The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 18, 1911, Image 8

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    Tbeentir«* «tore one
lug bargnin carnival
We are Helling the
Entire Department
Store Stock before
moving into our new
building. We can
gave you money on
quality merchandise
If you cannot come
Bend for samples,
prices r information
A lbany , O regon
Henry Qtugley was a News caller
last week.
A rice line of ladies kimonas for fall
at Wesely A Cains
For your machine and engine oils, see
N. I. Morrison.
Earl Phillif«« of l^banon is »pending
a few days in Hcio.
Sp«*cial line of men's harvesting
gloves at Ilibler A- Gill Co.
First-class machine oil
per gallon at Peery's.
All the new ami latest style« in met a
fall hats at Wesely A Cains
The News can use some 16 inch wo«sl
on past or future subscriptions,
Mr. N. Young has the thanks of the
m» U m plum«.
.Mrs. I.ixtie Bilyeu of Stayton, visited
at the home of Geo. Morris last week.
Eli Luckeubach reports a light frost
last Friday night. Eli is an early
Byron Gill ami wife of Eugene ar­
rived Wednesday for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gill.
Juit Arrived at M«-s«-ly A "< '«ins, a
large line of children, ladies and miaaes
sweater coals.
J F. Weselv i« stepping high these
days. He receive! his training climb­
ing Mt. Jefferson.
Wnirti A good all rout«i woman
cook. Steady employment.
The Cottage, 21* 4th street, Albany.
We can save you dollars on your
lumlwr bill. Our stock and prices will
convince you. bcio Planing Mill Co.
Mrs. A E. Randall thoroughly under-
stands the culture of nasturtiums as
the fine bunch in the News office will
Dr. Prill of Scio was in the city to­
day after new tires for his auto which
he drove over from the county fair
turn Albany Herald
Watch Mornson's show window for
the biggest attraction in **cio and make
a gu«*ss on how long th«' candle will
b ten It will be there soon.
Court Butcher, of North Yakima,
Wash., arrive«! in Scio, last Friday, for
a visit with old friemlx lie u»e«l to be
a resilient of Scio twenty years ago.
See Morrison for your binder twine,
machine ami engine oil, belting, greece
cups, rubber jmcking. etc. We carry
a large stock of pi|«e fittings from I
inch to 2 inches.
Mrs. Ed Abbott Wav a News cal’»"
Friday. >he ordered the News sent to
her son, Ira. at Myrtle Point. ^5he
hopes to maae him homesick for his
old home town.
A well known Des Moines woman
after suffering mi»«*ably for two days
from bowel complaint, was cures! by
one «lose of Chamberlain’» Colic, t ho!-
era ami Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale
by all dealers
Eli l.uckrnbach. our efficient ah- e
repair man. made a pair of shoes for a
Jefferson customer last week. It is
seldom one sees homemade shoes or
boots now a days. Ina few years mo a
th«- making of them will be a lost art.
Phoenix. one of the leading paints on
the market is kept by Chas. Wesely.
Also Pioneer white lead, tar creosote or
anything you nee«i in painting your
h'luse or barn or to preserve the roofs
mere«..* We can furnish any quantity
you d««ire am! our prices arc right
Color can!» fumiahe«! on application by
mail or othcrwia«- Cha». " esely
Just the thing in hop pickers gloves
at Ilibler 4 Gill Co.
Riley Shelton mad«- a business trip to
A Ilian v last Friday,
Woodburn will vol«1 on a municipal
water plant Sept., 15.
Rolla liurtis am! wife are visiting nt
the home of Ludw ig Wain.
Don't go to the hop yar«l» until you
have aeen Hibler A- Gill Co
Grace Kiser of Springfield, is visiting
C. L. Trask and family of Jordan
Mrs. Riehardaon moved this week to
the house vacated by Eel Balachwewi
New fall go««!« ate arriving every
day at Wesely 4 Cams
J A. Bilyeu am! family ran over to
Albany Friday in hi» auto.
O. B Cyrus came in to see how the
new <*ditor was fitting his chair.
Mr. Eli Ramer called on the New»
am! con tribute*! SI 25 to the relief of
th«» new editor.
Eld Bakiechweid show-id his faith in
the new managem- nt by aub«cribing a
year in advance.
A large line of outing fianm-ls am!
fiannrlvtu hav«- just arriv«-d at Weaely
A Ca n».
Frank Pruitt called at the N< "I
office and deposited s«ini» of Uncle
Sam's com with us.
Henry Shelton, our drayman who is
"always on the job" is ple»«<-«l with
the new road work to W«-st Scio.
Mr Lincoln L-«g.«-i ha- th«- h-rnor of
being the first m-w paid in advance
subscriber to the News since th«-change
in ownership. Thanks.
We have a double disc plow in stock,
which we are offering at a greatly
reduced price. Call and tea it.
Bumo-e MacDonakl wan in town la»t
Cha». Wraely made a visit I»
county »eat thi» week.
