* 4. UNK COUNTY FAIR I0H 1912 At th* recent meeting of th* board of Areetors th* following officer« wer« elected for th* year: President. A G. Prill. vice p.i*»*dent. ÄM Hir !>«, *. reUry, Roy Shelton; assistant teere* Ury. Rihy Shelton, treasurer, Edward Myers. The board of director« consists of, M C Gaines, Carl Middlestadt. J. A. Bilyeu. Asa thron». W ' A aid, A. O. Brill, I. A. Munk er». B. H. Bodine and G. O. Belta. 0PMMITT*B» Camping and Hitching < «round» W G, McDonald. M. C. Gaines, Carl Middle» ladt. Printing and Advertising—J A. Bil­ yeu. \sa Hirona, M. C. Gain*». Clerk of Race Course E C Peery. JCDUM—OMOOM • U»lept Mrs Claudia Gill, Mr* A <; I'ri.i, M* Earm Products—E C Robert». Leb anon. Poultry—Geo Sutherland. Scio. - • I I ULEIÎIM Uli The public is cordially invited to at­ tend a Valentine Ball, to be given by the ladies for the benefit ot the Linn County Fair, at Wesely-t am Hall, Nclo, February 14. Dancing from 8 to 2, tickets 91. I SoM hsiiiea Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of •'Wireless” or Railroad telegraphy. Mince the H-hour law became effective, ami since the Wireless companies are establishing atationa throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginner» from 970 to 9W’ per month, with good change for ad-1 vancement. The National Telegraph Institute of Portland, Oregon, operates under supervision of R. R end Wire­ less officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. 23 4 No matter «.hat you build we want to furnish the lumber, rough or dressed l«et us figure with you about prices and terma of payments. Ws also handle sash, door», brick, plaster, and cement The Scio Planing Milla Co., Scio. Oregon 1« ‘ * >■ iru.f.tuu ♦ ♦ ♦ New cap* for men and boy» at Wes ' ely A t ain'». Good oats bal«-d hay for »ale. i Weaely, John «9 A l»cautiful selection of valentines I and carda at Peery'» Pill Shop. 2fi New spring gooda arriving every day now at Weaely A t ain'a. Wo now have in stock the Petaluma Incubators, which is' considered the h«»i machine mi the market. I»o not fail to see na befor* you buy. t'ha*. Weaely. •> Full line of gnu»», field ami garden aec 1» now in stock. All »etsls guaran­ teed pure, true to name and at reason­ able prices at J. F. Weaely’». 21* Tom Large intends opening a shoot . mg gallery and can! room. Hr has not definitely decided on ■ kwation as yet. but expect» to have the place ready for liusinesa some time next week. Land plaster, complete »fertiliser, all tr»e sprays and arsenate of lead now n stock Come and get our prices and further information regarding the above at -I F We«»e!y'» Grocery. Thr ap|>earance of Dr. Prill'» real- ; dene« ha» Iwm materially improvnl by the cleaning up and trimming of the 1 oak trees on the lawn The orchard »SA i. .. i ... I foil 4 the con ton rs of haa also been »prayed; an example it the «bore from th* barlior out to and Layond th* Golden Gate The struc­ , would be well for other» to follow. tures will lie the lar^etl and costlieat The warm weather of th«, past week ever creded for a w orld a ev posit Ion. has caused a car|»ct of liable» to spring Th* two principal hwatlumi of the ex position will lie ut llarlior View and upon the lawn» about town where lu Golden Gat* |>ark Harbor View these beautiful flower» have lirrn lies as a i res ent on Hau Frnm laco planted. Other indications of an early bay midway Iwtween th* ferry bill'd spring are to lie found in the rose bush­ Ing. ttie principal entran.e to Nan es and numerous other ahrubs anti trees Fran. I»co, and li e Gohlen Gate Gold where the bu«b are beginning to swell. en Gate park fronts Hie i’uelfii- wean Brownsville Times. Composite Fleet of Navies of vnr mile lielow the fatuous t’llff House The Lailies Mowing Club met last These two main sites nnd Intermediate the World to Pass Through I< m at Ions will lie conne«-tev| by a ma Thursday afternoon with Mr». A. G. Panama Canal and Enter rine boulevard tliit will skirt the Prill. After some time spent In con­ sbon-s of Nan I’rnn. I m - o buy and aleo versation ami needle work the ladles San Francisco Harbor. by an Intermural railroad A trn kies» were invitmi to the dining room where What the Great Fair Will trolley will run over th* boulevard covers were laid for sixteen. The llarlsir View Is wthln twenty luln Be Like. ; utc»' walk of the Fnlrniotit hotel and luncheon was especially enjoyed, the ♦«* --------------------------------- i the most extensive apartment bou«e tables l*-mg tastefully decorated with hyacinths and each place card illustrat­ ‘ section of Nau Fmiu Is. o laud up-in the earth fian Francisco At llartior Mew will ba located a ing aome practical joke on the recipient. I* preparing Io tuaat the standards of yacht liarls>r. th* Mlilwa and night After several selections on the piano by » great national celebration Every life of the exposition and many coo Mr». R M. Cain, the ladles were in­ ■-.9 nurinut *»t»sl nil ci.-atcd of sand duties, t.slay at 93.50; J. B. t’ouey, 30 rords fir at rom mereiai event In the history of the present* one of the moat notable 92.30, 10 cords oak at 93.60; W. W. world, but It will mark a mipreme ' achien.niefits III Inuit*, a|s- gardening Perry. 