................ BIRTHDAY DINNER sumptuous birthday dinner wa.« served at the home of Mr and 'Irs J. A Bilyeu last Tuesday in honor of Mr Hilyeu and hie son I', C.. the for* mer's birthday being on the 12th and The dinner ths latter's on th. 13th. turkey and all the consisted of "fixins' in fact, the table fairly groaned under its burden of g««»l things, almost everything that i« tooth- Some t-cuig represented. Those et-.jov- ing the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs Bilyeu were, their daughtrr Nita, and son C. with hie wifi and daught«*r Gracs of Mcio. also their daughter 'Its Nelle (¡unsaulcs and son I y«lc of I eba non. Mart I' i I m - u of Albttnv. at' » of J. A., Mrs F* J. Daley. M Brenner, and Mr an* Mrs Charles. The occasion will b»* lontf and pleasantly remember«*d by were pnvileg«*.! to be there. ........................... Î ♦ a• . s . Buggy for .ale by Dr. Manderson. New caps for n>cn and boy. at ely A Cain’s. We tossi oats ball’d hay for sale. tVcsely, John 2U Wm. Mim« is In re from Portland this Week on a visit. R. Mhelton attend«! th«* gm«l roads .iierting at Albany last Fr hlay. New spring giMHls arriving every day now at W«-sely & t ain's. W’m. Brenner drove over to liaston tudai t<> attend a public sale. Wanted a few young Brown ¡.eg- horn laving hens. Enquire at News office, Social ClBbliiii Offer to Our Old Sub- scitrrs and Their rri nis t'al t'araon baa I ui haÂd tha • • bratvd race horse, t onfrdcratr. from Wm. Brermvt. The year 1912 is to be the most im- portant year in our history. Besides great activities in the Northwest. a A basketball game is bill«! for Satur­ day evening between Scio and lascomb to be play«) here. ¿3 Trim an I.ukenbach and family mov«l thi« week from the Sho|ie houno on Main street to the I'rabtree place elected. Keep up with the new« of the world by taking advantage of one of aoecial offers. Our offer: The Daily ami Sunday Ore­ gonian, 12 month.. |X.00. Santiam New. 12 monuhs 31.25. total 25. Both may be obtained for a limited time only for 38.00 which is the sub­ scription price of the Oregonian alone To those not desiring to take the Ing Sunday Edition of the Oregonian, we have this offer to make Daily Oregonian 12 months, 4** Santiam New. 12 months, fl 25. total 17.». Both may be had for a limited time only for 16.00 which is the subscription price of the Oregonian alone. In other words, you are receiving the Oregonian and the News for the price ot the Oregonian. Don't fall to take advantage of thi« special offer. Send in your remittance today. Ja- W.-s«*l) arrived the latter part of the week I r-nm Wlhtott* ««atîëà.. lor >i visit of a few weeks with relative. here. PACIFIC OCEAN Bt.At .*. Fl’.' NTII.Q THE EXPOSITION SITE IN OOI.DEN OATE PARK Full line of grass, field anil garden seeds no* in stock. All ae«la guaran- teed pure, true to name ami at reason* ! able prices: at J. F. W early 'a. a» John to*ff!er met with a painful A «II..» «tolte N.itlonal pnrk Grevi Hall lai.*- I*uget «orimi. thè inliind trip lo ' though not serious accident Sunday A.id.i. thè fi» erti mi-ut » tinge rei« 1 when hla horses ran away near the con luath.ii proje. ta tu siateci! western lensery. Little damage was done to «talea, tbe t'olunildti rlier reglon. thè I the rig. redsood forcata of l oli forala, tlie tira We now have in stock the Petaluma of Oregon, tlie big tre«*« on thè ap Incubators, which is conaaiervd the proacb 1« lite ViM.inlt«* A risoli i and | h«*sl machine on th«* market. I hi not New Meli*-«». yolingvat of tlu* «trite« fail to see ns before you buy. I'has. Nei udii alni "oiiie <>f tbe gr«*ateat tulli *»M Pr; « :iuip» In thè World