VOL. XVI New City Officials SCK». LINN COINIY. VOt.’R -l BS« RIITION I ' I! I on tb« datr it, th« »J. -- t- low »To th«y prvnq.tlj in »dvancr th«- «ut«»--ris‘!><-n j ri« - 1« ’’ "I per year. Th« price I» if j - -i w thin »ix month». ar.) ft .’x) ia chant««! at «‘nd y»ar. Ih* paper ia not »«-nt to «ulwmlwr» who ar« mon- than «ir., year in arn-ar». Silver Wedding For Sale —A nice roomy cot­ tage in first class condition. R M Cain. All the latest styles of lasts for fall in Florsheim shoes ât John Wesely’s. r . For Sale A bicycle in first Enquire class condition, for $10. at this office. Dr and Mrs E H Hobson ar­ rived home from their trip to Seaside and Salem last Friday. They reported an enjoyable time. » E M Kimball, the Jordan mil- ler. and Mr Fepperling were in from that prosperous section of the country Tuesday on a short business trip. ‘•THE Advertiser and Local Paper At the City Council Meeting Monday evening, C C Wad»' re­ signed the office of recorder ai d Dr A G Prill was elected to fill the anexpired term. Mr Wad, resigned owing to the agitation that has resulted from the fact that the court rubs! the election illegal at which he was elected,' inasmuch as he I lives outside the 4^ EniOVCcl I 1ère iiFiiapri h.i.l l.v J s city limits as prescribe«! b) th« the old charter, under which the The celebration h< re on the city is now working. At a meeting heid Tuesday fourth was enjoy. 1 by a fair crowd which would have evening three councilmen were sized ‘ ' been larger had the w ith.er not elected. One to fill the vacancv looked like rain. The parade was caused by the resignation of omitted on account of the muddy John Leffler, one to bring the number up to seven as require«! roads, but in spit«- of all hand’ by the old charter, and one to caps everyone voted the c«-kbra­ take the place of Wm Arnold tion a good one. ns the sun came who handed in his resignation at out bright and wann in the this meeting. «1 A Bilyeu, E (’ aftern«x>n before the vari<> Peery and Dr E H Hobson were ra?es and contests were pulled off, A big dan chosen. Dr Prill stated that he did not on the fair grounds in the eve­ have time to attend to the duties ning closed the day’s merry­ of the recorder’s office, so J S making. Sticha was elected to this place and Dr Prill as treasurer. The new council met Wednes­ day evening to vote on amend­ Mr and Mrs C A Posvar e--le- ments to the city ordinances. b«ated their tweny-fifth wedding The present directory of cit/ anniversary at their home mar officials is as follows: Crabtree last Sunday. Mayor R M Cain, Almut one hundred guest were present on this enjoyable Recorder — J S Sticha. Treasurer — Dr A G Prill, occasion, the Scio National Band furnished the music and every- Marshal — J N Weddle, Councilmtn — F L Jones, J M thing went us •’merry as a Lindley, PH MacDonald, AW marriage b«*ll.” Hager, J A Bilyeu, E C Peery The guests depart.-d in the and Dr E H Hobs m. evening wishing Mr ard Mr- • Posvar many happy returns of W. mx I taken on subscription at the day. the News office. ♦ Something ffew in fall hats. Come and see them at John i Weaely’s. I”|3 You Should Worry I f you are not a subscriber of the Santiarn News. Did you ever stop to think th.it your neighbor may tir«- of having viru run in after his copy >>f th«' paper -often be­ fore he has finished reading it-' For the small sum of one «lollar you may retain your iieiglibor's resjiwt ami Lave the New- -ent dir«-ct to . . . “ whole Services will I k 1 held at the Catholic church on Sunday, -liny 13. at 9 a m. Rev. Charles Bleha of St Louis, Mo. will officiate and preach ls>th in Bohemian ami English. The public is cordially invited. «. «- Mrs J F Wcsely is nursing a ba ■'L ■ ti -r should l>e congen­ ial, as one is more or 1« de­ pendent upon the other. \\ hen the a«lv« rtt. r plac, s advertising in the !<»■ al pa- Jter he exp'-cls results I he newspaper when it accepts advert ising promi - in <■(. feet that th«? pal er ha- a local circulation ’commen­ surate with the rate charged. Advertising should be given in go al faith a . it is accepted in goal faith. It o pun-ly a business transra-tion 'I ii«- n .v .pa i r . or s«'rvic -s to th<‘ ad»« rtoei’, just as a n' one sells any other commodity. 1'11« re an- three things for the a ild map out a systematic adv« rtising «.ampaign and be j i rsuU-nt in carrying it out. Sei ond. he should prepare Lis adver­ tisements so they ar<- attrac­ tive, intei e «ting and on evinc­ ing. Third, he must back up I.is adve-tising 'ampaign with good service, or he can­ not expect tv hold his trade and get the best r< suits out of his advertising The adveit. ■ r mu-t real that all resiH,t ubiiity for the preparation of t--.