Î i coat for the entire series alxA-e which the lamrd cannot let a contract. Thus the public is safe guarded against excessive prices. Oregon’s law seems to have been made for the lienetit of the book conipanics and text-book coinmissioneni. I»et us the next time have one that shall deal justly with the tux payer. M (6 hc Sintiain ÌRcws pub ; ished every frida < by I,. I.. <; < >< » i> I N <* I UlTOM *»t> l»W«lWWIKroW. P.liticallî iBiepinitDt IX LEHERS FROM OUR COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS V 9 0 fi fi SCHOOL OPENED SEPTEMBER IS One year in advanc«- .......... ....... fl One year, at «-nd of year ........ 1 One year, at end of 2 years ... 1 Oni* year, at <* im ‘ of 3 years ......... 2 Si« months in advance.......... • « • • * • Three months in advance ... Single copy in wrap|>er .... . • ••• 25 to 75 00 n 50 Of, A 1» VEH ITHINO 1« A t KM: Card of thanks................................. Hp«--ial obituary notices, per line Extended wtskting comments, p< r line ... ........................... Display ad». I«» be changed weekly if di-ntr««!, one column wide «•ach insertion, |x-r inch.. .. Business locals per line................... Long time standing mis. contracts made on application. >> (fl u3 15 or» Your Subicrtplios rtpired os tbr d*t< Pumped ths ?■»<< below. F1 ca » c rrncsr at oser Ard get tb« benefit of the >1.2» rule h Illi« paper changed ownership «•» August is . It you have not pj IJ in n lvancc of that date you itmuld re­ new al once and thus lake jdcantag" of the $1 28 rale. We would he pleased to have your prompt renewal ‘ Our School Bonk In President Taft said that the wool schedule of the tariff was indefensible. He vetoed the re­ medy. Hence his action is indefensible. He is to try on his western trip to defend thin veto. He will have a tough job, And when some voter steps into a store and is charged H6 cents for a baby’s woolen «hirt which is nut much larger than a poetage stamp, Mr. Taft will have a very difficult task in convincing the pur baser that only an expert can judge if the price is too high. Gel tin- Best. You « an get it of us. Courteous employes Prices lirn-oiiable .... ..... fi Prospects lit Succtwfil Sctoef Beyer Beller b;fi $dMl Noa m ÄccrHrtrt Entered at th«- postotTie«- ut S< i«i, Orc as i « nmd-rlar» mail matter. Lit nd Title# ti S/Hcitd/i/ list it Coheres Li. IA. CURL. Sauliam Farm Topics Mr. Cameron of Albany, who holds some timber claims up on Roaring river, was looking after the saint- the first of the week. Mr. Raymond and wife of near Scio, called on us Wednesday for a few hour« visit. Frank Williams, wife and son of Plain View, visited (’. Gain« a and wife Saturday. They were formerly residents of Providence, Clifford Griffin of Racoon Hol­ low, sold four ton of oat hay to | Joe Benosky for $10 per ton. So President Taft has struck a there is still a chance to sell hay. ixtpular chord with one of his Lester Bilyeu of Jordan valley vetoes at kast. He has vetoed is contemplating moving on the the p'ot of the impure foods old Lee Bilyeu farm this week manufacturers to oust Dr. Wiley. near his parents, (¡co. Bilyeu. Had all his vetoes been as well I»ouis Conser is visiting around received by the public Mr. Taft in this section, looking for a cook would not have needed to make as he is getting tired batching. his extended jaunt across the Some gal would do well to wink country. at him when he passes by and s linking the other way. 1/cja] /treuibies f • Jame« Stanton and wife of l.a Vogue at Wesely 4 Cains. Portland, ar«- v. t.ng ' W You are invitrel to subacibe for the Gaines and relatives this week. News. Newton Crabtree went to District 76 sch«x»l shoes for boys, Buena Vista Tuesday after his nu..... and children st Wesely 4 Cains. two daughters, who were at the 8. Philippi is building an addition to hop yards. his residence in th«- west part of town. S. W. Gaines and wife and i The News ami W« ekly Oregonian one year for II.PC. (lood until Oct. 31. James Stanton and wife were in Just Arrived at Wesely & Cains, a Scio Monday on business anti large line of children, ladies and misses viewing the city. sweater coats. * P ie E ater . («. M. Flock has moved from Gates ‘ Both Phone« THU HIGH SCHOOL MTVATlONa Kcio is locatiul in the foot hill«, eighteen miles cast of Albany, la ex traordinarily healthy and absolutely free from al) epidemic disease«. The a Ater is exceptionally good. Ha« two churches with regular aervices and the -• . ri. '.i.itv IB equal to that d any ordinary country town. > cl On FvptemU r IN Scio opened with a <• mplete II igh School, embracing a four years course and which will be <>l*en and free to all I.inn County pupils, wl. > have completed the eighth grade work in the public schouis. The year will ■■ divided into two terms of four I and one half months each. I I i O I I V outside Largest Stock of Portland Samples and Estimates on Request FISHING TACKLE Expert Truss fitting Camera supplies, etc ........ ......... " J Woodworth Drug Co > THE HCHOOL BtitUHNO ■o <0> o (O' Albany, Orogon WALL PAPER ♦ J Mn-iActR 223 S. Broadalbin KL Albany, Ore o ! i ♦ A >»r riccio Pamnssr, w F. (»ill. Hwarrcav, C. A. Warner In 1.445 a h indsome am! commodious seven rm-rn building was erected, which ' contains modern furniture, etc., is centrally located and has r-»omy play grounds. I-team heat ha« Ixen installed ! this ye»r. Scio MiliiiHj ConipaiMi I.A tl<»R ATOR Y A well equipped laboratory has been purchased an I will be m use thia year. The science work will Include a thorough laboratory course in connection will the ular recitation courses offered heretofore. « » » — < • 1< JO SCIO ROLLER MILLS r in < ohi * oi < ai m > :» f < I- Miint ts* !«»<>•*. A T II I KTllU AND 8FURTS A< proper exercise is necessary for good health of students, basket ball, in door baseball and other harmless «¡■orts are encouraged. The opening of school always means quit© an expenditure to parents. Not the least among EXPENSE the < xpenses is that of books. Thcr-are ro tuition charges what ever to the students. Board and kelg Much complaint is often heard of to Mil) City where he has employmen’. ing rin be obtaini-d at a moderate price eoat of oar ThoiULS Topi s Another shipment of l.a Vogue coals R>- its are low and the other cxp-n«e« Then- is good cause for objection, for Indi«-« and misses arrive,! at Wesely Dick Kelly unloaded a car of of maritaining the family are leas than links do coat too much. Our A- Cain*. Lumber which will b- used ip in almost any other of like site towns school book law is very defective. Normtn !^»ng is treating the street building a new house and barn Students from outside the city will be The whole thing should I m * re­ in front of his property with a coat of aa-istclin securing lodgings if they on his farm. will rail on th<- principal. A list of vised or abolished nt the next gravel. S. F. Zvaset was an Albany available rooms, boarding places, etc., Wesely t Cain have a full line of regular session of our legislature. will !><• prepared for the use of parents The present contract expires in men's mackinaw, corduroy and duck visitor Monday. ami students d> «¡ring such information coats. Frank Shores has liven looking In some cases students who care to do June. 1913. There is no hop»? of Shall I m * I« k > busy to talk much for af property near Albany with relief before that date. Why the the next few weeks but our prices will so may arrange to pay fur room or the intention of buying a small boar.) by working a short time morn­ text-book commission let the con­ talk for us. I'has. Wesely. ing« ami evenings. tract for books at the prices they Mrs. John B. Kelley died the first of tract. did would be interesting to say the week st the age of 73. She was E. C. Reiley took some Krain THE TEACHERS the least. A law that permits one of.the early settlers ami well known to Albany last week. I r >f. I . I., flooding, the principal Every customer to know that our stock five men to let contract* for sup­ here. Mr. and Mr«. Leonard and Mrs employed, has had 14 years in high DRUGS is new, clean and pure, Should we plying all the school books used Th«- long winter«venings will soon be Wm. Gilkey and sons have r< school work, is a graduate uf the here. Get a good supply of reading by Indiana State Normal school and has in the entin* state and, at th«* have in stock what yon want, tell us, and we will turned from the hop yards. taku g advantage of the News Club- been remarkably successful. Miss same time fails to safe guard the bing bargains. H. Struckmeir .spent last week Harriet .M. Pugsley is the assistant be glad to get it on short notice and without persons who have the bills to pay I am compelled to reduce my Stock at the state fair. principal and is a graduate of the extra cost to you. In addition to a general stock is dangerous. The present law until I get into mv new building, Now Washington University. Miss Alma Struckmeir has provides that the governor ap­ is the time to get your buggies an.! been carrying mail the past week. of Drugs, we carry paints, oils, varnishes, wall­ NOTM point five text-book commission­ farm implements. Come in at once. paper, school books, school supplies, phonographs, Thirty-two crrelit« «re required for When you get our prices you will buy. Dick Miller and family visit d