The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, September 07, 1911, Image 1

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Firs! Fill Fishiaas
Ag ain Albany's Leading Cloak A
Suit Store make the first announce
m«*nt of i> complete and authoritative*
showing of the newest Fall Fashions in
Women's Misses' and t hlkirena Wear
ing Apparel.
I'p to the minute in Fashion, the
largest, the most beautiful assemblage
of New Fall ami Winter Suits, Coats,
Millinery, »-hoc**. 1 Wulst». Staple an«l
Fancy Dry Goods I between Portland
and San Francisco,
Autumn styles have never br«*n
prettier in years, Tailored Suit» will
be worn more than ever tie fore ami we
are prepared for the rush with a show­
ing now of over 500 New F all Suits,
ami 400 Coats, all the Famous Brands
that have made this store so popular a»
a Suit House ami by selling so many
Suita we can sell from $5.00 to $10.00
less than other stores and show more
styles than all other stores in Albany
C hamhem & MrCrsi;,
The fifth annual Linn County Fair is
Albany Oregon
■ * w a n..itt* r ' * * ■
< " ' he *.!.*■ e
it has lieen a successful one. Such an
undertaking cannot la* m«a»ur«*<l in
dollar« and rents It has not been th«*
This is the time of year that Scio
purpose of th«* fair association to make
ami vicinity has the least population of
■ money.
Few fairs do pay financial
th«* entire year. Practi.all. «*v«*r.o*.*
■ ’
. ■
who can get away goes to the hop-yards
1 to any more than "break oven". To
for a couple of weeks as they can kill
I the officiate ami a few other public
two birds with one stone have an
sp.rited citiz«*n» the fair always means
outing and at the »am«* time make
a »aerifico financially ami a burden
goo«i wages. The pickers from tin*,
physically. They ha ve »pent »lay» and
section includes some of the best i nights in
planning arai working for
families ami hop-growers claim that n«i which they get nothing in return unless,
where else have they been able to get as is too often th«* cas«*, it is the kicks
such satisfactory laborers. As a result and adverse criticisms of those who
ire Sent
never do snything unless there is a
to contract with pickers and the «billar visible.
rivalry is some times quite spirited.
In many ways the fair this year ha»
As the hop crop in Oregon this year
surpassed any vet held. The exhibit«
is large and the price unusually high
as a whole were better. In th«» art
due to crop failures elsewhere, strong
defiartment and th«» individual exhibits
inducements have been offered by
growers ami more people than usual a great improvement has la*«*n mad«*
The fruit display ctiukl not lx* expected
will go from this vicinity.
to come up to former years as th«*
I large fruits have been almost a total
failure in this section
*-<»». lines of
I stock were well represented.
Lester Arnold says he I« glad the exhibit of bogs was not up to fotmer
fair comes but once a year. During j years.
Some of the races were
the fair a numtier of th«* boys in the unusually g*»«!.
show band stoppe«t at the Arnokl home,
Several causes combineil to keep the
They left Saturday, and Sunday even
attendance down. The harvest s«*ason :
ing when Lester look ««I for a brown
suit be wished to put on he found it was late this year and the farmers
missing. A search failed to produce it Were in the muist of the threshing
and also reveal«*d the absence of a shirt period, hour <»r five crews were thresh- '
etc. The loss amounts to $20.(M to I ing in th«* vicinity of the grounds ami
i many people hail to »Dem! most of th.* j ,
Better Exhibits in Several Lines Than in h ormer
1 he Attendance Was Less
as People Were Busy
• X.
Ï ¡1^ *
icsfu i trvr co.
Mi* ‘ «iS.
Wagons and Stover Gasoline
Engines arc the
best and most
durable on the
market and at
prices flint will
compare with any other high grade
goods sold. We keep them in stock.
Call and examine them.
week finishing up work preparatory to
HoR.SKR, CATTLE ANll « hciei *
going to the hop yard».
I Jersey cattle- R Boroviaks A ’•on lit
The weather, also, was unusually
on one year old bull: 1st on 3 year old
warm anti the roads were very dusty. c«>w, 1»t on 1 year oki cow. !»t
A» a reault of the various cause» the
heifer calf, grand champion bull ami
gate receipt» fell off three hundre«! female; 1st on best aged
berti. l«t <»n
dollars from laat year.
liest I animals.
The fair ha» quite an etlucational
Wm Brenner 1st on best ■ pan mule«.
value and mean» much to the county as
Englishshire Crabtree Shire Horse
• ’ i*!v < • t1 ■ ■ a agency and deserves t >.«■
1st on 3 year old stallion; 1st on
aup|a>rt of the entire county. On«*
encouraging feature thia year wa* the draft stallion.
