cointnun |M<»ple did hot B*c tl«- worti, which m - cufs mainly in ("»-try. It «• « -«> usctl by Acs hy- lua about 175 B C. and in leitin by Virgil a few years before th«» Chris­ tian era. When the writers of good Tallin wi»l.f‘d t<> convey the id«-u uf *ic.-l they were apt to u*<- the word "a< I***.’’ w: n li m.-an* a sharp edge or a »burp p ent. In the third cen­ tury of OUT era we Cml the word “acii-rs" ami later still the word »« »• • *• f. . t iKiKii'iui, wucikt mv rivutii "a« icr,” meaning *twl. The word “»tiel” has not been found prior to the eighth century, it occurs in the so rail««! Epuial g!o*s, where “steel" is given as the An •!<> Saxon < q i.•ai. nl of the late I-a tm cearium." Al that time the word wa* com- in -n on the com nent and had be­ opcr name. both a* simple come n “stahal fl r in compound* like “stal­ hart.” A lili iu. Their ir.»n statu.» were made of wrought iron, cmi only trivial examph-s of cast iron are of cla»*i- , cal iintiqiuty. ■ wrought iron by heating and then dipping it in «old water, is a term u < I by 1‘iiny, The pro- < -•* of “tern pering," of course, is much older. It i- mentioned in Homer and may have hv«»n known long l American iron and Steel A»*fr i«iion. 6¡ie * in!i:iin Jims I L «• • latepen'eat p;.ih 11 1 I « fl Ilf’«’ Î I 1.0 -t t mi in ting ids. con'reel* jn. lk ffatM nrtf it sarr it .‘1 tV *r»ft jrt th- be--'»’ <4 51 . * ÇÇ ,-«|f Th* On» P*r«5n. Tie ro u ,i» a i rtaiu old New I'ng- Icial run.4cr who had a blunt wav o( getting right ct the bottom of things. With a »olemn air he an- noum *>! from I he pulpit one day n button hud Is-eti found in tlie ■ -1 ”< »i "he in in ! in the church could have been guilty of tin* trick,” he said, “and I shall •‘t tin» |M-i*"ti to replace the button with a coin.” After service a n '-miser of the church Owned u to living I lie culprit and asked "11 • I i i I the mnn?” “I did not kimw,” »aid the clergyman. "But you said only one per* m i 'uld have done it." “Ju»t no,” wa* the reply. “Two persons could not have put the Mine button on the plate,** Het. «T early 1 M TììUit ÏM» iffcÇv» ’»an 4. r A (»’ 4' Several u.tic«*sof n.t rest i unavoidably loft out <»( th :da this week, tel irulu ling the M •nd West S -io corr'ipiond letter from Supt. Aldermi Cn«k*'i Co». Snake* may almost I* »nid tn have glass eye», ira-tnuvli a* their eyes never cluse, They arc Without lid* ami each is cot end with a tr.'i’.-o;i- nt » .de rnm h resembling glas». When the reptile casts it* outer skin the eye scales cutnc off with the re»t of the transparent en­ velop«» out <»i which the snake slip* I'iu« /’.-•« ell' - ide m so tough that it effectually proto t* the true eye from the twig*, sharp grn«» ami other ol'*triM*tion* which the »nakc encounter* hi it* travel*, yet it is transparent enough to allow the n>'Ot f '-rfect i *i<>n. Thu», if the snake has not a gla.-s eye it may, at any rate, lie said to wcor eycgLisscs. at HAY TOOLS YOU CAN DEPEND ON Men’s and Boys Suits Deering hay tool» are doing good. reliable work, not only for user* in th * country, but also m foreign countries. Price:’ have bumped into an ice­ berg and have gone to the but- tom. They will do goo < work for you. machine«. Every Suit in the store on «air. Sale now on and will last July 4. The Deering line of h.iy tools consists of mowers, sweep rakes, stackers and tedders. not place you under any obligation to buy. isn't it to your advantage to come in and see us? &. CAIN our motto: OSE PRICE TO ALI. ing bu.sine ««. 1 -t. I’ i «.»•» i t» done what work a t could on th« paper and we h .vc had to 1 • .v • out the rest. We are m i op that b«'tti r arra g. d.<- < . may l>. made in the near Tut ;ic, and in the meantime, we trust that the public will kindly bear with vs in oar difficultie . A pt. D a -' i .1. rold h:ine night whcre i ih- ' ir. ubo «a» tuli and thin al- -t tu ■ • iifuit!. luid far h part­ ner a Indi « ho « m «hort and sqnnrv in hi i l Turnmg to a byMamler, he rctnarkcd. “Thcrr ìs a nule «lanc- ing with a milc-tonc." A Csleesal Idei. 4 Two milca frotn Kamaknra and altout twonty from Yokohama, m L.p -.n, oli u t«rra«f’ m ir thè, tempie si’s thè ti.« «t gigantic idoi in thè world. ~ It !■- the brazen im.-.gc of a «k-it ami date* from the n-ign of i. . ■ \ !>. 74S. The dii-i«,nsioua of tiiis idol are «'«»lo^ial. Ilia he ;ht from the Come in and get a catalogue anyhow. S.',OS BL.Æ'"C SH.LBIRN, OREGON \¡»l rig' t pre«-» >,>«••• o'.r cr>cv dt-psr'.ii --nt ; palar An Actor a £|>ita»h. Tn the churchyard of Gilhnghum. England, 1« the following epitaph on the tomhidone of an a- tor: ".'*..