Terrible Suffering f Cciwtna AII Ow Baby's Body. "When my baby wa< t^ur n the obi his far» broke out with -.-»»- v. and at slite»n month» of a**. hl» f > ., hands and arms wrrs In a dre.i iful atata. Tha ees.ma spread all ov.r hie body. We had to put a ma*k or < th v’«t his fa.» and tie up m< tu la. Finally w» gave him Hood's Baraap«. rllia and In a few mot th» ha w >• m- •tlrr'y < ur. 1 'I • boy.-* Mrs Ines I • wla. lUrlry M»lna. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures bM 1 . eases and builds up the »ystem Get It today In usual liquid form or Chocolated tablets called tarsatai»«. Wanted-’-Men and Women T*'team tariwr trsda T<>4* tre. W s«w sh is to*rnintf 1’ai'i.t . < ar«< lavo! I •»»*.»• L «risto A. 3 F Mh S» . {>• A’ a*. Wash. Sightly Used AUTOMOBILES 1200 AND UP -t «*•• hit..«» an<| ty ba "• a*A '.«fgvn« la all b.n l« nt ■emnd habd tn*« bi*«« fall «f «fits r PACIFIC GARAGE Owe IM llkk RAW FURS Wa |>«itivrly pay »ha hlwh«-«< market *• *•« ar* mind- facturera a»vi tharaf.-.r« ran pay •T'krw titan u| (.< fr**1 prie« II*’, and shippin« »a1 I near • «*.. th» ««liable farri* ra. M3 . ?tb V f«toto »« Ld Us Read the Papers for You , C/ippimr* of rv«*r> khat a*«! < h«radar fr»«n thr prraa of tha Facillc C<4Ut furni»h««i at rvAjMir.aPdr rate». mxrs A3»’ S pp.Kss cumtc bureau Mui St . L ob Angvlai. t al Must Have been Her Lucky Day. In a lot of old pn|»-rs and magaxlnes that Mrs. T G. Pa' -on gave to the Sal vatlon army of Jerwy City th«- other day an envelop*- containing |225 In bills that Mrs Payson ha.I overlook­ ed. After 20 men had searched for hours In the army’s waste paper pile, Mrs Pay-, n Io king on. the money was found and restore! • i her Fiat Gnest. Tho occupation of a bookkeeper tends to hr. t ■ ! .m l »>. ihiers forward and cramp the . lu st Try to alt more -r«-ct and leurn to stand tall, nnd stretch the b- !y to Its full height. Many dofe-ts < I ll. figure are due to ba«l postures. Lot by vierclse many d< fecta .an l.e cor-e «..I High Heel» »nd WH. Tf anything >uld be higher than ths Partslmne • hat It is her heels Th» low Fnglleh heel has one« or twice enjoyed a brief arason • favor tn Pari», but at heart th« Partslenne dearly loves to add a cubit or so to her stai- ur» and »he achieves it of course *l'h h« r beloved lam1» XV brrl Perched thus on »(Ilia with the fort *t an Imf «alhle ancle. "I» footing-* ueeeitn«» Impossible »nd madame seats herself In a cab every Um» »he starts f.*i a ■ • -r ’ - t • and shoes are always new Home one baa discovered that there is a dote relation between the heels and th» »It The conversation of th» walker In low heels is trite and flat — brotr.ldlr, so to speak but she who trips In hl; h one« all! soar to unes parted altitude» of ej tram and para lo* Ur know that great alt and insanity are near neighbors and the Germans putting the pria lpie in prue •Ice are treating madre«» »lib a bare foot rrgltre The etvn’act of the bar« Cat foot »lib Mother r’. r’h Is eipect rd to bring ba k wnoùerlng minds to tn every «lay plan« and the experiment 'a naturally Ire«»» « If vou u»e Fye Salve use the beat l’(rrtT's F.v* S»ivr. «.the »ta-dard -a rv'iable an i corta no more than infer tor gooda that arc unknown. U m M by I'hva-cian« and Oculist», heir.» where a( other» fall. It 1» not the Ti nr or Hoc that cures it 1« the S*l VI tint .1 ...