3(10, ...........................‘ LINN (.’Ut NT Y. • VOt’R eV BIPTION t.MII xi lb* «fata at 4 »pact lie- ¡tow r«w • •«!•« : " : ad« »ne» th« i priee fo II 00 per year. Pi» pfiv«* i* ll. J. if | id • ♦ • within •ix trwW'tha. and Il .Vi i* ¡.a- visitor a* ctid of jpar. Th* paj^-r i* not •• nt to aulwrribera who are more than or.e year tn ar re ar» ; Possibili About You Fred Ficklin with his wife and baby are visiting at the home of Biiveu’ his sister, Mrs 1— ” Waiter _____ _____ They expect to return to thrir home at Albany after the 4th. Ex-county Treasurer. R B Miller and wife came over from Albany Saturday for a visit at the J A Bily eu home. Stayton has decided not to have a celebration on the Fourth, Make a note of thia and com«- to Stio where the eagle ia going to scream at the top of his voice, THE THE ADS THAT PAY first of aaeric of advertisements to be publish}«! in tl «> Santiam New-« by Albany Colley During the last y«ar this institution wa successful in raising an endow­ ment fund of $'2-’«mis«’d $25,000 as his own p«-r- sonal gift. As the growth of this institution is of advantage to the whole of l.inn county, our young people are recommended to con- sider what it offers in the way of higher education. !v! S. DAIRY CITY” lourth of July Prizes A LIVE WIRE SCIO COMMERCIAL CLUB n DS that are effective are Ed Fleming w as’ a Scio the ads that arc simple Saturday. * and filied with common sense. The common «’use of Prof Wilson was a Scio visitor the advertiser comes into q Saturday. V play in thv preparation of ev­ I ery ad. and the more ads he Wood taken on subscrip»ion at Lost A bunch of keys. Re­ prepares th«’ more experi­ the News office. turn to C D Compton. Reward. enced he be onio. It i the experienced adverto r after S W Games was transacting Florsheim shoes for men are in all who appreciates the value business in Scio Saturday. class by themselves of newspaper advertising, know s how to advertise, and Something new in fall A chicken dinner will be < rv< .| writes the ads that c jnt. Come and see them at Sunday at the Scio Hotel. If a merchant is going to Wisely’s. advertin' then’ are but thr«’«‘ things for him t>> put into Mrs Petit who has been ill Mrs E II Holland and sons Ed hi.« ads name the arti< lefor and Glen have moved l>ack from some time die«l Tuesday. sale, tel why the article is Albany for the summer. good to hund this week for Et. Peery’s vertiser or men bai t to lay new business bl >ck. out his ads. and then he puts Riley Shelton is now "at home” his own taste and ideas into in his new house tent just north Will Garland is improving the his ads. By continually of Dr Prdl’s office. appearance of his hou-e this studying tli« phase of hs week with a c >at of paint. advertising and putting his A marriage license was issued bvst ideas into practice he Wednesday to John A Cary and Mrs T K Sanderson returned will find that hi.» ads Will Lulu B Cary, both of Scio! the last of the week from a visit grow in attractiv tie -. at Portland. Ads must inter« t by a|>- All the latest styles of lasts for pealing to the intell g. rice of fall in Florsheim shoes at John F L Bair«l of Yoncalla i» here ti e | h - «pie. For instanc let Wesely’s. this week visiting at the hoin ’of us illustrate a g<*. cycle in first soap ad inter« sting mid con­ class condition, for $10. Enquire If you Want a pair of stylish vey information we might at this office. dress shoes buy Florsheim at show the value of cleanli­ John Weselv'a. ness, use and nii-u.M-of s«>ap, Our shoes for men, women value of this particular kind Mrs Maurice S Allen of Ro .