SCIO BUSINESS , Railroad Time Table I Ln bei N and I Lit h Morri« liru*. Black-»tn it li *» orvalli. * Eastern Mi N KEILS Albany. " l-aily. . I>uily except Sunday. M i • 11 i. i . ontcctiniery anti Toll«» CO I. J. Munkiti. Fro. W. A. Ewing. Guh. Fr.d.ri.h A. L Dtodwli. Vk< fro L D Mjtt». Cut . Cash .1. s. Micha ity Llcctric Light and A A I ER. Walt Bilyeu. Supt ( lnirchcs f J? v v * • «* m • U A a «e» a • i « Does a general banking t»u»lnr»s an«! • by suing drafts to the different part. « f the I’nited State., and it» servi«- are available for the transaction of conservative biulneM. < hr-» .i’ JtapUst atnl Catholic I h’iiggHt> EL C I'wry A •’«». I Font i"ts Dr. I. K. Sander-on Dry < uhh I s , (’lothing John W etftljr DR. T. K. SANDERSON I Fray age li - -«hclton DENTIST Telephone: 27-7 OREGO' SCIO b’ionring Mill < ’ha-. W arn- r, Mgr. (i roccrics R. SHELTON .1. F vV> -icly J. K Bearvi Real Estile Notary Publit ( irli I Mrl’ W. F Hill AC«,. I roeh iMka Ar < o. Administrator of Estates .cans Negotiated. Hotel Abstracts Obtain« ! and Examined Smith, Prop. E OKEGoN 8<‘IC Hardware A I input ts X. I. Morvixun Chas. Wbaely Ind. T’(d(‘phonc Co. A. G. PRILL. M. D. J. N Weddle. Mgr : SCIO : Livci \ l’ceti Stallie à Cui Cartone Prop. Meat Market frank M.I^.nald M il’lIHTV Mrs <). li. Cyrus Notary Public and CRr 3RRSTX. ¡'MJ REAL »»TATE. Hacks connect with ail train* at Went Scio and at Munkers R. Shelton I ’ll \ >icians, Surge«iris ’l»r A. <1 Prill hr I H Hobaon <»ur riK" hrwt H im and our hornrw good driven Planing Mill Kukacka & Chromy Frire«» ReMunable. I ’ubl ic A 11 ig’li School Centrally located, good rooms. prices moder­ ate, courteous treatment Produce t oinpmiy Tom I arge, Mgr. I ’ostofl ice W. F. GUI Santiain News I. W. Charle», Pub. OREGON W A. Ewing. Cashier Shoot ing < i ll lory, Cl’NF. ami CARDS, * Ladies! 5*’* -- r.-xe v Magazine and Using McCall Patterns MKALIS MAGAI!« M«C«r» ■••••!•• W I help fOO «Ir«** >|fl- Rl • moderata ’** »‘î M »*•» V lorn Large .ShoctnaKcl* * Money and Keep in Style by Reading Metall i * potted oti th*» loieM rath inno In d»>lhe« otxl bau* b» Now Fathi<>n I**tfn* in oftrh bau«. Al*» valusM* lnh»rmaU«»n on ali home and per »»nal matura. On Ip Bur a year. indtidh-r a fr**» patten». *■ '• «rit* u-ity <»r trad fur (raft sample copf. K J Fsie» • I. OIIIJ» T"'I u« mil' »I "ir <■•» Ii.w with »«.»town h»n«1. ■ b.lh.BSY.r fmirwlt »nd rh.Ulr-n whl« h will b» prrfwi in 0,1» «tel St Price—n..ow lusher lb»a IJ W, VS Cm V-w t«~ r««—»-r r< «I r •erteli«»«» •"«'«»• r”«r fr'-iw*». —«"I •««» frew I'r-miua < •i*l«>ru- sa«l • ••# r»<»w offer BKMI WUT. zn« zaswl IM k. MV TMt There i» a g«x»d »ton told of a prima donna<-d Mar:«« I rau«< h, »ho iiv«-d in the time of Frederick the tirvjt Wfirtieter anything or anybody diaplewsed the haughty I rauscli, she, after th«« manner of prima donna« in general, would • u>l‘ienly b*x:omc too I hm O v to «mg. One evening there »»» to be »uiig an opera in her repertory, and it was cxiwvird that th«« king would at­ tend. At the appointed hour the man­ ager came forward ami announced that, owing tn a »or«' thr<»at, Frau­ lein I'rau»« h was unable to appear. The p»-«»ple were preparing to 1« ate the h»u«e, but I ls map-stv rose and commanded them to keep the;r »eat«. A few moment* after­ ward an officer ami four drnfoon* entered the capricious singer’s room. “Fraulein," said the officer, "the king inquires after your health." " I’ht- king i* v« r» good.” »aid Frati»«'h, with a pout, “but I hare a sore throat.** ••Hi* map »tv is aware of the fact am! ha* charged me to take you to the military hospital to be cured.“ Fraulein, turning very pate, sug­ gested that they were jesting, but »in tol'l that Pru*sian o II’ hit » nev­ er in«■ «n sh<- f««uinl i.