burn-Spring field Branch WE-T SCIO North South .. 7 55» m ... 6.M p m Charge Higher Rates Handling Farm Than Factory Product*. Corvallis A Eastern Ml NKERS Albany. ...................... Mill City ...................... I Daily except Sunday. |3:l0 t> m |9 ;O6 a m ATTORNEY AT LAW 291-2 New Firsi National Bank i'ldg ALBANY t HlKGON ML’XKERS STAGE Roe Sheltoll, Prop. Phone G-Ó15 I.« avo cali» for meeting evening motor. Stag» m»*t.* all Munkers train», leaving Scio Hotel at 8:15 a m and 2:40 pm fl W. A. Ewing, l’r«r. I« nt A. 1 . Ilnrvlall. Vice i'res. Does u gem-rsl banking buxine»*, receive* money subject to ch.-cs, pay­ interest <»n time deposits, and i- regularly inspected by state ban examiners. DR. T. K. SANDERSON DENTIST Telephon*: SCIO 27-7 OKEGûh if By P»t«r Rsdf-'-d. N.....nal 1 .«ti-rs t'niuw. The leading railroad s> stems of the nation will »stabl market bureaus tu assist the farmers along their lines U> marketing their products Many roads have a. reded to the re- quest of the Farmer»' t'nloa and sn aoutic««! their wIlliagMss to enter into active co»>| < .atii u sith t!.e far­ mer* In marketing th*ir products The exprt * com pan lee have sur­ veyed th* held and the Federal Gov ernnunt throuxh the parcel p**L h » drmol. >.«t«d th«' porslbfllllea ut the«'«« carrier as a useful agsncy m niarkrtiix farm cc-r modi lira I < farmer* In mar kciir. their crops, to be ih«' greatest product of human thought on the West* rn h niln hvre during the pu.t year, and It demonstrates that the educational work of th* Fanner»' Tnion has brought th«- cation tu n clearer understanding of the real problem <»f th* farmer. To glv«' information i on marketing .» far more valuable . than to glv« i«!»lc«- on pre«!uctlon ‘ Th»re I* a mf organising end systetnctlilng the markets lu one In which the farmers nvlte ass‘*tineu of all lines of In dtwtry friendly to t!>< .r inter« sis. Farmer* Sear ths Sureen. Th«- bu im a of th* rtixnufaeturer lends Itself more readily to organiiu th n and th-- ta< llltle* (or »' .dying th* markets i re more easily »«« lablo Th« result is that th«- merci tits are cum i-elled to handle moat staple manufac :red article* al very little profit. at>«i 1« a consequence th* merchant must Administrator of Fatate* look to products which he buys d. rect from the farm for his profits »»iis Negotiated, Abstracts Th«- r*t r'» of the Federal Depart Obtained and Examine«! inert of Agriculture show some ver« interesting information and ensbl OREGON t compurison between the coat of »C1C marketing products of the farm and those of th<_- factory. A f. w turn a III serve to illustrate the geaero' run Th* curt of getting sugar from PRILL. M. D. ¡fee rt finery to the ents «n the dollar; ilug tobacco from *i.m*r Is It cents on the dollar In telling a dollar’s worth of eg-s th T« -phon*. Exchange No. 11 mfdd'eman r«.ta a profit of So cent dollar In selling a d rilsr's Oltl’.GO* on the dollar. ft ¡O worth of put atoes, th* middle man makes 70 »ents on th* dollar, lu •oP Ing a do Jar's worth of fruit, th. middleman g»ts M cents on the dol Get of those warm, dresst lar. and on cantaloupes S3 cent«. Mackinaw coats at the People’s Frrtners' Bulletin No 570. published Store for le^s than half what by the United States In partment of Agri« ultur». In discussing thia aubji-ct. others charge. 1 «Id; The price pair! by consumers ranging from 5 to per cent, tn As it is about time to get’ your ome «•»» •>. m«>r* than th* farmer re huiting stove you will make j »lies, iiu! St«* that there la ¡lent) mistake if you don’t take a look if room for lowerlug the c«>st of farm prod'ieta to consumer» and al at th«1 new design# at .Morrison’s •h* satn-- lime largely Increasing th* hardware store. High cla.