The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, June 05, 1913, Image 1

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on th«- date »tamped in the apace be­
To those who pay promptly in
advance the •>il»<-ri|>tn>n price <» |l 'Mt
per year. The price ia S1.2& if paid
w th in »ix month», and 1150 1« charged
at end of year. 1 hr paper 1» not »ent
to »ubaeritoera who ar» more than one
year in arreara.
» •
AIL order business is
that department of
business w h «• r e b y
through the medium of ad­
vertising merchandise is dd
direct to the consumer by
This business has
grown by leaps and (rounds.
Why? Befttuse the local
merchant d'tea not keep pace
with the increasing demands
of an increasing population.
The tive big mail order
h mses of Chicago receive on
an average of 250,000 orders
a day. And this enormous
business comes from com­
munities whose natural trad«*
l>elongs to the local mer­
chant. The local merchant
must make more effort to
hold his business anil get
new business or the big con­
cerns will make greater in­
roads. He must beat the
mail order houses at ti eir
own game. He can do this
by handling honest goods at
honest prices and telling
about the goods in such a
way people will believe him.
Fault finding or appealing to
local pride is of no avail.
It is the careful, system­
atic, elaborate and half­
truthful description in mail
order advertising that has
built up the big mail order
business. If the local mer­
chant will be careful, sys­
tematic, elaborate and truth­
ful in all his local advertis­
ing he will win. The adver­
tiser who is truthful will in
the er.d get the business.
The public can never know
w hat u merchant has to sell
unless he tells about it. Tiler«
is no better friend of the
merchant and no better
means of publicity than the
local paper. Every merchant
w ho carries on a systematic
advertising campaign in hrs
local paper, properly and
honestly describing what he
has for sale, will find his
business in no way affected
by mail order competition.
Barbels ami Bath
The meeting held here lu.-t beyond Scio, the demand was for
Blncksiiiit IlS
Situnlay afternoon for the pur­ the present plan, that commer­
F P. William»
pose oflrying to secure Utter cial men wanted it in order to
train service into Albany was at­
< ’ounti x Club Milk
tended by a large number of th« same day. and that Mill City
Scio • undena«-<l Milk <’u.
Soin business inen and represen­ business men am! citizens wanted
tatives of the S. P., the State it as it is now ; but appreciated
< 'onfcctinnerv ami
T«»ll.i< « <» .1 b. sto-ha
Railroad Commission ar.d the Al­ the request of Scio. and promised
to make a canvass up the road
bany Commercial Club.
( ity Eli « irie I,i«^lit
Frank J Miller, chairman of ami, as well, consider a change
aid WAI El:. Walt ililycu, Supl
the ~’ate rai'road commission, either of time as requested, or,
represented that body; Fred P by putting on a train to run'
( 'll III ’dies
Nutting represented the Albany from Scio or Shelburn or further'
« hriatiun. It.«|>ti»t and Catholic
Commercial Club, and the rail­ up, which would require either
I >l’llgR
road was represented by W H a Y or turn table, which are ex­
E. C I'eery & «‘o.
Junkins, traveling passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific;
I JelitisH
John H Stevens, vice-president await the railroad’s investiga­
l>r. I k. Suiidrooii
and superintendent of the Cor­ tions before acting in the matter.
I >r\ < •<»mN, ( 'lotbiiiir
vallis <!t Eastern; J A Ormandy
n« h A « »»tn
of the gent ral pas. < rger depart­
ment of the (’ & E aid C G
I >i a \ a ut
Chisholm, commercial ag nt of
II. H. Shelton
the Southern Pacific.
The railroad officials did not
E\|)I’(‘SS, A Poni Hall
z\ Scio institution deserving
C l Wild.-
state what action would be taken,
notice is the milk condensery.
but from remarks made by sev
now in full operation, which a
Flouring’ Mill
er*l of them, it is very probable
representative of the Democrat i
Cha». W arn«-r, Mgr.
that the schedule of the .Mill City
visit«-«! last Saturday.
it is a
trtin will be reversed so as to
( « r<icerirs
neat, well manage«! factory, in
give us a morning train into the
J 1 W« m ly
competent hands and is now d«>-
J. F. B« ari
Htlb (‘ity and enable us to return
ing a fine business, with a splen­
home the same day.
< icn'l Mereliamlix*
did demand for the product of
As a representative of the
W . 1 till! A Co
the factory, locally as well as
News was unable to be present
ProchtiMka & < «>.
at a distance, a carload having
at this meeting, we rannot do
just been shipped to Los Angeles
better than to quote the follow?
The equipment is a good one,
il. h . .McVay, Prop.
ing from the pen of Fred P
costing nearly 440,000, and the
Nutting, the veteran newspaper
llnrilwnre A impin'ts
factory, close to Thomas creek,
man of Albany:
N. I. MurriMiii
is fortunate in being ideally lo-j
< h»*. \Vf8fly
Under the present service a
cabs! for sanitary work, clean,
passenger train reaches Albany
cool water coming and going.
Imi. Telephone < '(».
at 5:15 p m, after the banks and
The capacity is 100,000 pounds
I X. Wrddlr, Mgr.
county offices have dosed and
'< milk a day. Sixty cases of 48
just before the business houses
• lewder
cans each, ia the present output
q nt business. In the morning
A. ", llagry
of the condensery. The makers
the train leaves Albany at 8:40,
of th«- milk have now perfected
Linn ( omit v lair
just after the county offices and
the system so well that the loss
Srptrfub« r 21, ? » nnd 2*»
badness houses open, an«l before
is only one-half of one per cent,
Li \ (TV A I •Ceil Stable
the banks begin bustness, com­
which is remarkably low.
pelling one to remain in the city
('»I Caraon. Prop.
milk is of a high quality, show­
two nights and a «1; V to do busi­
ing eight per cent of butter fat 1
Meat Market
ness, or else come by team or
The average ot the milk used in
MclhihHid Br»n
its manufacture is 4 jht cent.
