The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, April 25, 1912, Image 1

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»TAt». •
«• .1
Ex Senator I fr Iming. sn o'd fash
Ion-d reactionary putitati. «« !><■ «oc
-reded lioltlver tbr.-ugh Taft'« Indu
eti< •»
H -n
Murray Crane.
Corporation Lawrara. S<an inat Sona­
tori, Trust Organizara. Machino Poli­
tic ana. Aro Alf NAorkmg For Taft.
a4 T-i
!•*« m M
y; /
* im
to emigre««
Jan..« J Hill. Ite n><« t active frl-td
of curt-nite privi!-gr aid foe of pro-
gre- -I-«Hire» In the w**«t, --.ho re-cully
«-1. . <1 upon the president and ga e
put in- «»»urntx « of bls support <>f
Taft's candidacy.
Hereafter th«- News will g«> to press
early Thursday
moron g
All adtrer-
ti«* menta or other matter for publica­
tion must i»e received at
this office not
later than Wvdn«-«da> noun
*-e«xl oat« tor sale thr- «• grain oat«
I»»«« of
M.i>«.i<-l-li>etts ftepilbll. an politica, «me L. Zeller, Ihon-as.
.»f tb<- largesl Individuai h«*!«*ere of
Dr. Davut of Albany was a Scio visit­
(•encrai D««ctrl«- li—it Tviepb*»»«- atd or M- x lay
W-stero I ni«»u •«* urt’ie» In tbv tnlii-d
Dr. Luwo’a gia»»«-» do not ne«-d the
Minte«: deeply !ntere«t«d In the New
•! --\i
li duali v and iu I be guarantee that g«w» witn th* m.
■ nier pisrr evl-rprl»*-« In the »««-«t 1
Fre«l T. Bilyeu was an Alban) visitor
nul -outil; al»o ohe of tl>r most power the last of Ihe week.
fui |n the J
I’ Morgan
< ..
III!..' A* < , ;. Co. for your
nirrger of New 1
shoes, t'p to date line.
waya. «deetric railway« - nd steamship
Mire Grace Gill went
Hue« since Aldrhb'« rotlrccivnl the
mnat iwins-rful frn-nd of corporota prlv week for 3 visit with relatives.
ll-ge lu I to— siena te
1 Try the News for tine job printing
... I ■ .«! •
Er s.-nator Fiitt«-i tnsffe fnmott« by
J. M. Morri» will prrpch st th«-Chris­
Hetiey'» ‘and graft pro- oiitlou«
tian church Sunday at th«- usual tours
A reale- te-1 n <-mlir of Mr Taft'«
ral ,-iet ha» h -n ctr 11! .ti
n pi-u
pli'et < ont : ilio.1
- li «ritti .1 t»y
hluise f to prove that Taft 1« a progrès
«lie Ttuit -.i,, tot lo seitle It. e«i«* *l.ti­
ll as Mr Tnft him —If --.i'. « he I» .1 pro-
gr- - • i «•
i •• I-* •'
"I 1« t i L i ft • Tuff offered «• tor I Itltiin till* P-»«!
In getting a buggy get the br*t, and
I roaii e» .1 vt-u---
howi»v«*r. Il»** iielther tlm» of tnliGur tn Cbl-i uud federili at prices as cheap as a lower grsd» rig.
In the l'ii.ilp i > . of tile ea'-ii et meni
J U-
We can give you l*oth. Try u« ami iw
Lai torn>a.
lier nor t "• sintetuvut of Mr Taft, but
runvincot. N. I M «rrisin.
III ti’— list of pr ' • /-••»«<« •• »io«*r!i«fa
P«t Cn!h->':n. ! — • f thè ring ->f P-in
Miss Bump has tx-en confine«* to th ■
ntnlesiiii-n «In nr«* I- idl.ig H r tl^ht
r -, i :: i -I«- i > and tra Iloti mugnaie 'Ir
f ir Mr I ft l> Hie I 11! «I Males 1 ul’.oen ut a re -ut dlmier Iti Boston house the |uv»t wook with an attack of
wiio tiare dr ■ ««I Mr Tnft'« pr -.-re«
• it |.y l‘r<-.>dent Taft. «(«•>..•■ la bis • .p- chi«-kcr[H*x.
slveui -« ns Ihe <>1 1. griii-tne lii.iud |**>lt nini -leu- Ulti .-d Roosevelt'« pm
Mrs. II. II. Mill* r of Albany »0
wl-l -to they Were Willing to Itiirst III gccsslvc |Maii< le»
visiting fncmls here the lust of the
or ludorw*
William F llerrin. « h-> 1« o ¡-.«-I
As a nation < f luwyrr» for th-it. It and |xdlt>< al I h »« for ttn- S sntheru l’n Week.
