VOL. XV GLuSE CALL Fai Thayer W js Caught Between Engine ard Separator and Nearty Crashed !e Death Fax Thayer hned and un­ coupled the engine from the seperiktor preparatory for wetting. He forgot that the engine wiu reverted and when he opened the throttle expecting to pull away he was caught between the engine and separator and badly bruised about the hi|>s and alse Severely burn­ ed by lining pressed againat the boiler. It was thought at first that he was fataly injured but h. v w- .« i- t. ait up and move about a little. It was a very cion«- call and had he Iren a much larger built man or had the distance between engine and aeperator been an inch or two less the accident would have proved fatal. No Mort Drinking Cups In conformity with the law enacted at the last legislature the Southern Pacific will abandon the use of ail pub­ lic drinking cups in atationa and on the cars of their line the first of Septem­ ber. It will therefore be in order for the public Io bear the fact in mind, secun- individual cups when'preparing for a trip. Mr lb-y shell on an I Mi»s Jennie " htte gave their many friends an “expect« d” surprise by slipping away to Aibanv where they were married la«! Sanday in the parlors of the St. Charles Hotel. The voung couple Were member« of ln«t spring gradu­ ating da«» of the iocnh high school and evidently four*«! time to -«tody to s>>m*- extent si--ng hn« s n--i laid down in the course of study. Latin and English are the only language-- |»n- this week arnl re port that the entries am) inquiries are unusually promising. Th«- racing program ia expect»! to be a strong drawing can). In addition to the program alrea.lv unnounc«<1 provisions for the registra tion of all pion«*vra of IM5 to lnbii in elusive and of all native sons and daughters of Linn County who are present the first and second days will be made. On th«- last «lay there will I m - a roll call of all thus«- register»!. The AsMM ialion has sent to Portlaml for a dynamo and will secure a thresher engine for power so that ther«- may be th«- best of electric service. Formerly tile •••« water loll -SUS.-■! th.- <-Itv • II- ply of electricity to t«e limit«! at this time of year. Tlie Albany Commercial Club has engage«! for a special tram on Thurs­ day and arrangements will likely be make to run th«- train via bhelbum to West Scio. Th«- ArmiM Amusement company has l>r«-n secured to furnish first eiasa show s and will offer several free attrac­ tions each day Everybmly is getting ready to attend the fair and many arc expecting to camp during the week on the eamping grounds adjoining the fair grounds and which are furnish»! free to campers. Hop growers have contract»! for many hands in this section but practi­ cally none of them will leave until after the fair. Your friends will all tie there and are expecting to see you sure, so don't «lisappomt them. Stayion u havt a Railroad The Stayton Mail of last week is authorty for the announcement of a railroad I wing built from “alem to stayton. It claims th«-n- is no t|u«-stion but what the road will lx- built ami that electric can will be running m- sn)e of a year. The News ho|>es that our neighbors will not be disappoint»! this tune ami desires to congratulate them «.n their prospects. When y«»u have more railr Scio. Dig Dig's hashing Mitchell Wagons and Stover Gasoline Engines are the best and most durable on the market and at prices that will compare with any other high grade goods sold. We k^ep them in stock. Call and examine them. N. I. MORRISON The Valley Threshing Co., one «lay last w«-ek threshed 2720 bushels of wheat, moved and set twice ami waited ao-ne on grain. The work was «lone on the J. L. Arnold place. This is quit«- a record ami if the company can ilo school threshing as thoroughly and expeditiously aa it docs wheat threshing it can probably get a job for the winter by calling on Prof. J. R. (¡eddis of Lacomb. hllic Silts In public sales there ia a difference. I.ive stock auctioneers are not all alike. Th«- better the salesman the bigger are your returns. There is profit, security amLsatiafaction in doing business with a gmxi auctioneer. -M-C R. Shelton for dates ami U-rma or write me at Halsey, Ore. IL T. Sudtell, auctioneer. Nov. !H Notice to Water Uurs Owing to the scarcity of water ami the heavy consumption during 1 ah- week, water must not be use«! for sprinkling pur|M>sea during the evening of the four fair dates. Water may be used mornings ami at noon at the usual hours. F. B. West. Rupt. Light and Water Dept. Pioneer Passes Away Mr. Janie« Williams. familiarly known to everyone a* "I'nele Jimmv” die«! at hl« home in the west part of town last Saturday evening, .Mr. William* war. bom in Logan Co., Ohio. Jan . 