I. M Lindley Went to Albany Ia»t
N I Murrixm mad«- *» 12.’- '*> »ale of
hard» are to an Albany party on W«cd-
t haii«-» W«-*ely return?«) Monday
evening from a bu»me»a trip to Port-'
A. Kar!n«-k A Co are moving their
portable »aw mill to the <). Eichinger
pla> e
Linn Daley of Medford, arrive«! Wed-
r <- day evening for a visit with relative»
arvi friend».
E. C Peery went to Portland on
Tue«day morning to look after buainea* *
for the condetuM-ry.
The city revenue wa* increased by
112.00 in a very few minuteH last 1
Thur*«l»y aftrrrwon.
Mi» E>!na Sharp of Ray* Landing.
\V.k«h . arriv«-d <m Monday evening for |
« visit at the home of W. E. Arnold.
Dr. I*rill rvpvrt* the arrival of a
baby girl to th? home of Mike Kelly i
an ! wifi- of near J«-ffer»on.
Th« Scio Milling Co. »hipped one of
th«-ir extra waU-r wheel» to We»t
Fork in Dougla* county Wednesday.
Bulla Shelton -»over on the co»»t on
•n outing and renewing old frien«!»hip»
H<* may accept a position in Corvallis
on hi* return.
Every customer to know that our stock OF
Should we not
DRUGS is new, clean and pure,
have in stock what yon want, tell us. and we will
be srlad to Ret it on short notice and without
extra cost to you. In addition to a genera! stock
of Drugs, we carry paints, oils, varnishes, wall-
I« ih r. school books, school suoplies, phonographs,
orchard sprays, sheep dip and stock foods.
handle the I m M cigars. We supply you with the
beat gasoline for your automobile.
In fact you
will find us headquarters for quality in all lines.
M.-idame Rumor report* that there
will tx u wadding within the next week
of two of Scio’» mo»t |«>pular young
|H-«>pl> Can you guea» who?
Ji ug Hamilton made a trip over to
the coa»t the la»t of last weak and re
turned Monday morning. Doug i» I
getting to 1« quite a traveler.
Mi«» Etta Heyne of Lebanon came :
1 .■ »
/ for i» f«-w ‘
wc«*ka visit with her brother. 1«. E |
Heyne and wife. She will probably I
»lay until after the fair.
Mrs. Anna Young of Roseville, < a) .
is visiting her cousin. Waller Bilyru
ami family. Mrs Young wan formerly
a resident of near He Io.
K. Carr of Wert Scio ami T L.
Dugger and L. I.. Gooding of >cio
made a trip to Albany with J. A.
J. -in W«*-1\ |. «><«! with Alban
Bilyeu in his auto Monday.
< or, ‘ M' K ,-i.t
t- . ■ - ■ Sunday m the game of t>a»e ball with
Salem. The game whh close being 2 to 1
r-.ii-.o i-»->^ 11 --1.--I
c- ...
ceptanev of a year’s subscription for I in Salem’» favor. “Our” John figur-
-• -- il-, double play of th«- g»no
G. A. McKnight of Independence.
Cain an ! wife returned Tue»-
Iktnn Ray ami wife are the parents
of a fine 10| pound boy. Mother ami day morning from a two week'» outing
child arc tioth doing well ami the doctor on the*coa:,t. Roger ha» some great,
now has hopes that Donn may pull rich »toriea to tell hi» friend» and look» '
like h«- had th« roughly enjoyed every
through.«- of the time he wa* away.
E ! I!-:!-• n- a . r.i
Ihe law firm of Wright A- Johnaton
ranch northeast of town. He has just
finish«*«! building a new houw and will of Albnny, ha* di»»olved. Mr. Wright.
no doubt greatly enjoy a change from who»e card 1» in another column of thi»
paper, will continue liuaine«» at hi*
city life.
pr<-«< nt office, while Mr. Johnaton will
Remember that Chas. Wesely car-
be »«-»«M-iati-J with Gale H. Hill. Ea»q.
rica one of the largest stocks of imp e-
L. A. Darby brought in the larg«-at
ments. hardware, house furnishings of
all kinds, paints am! oils, of any hour«* load of wheat drawn bv one team that
in this part of th«1 valley. His price« ha* ever come into the mill her*. It
are undoubtt-dly right, as hr has many ,'onta. ««I 124 l«u»hel* and 45 pound* of
wheat an«i 605 pound» of »crecning».
customers from »urrounding towns.
Till* made a load of over HtMMJ |*ound».
In reapatts» ti nim.-r-JJ« requests
i ountry Club milk i» in demand on
from ix-rsons who misplace their r •
ceipt* ami henc«« do not know when th«- coaat about Newport and the »up-
their aubscriptions expire, we shall ply on hand w«i cxhau»t«d a week ago
notify all paid in advance subscriber« and »cveral peraona a»ked the Scio
when their subscriptions run out »«> colony for a xupplv until a new ahip-
they may have a chaiw«' to renew at ment arrive«!. Like Milwaukee. Scio
al •> hn» something to make her famou*.
the lower cash in advance mt3.
