The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, March 17, 1911, Image 8

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    Most everybody is mnkn g garden
tliese days.
More new spring and «iiramer lire«»
goods have arrived al Wesely A Cains.
Colonists arriving in Oregon, this
week, were grvcU d With ideal weather. Hamkin bats Can 4S.01.008 Persons
it Safely The Block Sysitm
Vetch, gras» see Is, clover, land plas
ter and commercial fertilizers at J. F.
T»!l r.|
A dandy fine line of mens drew shirts
Installation of safety «ievicss ami tb>' '
for spring have just arrived at Wi sely
The »tores have decide»! to hold
signal system are cited for the ■
A Cains.
their Annual Spring Openings on
of the Harriman railroads in
See Morrison for Myers Spray 1‘umps
the »«me day.
This will be
Planet Junior («arden Tools, lloe». carrying 49.491.uuO passengers in 1910
without sacrificing a »ingle life.
Albany’s first Style Show and
Rakes, Etc.
The report was compiled in the office I
every effort will be put forth to
If colonists come to Scio during this of Julius KrutUchnitt. director of
month, everyone should endeavor to maintenance and ojieration. Chicago i
make it a big treat for all those
make t as pleasant as possible for it covers the business of the Union j
who attend Mnke your arrange­
Pacific, Southern Pacific and affiliated ;
ments to be there.
Fog KALE 400 bushels of vetch seed, roads, a total of 17.960 miles Th«- .
ready for seeding, at 11 10 |*r bushel, : total numl»er of passengers carri«-d on a
at hantiam Farm. >. W. G ainm
mile basis is 3,000,000.000.
Th« Hamilton Store
Foa t*ALK 30 head cf Cotswold ewes, I The Hamman system carried 10 per :
full blood but not registered. R C. cent of the cstimat«Hi 1910 passenger i
Chambers 8 IPcSun
traffic. Th«' figures for most of the i
Daniel, one-half mile west of '< io.
other railroads have nut yet been com-
S E Young & Son
«•on tract«! fur amt doubtless others piled bv the Government, but in 19<ri!
before the summer is through, building th«- numlx-r of j>a*«engcrs earn«! wa»
in Scio promisee to lx- fairly good this The figures for 1910, it ,
is abk I, will not exce«i a billion mure. •
1 year.
Many other railroads have gone«
Albany Style Show, March 23. 24 and
through a year without a fatality to
»ft 9« »O»»
» 26. Great fashion di»piay and grand any of its pasaenger», but it is aaid j
» spring opening of Chambers A McCune. that no system ha» made thia record iur j
»»ftfta»4»ft»<iftft(>i>»ftft o » The Hamilton Store, H. E. Y«>ung A
such a large total of pasitenger»
Son and W B Slev- ■ A Co
Results on the Harriman lineit are
I amit On the streets of Scio, a ladle« ascrilx-d tu a campaign waged by the
gold neck chain with cross appendage managem«-nt for years U» reduce acci- I
Beautiful Jioat cards st lleyne's.
The finder will please leave the same ■ dents. The Harriman system now has
New spring suits for men at Wesely at the S ax T ia M Nrv. s office.
more miles of automatic block signal
A Cains.
It is to he regretted that the busi­ protection than any other syetrm in Ute
The fine weather has started garden ness of the Trappists Fathers has world. Mr. Kruttachnitt ha» directed
proven a failure. As they became ac­ special attention to the accident prob­
Fot< S ai . i Plenty of fine hay. V. quainted with the people and l>ui-iness lem. and began several years ago to
meth<«ls of the country, they were bring about a reduction by giving com­
plete publicity to all form* of accidents
Hooks, magazines and Postcards at growing in popularity.
C. G. hoi <;n.
We have j .»t re.-eiv.d a cur «if Biv and their investigation, which, it is be­
Si -iltng i» the rule among farmer* ner buggies. We will have. also, a car lieved, »purr«d officers and employes to
now a-days.
of Mclburn wagons and a car of Me greater efforts to safeguard lives.
In J9U3-I9U4 th«- number of accidents
Wesely A Cain have a large line of Cormick cutting machinery. K«>rinck
the Union Pacific was 20 for 1.000.-
A Mielke. Stay ton. Ore.
laces ami embroideries.