James Dawe». Mill < ity, 1st on beat
increased attendance from Albany and
the intereat taken by the Albany coin standard bre»l tillie.
mercial club.
Thia ha» been much
< otswool sheet» I. E Dyer. Corvallis.
appreciated by the management ami 1st on 2 year old ram. 1st on ram lamb.
citizens of Scio generally and will, no 1st on | year old ew«*. grand champion.
doubt, be of some lienefit u> Albany in
William Snvder. Albany, best draft
| team.
It 1» ho[x»i that in the near future
Fret! Spires, Lebanon, 1st, 2nd ami
our county court will be able to give 3rd on Pr re herons ami grand champion».
the fair lietter financial support. Other
Frank Sargent, Crabtree, 1st 2nd and
counties give their fairs assistance and 3rd on Herford cattle, all classes.
w«* tielieve that our own court will also
John 1 >helton, Scio, 1st, 2nd and 3rd
just as »««on a» it can see Its way clear on Hampshire hogs.
to do »0.
Carl Middelsta it, Crabtree, Jersey
in the mean time let every one begin cattle, l»t on bull calf. 1st on > year
at once to plan to make the fair next oki cow: 2nd on I year old bull. 2ml on
year th«* "best ever.”
3 year old cow: 1st on milk test.
J W Miller, Shelburn. 1st, 2nd ami I
on Clydesilald horses and grand champ­
chi eg am
Ere«l Mespelt, 1st on best shorthorn
A P 11 irons, 1st on Barred plymouth
calf. 1st on l>e»t cotswold sheep I year
oki. beat flock anil ewe lamb.
J N Jone» |»t »nd 2nd on White
G N Nelson, t rabtree, 1st on 2 year
Minorca», 2nd on Barred Plymouth old jersey bull.
W S Paul, Crabtree, 1st ami 2nd on
It M Cain 1st on buff Plymouth Englishir«* mares, grand champion».
Shire Horse Co., (.‘rabtree, 1st ami
W M Stewart 1st on patndgr Wyan­ 2nd on Englishshire stallions and grand
■ champion»,
R W Gill, Scio, Southdown sheep, 1st
Joe Borovicka 1st and 2nd on white
ami 2mi ami grand champions; 1st on
yearling lamb Shropshire.
W M Rhoda 1st and 2ml on brown
J S Hannah, Scio, beat driving team.
leghorns; 3rd on white leghorns.
J N Jones, Crabtree, grail«* cows, 1st
Mrs. W G McDenakl 1st on emtalen on 4 years old; l*»t on 3 years oki; 1st
geese; 2nd on brown leghorns; 3rd on . on 2 years oki; 1st on calves. 2nd on
R 1 Reda: 2nd on bronze turkeys.
milk test.
J P .Mertz 1st and 2nd on buff leg* ' Delbert Ixmg, 2nd on grad«* cows; 1st
on tx*«t two calves.
W T I.arwotsi, Lacomb, 1st <>n grad«*
W T Larwood 1st on black m inorc as.
Joe Weaely 1st on white orpingtons. cow one year old.
H C Miller, Scio, 1st and 3rd on
Mrs. J. T Caldwell 2nd and 3rd on
white orpingtons; 1st ami 2ml on black standard bre«l mares.
W A Ewing. Scio, 1st, 2nd and 3rd
orpingtons. 1st on R I Reds.
all claaacs of Shropshire sheep.
John Weaely 1st on buff orpingtons.
Dr. Young, Salem, 1st and 2nd on
Itensin Morris 1st on pigeons.
A G Propet 1st on roee comb brown thoroughbred stallions.
(' H Wain, Thomas, 1st, 2nd and 3rd
leg horns, 1st on Ancona».
on all c'a»»es Lincoln sheep. Angora
C H Wain let on Guinea fowls.
F rank Shelton 1st on guinea pigs; 1st goats, 1st on 2 year oki buck, 1st on I
year oki buck; 1st on 2 year old doe; let
on Belgian hares.
Over 50 coops of fowls on exhibition on 1 year old doe; 1st <in brat flock; 1st
on 4 kids: 1st on fl head, grand champ­
comprising 200 birds.
ion buck and doe,
Sam Zyssctt, Thomas, Angora goats.
1st buck kid, 1st on dor kid, 2nd on all
First, Nell, owned by C. Middleatadt,
other claaaes.