Perlini» Ino«! i Wesely. lntvrv«tlng “f all wlll l>e thè op|»>rtu H. Shelton tri«l out hia new drag on ulty for il trip ttirough thè Panama I the road leading to West Scio last Sat canni eli ber < >tnlng or going It seema to fill the bill all The re* oii«truetloti of Mnu Francisco onlay la oi>c of thè greti test mirarle« «titilli ! right and will lie given a thorough teat tlie Idatory of Aiuerl< an niunlclpnlltl«*« us soon as the roads dry out. Eli» hundred and elgtit city blocka. lomd plaster, complete fertiliser, all i-Ulbra-ilig thè prtucipal Pusille«« and tree sprays and arsenate of lead now r< «hlctiti.il |«.r1loii« of ito. city, wero in abH-k. t'onie am! gel our prices and wl| .«1 fiotti thè erirth Iti llMkl The information reganling the Street« arre cover««! In Sonic place« further wltli deliri« forty fiat drop. y«*t io«1ay above at J. F. Wesely'« Grocery. a atrangrr lo tlie <-|ty violi!}! uri er An accident was reported from West I l i a troni It» app< irnii. <> thnl a fire Scio Saturday, th«* name« of the parties tmd « . urre»! whom we fail«l to learn. Tw«i small The I ■ « tl toilgh thè tire 1« .-• tiniati-A : boys ami their little sister were playing br 1ii«iirnm«* utidcrnriter* ut giuifsai i ivi To r««on«Irli* t Mnn I ranclai o when they wcidcntly ground one of her fingers off in a washing machine «nlli-d for grenter wealtli tlmn wn« d«‘ F SOME EXTRACTS FROM STATE LAWS By request of tome of our citizens, the following extracts from laws re garditig the sale and use of tobacco and intoxicants and frequenting of gam­ ing rooms by minors are given. ••It shall be unlawful to sell, barter, trade, give or in any manner furnish to any minor under 18 years, any tobacco, cigars or cigarettes in any form, or any compound of tobacco, penalty, fin«- 35.00 to 160.00. "it shall be unlawful for any minor to use tobacco in any form whatsoever in any public highway, street, place, square or resort, penalty, fine of 31 00 1» 110.00 or two days imprisonment for each offense, "If any person, being owner, lesa.-e, proprietor, or employer of any cigar store, public card room, saloon, bar room, public tdlliard room, public pool room, ot soft drink establishment, shall suffer or permit any minor under 21 years to engage in any game for either amusement or otherwise, shall be de­ clared guilty of a misdemeanor; penal­ ty. fine of 125.00 to |100 00 Any minor who represents hu age as 21 years or over may be fin«-d 310.01) to 3100 .00. ” l«u 1.41' < <1M* .1 in Subscribe for th. Santi am News. 1 M MH Can be had by ambitious young men and lathes in the fieM of “WIiMaf»’’ ar Railroad telegraphy Mince th« K-hour law bwri ■ame effective. and si rias th* Wirelef I Companie, are estaWiaalag station/1 throughout the country there is a great shortage of teieg raphe re. ¡•uaitioaa pay beginners from 37» to 3H*> per m-lfph. with good change for ad- vaneenwnt- The National Telegraph Institute of Portland. Oregon, operates under supervision of R. R and Wire- leas officials an«t nfm*w will ,ll»O |w hi tin* Mt.uliuHi « hi H nt IrnH* la <*o Imy tuoìiHb* nt mi to HI tir for Ihr world •» n • »rd» I «•'•»r r ihr Ilari.» .r \ ew site of the rxpmitioii of tb<* world will I across tlie Atlantic I then through the 1‘aiMiniii ; > nine the fire No otic n « dlsinayed In a «back built over etnl*er « hardly < ool a Tim I ntrlbutloti. of I bina and Jn pan toward llie rxp«*«lllon in magni fi LMi.-e and variety «III surprise any tiling ever m - mi oiit«i«h« of the orient and even ill the far en«t lt«elf A con Cry gootia nier.rhsnt p’.i- «*d i great »Ign l’at. il' It ■ ti« ..il Exposition. Man Frani l««o. ÜHX" and tht» beesfis« the battle ry In thè figli! td puliil a t.ew city <»f more than S2U."' •».