M \iUii PORTLAND NEWS LETTER PRIZE LIST GRO#S AT LEBANON ■ •••»•»•. •«•»•»•»•*•••« Miss Regina Linka left for Al liany last Saturday to s|iend a few days with her sister Pauline, I APPROPRIATION MADE FOR FAIR Trse prize list for the school children's fair to be held in Scio sometime in Scptemlier. is grow­ I Coal oil seems to l»e a scarce * ing to very large proptrti -tn. art ic <■ i- t1 i- Bi A «---. 1 >fi c< i ,'it tv. > Sut icriuc for the Mantiam News Nearly all the firms of this city The young men seem to find j I orn March lo to the wife of when a.-ked to help with the (u-onarti <>llkey, »»in. their way home by the light of a |iriz«a list did so. But the buni- paper torch. S eldom I ui I 'Ir» Kay C Winter of Fort- Pacif c Coas’. Slitti to he "Fi^groonfl of nt*sw world is so much sought md la; Mr I were Coeetg Court lllows $150 00 lor Coiin'y the guests of Dr. and Mr». .-••<1 for help • ■ ■ ,n."ay. Imeneo ' Ne« Imppems lor ' Made Fur al Seit—Inasinii ScMoi Fair th • world’s movements that it is Lacomb Items In getting a !»i». Harrow get a Case, io Oregon" Campaign it Connection hard for the man who donates to it stands at the head of all harrows. Deputy Sheriff John Marrs has Ore '<>.•• I l>y N I Morrison, Scio judge whether he is giving to a been subpoenaing several citizens worthy object or not, so that Barred Plymouth Kocks, bnil for to appear in court this week. many men are very conservative layers Eggs. *1.00 fur 15. Only a The little girl of Mr. and Mn? I The County Court h«« appropriate I Portland. Ore.. March 12 (special) atmut giving until th -v further 1 ni.mlwr for sale Chas Chrx, A meeting to launch a movement that John Wirtz died March 3. The the ium of line) for the C ounty I uir nt Scio, Or« g"tl. .’!4-.1p understand the m«.-! its of thr ¡n;r- will make the Pacific coast »tales the Scio. Of thia »um |1UO gin»« toward I •■■■ P ‘ i .<•:.» *• ..ver from I eb« funeral was preached by the “Playground of America" will be held pose for which they give. Rev. John Osltome at the Bap­ ihr premium fund and |A0 for other in Fan Frar.cisco April 2. Reprcaenta- In the case of giving, the mo­ i n the la»t . f the weck tell« U» thxt ' rxprtwea. • . - !• •» to«-»man Henry 1 Myer is tist church. lives of the Portland Rose Festival, tive is purely fur the purpose of The Industrial School Fair will be running t feed »table »t Sweet Home the Seattle Potlatch* »h«- Tacoma Mont- Chas. Soule will fake a trip held in connection with the t uunty Fair stimulating the activities of lu ys Those drstring »et ting* of amata redo, the t-pokane National Barred noon to the Peace river country ■ which is the only proper place for it. Apple -how, th- Pendleton Roundup, and girls during thx* summer Plymouth Rock egg*, should I tiegin | I he County Fair has for several years in Canada to prosuect for a included in its premium list « depart­ " ■ the Vancouver, B. C., International months atid get th« m to w<»rk Horse Show, the Salem ( herrv Fair for some definite purine. A. P. Hntoss, Shelburn. homestead and a preemption ment in this line in which there ha» ami all of the regular annual ce.ebra- liven quite a numtier of exhibitor» claim. Everyone knows the value of a Ihr Progress Edition of thr Albany tiona held in < alifumia cities will lie in among the children. The Fair A<«»'!• Ib-m-.. rat w»» rreelvi-d th.» week it boy or girl, man or woman who Barrows and Davenport of tion will furnish a separate pavilion for attendance. i-i a i . at magaxmr of 4<>itsession of I-acorn b those in charge have tried to an ­ E G How«-. »|>eeial representative advertising a dateline calling attention prize. friends. to attractions of the other Cities repre­ ticipate the variou: d«sir ■ of the of the I . S (‘»«hier t'o has br«-n In Mr. Alfred Soule has sold bin sented in the organisation and to work child and make the prize list to vn this w<-< k demonstrating the Ira Soule attended the school Bi'.yrn l.Tthlning Change Maker, farm and will move to Woodburn. together in securing national e-mven- accordingly. directora meeting ut Albany. tllh.-r nuu'hit-.<-» put out by the com- Ilona and other important gathering*. Dick anb Guy Craft are near The merchants who have con­ | i> y are the Coin anti < urrrncy Paving N ick It ia believed that the |KH»ibillties for tributed toward the prize list all '■<> .bier, and the Visible \ filing and Foster where they are tunning a good in such a union are limitless. They arc certainly packing outfit. Oregon's delegation to Fan Francisco offer tokens of their interest in I taring .Machine wonderful machine*. and are of »(ivcial the work, and the splendid gifts on the occasion of choosing the site for z\ large acreage in straw berries inti-rvit to »cioaii» from the fart that Frank J Ch«-n»y make* oath that ho its exhibit at the Panama Pacific Ex­ of these firms, together with is being planted around Lacomb. o «rnlor (xrtnrr of thr firm of F. J. position was a truly repres«mt»tive one their congratulations upon the ' r Bilyeu, the inventor wax born anil raided near Scio. Henrv Hassler and family of Chaney A Co., doing bu»in<-»» in the it was made up ot the twat mm and success attained by those looking women from all parts of the state and W.lh th- c..ns.did.it kmi of Funset snd Scio have been visiting friends City of Toledo, county and »tats tforr said, and that said firm will pay the was a fitting recognition of the high after the interests the growing th«- Pacthc Monthly under the title of in these parts. sum of One Hundred Ikdlara for ea-h honor that has Item given the state by generation have already achieved -uns.