000 locomotive mib-s. On the Pacific
If you contemplate building, it will system of the Southern Pacific the
E. ('. Peery made a business trip to
pay you to get our prices on lumber number of accidents per 1,(,00.(>UQ
Portland Tuesday.
W.selv A Cain have one of the liefore buying. Lumber for sal«* at the locomotive miles was reduced from 29.5
largest and best lines of shoes in the mill yards, about two miles south of to 10.5 in the san.«’ time.
Scio. A. Kraynik, Prop.
C. G. Gough has concluded to quit
J. I., ('alavan has the lumlier on the
For Salt
ground for the erection of a new
2 iron bed» with springs; 1 child'«
dwelling on his farm adjoining the city ing on the Hill lines of railway. He
expects to work over in Washington iron crib. 1 »an it ary cot with mattress;
somewhere. He hrs not yet disposed 1 fall leaf table. 3 dozen quart fruit
Barred Rock eggs for sale at II the
of his business in this city.
jam. At rooms over Morrison's ■ture.
setting of 15. A. Osborn. I mile south
J M Pollard.
of Shelburn.
foot or instep apply t hamberlain't
Dance at the T. J. S. hall, near Liniment ami you wilt get quick relief.
Richardson bridge on Crabtfts«- « reek,
It costa hut a quarter. Why suffer?
The last of the David Smith lands,
on Saturday, March 26. 1911. Every­
For sale by all dealers.
of the fine 17! acre farm
body mi invited.
We have to make room for our new ju»l north of Tailman, and the late
P. H. MacDonald, commenced the spring stock of wall pa;er and carpets;
home place of about 3 acres in Tallman,
erection of a commodious residence at
so we are compelled to sacrifice on our will be sold by the undersigned at the
the north end of Main street last week,
prices for the next 30 days.
court house April 7, 1911 at one o'clock
to cost about $ JU Ml.
C has . W isely
p. m., public sale.
An apprentice wanted. For particu­
J. N. Dtmcaw,
The most common cause of insomnia
lars call on Mrs. E Cyrus, at Wesely is disorders of the stomach. Chamler-
A Cain» store.
lain's Momach and Liver Tablets cor­
Prof. Goo ling states that a new set rect these disorders and enable you to
Public Sa:«
of library books have been received. A sleep. For sale by all dealers.
I will sell at public sale at my farm
list of the titles to the same can be
Clean-up sale In wall pajx r Prices situated four miles southeast of Scio,
Seen at the float office.
for the next twelve «lays, cut one-half. commencing at 10 a. m. on Saturday,
A full li .«• of Lilly's guaranteed Our stock consists of many choice March IB. 1911, the following described
garden seeds, chick feed, bone, shell patterns, which must lie sold to make property:
an«l grit at Wesely'» Grocery.
room for spring stock, E C Peery
4 head of horses, 3 broke, 1 unbroke;
J. F Wesely now has his elevator in druggist.
, S milk cows. 3 fresh, t> yearling heifers,
working order, lie han, also, with paint
The Farmers Meat Market will pay Jersey ami Holstein mixed; N bead of
and kalsomine, made his store room the highest market price for beef, shoals, 50 to 100 fMiunda each; 1 good
take on a much more’ tidy appearance mutton, veal, |x>rk, hides and eggs. wagon; 1 two seatoi hack; I buck board,
The Spray and Well pumpa they talk They dont want the earth, but they do 1 old truck wagon: I mower; 1 rake; 1
almut is the .Myers You know what want your produce and arc willing to harrow; 2 No. 40 chilled plows, 1 fan­
they are. For Sale by N. I. Morrison. pay for it. Dairy A McDonald Pro|m ning mill; I new grind stone; I g«iod
cream separator; 2 seta of harness; [
The habit which some of our mer­
We handle the Van Brunt and Ken­
chants have of sweeping litter into the tucky grain drills the standani grain stock saddle, I scalding box; 1 big iron
kettle; 1 sausage grinder; 1 garden
streets, is not one which will help the drills on the market. We have a
rar cultivator
towns apfiearance. Better take it up load of them in stock. Come anti
Terms of sale:—All sums of 110 and
and burn it.
us before you buy elsewhere.
under cash; all sum» over 110, 7 months
Special sale on wall paper, carpet and
C has . W esely
time with approved note at 7 per cent
linoleum for the next 30 days, Come
Fruit spray (lime and sulphur) one interest. 5 per cent discount for cash
and see us before you buy.
gallon makes 12 gallons realty for spray­ on sums over 110.
