' . t • • 4 » . -• . r « tSr •» F. ; ». » i *»• * ... v’r‘‘ • • •F ■ • . • • • * •W ‘ * • : GOOD TIMES REPUBLICAN TIMES VOTE IT STRAIGHT Ed Schoel t li Democratic Candidate For Sher­ iff of Linn County S’.r'< t Enfor< ■ r ifnt of the Law Without Fear or Favor Efficiency and Economy in Office <>ur b'« .L- of Cecil < *t.d V« .Albany al! win btht *i u-'Çfi® «I* eiterg : C >UUi s man To The People of Linn County pt Frederick Hollister but r Democratic Nominee for 4 1 REPRESENTATIVE GRESS I I ir dec. th h’j hi Justice to All Gnti«n 4’0 i ■ JL All political carda under this heading arc pani advertisements the pa• » tttwl t*lf de AC II o( hi r I hot r tit to be i n I c . 4 ./ “• * I III I . s 4 SINTI \M LAHM TOPICS Clua » • ' 4 Mr* s' ■ i» « at n Mr with William Sr viaitln t I» u ily. 4» Mr» I heir Smith IN CON* FIRST DISTRICT I favor the Linài.. ,- of a Merchant Marine equal to liait of any Nation In rhe world, am! if elected will work «Uli timt end in view. IT.I I >|N(C Our »iho.il iv pr< < » -ing ~» to a* could be >*it.uii tor unde* the « > << n I Mt » 11 »<...!>■ * Mi- 11 i Hart returned hoinv to mother. Mt* Phoc’. a Turner, aft<« a »IX month»- top through Mi.id.ina, leaving her husband at S It L.-kc for repair* The Linn County Republican Central Committee sinceiely and earnestly appeal to the people of Linn County to harmonize and unite and to rally to the support of Republican policies and princi­ ples and to vote for and loyally support all of the nominees on the k’epnblicrn ticket. County, State and District. Oregon should no longer he politically misrepre­ sented in the State or National Capitals. The State -honld be placed in the Republican column where it rightfully belongs. Our rainy iwn hav »*e fine haired fel­ la« » will have t<- re.ort mud v ...g n or »'.ay at home. The Republican party in Linn County and the State of Oregon has a ticket which we need not hesitate to suppart with enthusiasm. Our I ir-ner«’ Educational Cm» i met at the big llohem'in hall near t’o Richard» n bridge with m light attend ar.ee owing to the toi l, -nency <>( the wcctltcr. With *ome u>ur tiator» < f bu.in«». men who gave ua an int. rc»' ing talk on their line of buai ie». pr<>p..«iti- pre.-iated The registration both in County and State shows that Oregon >s overwhelm­ ingly Republican, then why should any Republican support the nominees of any other party? 0] § til •T •Pi Never ha* the Party nominated more true and loyal m<*n--good. clean men, with good, clean records, worthy the unite*! support of the people. If you believe in Rep iblican principles vote the Republican ticket straight It is by electing Republicans to otfi-e, charged with carrying out the principles of the Republican party, that we peri>etuate the policies of our party. The aluminum peddler who is can vaxutig thi* county will meet the Vniun ai our next meeting, the f.mrth Sunday, to make ;■ «¡ixplay <>f hi. alun.- j tnnm uar. md ir..i! e the Cnion a pro p- ition v» to how they may buy h • v. a;c nt a living price So all come and *?e v»!ut you wi.h Mr* Meld* lldycll ordered D' worth <4 hi* bc»l, to fit her new kitrhrti. «hich the will emu n-‘.v(- inti Then ill around, i I *hr>uid you wt»h for a « ¡uare meal, aht.h ndi lie forthcoming PIE EATER. Try our hot tomales, fresh oysters in any style, and fresh crabs at Sticha’s. I I>.