« th. * under the Graven.m«-nt F’. h -I an-.! I «rug» Act. Don't be deceived or misled. Th« only really antiseptic Eye Salve that has b«-en in the market f >r years Sold by Druggists throughout th«- known world Ths Best Gift. The best gift Is the one that show» thought an appreciation ot what will be pleaairg and useful to the recipl- , •nt—that is what counts for value, not the price In n n»»v Uplifting Th ughts. "A man can only n»<- c onquer, and achieve by llftlttg up hi» thoughts He can only remain weak, and abject, and tnlserabl«- by refusing to lift up h1 s -1.....«> - ' 1 '' -________ I I ; ' . ' Sloan’s Liniment it a great remedy for backache. It penetrates and relieve* the pain instantly—n<> rub­ bing necessary—just lay it on lightly. I . I Here’s Proof. •*| k»4 ff ba. Hirt U »h* K t « War •*4 m *fBwtA.0 tw-> rwa | »M 'dbv* •«'««< >Wlh It« aA«M» |4Ak». I t«««4 k>t»«i» «4 4»-v« •>tN«»w< Un> c«*4 T»v> WrtlkB W'i 1 ta* »»■>*** hai- w T-,-i»g ft’«» »» t g» t • tMsafi« to t’V. IW As * l «f'fv’K at I# a 1 ««a« J l*ata*( «. i*t, »4 ? ■*,.' K«u» U.i- »«a«, I to aJA»M ««th'* > uKIkHi X N o RM a V, I I | I j ! SLOANS LINIMENT I | is the best remedy for t*'. . i.i'ism, neuralgia, .c lb.; at am! - t > tis. I I- ”»» * ’ ■ H im < t » I ■ l«rs U it TRY M'JRINE EYE REMEOY for R~ 1 V.'...k XV, .,ry XX .per» Ey»s andGranulatedEyelids Murine l*o«-«n't Kmart Sooth«« Five Pain Druggtsta Soil Murine r.ye Remedy, i.iquid. 25c. tOc. 11 00. Murine Eye Halve In A»--pt|c Tub» « c SI O'J Er • Hooka and Eye Advice •Tee by Mall Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago. Her Own Hat the I« un » b ! .t . I It H Cr . SoM fry «II Dealer* íbice, 25c., 5Ck , and $ I OO. : i I t i I Coughs and Colds I’r » -.l«n, S-Y, ' A Misanthrope. There Is no use wasting sympathy on a man who can't be happy with good health, g »1 turala and god weather. Two Greatest Civiliser«. Im reno I means ar.d lurte» ed let« ure arc tho two ctvll'xers of tusa.— Diameli. T Nsw Yurk Use» Mud' Water. In the whole w- rid there are only about I.LOO l.M „««■»rale An tn.-h < r ratn on our watershed normally would give two gallon« of water for every man woman and child 0B I!.- SurfBCB >f the earth Put ¡t another way: It •very man, woman ai d child on tha fns of water, It would not ba enough lo last that city ten days > ALBERS BROS ,70 BEST AhD CIID.PEST ll I ALBERS EROS In «!! It4 f 'm«, f».? «H a e* f h., , t I ta» n tn ifut .« », A.e? í» wuntrd. .Yr tr ( -f ft« «’ h», k. N|»4inMe‘I.Co..thtoc» ,'otatagioua », ». V • 1 ""y A woman In a X’lenna tl>»-atcr cume out after the first act and asked to hav« tha price of the ticket refunded, on »lie ground that having compiled with the request to remove her lint she had h«!d It on her kneea and tbua entirely obstrui ted her own view uf the «tag». » A k i • ur t!,- iter ,*>r it. not handle it drop us and wo will fumino you a ■ «, <». »ban, In i. LINI Lil icURF.D A CUT HORSE. iB-l « Ired DaNaffa Mar«ha!t. Waeh , wr>l«« Obstruction. *'l h«vr Mf*iA«n Mu*?*»if I.iinttnmt fr»f «»»me lime ami wrl| pl*M«r«| <>n« »4 wr h-->rw»-« hA*t «derpsut in bri ansi wr u*r*l all bm.i» . t effe t uniti w< trwd Mu»tat>x l.mtmetlt «tei he«U4 «I wi> «* le«« «ha* l<> 4ar* ” 2S« SQ< 11 a boltio al Otug & (»•«’I 5«*»«•• V . FERRY’S N * ere sol ve! F Power»atJ vegetai icscuine i ’ I -.er -V. V < i A duce gtxx! seeds I ut wd» cvrfv where. 1*11 M>A AANt'AL L 4 *’• lASk4 - til fv» •»•<- I at«' M In If 4-w*r*4 • »traeSawMS •» i «is* «a* »V s «• !»•*■ s r ** oa is »4.