-t th. P.v ifi. Monthly, the put- John Gaines came up from his and every case of catarrh that cannot the fair officials in the matter of the makes the work more of a pleas­ llshcrs wd! spare no .noney nor pains very first choice of location. Ho many ure than a b .rden. - Leba on l.. i ake Mr. Hollis. my presence, thia 6th day of December League headquarter* that the comp,« specialty of its Ix-autiful color illustra­ Mr. Arrell has sold his farm \ l> ment for a »|>ecial tram was soon made tions. In addition to its »uperb color VOM BEHREN A W (ìh'MHon. (Seal) Buhl ot up. Many went by the regular trains. work, it is publishing clean, bright, of 41 acres to Mr. Fred J. Von Behren of Aums­ readable stories and interesting de­ Brownsville; consideration $3H00. Thr special left early in the afternoon The subscription of thr J2th and thr site chuosir g cere­ ville and Mrs. Fl >ra Johnston of scriptive article« Miss Willia Craft is making a Sunset the Pacific Monthly and the mony took place on thr 14th. The com Scio were married at Portland on price of Sunset the Pacific Monthly is "antiam News for 11.75. uccess of cartooning. Several |l 60 per year, but by a «pecial ar­ mrrcial bodies of San F rancisco made Tuesday of this week. Announce­ rangement we are able to offer for a It known long in advance that thr Ore go i delegation would be royally taken ments received by their friends tlm. both Sunset the Pacific Monthly state that they will be atOiome and the Santiam News for 11.75 per care of in every way. year -pe. imen copies may be seen at During the |>a»t week new impetus at Aumsville after March 16. has b«-«-n given to the .Made in Oregon fl Mr. Von Behren is a prosper­ this office. campaign recently started in -alrrn. ous farmer of Aumsville, while The Manufacturer*' Association of Mrs. Von Behr-n wa raned near fl Portland gave up the entire program Scio and has a host of friends in of its annua) meeting on March 5 to this vicinity who join the N -ws fl this subject. Supplementing this, some of the retail merchants made at­ in wishing the happy couple a fl tractive exhibits in thrir window» of long and prosperous life of wed­ Oregon made products and the atten­ . tion of thr city grnrrally was attract«*d ded bliss. Possibly You i I » JOHNSTON g COUNTRY Social Clabbini Offer la Oar OU Soc ? CORRESPONDENTS to the movement At Corvallis, on March 7, delegates from thr commer­ cial cluba of the state took part in a rousing meeting that was called for The year 1912 1» to be th«' moat im­ this purjHiee. I'neof thr suggestions made was that communities should as portant year in our hiatorv. Braid«-» sist each other by a reciprocal pushing great activities in the Northwest, a president of the United States ia to be of the local products manufactured. elected. Keep up with the new» of the worfii by taking advantage of one of our Under the editorial guidance of L.W. special offer*. Charles. Scio now has in the Santiam Our offer. The Daily and Sunday Ore News the beet new»paper in its his­ gonian. 12months, ts.iw. santiam News tory. It is not ot ly fuil of local news, 12 monuhs *1.25. total 19.25. but ia neatly printed and the matter Both may be obtained for a limited well rlaaaified. The Scio merchants time only for $8.00 which is the sub­ should not only be proud of« the News, scription price of the Oregonian alone. but they ought to be even prouder to To those not desiring to take the big extend it liberal *upp«»rt in the way of Sunday Edition of the Oregonian, >♦ advertising and job printing. The local we have thia offer to make. The newspaper la always holding up the Daily Oregonian 12 months, (6.00; The beat side of everything, in season and Santiam News 12 months, |1.25. total 17.25. out. Albany Hefald. Both may be typl for a limited time Krv. Manley, a missionary who has only for «6.00 which la the subscription recently returned from India will oc- price of the Oregonian alone. eupy the pulpit at the Baptist ehurch In other words, you are receiving the next Sunday. Oregonian and the News for the price ot the Oregonian. Don't fail to take advantage of this Try the Newa for fine job printing special offer. Fri cea reasonable. Send in your remittance today. sellers aail Their rnends « THANK YOU! 9 fl fl g 9 WE WANT fl Í Every customer to know that our stock Thamas Creel Notes The farmers are taking advan­ tage of the pleasant weather the past few days. John Neal and Conard Westen- house made a business trip to Stayton on Wednesday of last week. Miss Lulu (’lark visited with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Clark over Saturday and Sunday. G. ('. Wsstenhouse visited a few days last week with his daughter. Mrs. Clyde Rogers of Ix*banon, Miss Anna Stillmacher depart­ ed Tuesday for a few days visit with friends near Lyons. Clyde Rogers of Ix-banon visit­ ed a few days with friends and relatives here recently, showing his fine big $fXM).OO team. DRUGS is new. dean and pure, Should have in stock what yon want, tell us, and we will be glad to get it on short notice and extra cost to you. In addition to a general stock of Drugs, we carry |>ainta, oils, varnishes, wall­ paper, school books, school supplies, phonographs, orchard sprays, sheep dip and stock foods. handle the best cigars. * We We supply you with the best gasoline for your automobile. ’n fact you will find us headquarters for quality in all lines. E C PEERY DRUG- COMPANY OREGON * K * ■" •*« without ;