-mocratic Nominee County Surveyor PLATFORM; a Remember this fact when you go to the polls on November 3rd to cast your vote for State. District and County officers. Walter M. Eaton For Linn County a 5, £ 1 GOOD TIMES REPUBLICAN TIMES VOTE IT STRAIGHT 1,7 ■-trict attention to all county bu«i ne*e Only matured recommendation« l-i lie delivered on all technical matter« fleeting county improvement«. Road Jewing to be regarded a« a cenoua (Pahl Advertisement) one.rn, vitally affecting the beat in­ terval» of the community, 1 prumiac ; hat the office of the county surveyor hall be kept open on all working data md the record» accessible to public in- Toned bp Whole System. I ¡ U’KRers and Dry Sox Bhoes »pection. The r> cnnia themaelvM kept «uhi at I*»onl»*a Vítor» cheap- eh..»ti. .p to to date. Ail calls from private "Chamberlain's tablet* have done sold at th» the People ’s Store art it » will lie answered promptly and more for me than I ever dared hot* er than elsewhere. results furnished client« in the shortoat for,” write* Mr. Lather Mae Raker, time core «tent with ge od w ork - .ncen-.rt, N Y. "I u»e of Un -e tablet* a f, w month» TRAINING ANl> EXPERIENCE Special Sunday dinners at the ago. they not only cured me of inliou* Graduate Engineer in Civil and Min* attacka, aiek hcalachca and that tired Scio Hotel. ng. ¡'wo years m Government ar-rviee. i hr< year« in t ounty and Mumcipa! out feelinr, but toned up my whole ay «turn.” Tor »ale by all dealer«. work Two yean* in Mineral l.and -urveving and toad budding tn lame ounty, Oregon. Two years in genersl urveying in I.inn County aa member ■ f the Hrm of Penland & Eaton. Con­ sulting Engineer», Albany, Oregon. LINN COUNTY REPUBLICAN j CENTRAL COMMITTEE For Sale—A $1.200 threshing machine and 12 horse power gasoline engine with wood cut­ ting Mtacl ment. Almost new; price OU. at Tiappisl Monas­ tery, Jordan. ll-4t <*>* Cash Paid For CHARLES CHILDS If ywer taxi», the ipei.l oí the la» providing for the resini meth. 4 ot tac collecting, a u ..ine rt conttitutional r.-girtraticn i iw and more common *en»c and 1er« cd tape in legialative matter»; vote rr Charle» Child* for Rcpreatntativc. A» a member of the laxt h«Mt*c Mr. hild* voted agamit extravagant ap­ propriation biR» «nd again*! rainng .he «alane* of public official«. lie r tvorluccd and wa« «ucce*«ful in »«mg a hill fixing a »tandard tor ( ottdun« d milk which enable, .mailer • ■mici’« rie. to compete with larger oit.crn" The Scio cond«.*cd but ha» been running ver «mee. Mr Child* ha* made a good record ml «houli) l»e re electrit Vote <5¿ X Charlea Child* Mr Garland has been a resi­ dent of Linn County for twenty- five years, and is one of the largest tax payers in the county. He hat always been an ardent supporter of the public schools, and believes in the enforcement of law, Mr Garland is a prw- gresaive man. but believes that our taxes nrc far too high. If elected to the State Senate. he will favor the abolishment of all useless offices and commissions, Bargain day subscriptions for and will vote for only such ap­ (he Evening Telegram taken at propriations a* ar»- absolutely mis office, until Dec 31, 43.50. needed for the economical ad- minist. ation of the affairs of the State. His lor.g experience in Sudtell Bros. public life, his high character Livv Stock Auctioneers ¡.nd undoubted ab ity make him, W rite for dates and temía nn ideal Stale Senator, (Paid Adverti-ement Bullí Pitones Aibanv, Ore. i 1 have just received a car of tankage and ain ready to supply all who wi h it as well as those who ordered in advance. A J Shelton. Eggs, Poultry, Dressed Meats, Etc. A. J. Shelton It Always One« the Work Succesor to Tho8. Large "I like Chamberlain« cough remedy better than any other,” write« It E Roberta. Homer City, Pa. "I have taken it off and on for year* and it has never failed to give tfw> deaired re­ mit»,” For arle by all dealer». SCIO, OREGON SOFT YELLOW FIR LUMBER THAT’S EASY TO WORK Second Growth Lumber when in stock. $7 00 per M. C/>e Houser-Ballantyne Mill Co Yard on Richardton Gap Ruad Two Milet East uf Scio I » r.* A T 9 t A 4 * I ■ -1 ■ i *4— <• V I / • * * -, ' < • » «•». * i • ». e ♦ *4 Y » ■ . • * g- ,* . < if*. •.’> ■ •' r