C. <’. Mml.- bought an acre of land
E'or Sale Purr bred Irish Setter
puppie», eligible to registry. Price f » in th<> cast part of town am! i» now­
and fill each, worth $Ju to $2.’> each as putting up a building and will move
they come from th«- best bred lri«h into it a» MMiti a« eomplet«*d. Mr.
Setter» in America. Call, phon«* or Win! will >!< vote his spare time to the
raining of fine chickens. The land was
write Eil Wesely, -tio, Orc
Cuts and bruise» may be heal 'd m Isiiight from N. I. Morrison.
about one-third the time required by
H om s Ills’
thc usual treatment by applying Cham­
berlain*» Liniment. It is an antiseptic
IV c offer one hundretl dollars reward
and causes such injuries to heal without for any case of Uatsrrh that cannot l>e
maturation. This liniment also relieves cured by Hall'» Catarrh Cure.
aorenapa of the muscles and rheumatic
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. O.
pains. For sale by ail dealers
We, the undersigned, have known F.
We have a Sharpie«« cream s«-|ierator J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
which we can sell you for *45. Capa­ in ve fum )wrf«*ctly honorable in all
city 454» pounds of milk |ier hour. business transactions and financially
Therefore you do not have to send East able to carry out any obligati«m» made
for a seperator. for we can furnish by his firm.
U aiding. Kinnan 4 Marvin,
you a first-class machine chea|H-r than
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
vou can have one sent you from the
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal­
ly. acting directly upon the blood and
C iia . m .
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi­
A party of young |M*oplr fro-n near monials sent free. Price 75 cent» per
Scio, left last Friday, for a summer bottle Sold by all druggists.
outing t«> Trout Lake, W ash. They
Take llall'a Hunily Pills for consti­
will »t>en<! a week or ten days in hunt- pation.
ing and fii»hing before returning,
Among thoae who composed the party
were; Homer an«l John Logan, Oscar
and Ida Dohl, Robert and Jennie Chil­
The condcnaerv »hipped another car
I’ntlcr Nt*w Management,
load of milk Monday. Country Club i»
becoming well e»tabli»h«'«l ar»i it now
Clean Be<?a. Good Fare
li»to«i by practically all the wholesale
('ummercial Trade
houatra. The price of milk will be
advanced the fir»t of the wi'ek. The
««•mpany ha» wvera! car loml* of milk
yet on hand* and will not »tart the
plant before the firat of the year.
It'« ■ ,<t..:al f< • • ■ . • want tin m« ■ t t.n ' th.- I.- t von . an get for
your money. But when you buy a bill of lumber without getting an
estimate from us. how do you know that you’re getting the best bargain
that is possible for you to get? You simply can’t tell a thing about it.
You don't know whi ther you're losing money or not The only safe way
is to always let us make you an estimate on what you want before
buying elsewhere. We have a complete stock of everything in lumber
an<l building material. Estimate.» promptly furnished
(.'all and see us.
A Great Clubbing Offer
Stìi'Wecì v Ore?OB Journal one year
The Santiam News one year. . . . . . . .
Both Papers
One Year
“-"-i mo»t
"«cxly ■ -i...... 11 ■ ——.... .... complete telegraphic new» of
th«- world, give* r«-liable market report*, a» it i* | ubliehed at
Portland, wher«- th«- market new* can lie an«! i* corn-- ted to
«late for each l»*ue. it also ha* a pag«- of ap«»cial matter for
th,- farm an«! h««m«-. an ci t«-rt»imng «t- ry page an-.! a p»g« or
more of eomic «ach wick, and it goes to the ’ubrcrilwr twice
every Week I'M time» «year
SANIlnM NEWS <*'*••
ll” kwal new» and
happening» an«I nhouid U- in
every home in thi* vicinity. The two |mr-«-r* make a goo«!
combination an«! you save II by »ending your »ubacription to
NEWS. S<|O, oRE.
We can also give our »-il-scnl-«-«* a g«a»l clubbing offer for
the Daily and Sunduv, or Sunday Journal with the NEWS
To the Traveling Public
I have lease« 1 the'Hotcl Sei»
and intend to take rare of
my patrons in the baat pos­
sible manner.
My tables
will be supplie»! with the lw st
the markets afford and my
room» and b«*d» are clean
and wholesome. My charges
to both transient and regular
boarders are and will tie a»
reasonable as conditions will
Special attention
given to commercial men.
Will cry sales anywhere.
Write for terms ami dgtes
or call Bell phone 22x.
The Beat Place In Portland to Kat
leal *
Pup’s Coffee House
at tV«»*t en«i ol th« Mornaon Street
Tetter. Salt Rh» urn and furma
Are cared In vtismhrltaln • Salve Oneappixw-
•V mi «eitere» th« iUh-A« and Isarnlng •«uaaooa
(Succeeeortc Riner Brea.)