ers. No qualifications for per­ Chas g udustion. A r-gular years' work Wesely. relatives in Jefferson last week. orchard sprays, sheep dip and stock foods. • We forming their duties are required. love-« eight credits or four credits each Th«- Fanners Meat .Market handles Arthur kelly was on the sick term. Students will work by credits 9 They are more likely to be a choice line of fresh ami cure«! meats handle the best cigars. We supply you with the initead of by year*. In this way no politicians than educators. Tnese at lowest prices. Highest prices paid list the first of the week. best gasoline for your automobile. ’n fact you The Holt Brother-» have been student is required to take a second men choose the books and decide farmers for their beef, mutton, pork, lime some subject in which he passed will find us headquarters for quality in all lines. running their saw mill with a becau«e i f a failure in some other sub v. hat the selling price shall In*. and hides. Nuf sed. Roy McDonald. Prop. full force. It means thousands of dollars to jeet The student thus loses no time Bintelle Brenner left Thursday ROSAI.EE. the I km »R company that gets the for Mias but may work through the course as Corvallis'where she will enter O. rapidly as hr is able to do the work. contract for one or more of the A. C. She has been given 30 addition It is very important that all students Shelbern Item b M>ks. Every nickel it can add credits more than required for entrance »should enter school at the opening of £ C. PEERY DRUG COMPANY Geo. French of Silverton, is the term ami I m - regular in attendance to the price of the lxx»k means for the high k .-I»»I work done in the local school. staying with his grantipnrents in order to receive full credit fur the an enormous profit to the pub­ SCIO lisher. It is small wonder that The first dance of the season will be and attending the Scio public work. QRcGON Oregon is paying from 15 to 150 given Saturday night, September 23 at school. roroona desiring further informatiotr the Wr-.-ly-Catn hall. A good place to « per cent more for her school have a gore! time, you are always wel­ Mr. Spangenberg made a busi- should call on or a-kiress L. L. Gooding, Principal. I>ooks than do some of her sister come whet Iwr you dance or not. g « mm I nwa trip to Portland last week, COVUN OF RTt'HY states. For example, list winto r onter always maintained Dance, will Theron Tussell s|n*nt Sunday C (’. i KYANT dcO. ................................ <* — held every two week• from now on . The Course of St-jdy embraces four one company which has a con­ b* till the cl«», of the ^-»ron. ’n th'9 Vicinity. years' work as follows: tract to furnish a certain book to —— Herbert Blatchford of Plain ATTORNEY AT LAW FIRST VEAR ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon schools at $1.00 ra h, Ulllinerj Optrng View, is staying here and attend- English. Orthography. Bookeeping. offered the same book to another CUSICK BLOCK A swell line of lilies and Childrens ¡Bg the Scio High Schoo*. Algebra. Ancient History and Botany. state for 75 cents and it was re­ I' m I ♦ Wrtfbt BU( ALBANY hats on display Saturday. September Asa Hirons and family spent last SECOND YEAR fused even at that price as not 23. at Mr». E. Cyrus Millinery store Both fluaj OREGON OBEtXN ALBANY Thursday at the State Fair. English, Physical Geography, Ortho­ being as good a text for actual at Wesely A- Cains. Gertrude McLain was away graphy, Algebra an 1 Modem History. school use as another which was last week, visiting. She was at A. SHANKS M, fir» for lol THIRD YEAR adopted. In the latter state FRANK GLEAS0N — Manufacturer and Dealer in— English. Geometry. Latin and Physics. l»ook« are selected by a large I have a 245 acre dairy farm located 4 the state fair while gone and re­ rHACTICm »UCWNt-R board nf eminent school men miles southeaat of Scio for rent at 1250 ports a good time. POVRTH YEAR //antes# and Saddle# Will cry nalea anywhere. cash Have 13 cows, hay. and many A. J. Mcldim went to Plain­ actually engaged in school work other English. Geow»»try. United States CirrUfv Trimmlsr Frrulr Work Selk Ik J thing« which I will sell to party " rtte for terms and elates and none of whom get their posi­ renting the farm if desired. For view Tuesday. He expects to History, Latin and Civics. One elec­ or call Bell phons 22x. All Work Strktfv Geiruotced tive. tions through political pull. The further information call on or address, return in a few days. MttLHTtX. OFLGON (Continued on page 3) I W ood B ee state also has fixed a maximum M. P. I zing. Crabtree. LEBANON ORtGON i 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I