«- advertise­ ments are with himself, If th • advertisements have no merit n, results should be t xpeetvd. it if ’ id.c «Luis to blame the newspnia-r when neither the udv« rt.-ements nor conditions warrant re­ sults. There is no one more inter­ ested in s« • ’ng advertis«-- ments profitable than the newspaper, as the advertis­ ing in the |-a|H-r is what makes the publication of the paper po-.sibl««, thus aiding in the dissemination of l.s al news, the cr« ation of local interest a: d the builuing of th«' l«> al c«>mruunity all of which is nt'cessary to the success of local busiiu-ss. On the other hand there should !>«• no one stronger in his friendship for th«* I ><-al pa|H-r tliun the Im ai ndv«*r- tiser. The local newspaper is the best friend the local advertiser has. ilence th«' l«K*al ¡Hiper should not I*- treab'«l as an enemy, but rather as a friend and scini- partner in the task of busi­ ness getting. DAIRY CITY A LIVE WIRE c J' g IIE Get your Mower and Binder repairs for the Champion, Deer­ One of our lady subscribers ing. Buckeye, McCormick. Os­ vowed she would teach her hus­ A chicken dinner will be served burn, or any machine made. I band to pick up things. So she have a stock on hand for the Sunday at the Scio Hotel. let everything lay just where he above machines, also the Walter dropped it and at the end of the A immmi invetri- nt. Wood machines.--N I Morrison. ^week she called us in to see th,- E . - ■t1 in-.- h I I w . . the Jorda the floor except his plug of ir tobacco. hea«l of goats for sale >er head: six wethers nannies six kids go lies. A Groulick. 1 3E3BSS •I.- ,- I»... alii Ä st. F. I'. W illianw ( ’omit ! j ( ’lnh Milk I I Miik i »>, oi’lrrt ’ Hiei’X mid T»«nir «’ri j Slirhn ( ity l•'l^•(•lri<- *»* d V. A « KK. Light V« ih Su|»t < iiim ht'.s < hiot.i,» , llaptlut mim I CalhoHr I >ruggisfs ■ blorsheini shoes for men an-in a cla- s by them ««Ives L«-e Bilyeu am! family came over from Li banon to celebrate at S« io. If you want a pair of stylish «1res ■ >• buy Fiorsiheim at John W Mali l<. ■ ik is building a neat r« 1« -rice in t! ■ ■ ithw.-st part of town in ar John Wesely’s place. Mr Shotmaker of Jefferson visited over the Fourth .al the Imine of her father. M C (¡ill. I- - « V A (•«• I I « • 1 > I M Miller and family of Turn­ er »qient th«- Fourth in Scio. I» lack - in it hs h o 1 EC Smith made a b isineta trip to Salem Tn< sday. DIRECTORY ‘ No. 1 lent ist br. I. K. SntMler-on Robert Wa«l- cam«* up from I )| \ 1 ò rods, < Jot || i tig Portland to «•« l«-l i at«- at the home W« «u ly Ä of his fatlaT, C C Wade. I >i*a y age II. -s. Khrltori l'.\pre>s, «V I ’uol Hull <’ <’. Wr.i. I omiiiLf Mill I r .rt î I ' ,i-«î.-r. Mi’r. • rocrrics J I W. «.-!> J. F. lu-nr I ( ¡en'I Merchandi>c W I G)l. A Co Pr«c*hru»ka &* < <». Hotel I: < X I. M .rrn«>n t‘ha» Wi î ly Telephone .1 « <> car I’om« roy of Lacomb visit« <1 hi; p:u-«-nLs, I, W Pome- roV and wile, here «• i the Fourth. I have a car of buggies, hacks. irr< ami ttapon I hat has just arrived. Call ami examine them. They may I»»- just a little foxy for you. but the price is right. -N I Morrison. Scio, Ore. Smith, Prop. llardw ari' «V I inpin ts Ind. U-v A M Williams was over from l. -banori Saturday visiting with his father, F I’ Williams. M S Allen of Ibt-ebi g joined ins w ife h« re on the Fourth for a short visit with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs III, De- \ aney. . Wi.l II«-. Mgr lew eler A. «. Ilagey Lilli) I ’(Hint V I '.-lil’ pt* itithT and 2H I Livers A Istable Call ami ;■••«• that new Fountain P«-n that riagey. the jeweler, has just rem ixed, |t is an auto­ matic filler ami is non-lcakable ami is one of the be t that we have ever seen. I’rop. Cal < Meat Market Mrbnalil C um . M iPineiv <> I'l < >nn ' r Notary Public and K. Sh- li.io KEAI. ESTATE. I ’ll \ - iriaiis, Surgeons nr. A f Hl br E H 11-lw.in Planing* Mill Kukarka A I hrmny I ’nld ¡(’A 11 igh School Er« <1 Gray, I’rln. I’rodiicc ( onipnnies Uli l.ukentwu-h I < i|>l«n.<-i«-r l*Trt«,i*n:il and Secret • lRI’1 US. Maannic, Old Fellow», Knight* «>f Pythiaa, Macca be«», M« k (- *rn Wnorien-n a»«l Z. <*. It. J. •BBOBBSr«»gXi. ... . ä J&n-ZBUMOHMi i *< istotricc W. F. Gill Sant inni News L. W. Charit». Pub. Bilik W A F.wiar. Ca*hier Shooting ( ini lory, 1 ''SC ai'l < AltDS. .ShoriiuiKer Tinsmith J. E. Ix'iltcr, Mgr. Turn l arge. Mgr. > I : Iî • ■ Station a; « id Clvth- N<»kes in­ forms the News that he is authorized by the company to slat« that the Southern Pacific will give a sp« -tai prize of a ilvcr cup to the p< r on exhibit­ ing the b< t Holstein or Jersey cow at th«- Linn County Fair to 1» hel. Tom Large WANTED Harn»»» Makar. Garapa. Railroad Sarrica. Sawmill» ufacturing Enterprise». Batter Man­ All altirana la attend the Cam elal Club third Friday manth. Meeting» avenotfl * « ► ? L •v-. • » -*t-