< red to the memory of |L< ma* Jc ' -oil. < Kllled'iin, u io Ma* ell ga„*'*d D< etnlu-r Vl»t, to play comic cast of character» in tin Great Th uti l. the tfoi >1. for many of which ho uh » prompted by Xu- lure to excel. Tic e,i»uh in-tng ended. Ins heneflt over, the charge» all paid, ami his account «-iith on the 17th of March, 1791. in full assurance of being called once more to a rehearsal, where Im hopes to find Ins forfeit* all cleared, hi» .art of part* bettered ami li * situation made agreeable Io Hirn who paid the great stock debt for the love He bore to Performers in general.* ar«- also hu mone* A Good Investment XI) ONE that will k* • p ing*. building well paint.-«I "A Hlitch in time save« nine.” ideal weather for painting. in prospect. Real what a user «ays of the light ft .i.MI’lltF. "In February I'.««' I bought an F m| ire Cream Separator and from that time until April 5, lulu, it never miased n day, doing the skim­ ming from my cows, which ranged from six to nine. In all this time I paid out only 75c ror repairs. I am now trading fer one of the late improved with more capacity. Thia is a contin­ ual run for your machine for over 10 year« with an expenae of 7jc per year. I f anyone can equal thia record 1 would like to hear from them." t8lgnod) II. A. SHELL. Custer. Wa«b. This ia what you need a good, dur­ able machine. Ke sure and see the Empire before buying. is to No This is Excellent crops are Goo«l roads are being built. So let ii- brighten our prosperity in this land of fl rose« with a coat of new paint on our buildings. I And rem ember LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINT qices best results fl 9 I I I’lease read above ad. I hank you PEERY DRUG COMPANY 9 fl f our live» ha» ita jovs. Old people «I h . u I'1 be happy and they will lie if Chamlwrlaina tablet« are taken to «trenrthen the digestion and k«-et> the bowel* regular. These tablet* are mild and gentle in their action and espe­ cially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale by all dealer». NoliCi to the PoHic The two leading magazines of the Pacific coast, the Pacific Monthly and the Sunset, have been consolaiated un- dcr the title of "Sunset the Pae.fie Monthly.” It is the intention of the publish« rs to «pare no money nor effort to mate bred 1. Bilyeu, Agt. SCIO. OREGON your money property owner can afford to neglect hi« build­ EM PIRE} But th« N»r>* ct h* Product Ost*« 0-1I» F *m ths £ ghth C*ntury. Me do not know where the word tec!" ra ne from, m»r do wr know c original meaning. A leading nthofity" chum* thr word a* hav- i: “ «tarici m England, lie i* surely n. ,-taken, a* the rvc« r«!s »how. When the word first appeared in English rm. W<- n . ■ u. lly d -ap pnintvl in tli-> Gr i-k and Boman cliiMi. ». They ki'“« how to harden «.»ft iron, but had no name for the finished product we all at evi. The Urrek» ob ¡mil il good bran«* of »! ., from t’a» Chalyb- • at Sinope. T ml brand th < calk-d “elialyba” or “ch.ilyb und the Roman* adopted the term. But th«» You can’t help but get some information which wdl be valuable to you. *• fl fl THE DURABLE® STEEL IS VE.' Y ANCIENT. Perhaps you don't expect to buy. but as long as an investigation does Regular price charged for goad« «old on time. ” You will be interested in the new improvements of these machines. Ck«rv • For Mor» Slssp. A farmer raised hi* n«-w harvest hand from «Itinilwr in the haymow promptly at 3 a. m. ‘‘You can dip down and rut that little patch of oat» before break- fa»t,” he ordered. “Are t ’a ir>.|- ; < i th • hired ¡mil: “Wild? Why, no; they’re tame 1 e “W 11. if they’re tame maybe I A Clack Without Work». can slip up on them in daylight.”— In the courtyard of the palace of- Every body’s Magazine. Ver*•:!!<•» is » clock on«» hand, c:-ì i I. ilo' i.-i' de la Mort «In Hoi. A Mean Man. It contain» no works, but consists A popular loml belle and merely of a fa< <■ in the form of a beau li .1 a qnarrel. *in, •■!«-«l by ray». On the "Kiiidli return my l<> I; if hair" ! his left eye, a .»» the d ctors tell him he u t get out of the ; t- We will be glad to etplain how they will save you time and labor. until CO DAYS SALE UJESELY Nrxt time you are in town, come in and let us show you the Deering line of hay I Sunoet the Pacific .Monthly a credit to the W eat and a macaxine of national value and im.iortance. fo introduce it to new reader*, we will make the following special offer: Send 50 cent* in stamp«, and we will put your name on our subscription list for the next four months, and will »end you free a copy of the superbly illus­ trated Mid-Winter number, and also the famous Fonset Indian poster, se­ curely packed in a mailing tube It will make a beautiful ornament for your front room or den. Send your order to Fred Lock ley. Nortnwcstem Manager, Sunset the I Pacific Monthly, Port lai .4, Oregon.