30 cords fir at 92.47'». Mr. ep.« -h In th Ilves of the nation* bor III the wond Tile W«-st end .»f Golden Couey's bid l-eing the lowest he was drring U|»>u the Pacific, and appropri Gate |«irk. loruprlsltig ól‘* a. res. will awarded th» contract. itcly the visitor will w In the ev I*» utllli*d for exi»»*ition puri»>«*s For the first time sine« 1KK1, aaya (sisiili’n the greatest displays of Around a great stadium, already built. the Postmasters' Advocate, the an­ ■>'r.1 trti-c* and |**i|ile« of tf e I'.i Will lie erected a huge concrete coil eitle mesa -»unyl’ ever a*«euib'«-d scum Hi* largest *trueture of Its kind nual financial statement of the l'o»t- Ifc.wn the streets of San Francisco in America, rapable of «eating 73.<»«> office l*x>partment shows a surplus in­ In .p'-iP-n «lay» will pass »tub ort pts.ple nml In archil«* lure like that ut stead of a deficit. The revenues for ■ nial i- wa's >. tin- world hi* never Rome. A chain of Ink** at different ttu- fiscal year ended Jun«- 30, 1911, M-eii t ide i. Japan, the Philippines. levels will lie connected by a working amounted to 9237,879,K23.60. ami the India and other oriental lands will imslel of the I'unama • unal ex|>*ndilures to *237.660,706.4». leaving Join In para les that will rival th* In Lincoln park, where thr Golden Gate a surplus of 9219.118.12. At the bagin­ diati durtiar tn maguifi>-en< e and sur round« out Into th* I’arlflc is-ran. <-»>ni pass the durlmr In variety by reason mantis a panorama of the Pacific ning of the present administration in of the man) nations repreacntml o> ran of Nau Francisco harl*»r and of 1909 the postal aervice was in arroars Its area la l.’M» to the extent of 917.479,770.47. which The ei i» wit loti will formnlly open thr bills of th* city with Hi* entram a Into Nan Francisco a.-rew. and II» routom-s rise nmf» thau was decidedly the largest deficit on barlior of a comfwnlte fl«w-t of the bat fits* feet alatve sen level. At IJm-oln record. In the brief space of two tlesblfw of the world l'|>on Invita iwrk will be erei-t«»1 a great rommem years this deficit has been change«! into Hon of the I nlted States nearly 1nth toward tSolden Gate In Nan Fran. I«. o hnrts»r alnmt two pnrk. will |st«s through an arm of 'jr> Forty acres 2| miles N. E. of Ncio, weeks after the exposition open« acres that have been aorurod by Ilia lb* rvtHHiltlon will tre than J.fiOO acre». The grounds lure and agri uitnre and other dis a Bl des-rlbe a a* mid rie about Nan playa requiring evtcnslvs »paco. HARBOR VIEW SITE OF THE EXPOSITION. WHERE THE MIDWAY AND CONCESSIONS Wilt BE LOCATED ■•«♦ Snecial Clobbini Offer to Onr Old Sob icilsn and Their rnends The year 1912 is to be the must im­ portant year in our history. Besides great activities in the Northwest, a president of the United States is to be elected. Keep up with the new* of th* world by taking advantage of one of our special offers. Our offer: The Daily an»I Sunday Ore­ gonian, 12 months, 9*.00; Nantiam News 12 monuhs 91.25. total 99 25 Both may be obtained for a limited time only for 98 1 •«. - X Every Country on Earth to Be Represented at the Great­ est World’s Fair In History. Eighty Million Dollars to Be Expended on National Cele­ bration. . - .......—--------- ITHIN a few week* time tboiiaauds of men and team* will b* eMu»rd In leveling off the ground« of the I'ann ma Pmdfi Internnte.ii eipeltiiai site iu Nan F nuu la-'n. and It I* «-«Umsted that within »It month» I'*.*»»' tacn will be eiuplojrd lu the construction of th* material part of the great rxpoaitloti at which th* I tilted Mates of America will celebrate the ojwnlag of the Pana ma canal lte«|H-ii—•« to Invitation* to partlc||uite anti offer» of c<> <>|'<*r itloii from every i-irt .ft ■ « * <1 n t' -I Ing the exposition lu in .^»-iiicot, ur in u|«oi them. Responses of foreign <* untrli-v rar pass all antli-|| nt|oi>s of the ex|»Mlt|-in management Every rivllltcd cation on earth, every land wltiim the sweep of both s|i< re* of the I'n .1 .si- a and every state In the I'uli-iv wIII lie represented by the finest asx-tubiag« of displays the world l».i« ever -«-«-n •'Hao Frnnclscu," »ays President Moore, "n* boat«**« for the nation will entertain the world In 1913 with the most comprehensive etposltlon In hl* tory, a jubilee of nations a splendid commemorative celebration. wiili h shall Include not only the finest fra lures of all former world's exp >'itl«>n« In recording the progress of the world, . but yet tn magnificence. In diversity. In Its distinctive color of the w«-*t. of the orient and of all the countries bor­ dering tifon the l*n. Ifi<- ocean will ■land alone The nations of the world will See the finest American displays aver shown at the Panama Pacific In­ ternational ex f*» It Ion "The plan* of the (wopte of the west for the Panama Pacific International et|>»sltlon are being undertaken n|*>n a acsle of world edit- allon and Inter eat. and the exposition la the subject of eulbualastlc coo|er«tl..u In every W Try thr News for fine job( printing. Prices reasonable. I