’Chas Wesely, N I Morrison,
Scio, one of the old towns of
Anyone wishing berries of M il’incrv
Mjke Kelly, R L De Vaney and
V ra. • >. II. Cyra»
the county, is showing a steady any kind should phone or come
others spoke for a remedy. F P
improvement. Five or six resi­ soon as the Santiam Farm has
Notary I‘nblic ami
Notting represented the Com­
dences are going up and work the finest and never fails to give
IL Shrlton
mercial club of Albany, which
will be begun in a few daYs on 3 full gallon. The Pie Eater
represents the county, and pre­
two concrete business blocks by never palms off a crate with four I ’ll \ >icians, Surgeons
sented the rights of Albany in
‘hr A.
E C Beery and W A Ewing, ad­ or four and a half gallons for
tl* matter. Under the present
joining each other, and covering five, all are measure«! in a stand­
arrangements large numbers of
a frontage of one hundred feet, ard measure, strawberries on Planing Mill
people take th«' early Woodburn
General business conditions are the vines, 30c, picked 25•; goose­
kukarka A Chromy
train and get into Salem by way
re|>orted good. with the stores berries same price; currants 25c
of the Geer cut off by 'Ja m, and
being busy and prosperous. Al­ on the bush, picked .‘Ute; red I ’nblic A 11 igli School
are able to return the same day,
F red «»ray, Pria.
bany Democrat.
raspberries on the bush 20c.
getting home at 7 p m, having
picked and delivered 35c.
Produce < ’ompaiiies
six or seven hours in Salem,
My car of Mowers, Rakes and
J F. I <«1lrr. Mgr.
favoring a people naturally Binders has arrived and I am m
I am now located in the old
torn large. Mgr.
tributary to Albany, and who a position to give you s««me very
meat market by the steel bridge
prefer to come here for business. attractive prices. I have the
where I am in the market, and Postotlicc
Commissioner .Miller, an Al- quality of machines that does the pay the highest cash prices for
W. F. Gill
l«apy business man arid property work satisfactorily and does it all kinds of live stock, poultry,
owner, candidly declared that all the time. Call and examine eggs. etc. See me before selling Santiam News
L, W. Charle«, Pub
the request ought to be granted, them and get the machine of your produce.—Tom l*arge.
and gave cogent reasons for it, qua),ty. fc’ I Morrison. Scio,
State Bank
from a private standpoint.
W A. Ewit g. Caahier
WANTED — A man to
See A W Hagey for the old
The railroad men declared that
the business did not justify an- reliable Maher & Grosh j>ocket mow a lawn. Enquire at tlx* Shooting* < inilerv,
News office.
< ««NF and i'AlCbS. tom Large
other train, and contended that knives arid razors.
Fred Nutting Bootis
I.:ot Friday evening the Scio
High School exercises were holt!
in the assembly room. Th«>
audience was large and the dec« -
rations of cream and green wi re
in evidence or. every hand.
Ih«' music for the occasion w as
furnished Io th«* Scio orchestra
ami was greatly appreciated.
The graduation themes if the
young ladies nnd young gentle­
man were upon well selected
»object.; and in • ach instance the
subject matter was handled in
an able manner. Miss Gertrude
McLain had the honor of deliver­
ing the valedictory address. The
other members of the class « f
1913 w< re, Christine Shindler.
Howard Shelley, Nelda Wendt.
Maud Ray and Frames Stearns.
The growth of the Scio High
School in th«* four years in which
it has been conduct« d has been
very gratifying in «'very way.
After the graduates ha I deliv­
ered their various essays. Prof.
Thomas II Gentle of the State
Normal al Mmmouth, gav«' an
excellent address, in wh’cl I*
urged the patrons to bring ri orc
useful nnd practical work into
the school work, such in th«'
husbandry ami domestic science
co ir, es, He also pr«-s<'nte I the
diploma - to the da . Rev Burle­
son, pastor of th«' Scio BaotUil
church, delivered both th«' invo-
cation and benediction.
Scio has had a moBt successful
school year. Every «lepartment
in laith the grades and High
Schisi) has been conducted in a
mariner moat satisfactory to the
following are some of the club­
bing offers we give in connection
w ith th«* Ni'ws:
Daily Oregonian
Daily X Sunday Oregonian 8.(M>
W ,‘rkly Oregonian
Semi-weekly Journal
. 1.75
Weekly Inter Ocean
Cur. for Stomaoh Ülsoràera
hiMoh-r» of Ih
avoided by the u»«-
tablet«. Many very
have been effect**!
Sold by all dealer».
atomarh may be
of I burnì*« rialti'»
remarkable rum»
by th*-«« tabb-la
Shocii inker
Ell I .llkenbto b
F. • «hlemrirr
Frr.tcrnal ami Secret
Ma» "nir. < hid F, llowa,
k night» of Py thia«. Mat * ala-e», M ai
,-rn Wtwaimen arid Z. < . Il J.
Harn«»» Makar.
Railroad Sorvica. Sawmill»
wfactwrlng Entarprlaoa
All eiOruna to attend the Commer.
elat Club.
firat and
thlrg Friday
of eaoh