àô <• «i» ».zx *r« •«ad I a*«« SEEDS erxe l> ot vtuvu. »• • 4 Good r.vr latwrs lare ttv«»e wt» f I Fre» ou Urque»! • ■. hist a ce.^^^^W b. isvsi «kk. Piu»vAn y. Nothing makes a woman so angry as to see her husband, who diets at home, eating everything that cornea along at a banooet. Monumental Majority. If one could get the vote of those who feel worse the day after a holt day than they dtd the day before, he probably could be elected Atchisov Globe. ____________ i In New York. New V -k r.ó* has all night banks, all night ».lesina and all night r«-»ta 1 rants We are Informed that th« Ì church«» continue to close early.— . fjbkago Record Herald Open to Suspicion. The man who opposes (he revival of the knee breeches idea will tie subject to suspicion, no matter how Imjer- Kina! bls motives Atlanta Journal. New Saying. Man's Inhumanity to man makes Couull<>>» th.-iu.t» of dollars - Llle. Relieves Backache Instantly An Anti Loquacity Machine. *1 think 1*11 have to Invent for mt sen b« neflt," said the talkative man. "some sort of an anti loqvaclty ma chine. I talk. I am willing to admit. I talk too much; when I get going I don't seem to know when to stop; and thia machine that I'm meditating will be something in a small portable You could not please u* bet­ form that I can carry handily In my vest pocket and that will wiggle or ter than to ask your doctor weave or pop up or do something to about Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral remind me when I have talked to a for coughs, colds,croup, bt on> reasonable limit, • nd I shall make It non adjustable so that It can-! bo set chitis. Thousands of families to run beyond a certain limit, tf it a I wax's keep it in the house. was not made non adjustable I might The annrnv <1 qf their physi be templed to set It to run too long before It gave the warning cian and tlie LApv'r,et»<’e of "My primary pur|*oee was. as I »aid many years have given them to Invent this machine fur my own b«*ieflt only, bat now when I come to great confidence in this think It over I may put It ran the mar standard cough medicine. het. there might be • few. at le«»( Sold for seventy years. a few. other people who Would like to buy one" Any t ’‘•’J doctor will tell vou that a medi­ cine i.ae Ayer's Cherry Pectoral can ios R«0 CROSS BALL BLUE. do It» best work if the bowels sre cors- sttpsted A»! V - ir doctor if hr know« l!-at fm • ■>•'.in/ better I’l.n Atei » I » for cur» ■ < l- th-e t r • ■ • A4 >,-.- V ' -> ' « 1 f I ■ - I ' er f <-r tt SB M.t.SfU—4 C ÀII» CJ . U«, I. »«. •Her re- '»♦* í *<• B^4I, Ytot R mm &•«' X«4 4UÙ1 Flato» i ' r » it . o. , ll n>»kre 0 Sheer Waete. "The coal supply of tha earth t» limite«!." said the scientist “No one can say bo« long It will last • ‘ Great Hcott!" esclalmed a man In the back row. "and hern we've g n» and west ed tnore u a luetici of It heatin' the ball for this le .ture "—W ashington Nt AC 1.00 too .50 5.00 1 M W • v*1f P»*««•« mb V••»••• F» «4 *«««• «<»•*«•<* « S»«*. »«« Btev NkTKOt»# All w «Ik fully iUBf Yiifrv'i! f<>< flftr««» > «B T*, Wise Dental Co., me. PalnleNN Dentist« F»«'**! •« M»«g. TM« WatotMC'M FO»Tl AMO 0« Uffl.t U«»H • A M to • r M •»teA«r«. * to A r. n u. Ko T 'IX —T DENTIST (>o jrms <0 I» >><»r ■ wn 4*n do BUrsr Wifll t-:tf 'lenta« bill» Bruì de*»!! « f rXa*r* I*»» »t u w»M u* K b »» »/«stvet an»< IwmBUtlful U-wth* ¡f y«su u*r Forisi l**atai >*»•!• t » •!