«va-niB. 1« our cl-'rf tns-flstrate's ««all
I'-utT Orpington Eggs fur hatching at
citi-- politimi maritine unti nini In ibis
lion of the \ma-ri'-aii people wa are cnp.-u Ity «ll- tated thè < boli <• of botto Ei.i»i per 15. All my hens in thia pen
tll«-I to tie- liesl eV Ida-Il* i* to égal ttepi;'- i -un -in«) l’• -tu. • rati* iiouiin«-*-» arc trap iie»l>-«i and arc headed l*y a
A nd the l-est - al proof of tbruugboiit lite «tate uutll lènrtinrf
cock bird that a.-<-r«-« 92
Mv h*-ns
uh-I Mr Gift '• 'tu’, -.i . t Mr i.i't
llirmu Joliuson poi ilo- Southern l'n lay. weigh and pay. John Wi sely.
stnnds for I» t - la- fou u! in who th«- < l..e <> il of Repulsi!, su iMstitlc» In Cali
Attention is called to the cast of
tn.-a are and wiinl the ti-"ii stami for fonila.
who -ire lending the tight f«»r lii« re
characters and synojiei» of ‘’That Ras­
1’ v kn-io lilm I'ctter
Senator Heyburn, arch staiid|uitt«-r cal i‘»t" which will b* found in another
I! ill Hie aver-u:- ttiz*-n for ti ri air and rett tioiiur). « bn ngm-l Io h«-!|* column.
il.-iliy v. ..rk
i.!| l a nrd f ir tai*
the Cuuiilngliutn claimants get tb*-ir
Mr and Mr» 1;. M. I'ain who hud
Here !« a »mull list of the malti Taft patenta If- bu» alnaya t>r«-n a «trssng
of th*- S« 10 condense I milk ex
• nthnv'ast» v too t ■««■ put Hi - l"n i-l of «¡-«•.'iiil lutere«! man 11 I a cluruoruus
hibit at th*- Mndc in Inin l’x|»»it’*«n.
“prog; -«-i|v<-- ou tl «* Il
IV tiaiu eu.-tuy of <«>i serva* t.-ti in congrega.
llownnl T .ft m l are tn .♦ t»«u d-ig
report an excellent attendance ami
Ns« H smp
him for four omn- j.-n* f ' *r*igre
much enthusiasm in evwlt • -c
Heuator Gaillnger the r.-i>re«entatlve
It .« t "t a cirmp’ete list, ili"! the rea t
You and your children are safe if you
New listen and
er Is nt li!»-"' to add t* it fr> :u :'!«• of Un. New York.
for icdiiy years wear Dr. Lowe’» superiur glass.-».
store of hl« m n political k-.i«>" ■ '.e
dinlnunn of the l'Irtrll - f l'oiu-il. 1 They rest you ro mon- than the in­
It 1« arrangisi for < by
committee In the - ,.<•• m 1 wh.- .tur ferior kinds u«ua ly sold and you have
ing thl« lime ha» op;»--e| <--e-y mena the benefit uf h:s skill and mon- than
New Y-irk.
ure to cuntrrsl the public servi.«. r«>r
£1 veal's* experience. Consult him at
The Hou W!- rrm Barnes. Jr., whom
(».rallón« iti Ihe Itlstrl. t of Columbia
Taft ma*!«* - h i -1 .- ti of the !l>-nibLcrin
Hotel Scio W«-<lbe «lay. May I. One
al«.i uh ti t ' e oppoi. .1 of « f g ■ er i
state c.-n o>itt««•- to.--«-« of All-, ny «•• u:i- *
dav only,
mrut in ilio fd.etrii-t of t'oluiaMa
ty r» «-fitly •
.n - •• rep -rt
Thos. II Prospsl brought to the News
Rhode Island.
