( >!; EG» >N. NO. 13 Eirali bea Het LU LOCAL and GFN-'RAI Linn County {fiard ition will me -1 in Items ot Genera! Ir ;«-■ Co r t , .m.- S i iork’s olii-'-» o n 0 • Siahucrib* f r It shall appear r r X t»ii '* tuaJization that I land or other Our Mi! fid!», Ml»' Cl.r.i Cn fjMH hn-i vo i ' . . and Vi*. lu* Vangeli « f i twi *e. or in the , w»- • of Lt«o were of I •* tb< tkira.- of an.« j &H1 or persona Prstcrc I'.Ca fCr I, Hotel l*i «day. A J not the owner H-ilMS- - . t•ti under or end its a -tual . i Riirrtv. g n' vw «H- h ’ ¡due, nr anv I he Fantiam F •rm h ■ ->r oth- r »pes gslor« Are you the very ' for all whu ai i ■«i d, mi . I : o ird 1 ; < .. . be market ? 1 • ’operty not or 3h" f « r j :.| m bava 1 all make th Wh • correction. . - t th tn ” busi. ria fvr > t. ) H .1« - ¡or. and <»U Irt III r vou V,'..< - a at tbt » a tendi FiaM N» wn Her h> >n ui? d > N« .¡v tifxi up trit . Mor- » and toy rnrn If you have y «•■. perh apt. .1 t:< • i II l •tornarli arc their menu I“ e rr . t i haniberlaio - >u>'. let* exirllt oL I I •> plea- ant to I. effect. I r t’iiio, pur ..»• th* \* Mrs Meik-.i ufin’au-rni «>< gon City who has in , n »om< tin. Wa> iirr.ie- h- auto » tine 'a . tobe ;.«.< r i i J Bilyt care of I>r. i'nll. u a* Ihr Wh» Local it * n i are a n > fa scarce a he. ’s teeth this w cu k. — llore e We h rndk* the Intern;it.onal Harvester Co n*p..iiv a Ke slot; • l>isc Hun w. 1 > ;u i>> i. equipped u th com, :« >n grea.te cups, a feature th.it i» r (¡et one of d'»iT;s n .» H* Iound on n. my •»:!. r r. .r- -. I> or Ita igt -> if you want your is one of vilii importan •• to the farm r wh > i- pi.n i . - t , a l);w to b happy and Confute. ■vl " ■ of - >.i' othei :♦ harrow. Ulatciifur 1 Br »s., Shel­ Murn-on only keeps thosj burn, On rUI. i!o ti ■ work, do it right, ai j the right pr.ee. | » ave fur Ta.'* PÜOI-.T3 NCCO ROOt: VCLT, 8AV ALL. Gettlsr* . | tilt* -V.? t >«t« Teo. M rhln<* nu# f- ufj’iry M hi Lirli»*, I’a,. »«Uli f •1 i>r- » f rtr« ' i Hii tl' tut*» ahRh Ft*a i H cm I In t» it, 6 fi*r T»fit S to* I Buion» -then i»n«t ti bri rt uf St marioli, |*j tn f ■ * g ; h ♦, th. a 1 1 fori A ¡Ml ia* n i -• ÖK 1 •uh» Taft T, aa# WH n f,n In •lut b h) (he t " i* a much • r ’JI 1 .P-n -t..i,e« Rr Ju. Will O jco for Nreli of A qcìcu I- d Ran«' : -i i. In Patt Cays. Th st t »p« a* nnn lar>g H i i;nn <>f Pa., sbi> my . "’I kauw from CRM th st i hsrntx-rliun'« Cough is fsr «t»p«ru>r to «nv ot»H-r. F< there is no thing that ex«-., u it. by ail lirah-r«. We notice by the Albany U r- ald t ¡.t * marriage license wa- issued last Monday to Lvater I*. Arnold and Liss Corda Merritt, borh of . cio. »■unset ' 1 Mrt tu» lo th* I'v •fie Monthly anr uf th«* Atatf Ite Tail a i dm In Mi rat fem ’i: * of th«- i tF’o »• » tii* « projects. . ha# mt’nflK th* p*-'«pl*. . n«l p.*)»h <• will lw- a «l«-n< «I land i i.iv- -•! of Ro« « vi by lb« ranch. an,l c»tt!*- n»*n Ct til »I Omt«>n ptwiptr rritipfnbrt that il »»« l’r« «Id'-tu Rm»»«-»*!» *ht for* cd ili»» nh <’«m :r« «a th« N'all-n :l«»n xci, »««I t«« also know al Irri tli.l ndrr th* Hnotww It rogli”« O tasta wss inri«i»!«d I» th« vartom •erlliir l «.f th* e-millry that rrr*fv*4 art tin J hrn«»’ from th«- |0|«aM* o| th law t'i>t they *ra HhLWlflr F '* vlcllw-r it wns mt mito-no! «• *r potnolhing rt- •entitling un nutninnbi!o (lint hit Gu. M«Kn z it of Dallas ar­ •'It r, - • 1 one, to' r> 1." th-- rivi <1 in Scio kurt weck to spend mmnlainitig witnc-« trade an«w*r. a few days with his mother, Mrs ‘I wit» for ■ :v «truck In lite re- V A McKnizhL semblance.”- C h -»go Tribune. ¡re liuilding an,- ti e land which I »■ . «is v, :• d ii' » ;ier?