«*•» now ap|>ro printed by t'alifornli 37.'■•>.<»•> hn« I «e* n raised by popular «il1- rtptlon«. gl.miiiai |a assured through a »1’0- tal act of tbe legtalatrre permitting the '■ountliM to tax thetnsdve« for evp.»«l tlon purpensa S."''«»”••> wo« appropri ■itrd by the state of California, an*! Man Frane)»*« ha« Toted a bwid t««nc of f. issi «kl Tbl« i« the largest «nm that hn« ever beer rxl«"l for a world'« esp'oltloo «t an luit lai stage. But it Is only a starter. -ervatlve estimate of their combined expenditure toward the etpiwltlon I« > ptnesi will contribute more than *1.m> •ws> each The Pacific const of the f'nlted States and the whole neat will lie featured up more extensively than they hate been within their history Ride excurvl n« from the ftinln line or «top over« upon any of tlie eight tranwon 'I eutnl systems terminating U|sm the I'aclfi«- coast will afford the visitor an opportunity to t!i«*ee attraction, of America that appeal to him To m« d lo th«* tire and far rv i - im 1«-<| In buying a plow get the best. The tlu* co«t <>f bnlldlng iti«* l’nnmiia canal. J. I < aae leails them all. They win Min. i* 111«* file f.’l j « «>i j « i |,n« berti ex out every time in trial testa in thia l<>- pentii«! u|«»n neve bnlldlng« alone cality. SoM by N. I. Morruion. under Today Man Frate t«. o 1« tlie nvwest a positive guarantee. 30 city In thè world It« bnlldlng« rep* Mrs A. E. E<1 wards received a tele- re«ent th<> lat«-«t lyi-r of inotlern re- eufi r> ■ d «on< rete «triti tun « It ha« gram W««lneaday telling of the serious mote than 1..V*» hotel« atei apartin«nt illness of her father in Colorailo, ami li r - « Il Uh ai i-ommoilatloli« to alllt left this morning to hr at hla bmiaide. all persona. Mr. Edwards came over from Mbanon In p:eparlng for thè Panama Pacific to help her away ou her journey. Intero; U nni et|>o«lt|oii humlml« of The Itttbea Sewing Club passed a Ita enil««arl«-s are t l«ltlng all tlu» n» ginn« of th« «orld l'ourtwn gorer- i pleasant ami profitable aftermsm with nors of we-tern «tate« on n 4 «««i mlìe Mrs. ('. A. Warner Thursday February trlf> tlirougli thè ea-t on a «io« al tram 8. The dining room was effectively recently « nllisl attenthm lo thè ri|M>sl liecorated with pink carnationa where a Iloti and fierams bettcr acquaiole«) wltli dainty luncheon was a«*rved by the thelr brothers of th« western «tate« huateM. The ladles will meet next with Mrs. Fred T. Bilyeu. One of the director, of the exp«»eltton Dr. Pnll reeeiv«! a professional call Is now In Japnn It Is an Id timt hl« |isje«ty the Emperor Miitsublto will Monday evening from Bellfountain in dunste the us * nf the itn|>erlal art Col­ the southern part of Benton county, lection to the el|ma f'.ui The board of fifty-four miles from here, ami left at >ady managers, of whbh Air« I'hoelie throe o'ckick Tur »lay morning for that Hearst Is honorary president, la in place, driving by way nf Corvallis itependently taking Op those [.bases of where a change of horses was made for the ei|.»«ltlon that tielong particularly the rest of the long trip. It is safe to to woman'« domain The netting Is leing preparivi With say that not many towna the site of mpreswhe etposltton structure, rising Selo can l«ast of a doctor that receivra from Ran Francisco fair with city ami calla from such a distance, when any w.H.led speies R. a background and In I number of physicians coukl be secured the foreground a vast fl«*t of t>attle close al hand. ■hll«< of the world the sight will tie on « ->f the magnificent spectacles of fi'.s torjr. Try th. News for fine job printing. Prices reasonable.