--- cash Incom* per farm, without In­ heaters at a moderate price. 1 creasing farm production This condi­ tion Is undoubtedly a marketing prob­ defy any mailorder house to lem which will have to be solved by compete in price or quality. better < rcsnliatltin of farmers and Yours for business, N 1 Morrison. .mprevrd meth-wia o( marketing.'* Large Shippers Influence Rat*s. In railroad rates the inegulitles Ail makes of typewriter rib- are e«|u«ily ns glaring Rat* making in Its pr > th* stages wae largely b>. * for sale at the News office. influ« need by demand* and arguments 35c each. of large shlpprra. hut the farmers were unorganised and seldom ap­ peared bet re rate-making bodies, and When in need of printing give the burden of erpensc In iransporta the News office a call. First class lion Ilea largely against the raw work and prices right We make pruducta of the farm In banking, our securities are dis a specialtv of letter head», en­ r :nl ..vied a« !’i»t as compared with velope-., statements, bill hea«ls, the products of the factor!«« and sale bills, business cards, ladies mines Th* farmer la entitled to « quare deal Th» farmer Is more In- calling cards, and in fact com­ lerested In good prices and efficient mercial printing of all kinds. service than be Is lu rales. A. G Physician Surqcon FOR ALL KINDS Oh In th* County Court of the stat» Oregon for the County of I inn. In the mattrr of the estate ( of ■ Citation Matt Loberger. Deevas--L ' To William Loberger and to ALL OTHER HEIR* AND DEVISEES of saal ih-eeaM-u unknown, if i any »och there b*. Whereas application I matle tn due form to th* a Court on October 20. 1914 ton. a-lniini.-trator of said < «tale fur an onlvr and been»* directing, authunting and ernpuwenng him tn »ell at public •ale on the premura, fur cash, certain real estate belonging to th* <»iat< of said decetienl and descrita d as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 29..U5 chaina north from the southeast corner of th«- Donatio«! land Claim uf Nathaniel Crunk and Susannah Crank, hi» wife, being Notification No. 3As snd Claim No 40 and 5| in Township 10. South Range I and 2 West of the Willar x lt - Meridian, Oregon, and running th« < west 20.43 chains; then*» south 9. TH chains, thence < a*t 20 4-> chains to th* isst boundary line uf sail Claim, thence north along the *e«'nii>er 1314. nt l<) o'clock a in, a «lay of the regular D« m -< rnlwr t»rm of said court, al the court room of this court tn the Court House in Albany, Linn county. Oreg«>n, «« a time sr»i place for hearing any and all objections to said iwtition aid the granting of »aul order aia! lie.-n»* of sale. TH El: I ORF. IN THE NAME OF TUESTA IE Of OREGON, you urd each of you ar* hereby cited, directed »nd retjuired to be a «id apjwar at said time an I place then and there to show cause, if anv you have, or if any exist, why an order of sale should not b- made, as in the petition prayed for. and why sani petition should nut Iw­ granted and said order an«! license of sale should not issue. WITNESS the Hon. D l< McKnight, 1 Judge of said Court with the seal uf Baid Court affixed this 2l»th day of October. 1914 (L. 8.J W I. MARKS, Clerk By I O. McCoy, Deputy. Fresh Meat, Mince Meut and Bologna Go TO THE Farmers Meat Hight st market pnce paid for Fat Reef, Goods sold at the I a > wv »1 1‘rice consistent Quality. Cash l'a>d fur Hidra. KRANK Market H- i* , with Eifal «ir. <’!•>*• Mc I X ) N A I , I > SCIO. ORI: <1 D N KEEPS YOUR I-IOME irnrroTT