•- and children please Isith your of «cap, how it is made and burg is here this week visiting purse and your feet. Hibler & the ingredients it contains, with her parents. Mr and M>s Gill Co. and w h«-re in it excels other R L DeVaney. kinds of aoap. In this way Car! Cyrus who holds down a Lare Osborn was the lucky we sec ire the attention and g«Axi position in a Lebanon ga­ party w ho won the firelcaa c««ik«-r interest, ami if the soap can rage Sundayed with home folks. at N I Morrison's July 1. Mr stand th«> tc.»t the a|>ecky returned all kinds of live stock, poultry, to Lebanon last Thursday after a short visit at the home of her eggs. etc. See me before selling your produce. Tom Large. ister, Mrs H A Stepanek. JI I.Y DIRECTORY I »al l h i s Mon I kith and Brun. < ’orniti') < 'luh Milk Milk ( «». Kcio • ( ( nid« rt I >ner\ and TOI'A« « «I J. J*, stii-hb it) lilrrtrir Light a d U A I I'‘I*. U *lt BHyvu, Supt < ’hill’chcs < hr B.iphM urul <‘nthoh«’ I h'uggi E « i-.'. i ', A Co. I h'll! i.’ ts l>r I. K, SiJ’wler'on 1 >rx ( «< h >d -, ( dot h iîI lt v k «^ i nm 77" I•>/Imrt ,/o pri\i s u t i t ruiilrilm t d htj fht I I II '.I h » ft m! Im si IK lilt H f>! St'Kf jf,r Iht fi il'i'iiluii ht l>t ! k hl I k rt ; /.si puli 7 tm t ... '.j tn .'ml pffll I) I'tlt-f . h DO Slmr h hi'st i net • :>o IfKI/t'lt ItKl, '•■i /;/• s/itH S II ht t l‘/ >f> whip I ‘util h> I . K t , £ I ph t hni/i Ihihi^uti intinti f Olili st , i ‘i slrnir hut . 1/ ' n s I nt > , ' / o K11 n Kuthr stili- /'fit iikh ' s r.irr, I / 0 pri zt W ffiiK us mt i * / >0h(iiiil hr11> Ihfifl,’, »<<«/ Itili, S/.50 pri zt. I u ¡¡J u'ftr, l-v «y fi-Jtirs /' I t iHitm i s.siiiii I k !ht J fiir‘^ruii ih I s, timi t ri ri/ I hh / ij finiiinti if inviteli. •I \ I', v i to.4 .Mr-, R M I 'am, Ih nnic l’r<‘ ; il and Ed Wi sely over to Alb my l io day, where the» t< nk ( art n Prof Wilson's recital that evening. ( ì pi ict l it *.s I I . W , < iy J. 1 Hoar I ( I ». I«‘\\ c|iciaii>. Surgeons *l»r. A. «. Prill l«r. F. H It .l»«.» 1 'Inning Mill kuknrltH A « hromy <1.1 BRING OFFERS The following ar«-some of th«’ dub­ bing ««If’-rs we giv in connection with the News: <»i. «M » Daily Oregonian Daily «A Sunday Oregonian N.00 W ek ly < )r< gonian I 75 Semi-w ei’kly Journal . I 75 Weekly Int’-r Ocean 1.35 S! |< »flllft K< T John W Shumanek and Miss I H I .uk « nbiw- h I 'nbl ic «\ 11 igli School Anna L Poevar, both of Scio, I r* t weather of the «urn nor Sant lain News !. W. * l»i»i J« Pub Harn«*« Maker. Garapa. Batter daughter of R W Pnavar and is month*. < haml- r!air.'x Coin, chulera RailroaS Service. Sawmllle Man­ and diarrbo* a r« m<-dy m worth many one of Scio's most pronvnent an«i ufacturing Enterprise«. time« it* coat wh< n needed and ia al­ Stat«* Bank highly esteemed young ladies. W A. Ewe g. Caihier most certain to tie needed before th* All eitiaan« to ■Hand the C«mm«r. They will make their home on summer i* over. It ha« no *u|>erior for M««tois« clal Club f.r«« «nd the farm of the groom near tl,., ir(I s f„r wh it . . ■ i. i Shooting < oil lory, thlrb Crldiy «venins* of «ach Scio. * Buy it n■■*. Tur ■!< * .•i«ab «‘•»NF. and CARDS. Tom I .arg* rnanth. WANTED