now l-efore tin- New Y’orit Ir, i«lature,
office this week an egg laid by one of
with profect!ng r«--ddln4 sn-1 pro-fttn
trust, ex bua« of the l‘nlte«1 Jttatc« »en his Orpington hens, which measures 7|
tk-ti o il e i-d d'etat- r In t i- I--zl«
inches in circumference one wav and
Inft-i-v: Ituplacnl-!-- f-«- of lt««»«ci elt. a:e. the framer of the Aldrich tariff
Inches the other. The ends were
Hughes and dire- t and lead
er made tbr aenatr an IU«truni«-!-t of punctured to remove the egg from the
er ->f the
on f«»twe«‘n Tatn
«Im-In I privilege and n (rely iinreprv shell when it was discovered that the
nuinv n'vl th«- Itrpuldi in machine
J I* ¡»uk-. wtio recently promised »• -ntntive of the 1* > of this country large «hrll contains another perfect egg
Tnft hl« «njiptirl. b«- «1 of the to* n-eo finpportrd and publicly prtilw.l by just a little smaller. When the egg
trn-rt. ” ti •«• • l'«f lembertm-nt" a« a re- Taft for putting ovi-r flic Aldrich Mil
was laid it had a third «hell which was
Senator llrnry F Llppltt. «riti» otic
ri'lt of Wl«-k--r»unm'« pn -.-cut on tin«
soft ami covered the whole thing
simply mi iout>;«-,| to an immunliv both reeded Aldrtrh
A resident of >cio recently s*-nt to
the cotton «whevlule of (I mi A)drl«b tar
end a bcetisv to --ontlnu- Its di-bon
“Buck A Rhubarb" for a disc but as
r»t warfare «iral*i«l «ono-vtltion nt a Iff Mil for Mr AMrl t>
they were unable tu supply the size lie
profit alr<-o|y of more than gpoism.-
wanted, thev returned his money. He
Mr 1’iil.e in n’«-» b-nd of the
Rena tor du Tont, politicai tw>«« of
went to one of nur l«»cal hsrrfwarc
wmtberii wnter foser comMiie
the state of lielnivare an«l heait of the
dealers ami bought th«- disc for just
Chauncey M I«■<»»« . ex rnltroail «en
powder trust.
ntor. -’91 r tn «evenly <nr -«>w»tlon«
I what it would have cost him at the
Wiseansi w.
and tn«:- lieutenant of the late Thom­
mad order hou««- after paying the
fb-nator Isaac Stephenson, lumber
as i' I't -■
baron and lumt*er interest represents freight, and still a great many people
The H -n Janies Wadsworth, stock
bunco themaalves into believing
miser nn-t ex re igre«aman. who lost tile in th«
they save money bv sending to Chicago
h'« «cat in ■ oner»-
.1« the result of b!«
William G Evans, gn«. water power, for their gomta.
flzht agnlt st Roosevelt's meat Itiapec
Mr. Blunden of the Chi-Namel \ ar-
public M-rvh-e am! |a>lltleal !■>«• of
lion hill
Co. will be with me on 'lay H to
Wast- ogtrn Stats
Rrnator Stmon Guggenheim of «tnel demonstrate the uses of Chi-Namel.
Richard V Ballinger, Into •erretary
of the Interior. forc«-.| from «4P ce tir ter trust and Alaskan fame, the bete-h The public is invited to visit my store
public «»pin -in In «nite of l’rraiilrnt man and representative <>f the Eian« on that date and learn how to make
Interest s.
Taft'« deterreJintlon to keep him. «up
your furniture look like new
Bob H|-eer. mayor arid boss of the
porter of the M-»r in Guggenhelm-Cun
won't be asked to purchaae anything
city c.f In-nver.
nlngbntu Alaska lntere«t«
You can make your old flour like new.
Jacob l u.Th rrprwtitltig the Stnne
If you fail to receive a coupon for a 20c
James F Smith. |*e«ldcnt of the
and We -«ter water power, electric rail­
Mornion church, a politk-al. religious can of Chi-Namel, call and you will
way a nil electric light corporations
Wn«hlngt-m and other aud nnan<-|al oligarchy wtil- h controls learn how to get a ran free. Iton’t
You will learn some­
t'tah and which has promise«! to throw forget the date
western »tste»
The Hon Wesley Jones, stnnffpat Its support to Taft. i<mlih Is not only thing to vour advantage. N. I. Mor­
pre»l«lcnt of the Mormon etourrh, but rison.
x-nator. supporter also of Senator Lor-
director tn the Colon Paelhc rnllway
and prreldrnt of the Ctah iMignr com­
Ex-Congressman Jauw*a ,v Tawney. pany. whore «trek 1« controlled by the
A goodly romt>any gathered at the
Taft leader of Minnesota. principal sugar trust and the Mormon ehurcb
home of Mr. and Mrs. I
W Pomeroy
tlr’rteuant of Cannon, the tpan who Jointly.
Fonafivr It*--»! Mmoot one of the last Monday, th«- occasion living in hon­
hi-l|«ii Cannon lu bio figtit 10 oppose
Itixioerelt'a purr fond and drug taw. twelie afawitle» »f the Mor tn 00 chur-b or of Mr. Pomeroy’» 79th ami Mrs.
ttie chief repre«rntatlve tn rongrr»« of A «' gar and wool «vtiator and now Pomeroy’» U9»h birthday«
A sumptu­
th- lumber Interest« and one of the lanader of tli * react Ionarlvs In the sen ous dinner was served, six» a number
•trongr«t opponents In congress of
of u«eful presents received by the old
progressive legi«tnti«>n. supported by
couple, and following the dinner a short 1
(Concluded next week)
Mr. Taft. Mr. Canuuu and the cabinet
literary program was rendered,
fore the company left their picture
w «a taker, four generations being rep
r.-sented in the group.