« r»«'lf in a c.iio It w tli four men. “1 sin a little Iwttcr now.” Frausch faltered, “am! I will try t«> sing." “Baek to the theater?” said th«* officer to the coachman. llie fraulein Ugan to think •he had yielded too easily. “I »hall not I h « able to sing my best," she Hl* terpo*ed. “Pardon, fraulein,” responded the off. er, "l»ut I think you will.” “Ami why?” “Hetau»e two dragoon» tn at­ tendance behind the seen«« have order» t«i carry you oiT to tin« mill tarv lio-pit.d at the |cu«t cough.” Haulein Frilu« h never »al U-t- ter than she d'd that uight. Chi­ cago Ib-vird- Herald. Xf You Die If"/ iliive It Coutu ru» mor« than (WtLn&i » .if« It’a tn«>rc prohtMi i* Ihaa t 4«»wiuct»L lin’t that the kirni of 1 f« 1 »ur t -« % » t have I m -, n hx-iinir f»»r? That*» our new < ‘»tn- : ati •. I’ ex. Want to **•* a Sample? w C. s. ! . i : ss (tc. • :*» A eht, Mvcfttr . ( »legun and TRUST COM PA NY COLUMBIA LIFE -:hant. V. I‘r> a‘t. Mgr.. Portland, <>m. White Bronze Monuments xr Guaranteed lor All Time No Moss Growth No (’hipping No < Tuinhling INN I:s l IL ATE Manufaet ir«- ! bv !■ . t «'. l:r «i RrMip | r!, l « « ('««mpany ticut Ili u H fi fili Ini! fh ■ni i ì ’/>/ni / un x ululili tirn hillitlr< tl ili/jtn ut ilt.%/^ns Sniiiphs uf W'hih lìrimzi unti i^itts nf mtiiiiiinints. ('llll III Stilli1: mi > ics oflìci'. L. W. Charles, Agent Scio, Oregon l»INit< i otea» nrrie««» J LHarin*«», W. E. Gill, •. A Bllyen, J. R Burn**», C, A. M arnvr. PaasiuxNT, W. F. II«A I I I» How many of u» have noticed that we walk with our arm* as well as with our leg»? Sitting on a gra«»y slope overlooking a seaside promenade I was »track by the me­ chanical swing of the arms of the stream of pn»»< r»by the right arm always keeping position with the left leg and the left arm with the right leg Bv attempting to re- ver»«- the order of the swing I found that I had a tendency to progress like n crab, while the ef­ fort to keep them fixed by the »ido was like the shutting off of the steam from the engine. Arm« ami the man must 1« «mended to arms, legs an«l the mail!—Ixindon Mad. Corner JUrrbon sal Front Stretti PORTLAND Carn..t, 1'1 ■ I Mil» l< U- I1H.4 Arme, Lage and th« Man. M. S Lovelace, Su pt, THE ESMON0 HOTEL In The flrat pattern for «haininnk ing « m obtained in England in h>.t| by a bls kstnith named Philip White. The patent was for four­ teen vear», ami in eon tide rat ion of it White hn«l to pay l'.’> in lawful money yearly "at the exchequer, Westminster, att the 1'vaat of the Bleioe«! \ irgyn anil Sunt Mu lu ll the Archangnll by even and equal pro« ess." Hi» patent i» described a* fol­ low» "A way for the wearing of tlnjipa with iron chsynes by tinding out th«« true heating (pre)paremg and tempering of Iryon for that (purjpose and that he hath liowc attayned to the true »»<• of the Mid cbayt - ami that t -ame wiHe for the great sawing of cordage and nafcty of shippers and will re­ dound to good of our Comon Wealth ” A. W. Ilagey OREGON : W•• Th. F«r.t Chain. Physician ¿ Surqcon Jeweler Telephone, Exchange No. It th. and M«r«. W»i W w Woniburn SpringficM I'raneh WE'T SCIO Not th .. OS» m . 12 3» p tu South .I2Æ“ p m ..12Æ® ». 5M p m I SANG HER VERY BEST. DIRECTORY Arrival and Departure at Trama Eli Lukenbach Wa «1«» • t riour Oartarnl < *••« -m ft* cn ft* We ara Mt III** a Ihttin»«« WK»«l In the |lo«aftitt F laid Treat You I'rrtcrnal anti Sviret. These are two Tottlousea, the old town in the Haute-Garonne and Tou­ louse du Jura, a village with 600 in- 1» habitants, near Lona-le-Saunicr. There is Tours in Tourninc. Bai­ ne’s Tours in the Indre-et-1x»ire C. I l;YAM ami Tour«, a village in Savoy, near Albertville. There are seven St- Cyra, simple St. Cyra, that ia, and twenty-four with something tacked on to them, «even St. Denises and forty-Mvcn with some addition, 201-2 New First National Hani; Bldg. fourteen St. Germains and 114 with something tacked on. F. • »hlemeler (or ft* I a< Hanged FIRST CLASS MILK COWS WANTED B.w.ld.ring Franca. Tinsmith an«l '-'«'l Stock.«, and all kinds. Thos. Large, Scio. Or. ORDERS M ««*■■: IOdd Fellow», Knights of Pythias. Maccabees, Mod ern Woodmen and Z. f. B. J. Hatch your eggs now to get your fall and winter layers. Thoroughbred S (' Brown lx»g- horn eggs from hens that are bred to lay. Ord»-r now and iret when you want them. 75c im r 15. >2 25 per 50, *4.00 per 100. Phone or write. Tom Pettit, Scio, Oregon. ATTORNEY AT LAW ALBANY ■1^" t I OREGON I 1 MLXKERS STAGE Roc Shelton, Prop. Phone