- »•> t: -. ri-iy huve built a d walk <>ne mile long along tl e country road st F’etter's Mill. A < w new r sidet.c • are hu.lt on the tracts, ron; Payne hi. built a taurd- ing ho i• at Potterville. I - I in-- '. conductor on th-.- I«'i .-.ng toad, |-ji seen fit to g'-t ma ri -d to th»» surprise of Inn friends. II. PRODUCF WANTED . . ! w !> j City advantages in • I; • ry right at home. Tn- i . <-« • r 29, remairv it* one w -k. Salem's la- it an I >-. p >pu- lar milliner, Mrs. 0 C. I.»\ . will have a f > -i »let ■ In- -f la he misses and chvlren’-t a . •<>.-. her modem and up t«> dat-- milli­ nery »tore in Salem. Miss Stella Flemin who « well known to many Se'-o people w ill be in charge. This gives the peop’e of Scio and vici ty th- advi-Un.-e having a large and con.-ct st - of millinery suth a« i ever outside of lire, r citi- -, '>■ being able to meet v th M Fleming w h » tl abreast of the newest in milli­ nery. H« ’* i |F- C« ”T ’n r\- *. r T R. . p|t a * *-• & »M A C AIB i ; 4 r»f f:v ’ rie# ¿h FaRtii«-’ » a • ’ a* ' ' : Utuplrty.M lu «-I . it < » In dealet«. Y Jan»« ■v ..I, N r«e «. P< ba 33. V Try the Newt for fine job printing Taft r«*a* >rabl*. H < t P* . | HI. Wife» ti ’3 T ft ! H» ruta in a Limber 1'1 al .4 ft Fils#* t« n n v.i We pay the highest cash price rlui* •a follow#: H ad ♦ . Tuft h r poultry. egg , pork, veal, 7, W Ph. cm «tn a ft u beef and hides. rtprr.gj| (: ,'fl rft m •- Lr> CH»» SCIO MEAT MARK CT j hi • Bi rH ar v i>i ».li» r title.» U> fi-« 1 w tu» modo i.ich 11 Hire, iii. i the eapucity |M)1’ I ati of roll wpya in narinrf to ’-un Ik' a mg & < ■ ■ r butch r t h- s-i - he I» cMux.'d by « •tnnis'h. Tak* Chnrnb tablet »H i-urr ■ t that nisi th,- •ch*» will di>ap;x-ur. For sale R<> t* c One Week Only Ilitil« Gill’s Store - »•’ "Ji, Fi-'.'., . ; R : the.» In- xmestiey l|g lb# t >»‘ v » K*i I ’ At ’•>. i was vibitin, W l*om roy ’ ir A trave mg Mi. ( Cotnna >y gav ax show at We> iy ' . » a! i day evening to ti <<- •« car. fur ragt.:-:.- um.- ie. i go^^-pia I. al: voice». Trespass not«»»* for öfter. h A txh »w ,b <■ ’ , »J * m « •>««! f ,v i « L-l’i 41 Itil. ¡is roi In e: 'Vi rt T K»‘ Nt-n lofi *1. I. she Tuft 3 «I <’ tr r.lll». Orr. in H for Rmw ». 2 fr» nnd non* f«r tip «liier c.*n Ofh rt t ! t< in t’ -' <•' ai in i poll of m« f.ibrr» of ». i* fi' 1». P» , wh*’* It, %r It •fld b. A < lr<«h W.n»-n. «fini» .!-.»• erltl'. ety lie-«.-« •d. after »tir»<-ili ii worn i»Llad firmt» Chiu» tn I’oru a> e th« |» j tn for it- tractlrwh-ws to tlic ««»nten of Iratand. lie dwelt raptiifoKsljr <«ti th- ir be utty mid their tisftete, »irrCtM; H>l ft-at the» are pre rmfite’d- Tb.it they ly lb* fern-iir» «t-in.-errii»«-» tinte Influite charm pone ran deny. rten I tie «'"»tiey wli«eie profoiind know lede* eoe,-« ->f n jrilloftiu» t>-»!l day trip tn Klllnraey Wlekftiw or >be laitul >n Chrouale Giant's i»w«V '• :• <>f Sh- i!. -al i;. | i!i|:ca- ;h< r i trip. | e-ipli» in the l urks of the . ti 1 ant have r< ii-«>n to re­ ru- rnlx-r the awful roads between '«irila-i and Lyons. They are f;. t becoming the best roads n-w.. The ro;u! nuia rvisors of 3 d trirt are grading them up a.-.d rturfncins with crushed rock. Ed and Jonh Trask and others have put up ftnc tarns and !i- iscs, which goes to show that there is money in dairying. Mill City cannot p isliicr a scrap of any kind, not even a dog tight. The comjMuy dis­ ci.arg- h anyone without ccre- n oi.y that dm s not conduct him­ self in a gentlemanly manner. N« ck A nice tittle hey, gram, femt. Hour and c<»al buxine*« for sal* at Itinuen. W••>».. c-ppn.it« Hood twvr mil*» from The D.llca, <»rc Will tnuie for equal r.h.- in r« a| pl> in the Wiliam« tic »alley. White h«!i»««>n Vai* «■•■. I ri . . j, I . , ,.r c » o., Bingen, W aah. *