7Wf< .• *. e* * . * ’ » 4 • • • to W ♦* 1 . • • to • a X »< s ' . »•-’A- • -• 4 L*'—~ «. j J..*- Parcel Post Rates COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS » OKJiaJOi* THOMAS TOPICS * V* / 1 • • * • k * f * y ' ‘ . *• ■ i-; , > .-•E 4 1 r. * . .. ' ■ 1 X ‘ \ x T in Scio Saturday, Mr and Mrs J 11 KellY ar d Mr* J G Holt were shopping i’ Scio Friday. C 1> Minton was up from Port­ land Thursday and Friday lo»«k ing after the spraying and prun­ ing being done in the Minton ami Gibson apple orchard at Gilkey station. Donaid and Harold Roily of Crabtriv spent Sunday with Mrs < Im pm an. Mrs James Bryant and son Viciorof .Albany visited last week with .Mrs Jones. Smith Holt spent Saturday and Sunday of last weeK with friends in Portland. W M Gilkey, J R Young, C I) Minton an I T M Holt were pa . sergers on the motor to Albany Friday. Misses Ethel Bilyeu and M:«« Holman of Crabtree were in thi* neighborhood Sunday. Gladys, Edna and Cletna Cha- pjielle o Woodburn came up Sat­ urday to visit at W M Gilkeys. E«h a a d < .lad » n tune I Sun­ day, while Cletus remained for a lunger visit. H. 1: i.c. 111* Stomach I rouble* Oser Mr Dyaprptic »ouhl you not Ime to feel that y«.ur atomarh trouble» wei re «•ver. that you eouki cat any kind of fool you daaired u itbout injury. That may aacm »o unlikely to you that you «1«. not even hofte for an emimg of your trouble, but permit u« to aaaure you that it la not altogether imfMnunble If other» van be cure«l |x-rmanentlv, and thou»an«l» hav«- been, why not you. J no I: Barker of Battle Creek, Mich, i» one of them. He »ay», "I wiui troubled with heartburn, Migration and liver complaint until 1 u«ed Chamberl-in» t.blet», then my trouble »■»» over. For • ale by all dealer». MILL CITY. Changes in weight limit and p «stage rate» for fourth clast! mutter on and alter January 1, 1914. The limit of weight of pircelsof fourth claw mail for d'divery in th«1 first and second zone* is increased from tw«-nty to fifty pound* The rate of postage on parcels exceeding four onm-«s in weight in the dif­ ferent zone.' is as follows. Fir t and • cond zones, Scents for the tit I jxentd am! 1 cent for • ach "»ucc«filing |*<>und or frac- tion thereof. Third zone, 6c for the first pound, 2c for cUCh a«hüt.- ' al pound. Fourth zone. 7c for the first pound, •k for «•ach aifuitioiial | K>. 11 .< 1. Fifth zone, He for the first pound. 6c for each aiitl.t loi.al pound. Sixth zone. k for the first pound, Me fur each .uliit :««i.a pound. Seventh zone 11c for the first pound, !<>c for tach additional | M>U nd. Eighth zone. 12«’ foi the first pound <>r additional fraction thereof. No change has been made with respect to the limit of size of fourth class mail. SANTIAM FARM TOPICS Mr and Mr» I'itt Wallace were Sun day < n hr» at S W Gaine»*, I red Store« » ha* a contact for cut tinf Ml coni» of wood for Albert Hat: «lall of Selo. Jiavtd llorseburgh is preparing to I uiki a large »tuck barn on hia farm near Crabtree creek. I rank Smith of m ar Salt Lake school walked down -aturilay to visit with hi» I «rent». W'm Smith» of Racoon Hol­ low, returning home Sunday. Our g«»>d old neighbor Mr Gillard of n nr < ral>tr«> aol l hi» farm for 1100 per acre, for which he paid ♦-40 come live year* ago. thwar Philpott delivered a fine veal to Sc.o Monday. It seem* a • ha inc to kill the poor innocent thing*. Mi*« Muriel Griggs went over M>m- * r is waiting '•») °n “ vi»it h««mc a» »he « n her mother. Mr» Frank Summer», who ha» a fine »on. Any one having a cold can cure it in 21 hour» with I'ajie’» t old Compound. It beat» anything I ever tried, 1»cheap, »af«' and »ure. 2nc at 1» P Mason's. Albany. Our Annual January Clean Up Sale STARTS FRIDAY. JAN. 9 It will he a money saving event, as every article stock, with the exception of Patterns, Thread and Here are a few of tir* many prices that will prevail during the sale. Dress Ginghams, reg 12tc Percale. 32 in reg 12ng Cloth Bleached Sheeting 9-4 Tubing. 42 in reg 2Tx* Flannelette, reg 15c Bleached Bath Towels, reg 25c Outing Flannel, 10c and 12|c Galatea, reg 15c Serpentine Crepe, reg 25c 7c 7|c ..fHc Bo 11c 26c 19c 11c 19c R*c lip Idèe bUc Madras Shirting, reg Six- 134c Duckling Fleece, reg 18c ............. 69c All Fancy Silks, reg $1 23c Wool Challies. 4Uc and 45c French Flannels, reg 4.5c ............ 23c Wool Suiting«, reg 69c ■ Wool Suitings, reg $1.25 $1.43 Wool Suitings, reg $2 93c All Corduroy 17c Danish Cloth, reg 35c Cotton Suitings, reg 35c 17e Wl Coatings, reg $2.7.5 $1.49 (¡rent reductions Imve been made on shoes, me n’s fur- nishings, underwear, hose . neckwear, dresse?8, suits. coats, umbrellas, laces embroideries, millinery, notions, ribbons and nianv •’ other articles that * vou need. S. E. YOUNG & SON ALBANY CX )Z^ OREGON < < > r n e : k J. S. STICK A, Proprietor Confectionery, Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars Post Cards a Specialty SCIO, OREGON P ie : E ater . Bids Wanted A Story a Day Notice For hblicitiofi Department of the Interior t'. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon. Jan. 2, 1913 A »tory a day fur the 365 day of 1914 Leo EM w ards, who under­ The Light and Water Commit­ that >■ what you get by »ubacnbing Notice i» hereby given that went u serious operation tee of the City of Scio will re­ 12 for the Youth'» Companion'» new W aklo J. Adam» during the vacation, is rap- ive bids on 5o or more electric volume. The fifty-two weekly imum of <>f Scio. Oregon, who un May 21. 1912. i«ilv recovering. I ght poles :n« <>n »«tronomy, and the correct mercial printing of all kinds. Chrome Constipation Cured bucks, per pound Pekin.............. John Wesely. forerait» <»f «torm». drotith». bliirard» "Five year» ago I haucks, Indian Runner ....__ _ ami tornadoe». niakc thèse public» t>( chronic eorutipation i ever knew of Beef, per pound, live weight 5 Miss Wilma Gumm return­ Edison’s newest Amberola, the ‘ \,on* 1 * nece»»ity in every home in i >«i Chamberlain» tablet» cured me. Pork. «ire«s.d ...................... ed home last Thursday from machine that talks. Step in at I America Send to Word and Work» writ» S F Fish, Brooklyn, Mich, Pork, live weight.................... ' I'ubli«hmg Company, WH Fr.inüin sale by all dealer». a visit in A Iban V Veal, tier pound, for shipping the drug store and hear it .Avenue. St Loin». Mo A Bargain • > *