24. Irju. In IK‘«2 he reawved to Iowa ami from there moved to Oregon, crossing the plains in ISbo. II«- bought a farm 2 mile* from *-cio ami livcti on it until moving to town a few years ago. He dt»l at the age of 91 years, 7 months ami 7 days. Through out hi» long lif«- in thi« vicinity h« hv»l in honest, straigtforwani life and was known aa a gin-d citisen ami neighbor. For several years Mr Williams jrrved as a Justice of the Peace. Ills wife died thirteen years ago an«!' sinw then he has made his horn«- with hia only- living ehlki, Mrs. Housten. Ills three living grand children are: Mrs. Carrie Jordan, Mrs Lent» Davidson ami Mr-. Orpha Henninger all of whom were present at the funeral, which h«-l«i Monday at the Miller ermetry. Onr Pioneers The News ill sires to give a i-iogj .«ph ical sketch of all the old settler* in Scio and vicinity ami also of any other |K-r»<>ns now residing here who is m->r«- than 70 years of age. We desire to give one sk«-t«S> each week until all have been published. To r to cut or ¿fielded only I m ->r twelve bushels an acre. Other cro|Mi grown show a correspontiing gain when treat­ ed scientifically. , M«-dfurd will give the use of .’MMJ acr«-H of land to a capable stuck man who will raise goats. The Southern Oregon city wants U> build up that district a-- a goal center, for it is well adapte I to these stunly animals that are so valuable in clearing up brush latxl and making it ready for orchards. Notice Io SubscriDers A« has been the custom in th«- past th«-re will be n<> issue of the News tjgrlng Fait We shall try IB have a newsy sheet on the following week. Fair week ia a time when everybody likes to take a little Vacation ami is ja-rhaps the best time for our printers to get away from theit stcaily grim! to get a breathing spell. Child Breaks Arm The eight year old son of Mrs. A. Eudcrs of Jordan, broke hia right arm and was brought to Dr. Prill's office where it was found Isdh Isines were fractured. He dreaaed the injured arm and the child ia getting along nicely. Portland, Ore., Aug. 19. 1911. Ih-sr sir: Many jx-rsons have small orchanls ami are not aware that their fruit-« can tie «»Id, eonsc«|uently- allow the fruit to drop on the ground and rot. Wc can use all kinds of canning fruits apples, plums, pears. Rhubarb Stockholders Linn County Fair Association and other fresh fruits. If you arc Call on Ed Myers at the Scio State interest»! in seeing th«- fruit in your Bank for tickets In-fore the Fair opens. district sold instead of allowing it to rot as has lx-en the custom »«« many R. Shelton, >ecl. years, write to us for prices. E. F Martin, who recently purchas- Yours respect fully. «1 the Burkhart photo gallery on West «•econd street, rrMild th«- gallery last Saturday to J. B. Wilium recently from Notice Walla Walla, Wash., who ia now in Arpr contracts already made for charge. Mr. Martin aaya he dal not advertising with the former publisher m -II tM-cause of diaaatiafaction with will be fill»! by the present manage­ either the business or the city of ment at the contract rates. Albany, but Mr. Wilson asked him what he would take, ami took him up, hence the sale. Mr. Martin left this morning for Scio. Later he will kaik About 20 of Bob Devaney's chickens after his farming interests near Roae- di»ap|M-ared while he was on hia outing. vilic. Cal., after which he may return Oth«-ni have hiui chickens disappear t«> Albany. Albany Herald recently, it Ix-gins to look suspicious. Cmcti Tiiem? Prof. I*. I., (««sitting, wh«i recently l>urehas»l th«i Scio News and haa en­ ter») journalism in midition to su|M-rin- tending the Scio city schools, was in the citv a few hours thia morning look • mg after business matters. He was accompanied bv hia «(slighter Laona, smi«am«- over with End Bilyeu in the i latter's auto. Prof. Guuding is a very pleasant gentleman ami braaiea hia work a» su|ierlntendent of the schools at ado will doubtless make a good newspaoer of the Newt.—Albany Herald Among the ones who have paid cash — * in advance during the past week arc An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, the follow ing: D. Conner, Lawrence a« a rule, lie cure«l by a single dose of Poindexter, J. F. Wesely, J. -helton, < hamberlain's Colic. Cho|«ira and .Mrs. Ira Abbott, Mrs. E. J. Miller, Diarrhoea R*m»lv. Thia remedy has Ed Fleming and Jas. Harky. Mr. « no superior for laiwel complaints, for Harky lives at Ithaca, N. Y. sale by nil dealers We carry the most complete and best line of hardware ami implements that ran l«e ha«l on the market and sell at prices that are lower than cheaper goods sold by other dealers. I have a rar of hacks, buggies, drills, etc., that has just arrived. Call am! «-xamiix- the quality am! get my prices aid I am satisfied when you buy you will buy quality ami quantity in dealing with ue. Everything sold under a positive guarantee. N. I. Morrison.