(' hah . W mkly
ing Recommended by Oregon Agri­
Anybody can read books belonging to cultural college 35 cents per gallon,
. Frank Shores, Auctioneer
the traveling library, if they wish. All you to furnish the container. E. C.
R. Shelton, Clerk.
that is required is the books must be Peery. Druggist.
well cared for and returned in reason,
A swell line of mens spring suits in
H. M. Myers and Fred Daley went
able time.
all the latest styles have arrived at
1 down to Salem, last Friday, leading be
Have you noticed those little red
Wesely A Cains.
himl their buggy the famous stallion.
books "When you were bom" series.
t has. Wesely handles the John Deere
"Dominant.’* At Salem Mr. Myers
Just the thing for "Character Reading
expected tc join lx-c Bilyeu of Ix-banon, and the genuine old Oliver Chill«)
Parties. For sale by C. G. GoVuH.
joint owner of the horse and together plows the two best plows in the world.
Ask to see the big book at Wesely A they took the horse- to Eastern Oregon
Better than gold. Those little red
Cains. It has a sample of all their to dispose of him. Dominant has been books "When you were bom” series,
embroideries ami laces in it. You can u««l for breeding purposes in Scio for only 10 cents. They tell you all about
find what you want in a few minutes.
four years And a change was thought yourself. Just what you want, at C.
G. GoroH'S.
Albany Style «how, March 23. 24 and necessary.
25, Great fashion display and grand
Albany Style show. March 23, 24 ami
Do you know that of all the minor
spring opening of Chambers A McCune, ailments colds are by far the most 25. Great fashion display and grand
The Hamilton Store. 8. E. Young A I dangerous? It is not the cold itself that spring opening of Chambers A McCune,
Son, and W. H. Stevens A Co.
I you need to fear, but the serious dis­ The Hamilton Store. 8. E. Young A
Have you been in yet to see the Chi- eases that it often leads to. Most of Son and W. B Stevens A Co.
Name) varnish« s and ataineo? You can these are known as germ disease»
Now is the time to spray your fruit
boil it, hot dishes nor hard knocks will Pneumonia and consumption are among trees with lime and sulphur solution.
turn it white nor spoil the gloss Call them. Why not take Chamlwrlain's We handle the ill) per cent, pure
and aee the different testa made For Cough Remedy ami cure your col. I quality. For sale in quart, gallon or;
aaie by N. I. Morrison.
while you can? For sale by all dealers barrel quantities at Wesely'» Grocery.
To be in Albany
The People’s Store
Marell 23,24.25
Wc constantly keep on hand
a fresn clean stock and always
aim to do what is right with
our customers, Call and see
what we have.
We will be
pleased to quote you prices.
Scio, Oregon
H< l<> I ’I..\ N i x< ;
> I 11 .Ls
Mnnufactur>'r» and Dealers in
Sash, Doors, JhmhHu o’, Frames, Shingles Etc.
Estimates and Plans (or Bcildinis fnrnisbed on short notice
Mill' Located on South Side of Bridge, Scio. Oregon
ore ler»»
Paaaitigxr, W. F .Gill.
S« mstabv , C. A. Warner
J. J. Barne», W. F. Gill,
J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barn-a,
C. A. Warner.
Refem’s Sale
Mt ’« 1 P.MM« >1«
IN' < >»«!•< >l< Albi >
ni'lMIim UM. I U*'A.
A Great Clubbing Offer
SemiWeek ▼ Oregon Jmal qbs nr
The Santiam News one year. . . . . . . . . .
Both Papers
One Year
.. . . . h- telegraphic
«- I and
news of
the world; gives reliable market reports, as it is published at
Portland, where the market news can be and is corrected to
date for each issue. It also hail a page of special matter for
the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or
more of comic each week, and it goes to the subscriber twice
every week - KM times a year
happenings and shoukt be in
every home in this vicinify. The two papers make a g«xxi
combination and you save SI by sending your subscription to
SANTIAM NEWS GiVMan thenr” ,nd
We can also give our subscribers a good clubbing offer for
the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal with the NEWS.