I' -th Mr at-1 Mrs Pomeroy are Linn
■ ■ - I.- ‘ « . . ■ .
plain« by om team in 18S2. and Mrs
Pomeroy com-ng the same way the fol­
lowing year
Following is a list of th- «e preaanl at
the dinner
Children OwarE . Eugene H. ami
Grover C I’nmeroy. Meadam«-« 1‘ora
Bilyeu. Emma Small, Clara Griffin,
Amanda Shelton. Myrtle < rah tree
Grand-children Mrs. Tervaaa Crab­
tree, Roy and Rolla Shelton. I vman,
!•«-rothy. Nina.
An«-ne an.) Thomas
Smail, I cola and Beta Hilyau, l.avem
I rahtree.
Great grand-children - Rev Crabtree.
Er-t-a Pomeroy and Gladys »hvlton
Mrs Roy »hi lton, Mrs. Rolla ‘■hal-
ton. Ij-e Bilyeu. Tom Smail, F, C.
lion. N-wton Crabtree and Mr.
ar d Mre I W <'harlea
The following were unable to lie
Children Ornne Pomeroy, Kimberly.
I !nh«i. Me«, amr« Lula P»|>e a rd Elva
Dallam, Portia I. Mrs Minnie I erral,
McCloud, Cal . Mrs. Roberta Miller.
Grar <1 and great gra-d children
Maud, ln«-x. Maguerite. Marcua and
I he «lore
Earl Haaelton.
Lyle Heard,
Clyde Pomerov, Neva
N »ly. Nrlla “-urfllng, Pearl Miller,
U a-le and Ronald Pomeroy and Vevs
West Scio Notes
Roe I hilli|>s met with a painful acci­
dent hUndav when he nearly severed
the fore flr.grr of his li ft hand with
an ax.
I Hoagland mxle a business trip to
Crabtree .»«tunlay.
Mr. hpeer made a business trip to
Lebanon '»aturdav evening returning
Sunday morning,
W 11 «anfor l is busy plastering Joe
Quigley's house.
!.-»«<■ hi«tler has move ! bark to West
Scio, lie and Mr. Gosaage are occupy­
ing the same house.
Ruth Tompkins. Air«- Heltzel. Edythe
and Jay Hoagland went to a ball gam«
at Hubbard Sunday.
Mr H- ugland has been unloading a
car of lurntx-r at Shelburn.
Lincoln lx.gan is still busy at Horn-
<«■ working at carpenter work.
Carl W a Race of Portland was a W«-«t
**cio vial tor Friday
Quite a crowd, including tin- pupi «
of the Hcio public »chmil. Munk«-« »1 .1
*» he I burn a» well a« a number <•( p«-> v
from several mih-s around alt*-n.l«-«l th-
jxailtry ilcmonatrati-n here lu> • lay
Chiropractie is base»! u|win th« prir---
pies 1. The nerves ar«- th«- life. 2. Di«
placement of vertebreaa can»«- pressure
on nerves 3, Prraaure unm-rii-s causes
di«« «•<
Chiropractic ia a druglcsa system of
healing »nd does not resemble hy<!:«e
path), h)pn«>tiam or magnetic hculmg
< hirotirm-tie is not osteopathy, but
reaches digram « that osteo|mthv can­
not reach
If you have any of th«- following ail­
ments. such as rheumatism, bladder
trouble, up|M>plvxv.
Bright» dtx-aae,
dropsy, dysm-psia. emissions, femnl«-
i diaeaaea, goitre, heart di»«-*»«*, hys­
teria. insomnia, impotency, jaundice.
. liseax-. ii.ihgestion, gail iti
constipation diabetes, ovarian diseas«’,
pahv, paralysis, pleurisy, sciatica, St.
Vitus dance, liver disease, urinary dis
appendicitis, cured
without the use of knife. Examination
fr. e.
D». C. S. TlCARO, Scio, Ore.
Nance For Publication
Dfpiftment of the Interior
U. 8. Lam! Other at Portland, Ore.
March 1» I’Mit
Notice is hereby given that Sarah A
Swagger, by Charlea H McGlnni-. her
attorney in fact, who««- |»wt"'*. •
drv«« is Portland, Oregon, dnl on the
6th day of January l'.il2. file in this of
fice her application. Serial No.
select Under the provisions of tie Act
of Congress, approval July I, I'd»'- I si
ntat. M17, 6211) m j of xij, .«« .1 tp
r 4 e, lot M «re I tp 12 a, r 2 w, un<| lot
10 sec .14 tp 12 a, r 1 w, Willamette
Any and all person« claiming adv«-r»<
ly the land» atmve described, or d-nr
mg to object tier aux- of the mineral
character of the land, or fur any other
r-ason. to the dl»|H>«al to the app 1 mt
shouki tile their affidavits of prut« st 1:1
thl« office on or before the 10th day of
May 1912.
II. F. II1..KY
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