Crabtree. $21).
The exhibit of sheep ami goats were
Second, May, owned by J N Jones, '
extra fine and completely fill«*d the new
Thomas, $15.
barn for this exhibit.
Third, Mareas L. P., owned by R.
Borovicka, $10.
Fourth, Day, owned by J N Jone».
Thomas, $5.
The baby show was high clast« but
Eight cows were enter«>d in the above wa* short on entries. This wa» not
due to a short crop of babies, however.
Heaviest baby under 3 month» old,
( lota I.«« k weight 15 («>umls, .Mr and
Mr» N. Long.
Heaviest baby under 6 months of age.
R .th ILo* v. we i ht 2ti pound*. Mi and
Mr» II. F Haley.
Heavorst baby under 12 months old,
Francis Mruckmelr, weight Itif. Mr.
and Mrs R. II. F. Struckmeir.
The priles m each case was $1.50. It
is probable that then* will lie another
baby show next year and several are
alr«a«ly planning on making one or
mure entries.
Let « very one get (may and make
this feature a howling aueecsa.
Among th«- new f«*atures of the fair
thi year were the imiividual exhibits
of farm products by la«i Zeller of
Thomas ami Henry Struckmier of
Thomas Perhaps these cause«I more
favorable comment than any other
exhibits. Each one wm an excellent
<**'. >'< turn <<f the various fruits, grams,
hay, vegetables and canned goo«ia
which can b< produced so abundantly
in this part of Oregon.
Either one
w.iulil I h * a cr«*dit to the state fair.
Opinion differed as to which was
entitle«! to first premium. The judge
found that that < f .Mr. Struckmeir was
n double exhibit, th«* tent being divide«!
ami the same articlos in the same order
were to !»«• found in each half. It was
«!•■• hied that a« one was an exact dupli-
i* ■ * " ■
’1 ■ : 11 at but on«* (ialf
iwa ling the
premiums. On this basis the judge de
ciiied that Mr. Zeller's was a shade
the lietter and he wa» awarded first
2 40 trot. | mile
« Z . by Norton. 1 »t. .
Oylate, Daniels. 3rd.
Time 1:21, 12!. 1:17.
2 30 pacing, | mile
Mis« ’•locking», by Daniels, 1st.
A«l Togo, ('«»ok, 2nd.
Alic«* B. Thoma», 3rvL
Time 1:12$. 1:14*. 1:11
2 24 trot. 1 mile
Hunks Dora, by Howitt, 1st.
St. Mn- liael. Wilson, 2nd.
Sargo, Howitt, 3rd.
Marcut H, C«x>k, 4th.
'lay Tilden, McAlpin, 5th.
Time 2:27, 2 W.
2 30 trot, * mile
Vwlma Z, by Norton. 1st.
St. Michael, Wilson, 2nd.
May Tiklen, McAlpin, 3rd.
Oyalate, Daniels, 4th.
>argo, Howitt, 5th.
Tim«* 114. 1:14, 1 10.
2 20 paring, * mile—
Sallie Younger by Cook, 1st.
Mi**» Stockings. Daniels, 2nd.
Marin, Norton. 3rd.
Time 1 <•*-•*. 1:10. 1:11.
Free for all trot and pace. 1 mile—
Marin, by Norton, 1st.
Sally Younger, Cook, 2nd.
Miss Stobkings, Daniels, 3rd.
Alice It. Thomas, 4th.
Time 2:25, 2;2fl
* mile dash
Arthur Hyman, by Dickinson, 1st
Zelina, Boynton, 2nd
lx* Clara, Halier 3rd
Mumdoeina, Harris, 4th
Bal Reed, O'Keefe, 5th
Time 5o s«*conda.
I mile «lash—
Arthur Hyman by Dickinson, let
Supulveda. Baber, 2nd
Zelina, Boynton, 3rd.
Bal Reed, O'Keefe, 4th
1 ime 1 .*03
I mile daah *
Supulveda by Baber, 1st
J. H. Bennett, Murrato, 2nd
Carrie Thatcher. Balter
Confederate, Hawthorn, 4th
Time I;,7
Special novelty rare | mile —
Wade Hampton by Balter, Is’
There is no doubt but what if there
Arthur Hyman, Dicki(>a«>n, 2nd
1st best individual farm exhibit, Leo should be another such contest soon
$2V at each post.
Zeller, of Thomas.
that there would be much more compe-
2nd best individual farm exhibit, H. tition. The following babun were the
Struckmeier, Thomas.
prize winners.
(Continued next week)