«»• » l»rwve*rsl 4** •/ »nd thè lewfh Yhat pMkFlJF wbll» Bp|»raiB/iYw tw ».he ruma thè fìrwtoM aitai trcn./Mf uf ttoflUth Tuta». Mr. t»r«w lui» fi YOUTH tilt BEAUTY |**v«rrYB fhe lareu»y ansi y>«ulhfu! r-f the fa< e I v the af<-, •».- • i.f > «ehi Ma«ea<»i dawat snutì ’ M bìarh h«NB»l ». Bfd g'-VM the «bin the hittoh •<»! «h»W of JRDWtftl The «ruirveU u« ■ »«-(.’e»«»»•» -t Me high ciato Ori «ntal« w hich ha* lew»» a my»ter*y |«>Tur»•peana m ■lue ta» the u«e nf p re para t k«irwi ma*)« fr*4n thta r« « 1 !. l’ t'. «M» ir» a «to fi Th te <• th» Ar»l timo »he ebr»ve-me«?b»f»e»l pre- (araiUrna ixrw le»n ifrrerf ( -r **<* ta Amerà** A urnsted aopply la In ho had b> a»l>lrw«w«»ng I r. eh» ri< MI lABoHAlOHItS Soste 9, >4i' M-there wtll End Mre Wlasl'-w*» a-.rhla«, tym ike lest remedv !>• wss i-s iheir sMMaaj ! l .itug I- • loeU.ll>» pvtluej. Offenis Truest Def»n«e. Butler (entertaining a few frlendi' In the abaence of his master, who has returned un> specie lly) Most un I warrantable intrusion, sir; with re ■pect. I bs-r to elve notice "—Punch. I WM-. f 0 F«ar» frét* p«hr««4 Portland. Oregar» Dr. Stone’s Heave Drops l or »be eure of beere« a hqiiH metiirine given in n<. wor vases which have become cloudy and diacolored should be j cleaned with a mlature of vinegar | and salt, poured In and well shaken | • bout. A long piece of stiff wire, upon the end of which Is a little pwe poked Into all; tbo corners and crevices, and the vase § th«-n rinsed In »«rm water and dried' with a good polishing cloth. F*ly > marks upon the gilt frames of pic­ tures should be rubbed with half a lemon and then polished with a chamois leather the feod. ehi<-h the rrvot feaHdsmto horro will n»H rrfuw F rum to •tn txXttoo will cum ths To n «r t o>t n it on « r»A> Take l.AXATiVK RROMO Uuinl-e TsHe's i>r»»ir. .»»« r fur«l m*mwjr if H f«iU to • rw. kk W * £ ¿1 *Mru*lurt« ia u*i toh to.«. Jtoc. Husband Got Evon. In Austria a worn -i waa recently sent to jail f<»r opening her husband's mall. HLc began a suit for divorce on evidence ob'alned from the letter and ber husband retail i ed by sending her lo jail tor o’wtili e h« letter. frasst »tüMaiWv. riOM». fl por l*»tth». or •1« (nativo for i¿. Fw «aio et all drunulA or • rite to rs ng m C Fret t ann« l*>o— in < lo 14 Uajw Sue. DU S. C STONE SALE«. OAUM TAKC A DOSI OF Going Over the Books. "This Item In your campaign •>■ pens« account mystifies me," said the auditor. ''I don't understand what you mean by ’raw material.'" "That's tn error on the part of the stenogra­ pher," replied Senator Sorghum. "It should read, "hurrah material' • MILLIONS FAMILIES *«■<> u^n£ yrup ìigs CUTcl ELIXIRef SENNA S ¿/ FOR cotas Arp Hl ADACHFA INPKJATK)’« AND yX M STOMACH. GAS AMD l Ut ME* T ATK)*C COMSTlPAnuM ANO BILX>W«tAS.wnN MOST SATISFACTORY PLWLÎV NOTE THE'NAME : CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO IN THE CIRCUI ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHEGEHUIHE — ■■■ ■ -+ - ■ THt wrwMsrvt roniLAarn or n AS TH! BOTTOM. AVO IV THt ciscu . mas ihc toe or tvtsv sac sag *, or mt QAUIM ON! MZt O-LV. IOS MIX SY AU U AWSG osLULiu* atc.ui.AS raid »»> res bottla . to-v ATitf rx TLU <4 tAHAU e " 1 ■ V----------------- » svsvr or rw.t amo nrvia or scnwa b twinmi apamio to th » «nm or LAptiv AVO c murar A ai n n Mito avo cuayamt rj.Mti aw untTTVl, Arto aavotuniT rau isom oain tkjoasi . i*«aiixrNT» n b cquaut stMirkiAL ros woMut am » roa mu » young am > ou » row uir ar all llamm . p « uggíst > Al WAYS BLY IHt CJJvtlM . C alifornia F ig S yrup C q