y». * • »'. ¿ili - - • • -la. ■ «...... - * .. —t Ji j»/« a X MF ‘X 4 f 61ir éintinm .drus e * 3.r 4 HAY TOOLS YOU CAN DEPEND ON t 2Y íaí^eiá’üi *< //.É H <)]!(■: Enirrsd at tl Boys’ Suits PK!.\¡ • •’.» st Scio, Or - , a* »♦remi, lat* mt.il reatter. *•!’!»•< UIIG IGV Mal f. 1 Prit s have bumped into an ic< I” : g and have gone to tht- tot tom. ©nly for user« in this country, but also in foreign countries. Every Suit in th«* «tore on set'', town, conic In and let us show you the Deering line of hay Side July yon time and labor. h HAII-: One _\ * ar in adv*»<’•••• ... ................. 11 One year, at »nd of y~c.r .......... I Six months io tv:.*t..«•«•............ Tbr»-«* muni h* in atlvanm ......... tif» Single <-upy in wrattja r............ .. A I »V t it I I - I VII TI ry will do good work for you. P The Deering line of ■ OI’ f th. Neil tune you arc in tool« consists of hay sweep rakes, stackers and tedder*. ilar pr»et ■ charge i for mowers, You will be interested ne w -mp: .•vcnicnt» e! these machine*. don't expect to buy, but as long a« an Perhaps you investigation does not place you under any obligation to buy, isn't it to your CAL advantage to come in and see us? J 1 • • » « not Wr will lie glad to explain how they will save !. • n urdí WESELY & Of Deerini’ hay tool« are doing good, reliable work, ■ X» DAYS SALE ItAII-M Cani of thanks , SfMMTtid obit’Uftry n * E X I ph ' í . 1 W«-;Min * ctunm* nt<* i ••■ •; £i.r*p? )’■' Rii#* tí» b’’ change*! w*M«>¡;. li : wtrtril, «• ' •» column wi- < mi appi nilón. >.•* You can't help but get I sraatioa which Will be valuable to yen. I ' } " ‘1 ‘ Come in a> I get a catalogue anyhow trt It i* . >t p* -. our grocerv department | pu'ar •i< rcaftcr th< N’-v • iil> Thursday m «mir-g We ti >■ mer.t* or other n .Iter f turn muni I m * receive lot t i later than Wedn*'*>Uay no>n also h* :i-!.| art. r* for Dry Clothinr, I urnia.angs Hat*. .Shoe*. Etc. arc • •oo.ls, • >ivc us a call and be convinced that we can aave you mone» ONE BOLLAI. OFEER CON TI WED. As the offer of th- News L>. one dollar per year has ¡net wilt such popular pubiic approval, have dei'ided to continue til** fer a few weeks more for be »«fit of others who wish take advantage of it. This p! es to either new subscription or renewals, Bring in your doh lar and evt r •*>.1.» will I k * happy. A • Tt> v lldb’t Harper’s A rck r “Mister ' ■«-«M yr w-nutlfy 3 nr thrtv -;g "Wtrnt’a the idanv fn “A -«p- -■•«<■ in all that time has i». n ♦l.Oi fur retain. The machine is ■*w running n.celv and I expect to we it for a long time yet. No or.e could ar fo- a better machitie than the Em­ pire, or om^that would give latter re- suHa.” (1Signed) D. M cvxdxvisck , Custer, \\ uh. Wc’tnka ohi maeliinof of any make in cxrhanjre toward a new Empire. Be «•ire and get our pr era. Ì red r. Bilyeu» Agt SCIO, OREGON building IH well painted “A stitch in time saves nine.” iti prosperi, tO No flood This is Excellent crop» lire roil Is are being built. Ivi ua brighten our |>rainting. i EM PIRE keep will nave pro|H-rtv owner can afford to neglect his build- 9 THE DURABLE® y»r‘n.'fl*** been det d- d. I l. Th© Only ttonary In w ___ V - .„e p.th r.nd e--meare I JI Con win*the thorttativ© library. | w j cf nt» aut.-i .rrunvo tiDrnry. ’or,* L r*f knnwl-I X •} Coverà i .ci 1 ,-f laowL ©dgo. An Encycl peata tn & elogia book. Tho Only PietioDary with tho Act»’ LiiviiU-d 400. ' 0 Wcn'J, ‘•'¡00 Taper. (XKX) IL ;’st ret ions. Coat nearly half a million dollaro. Lot • t • 1 y.-.i a' ■ .1 this most remarkable’ single volume. ■. ♦ > >01 » m-«.* "win »'* touched the I .nt it Vmi'd have Iwen smashed like matchwood, and, as the shirks were watching the >: ii miles iloitu the co:'.*! (rum !.r ¡nillo, Mexico. I *n* Binili' • -, : ■ barjhnni a i.; yt» !>h that had billeri ami trn* l>* n 4 pulled tu the surface. ?• .h' 4*|a i >. >h and line were snap- il U k i ml ti.roih the clear water l «a« n huge dark purple Dians «enríe! a fathom I elm. the <. .t. h . ■ -1 our M i *.« h n en- gini-or h» ntt * Inin li, I I lire the harpoon all ntt «trenini It atm. k hör and intdantlv great d keep the bowels rrgatar. Thr«e tablet« are miK and gent)«- in I * ’ action arid e»|ie- their dally suitable fur - people midd.’e • age ,.. of --------------- and older. For sal« bv all dealers. Notice 18 th rllMiC The two leaibng msgiuin«*« nf the Pacific coast the Pacifc Monthly anti the Sunset, have been consolidated ■m- dcr the tit!«- of "S Sunset the ~ Pa-*. fie ManUdy.** It is the intention of the publisheni to spare no looney nor effort to make • OREGON 9 9 9 9 o Sunset th* Pacific Monthly a credit to th»- Wert and a maeMine of national value anti Importance. To intruduev it to new readers, we will make the following special offer: Send r>o cents in stamps. and we will [Hit your name <>n our »ubaertptii • for the next fenr month*, and will send you Arw a copy of the xuperldy illus­ trated Mid-Winter number, and aho the famous Sunset Indian poster, se­ curely packed in a mailing tube It will make a beautiful ornament for your front room or den. Send your order to Fred Lockley, N'ortnweshrrn Managvr, Sunset the Pacific Monthly, Portlai«d, Oregon. «