LINN Photo play Sunday evening. i SEVENTH ANNUAL. FAIR BEST IN MANY YEARS S R Child is building a barn for Melvin Arnold at Went Scio. « I Wood wanted on subscription I at the News office. Mias Daisy Buckner went to Corvallis Wednesday, returning horn«* that evening. T M Holt won the silver cup given by the Southern Pa.ific Co for the best Jersey at the fair, New line of Norfolk suits f< r boys. John W’eaely. ’’Bouquet Jean're,” the new perfume. $1. the ounce. Try it • ♦ OREGON. Splendid Exhibits in AH Lines--Tndustrial Fair Interesting Feature-Horse Races, Bucking Contests. Bull Riding, etc. FIVE THOUSAND PEOPI .E ATTEND Preu. Peery announrrn that the Commercia.' Club will m«*« t Friday evening at th«* City hall. Every I mm I;, i » ur "ge«l to Is* p- esci i as a f ill attendi am*** is fi«*s red. 11' I 11 g .. ■. i «. «-t ,'d Wednesday, and. during this month ma « china pl < ,s it.t.son’y may be killed. Th«* limit is ' ve m one 'd taken altogether, it was a clip. Neither wheel or r. ! • .. auto and on the train. R M Cain good fair. The weather was peared any worse lor tl took a load in his autotruck. Those w. < did perfect, the stock barns were up, however. Mrs Roy Shelton took little filled with fat. sleek cattle and not get their money s wort Mias Gladys to the state fair horses, the poultry department of the wild west f«*atur al Monday where she was entered was exceptionally good, the would be voted hard to plea-e by mammoth pumpkins and squash­ the majority. in the eugenics contest. Among th«* sports d« « r*. ii .• es. luscious watermelons and George Calk and his new bride canteloupes, tempting array of special mention, Forrest Wood of Aberdeen’ Wash, are here apples, pears, grapes and straw­ manse«* won the m itorcycle rar*, th s week visiting his parents, berries, grains and grasses, and George Daley V>ok 2 i ¡»lace inti* Mr and Mrs G E t alk. domestic cann«*d fruits, were si­ 1-2 mile with his colt, ami Er lent but eloquent tributes to a Jones won both races in w hich A bargain you can see through land overflowing with ¡s*ace and he rode. Harmony Glycerin soap. 10c plenty. The ladies’ textile de­ Albany sent a nice dch.'a’ioi for a big cake; three for 25c. to the fair Friday, accompai • ■<; partment contained much beau­ by the High School Baml of 21 tiful and intricate work. that to m* Ian and freckle lotion, none th«* masculine eye, seems no less , pieces, which furnish« d better, 25c at Peery’a. good music. It was estimated than a miracle. Th«* children’s industrial department bes|>oke Among th«* marriage licenses painstaking effort on the part of in Wednesday’s Oregonian are the younger generation, all vie- noted the nameaof Alfred Blatch- ¡ng with one another for some of ford of Shelburn ami Blanche the coveted cash prizes. Lennox. Further particulars are Were one to try and describe »;■• .. ». not available. ¡n detail all exhibit» worthy of special mention, it would tax the Don t forget to take advantage capacity <>f a cit ■ ..da* of the News $1. subscription n l9 noj the intent of this article price when you are in town. ,to praise any special exhibit at ( I the risk of slighting another, Those new Safety ‘ Cross tusk will not be undertaken. Cut” razors now on sale at Some adverse criticism was Peery’s drug store. $1.50 each. heard from the fact that there was no carnival company or Miss Myrtle Myers visited at merrY-go-round on the grounds the home of her brother E n to amuse the young people ami Myers arid attended the fair. coax the nicKels out of their Miles Carey of Marcola has pockets. However, no fault lies been a guest of his mother, Mrs with the management on this score, for they tried hard enough H J Carey, the last week. to secure these amusements, but A D S hand paste a big can as several fairs were held in the valley at the same time as the for 10c, three for 25c. Linn county fair, there were not Picture show Sunday night. enough carnival companies to go Admission 10c and 20c. around, and Scio was one that happened to be slighted. Any­ We are now ready to show you way, these things do not make a a complete line of everything for fair, and many ar«* inclined to wear and dress goods for fall.— the belief that the fair was bet­ John W»sely. ter off without them. The horse races were good, as Miss Mamie Kopecky has gone were also the bucking contests to Albany where she will take a course in Hutton’s Business Col­ and bull riding, the latter fur­ nishing a lot of fun for the lege. crowd which packed the grand­ Mrs Chamberlain and baby arid stand Friday afternoon. In fact sons Chester and Karlton, re­ everbody except the bulls seemed turned to their home at San Jose, to enjoy it. A motorcycle race Calif, the last of the week after the same afternoon added a little having sjient the past two months spice of variety when one of the at the home of her mother. Mrs "ders and his wheel bunched up Anna Mesixlt on the ground and raised a cloud at r.l Munker of Portland came by the .Alb my j i: • that 2 • > ,up th«* last of t h<* Week <>n a short people atb.’i idai fr »m there. business trip. rî'L* • « 11 ■ I all«*’.«lance at th« f-iir u : < : 3k ■ ¡1 .'.'"Ml, -«nd T'mirv. Bert Smith and .*. it- (r, Mil­ lie M«"*pe|t) ,.f Basel, ' (i Calif. «lav w is th< er day in ¡siint of nun ibt . f : v ha'f that many -t"pp"d ht re last week for a few being preH’ •nt, and the other days at the home < f her moth«*r. 2-T K> . \ as d : . 1« d 1" tween Wed ■Irs .Anna M«*sp«*lt. They were on their wav to Chicago for a nesday and The first prize exhibit» and ->hort visit. ciiildr«* n’s i: du-trial exhibits | A marriage licet «• was issue 1 were t:iken to tin state fair this week, V her <• they ar«* exp«cte«■ ready for th«* printer»’ ceiving new watches, and li is hards in a few days. consequent­ ly a III eral pace in these col­ prices are lower than « ver. umns will be «levoted to the Mrs W F Gill left Sunday j ’em; m ..wad next week. morning for Carlstadt, Alberta, fora few weeks \ isit with her si*t« r, Mrs Chester Co "’ey. Clip given by Oregon Electric for liest general farm exhibit, won by Mr. F. M. Sherman, of I,t banon. « C ominercial Club While returning from a drive I'hursday evenir g. Si pt.-mber 18, ■lake Smeltzer, employed as a driver at the livery stable here, was shot and -erioisly wounded as he climb« d over a fence sur­ rounding a watermelon patch lo­ cated near town. He is improv­ ing nicel • and will soon be able to be out again. Mr and Mrs M S burg vi-ited at ti e latter’.* parents. R and wife, and took last week. Allen of Rose­ home of the 1, De Vaney in the fair Those Rexall self tilling f run- tain t>ens are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Moving picture show Sunday evening. Evening Telegram and Santiam News one year for $3.75. F T Thayer and family moved to their new home, the Munkers place, the first of the week. Mr and Mrsl* A Binford of Portland were here S< ptember 18 visiting relatives. Mrs Binford (nee Sylvia Munkers) was raised at Scio an